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Sordida Page 4

by Jason Andrews

  Somehow, Amercia was one of those women that seemed to be the talk of the place and not necessarily in a virtuous way. Keeping her private life just that – very private, Amercia could never really understand how other women could be so bitchy towards her just because she doesn’t relate to a body with stretch marks, cellulite or join in with the small talk about who’s cooking what for dinner during work breaks. The wig chosen to compliment the outfit is a short brunette pixie cut style, she loved to show off how her dark brown eyes had been smoked perfectly with eye makeup.

  It was still about an hour away before the taxi should arrive to allow her plenty of time to think about the questions she wanted to ask Mr X. Her curiosity about Sordida was overgrowing as she was interested to know if she could advertise her escorting page, were there any employment opportunities, was it filled wall to wall with rich filthy fuckers who threw money at the face of a woman with a decent smile and a dirty mind. For the right price, nothing was off limits. Just as she was getting dressed, Amercia noticed the red leather thigh high boots she had put aside for her client visit to Jakes tomorrow. Shit, she thought, I better not forget them, Jake’s so particular with his demands. I wonder if he has OCD? She pulled the boots out of the wardrobe and placed them by the bed so as not to forget them, and a mental note to not wear any knickers. Maybe he’ll want a fuck for once? I doubt it!

  Making sure all her electrical appliances were unplugged before she left the bedsit became a part of her ritualistic compulsive habit being sure that she could save a few pounds a month on the electricity this way. Amercia sat on the sofa after double checking everything was unplugged, and she hadn’t left the iron on to await the beep of the taxi horn. It was five to seven, and the taxi beeped twice outside making her jump slightly as it arrived earlier than planned. Shaking a little due to the nerves of not knowing what to expect, Amercia was of the mindset of going all in. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. She wondered, hopefully, get some decent work from this, fingers crossed? She closed the door behind her on the way out, locked it, placed the keys into her black clutch bag and heard her own high heels kissing the pavement as she headed towards the taxi. She turned to smile to the driver who had stepped out to open the rear door for her and switched straight into character.

  “Well hello driver,” she teased, giving him a little wink as his eyes drifted towards her tits, “are you booked for Amercia?”

  The driver nodded at her, almost drooling.

  “Helman House Estate, love,” he responded, “jump in. I must quickly stop off for some fuel on the way; we’ll get there in about twenty to thirty minutes or so. I’ve heard its exceptionally posh.”



  he taxi journey to Helman House Hotel would have been more bearable if the taxi driver hadn’t have eyed her up in the rear-view mirror for the duration of the trip. His conversation centred around questioning if Amercia was single, or had a date for the evening, among an abundant of suggestive intimations to make it noticeable he was interested in getting inside her knickers. It had taken a little over thirty minutes, but the fuel stop at the station about half-way was a moment for Amercia to calm herself. She could barely think with the driver’s constant interruption of her thoughts and was appreciative of the length of time it had taken him to browse the snacks before paying for the fuel. When the sign displaying welcome to Elmton appeared twenty-five minutes into the trip, she knew she was earlier than expected; the rain was splashing on the taxi windows which caused her concern, but she hoped it was only a brief shower. Amercia didn’t have an umbrella on her, and now the rain was starting to get heavier.

  Helman House Hotel looked every bit the country house she was expecting. It was a distinctive eighteenth-century manor house set in twenty acres of grounds according to the sign displaying an advertisement for one of the South West’s most magnificent wedding venue at the entrance to the estate. The taxi had to drive a further half-mile trek before arriving at the entrance adding another one-pound to the journey fare, yet the views were outstanding and tranquil with the hotel surrounded by nothing more than fields and trees for what looked miles on end. It was just starting to get dark, Amercia paid the driver twenty-pounds since the fare was only a few quid under that.

  “Keep the change,” she said as she opened the door to get out, relieved the journey was over because she’d hoped never to endure seeing that driver again; “cheers, goodbye.”

  “How are you getting back?” The driver asked, “Do you want my card so that you can give me a call later?”

  “No, it’s fine, thank you. I’ll call a taxi when I need one later as I’m not sure what time I’ll leave tonight.”

  Amercia ran as fast as she could to the hotel entrance so that the rain wouldn’t destroy the style she’d brushed into her wig. Little droplets of rain dampened her dress with the chill in the night air blowing on her back to give her a small shivery feeling. In her mind, she was imaging all the other useful things that twenty pounds could buy right now. It would have been a few days food, a small contribution to the monthly electricity allowance she set aside for herself although accepted it as a little outlay for the bigger picture. Sordida was hopefully one step closer to her reality. As she walked through the lobby, she portrayed a facial expression of familiarity as an act to continue her plan. The reception area was on the left side of her with a handsome young man who must have only just left school; he was dealing with well-dressed couples who were congesting his time with check-ins. To the right was the hotel bar decorated in the theme of a country pub with wooden tables and dripping in oak.

