Into Each Life

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Into Each Life Page 14

by Shelia E. Bell

  Faith shyly entered the bedroom. The sheer white charmeuse gown clung to her body like it was part of her smooth baby soft skin. The cut out lace trim was adorned with tiny sequins and pearls cascading elegantly down the length of her body as it gracefully kissed the floor. He had never witnessed such beauty. He gasped and his manhood took on a life of its own.

  Hoarsely he finally spoke. “You are the most beautiful creature in the world.” He rose from the side of the bed and extended his hand toward her. She took hold of it. His hot breath against her neck ignited passion that covered her like a blanket.

  “Here, have a glass of champagne,” Prodigal offered as he planted the gold trimmed flute in her trembling hand. Raising their glasses in the air, Prodigal toasted, ““Here’s to us, sweetheart. May this night be the beginning of a perfect love. May I grow old beside you, may the love we share never die.” Their glasses met and they slowly sipped on the champagne.

  Seconds later, he removed the crystal flute from her hand and carefully placed it on the nightstand next to the bed. Leaning down toward her, Prodigal planted kisses along the side of his bride’s neck. His tongue lightly flickered back and forth as he made himself familiar with the sweet taste of her body. His hands familiarized themselves with every inch of her.

  In return, Faith kissed him hard. He moved in closer to her, felt the soft silkiness of her gown and groaned loudly. He moved back closer to the bed while holding on to his bride. Leaning back, he pulled her down on top of him as he rested on the bed of rose petals.

  The next track of Michael Bolton started, “Can I touch you there, touch you deep inside.”

  Hungrily, he kissed her, caressed her, and explored every inch of her body. Lifting her gown for the first time, he witnessed the beauty of a woman’s body―his woman. He stared in total awe of what lay beneath him.

  “Faith,” he groaned. “Oh, baby, you’re beautiful.” If she wanted to respond, she couldn’t. His mouth covered hers. He moved his tongue along the length of her body, pausing only long enough to take in more of the view beneath him. Removing one hand, then the other, out of his robe their virgin bodies consumed each other in love.

  Chapter 17

  Trouble In Paradise

  “Skyler, where have you been?” Teary asked him, her voice revealing her anger. “You didn’t show up at Prodigal’s wedding like you promised. And you just got home, now you’re going back out.”

  “Don’t give me the third degree, Teary. I’m not having it tonight. Dude is your friend, not mine. So leave me alone. I’m going out and that’s that.” He grabbed a beer out of the fridge and dashed toward the door before Teary could say another word. The sound of Skyler slamming the door behind him made her jump. She fought back the tears that formed in the corners of her eyes.

  Marriage wasn’t supposed to be like this, Teary surmised. Things between them were going from bad to worse with each passing day. In the beginning, everything was beautiful between her and Skyler. She smiled at the thought of how much time they used to spend making love that first year of their marriage. Now, Skyler barely even touched her. She picked up the phone and called Debra, but there was no answer. She probably went somewhere else after the reception, Teary said to the walls of their apartment. Next, she decided to call Sara. It had been a while since they last talked. Sara didn’t answer either. Teary exhaled a heavy sigh of frustration before she fell back on the living room sofa. The phone rang and she quickly answered it.


  “Hi, honey,” her mother said.

  “Oh, hi Mom,” she responded in a nonchalant voice.

  “Well don’t sound too excited, dear.”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to sound like that Momma. It’s just one of those days. That’s all.”

  “I just wanted to tell you how pretty you looked today.”

  “Thanks, Momma.”

  “What’s wrong baby? You want to talk about it?” her mother asked, sensing that something was wrong with her baby girl.

  “I don’t think so. You’ll only say I told you so.”

  “Honey, please don’t do this. Listen, I know you and Skyler have been dealing with some things.”

  Teary stood up, surprised to hear that her mother knew about her marriage problems. How did you know Momma? she asked.

  “Mothers just know these things. You haven’t been happy in a long time. I know you want a child, honey.”

  Teary started to cry. This was the first time her mother had addressed the fact that Teary hadn’t conceived a child after being married for five and a half years.

  “Momma, I want a baby so badly. What’s wrong with me? Why haven’t I gotten pregnant,” Teary cried over the phone.

  “Sweetheart, you have to remember that everything is in God’s hands. His timing is not always our timing.”

  “Momma, my marriage is falling apart. I can’t give my husband the one thing he wants most and you’re telling me it’s not my time?” Teary screamed into the receiver. “Then tell me Momma. When is my time then?”

  “Calm down, baby.”

  “No, I won’t calm down. You don’t get it do you, Mother?” she continued to yell. “My husband is staying away from home more and more. We argue and fight constantly, and it’s always about the same thing – children.” Teary’s tears flooded down the side of her face and teardrops leaked into the receiver.

  “Oh, honey, I know it’s hard. But please, don’t give up. Have the two of you seen a doctor? Cynthia Fullalove asked, ignoring her daughter’s outburst of anger. “Maybe one of those fertility specialists can help you.”

  “Skyler had himself checked out already. He’s fine. As for me, at my last doctor’s appointment the gynecologist gave me a clean bill of health. I don’t know what else to do.”

  “First of all, as long as you’re stressed out and worried about getting pregnant, you’re probably not going to get pregnant. You have to calm down and try to relax.”

  “I hear you, Momma. Look, I have to hang up now. I have a couple of stories I need to finish for work tomorrow. Thanks for listening, Momma. Bye.”

  “Bye, honey. I’ll check on you later.”

  “Bye, Mom.” Teary hung up the phone, placed both hands over her face and cried like the baby she desperately wanted to have but couldn’t.

  When she couldn’t cry any longer, she trudged into their bedroom and pulled out a stack of papers she’d brought home from her job as Assistant Copy Editor at The Broknfield Gazette. She was offered the position after working as an intern at the Gazette during her senior year of college. In addition to a competitive salary, the demand of the job provided her with a fraction of relief from the tumultuous relationship she had with Skyler. Flipping through the articles, she began to read each one, carefully looking for and notating any changes needed in style, tone, grammar and punctuation. Tomorrow she would return the articles to the Editor for final proofing.


  Skyler sat in Club Ecstasy, nursing one beer after another.

  “Anything I can get for you,” the sultry looking woman asked as she eased up beside him. Skyler’s eyes grew large when he saw the less than tastefully dressed woman leaning over in front of him revealing her deep cleavage.

  “You new around here?” he asked.

  “Yeah, I am. You?” she asked in return.

  “Nope. Been coming around here for a long time.”

  “Tell me something. Why is a fine, sexy looking brother like you sitting here all alone? Someone must not be doing their job at home,” she teased.

  “Maybe I’m looking for that someone,” he flirted back.

  “Well, well, well. This might be your lucky day.

  “Why is that?” he asked and took another swallow of beer.

  “Because you just may have found her,” she responded while rolling her tongue over her puckered lips.

  “What’s your name sexy lady?”


  “Geena, I’m Skyler. Why don�
��t you sit here and keep me company for a while.”

  “Certainly. It’ll be my pleasure, Skyler.”

  Chapter 18

  The Harvest is Plentiful

  When a fellow minister informed Pastor Grace that he was in need of someone interested in a job as Director of a church school in Bonsai Bay, Colorado, Pastor Grace felt the Holy Spirit speaking to him as he immediately thought of Faith Runsome. If she accepted the position, it would mean losing two of his favorite church members. Nevertheless, Pastor Grace believed that God had sent his minister friend to him for a reason. That reason was because Faith Runsome was being called to service somewhere else. Three months later, Prodigal and Faith said goodbye to life in Broknfield.

  Bonsai Bay, Colorado was more beautiful than Prodigal and Faith could ever have imagined. Much like Broknfield, there were spectacular mountain views with evergreen trees lining the immaculately kept lawns and neighborhoods. They were even more splendid during the winter when snow covered trees nestled below an azure blue sky.

  When Faith walked into her new office for the first time she felt, without a doubt, that this turn of events leading their move to Bonsai Bay was truly a momentous gift orchestrated by God. Everything had fallen into its rightful place without the tiniest problem.

  When she first told Prodigal about the job offer and where it was, initially, he had secret reservations about making the move. He didn’t want to leave Teary behind. Her marriage was on shaky ground and he hated to leave her when things were going so badly for her. Each time he spoke to her she pretended things were marvelous but Debra told him that Teary suspected Skyler was cheating on her. But Prodigal had to think about his own wife and making sure she was happy. So when Faith approached him about a job as Director of a new church school in Colorado he said, “We better start packing don’t you think, sweetheart?”

  Prodigal sprung into action. He wanted Faith to know that he would support her in whatever dreams she wanted to fulfill in her life. As a firefighter, he didn’t feel that he would have a problem getting on with a fire department in another state. He put in for a transfer and within weeks he was offered a new station assignment in Bonsai Bay, Colorado.

  Faith was excited about the chance to start her marriage in a new place. She didn’t want to be selfish, but she was even more excited to know that Prodigal and Teary would be hundreds of miles apart.

  Prodigal and Faith purchased their dream home. The single level 2,600 square feet, four bedroom house set close to the picturesque sandy beaches of Bonsai Bay. The dry climate and low humidity levels resulted in relatively mild temperatures throughout the year with plenty of sunshine. The often cold, snowy Colorado winter was only a slight adjustment for the two of them, but they didn’t regret leaving Broknfield.

  In addition to her job as Director of Unity Church Academy, Faith willingly took on the job of teaching a group of seven to ten year old mentally challenged students as well. She adored the kids and they returned her adoration eagerly. She was full of energy and vibrancy. Her love of God had grown tremendously over the years.

  Everything about their life was good. They were active members in their new church and Faith extended her gift of teaching even further by teaching the three and four year olds during Sunday school. Active in church again, Prodigal soon became one of the trustees at Unity Church. They had a solid marriage and an undying love for each other. The relationship he and Faith shared often reminded Prodigal of the loving relationship his mother and father shared all those years. Each time he laid eyes on Faith, his heart flooded with desire. She was still just as beautiful as the first day he bumped into her. No man could ask for more.

  chapter 19

  Time to Be

  Prodigal and Faith were ecstatic when Dr. Sampson confirmed that she was pregnant. When an ultrasound further revealed that they were having twins, both of their mouths dropped.

  When they arrived home, Prodigal went straight into the study and dialed Teary’s number. She would have to be the first to hear the exciting news.

  “Hello,” Teary Jenkins,” she responded.

  “Hey there,” Prodigal said, trying to retain his excitement. “Are you busy? I know you’re at work but I wanted to call anyway.”

  “No, I can talk. It’s good to hear from you. What’s going on in Bonsai Bay? You still loving it?” she asked with piqued curiosity.

  “Yep, sure do. Things couldn’t be better. What about you. How are things going?”

  She hesitated before answering. She was not about to confide in Prodigal this time. She couldn’t let him know that her marriage was on the verge of total destruction. Instead, she continued her act. “Everything is great. Just keeping busy, that’s all.”

  “I’ve got some exciting news for you.”

  “What? Tell me,” Teary urged.

  “Faith is pregnant.”

  “Prodigal, you’ve got to be kidding me. That’s great,” she exclaimed. On the one hand she was thrilled that Prodigal and Faith were going to be parents. On the other hand a feeling of disappointment surfaced in her mind at the thought that she still hadn’t been able to get pregnant with Skyler’s child.

  “I know you two are ecstatic. I can’t wait until the baby is here.”

  “I can’t either. But there’s one small correction I have to make.”

  “Correction? What are you talking about Prodigal?”

  “We’re having twins!”

  “Oh, my God! Twins,” she squealed over the office phone line. “Are you sure?”

  “Yep, we went to the doctor earlier today. An ultrasound confirmed that Faith is carrying two babies.”

  “I don’t know what to say, Prodigal. I’m in shock.”

  “You better come on and catch up with us. I thought you and Skyler would have had a little bundle of joy yourself by now,” Prodigal teased her.

  “We’re trying, and hopefully pretty soon I’ll be calling you with some good news of my own.”

  “Well, listen I know you’re at work so I’m gong to let you go. I have to call the rest of the family. But you know you had to be the first to know.”

  “Yeah, you know it. Love you, and tell Faith I said congratulations too. Bye.”

  “Love you too. We’ll talk later. Bye, Teary.” Teary stood at her desk in silence with the phone still in her hand. The dial tone buzzed and the tears flowed like a river.

  Faith stood in the hallway, listening to his conversation. This time she couldn’t hold back her feelings.

  “Why is it that everything that goes on in this household you have to run and call Teary and tell her about it?”

  Prodigal looked over his shoulder in the direction of Faith’s voice. “What did you just say?” Prodigal looked shocked.

  “You heard me. I don’t stutter,” she said in a hostile tone.

  “What do you mean? Teary is my best friend. You know that. What’s wrong with you?”

  “What’s wrong with me is that I’m sick of competing against Teary. I thought when we moved to Bonsai Bay that things would be different. That we would have a chance to live our own lives without her being in the middle of our marriage.”

  “First of all, why were you even eavesdropping on my conversation?”

  “Don’t you even go there,” she screamed. “Don’t try to turn this around and put the blame on me.”

  His brow wrinkled and he tried to maintain his composure before saying, “Look, you’re pregnant, and I know you’re going to have mood swings. Why don’t you just lie down for a minute and rest? You’re not thinking rationally.”

  “Oh, quite the contrary, I am thinking quite rationally. I’ve wanted to say this for a long time. I won’t have it any more, Prodigal. You will not tell that woman anything else about us. She has her own husband, so leave her alone.”

  Faith abruptly turned around and walked out of the study.

  Prodigal followed but he went in the direction of the garage. Grabbing his keys from the key holster he stormed out of
the house. He needed to get a breath of fresh air before things got worse than they already had. He thought about everything Faith had said. How could she be jealous of me and Teary’s friendship? She’s never acted like this before. It has to be because she’s pregnant and her hormones are running haywire, he rationalized to himself. He went to the fire station and played a couple of games of basketball with some of his co-workers. Maybe by the time he returned home Faith would be calmed down.

  Pulling his SUV into the garage, he noticed that the outside porch lights had not come on. Opening the door leading from the garage to the foyer he flipped on the light switch. “Faith,” he called out her name while he walked through the huge house. As he made his way to the master bedroom, he heard water running. Opening the bathroom door, he stood there for a few seconds staring at the silhouette in the shower. He noticed the small mound of her stomach and a smile broadened his face.

  “Hey, baby. Are you still angry with me?” he asked her while tapping lightly on the shower door”

  She peeked out and stared at him without responding to his question. He undressed without saying another word to her, and she didn’t stop him. Climbing into the shower he positioned himself behind her, allowing the warmth of her body and the water to caress him. He nibbled on the side of her neck and flickered his tongue back and forth around the small of her back. She shivered from his touch and gave in to his demands.

  “I love you, girl. Please don’t be mad at me,” he said in a low whisper. Moving back and forth against her wet, soapy body she eagerly responded to the call of his manhood.

  “I love you too, Prodigal. I love you so much,” she moaned while he began making love to her.

  “Forgiven?” He said in a husky voice.

  “Yeah, forgiven,” she answered.


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