  Amercia headed to the bar area noticing the elevator and stairs were not far; it wasn’t bustling, but she needed a drink to settle her nerves. With just under half an hour until she was to lead to room 232, she perched on a bar stool with a beaming smile to attract the waiter’s attention. He looked about thirty-five, muscular build, very short dark hair with blue eyes, and she could see the tattoos on his arms through his pristine white shirt. His buttons undone enough to reveal a teasing view of his pectoral muscles and chest hair. Amercia found him very attractive, exactly her type of guy. Although she hadn’t planned to flirt, her glancing stares at his body made it obvious she found him sexy. Thinking that he was probably used to a lot of female attention anyway, she noticed his name badge read Matt and did not intend to ask for his number.

  “What can I get you?” asked Matt, “Would you like to see our cocktail menu?”

  No just your cock instead, please, she thought to herself, I bet those cocktails are overpriced as it is.

  “I’ll have a rum and cola, with the diet cola please though because the full-fat sugar stuff feels too syrupy around my teeth.”

  “Coming right up, that’ll be four pounds fifty please, shall I apply it to your room number?”

  “I’ll pay by cash because I prefer to pay in an old-fashioned way. Thank you.”

  Matt brought her drink complete with a little black straw she had only ever seen in the nightclubs, Amercia swirled it around her drink to stir up the taste before taking a few sips. Having finished her drink while reading the menu to pass the time, she glanced around for a clock to save fumbling about for her phone in her bag, and spotted it was almost eight o’clock. Amercia stepped down from her stool, gave a thumbs up to the sexy waiter Matt, who acknowledged her departure from the bar with a wink and then continued to walk towards the elevator. I’m all ready for action, she thought to herself, I can fucking well do this.

  Standing at the door of room two-three-two on floor two within the hotel, Amercia straightened her dress, held her bag tightly by her side, took a quick deep breath and knocked on the door twice. Two gentle taps above the electronic room card reader, she looked around to discover she was the only presence in the hallway. The door clicked to unlock, she looked down slightly to see the small light on the card reader flash green indicative of being able to gain entry, but Amercia still stood there waiting for Mr X
to open the door. Looking directly at the silver-plated room numbers nailed into the wooden door, she knew this was the correct room, two more taps to the door only this time louder, Amercia became impatient at the lack of response. The light was still green to enable her to walk right in if she wanted, yet it would merely be considered rude by her standards. Now pondering with the choice of walking in or walking away; getting dressed up for this evening, spending money on the fare to have travelled here for no response would irritate the fuck out of her. She was pissed right off!

  “Hello,” she spurted out while holding down the door handle, pushing the door open just slightly, “I’ve let myself in. Hello. Anyone there?”

  Amercia closed the door behind her before turning around to realise she was alone. A neatly made double bed, a veneer bedside cabinet with telephone, what could be a small bathroom, vanity desk with a mirror and waste paper bin made this room appear like any other hotel room that could have been in any other city in any other country. It was a generic cabin-style run of the mill layout and poor taste not in-line with the hotel’s great brand; she wasn’t expecting such an extravagant building to have such a limited room. She heard the click of the electronic door again, this time the light was red to indicate it was locked.

  “Hello,” she shouted, “Anyone here?”

  She opened the bathroom door to reveal that too was an empty room. The face looking back at her was her own in the reflection of the mirror on the back of the door. But how did the door unlock? She questioned herself, how did that fucking hotel room door unlock for me without a card?

  The telephone on the bedside cabinet rang. Amercia closed the bathroom door, was just able to squeeze through the small gap on the floor between the end of the double bed and the vanity unit to get to the telephone. She picked up the receiver and sat down immediately.

  “Hello.” Said Amercia.

  “Thank you for coming, Amercia. I appreciate you travelling to see me tonight. Thank you.”

  “Where are you, Mr X. I’m in the room, and you’re not here. Somehow the door unlocked, and I was able to let myself in?”

  “I can see you on the bed. I can see the silver backless dress that you’re wearing. The black bag you are carrying, and you look remarkable. I am impressed. I am alone, no one else can hear me on this telephone.”

  “This is getting fucking stupid; you asked me to come out this way, I paid for a fucking taxi with what little money I have to speak to you on a hotel telephone. Are you having a fucking laugh?”

  Amercia was angry; she didn’t wait for him to reply and slammed down the telephone. She got off the bed, walked towards the door to leave only to discover the door was locked. She pulled the handle tightly, no matter how hard she pulled it wasn’t budging. She had been locked inside with no electronic door card in sight. Her mind was overactive, conjuring up a thousand different ways of how to escape. She was starting to panic; then the telephone rang again.

  “Amercia, please calm down. I can’t reveal my identity to you just yet, please don’t worry. I need to trust you; I need you to trust me. I appreciate this could all look a little odd; it will all become clear in the end.”

  “If you do not let me out, I’ll scream for help. I’ll kick the fucking door down. I have a mobile phone; I can call someone for help.”

  “This room for Sordida has been made soundproofed, and the windows securely locked, no one can hear you, nor would come to help you. A mobile phone signal blocker is already in action. Your only way out is to jump out of the window which would cause some damage to your body, should you even succeed to open it or smash it.”

  “You absolute fucking freak, how and why are you doing this?”

  “Amercia, one of the fundamental rules of Sordida is to leave no trace. We are a group of high profile professionals who cannot have our club exposed to the working class and their social networks. I have full control over this room; I am safe to know that you’re not recording my conversations, and I can see you with a camera in the room to monitor your behaviour. My number one priority is the safety of my information. You have said you’ve been to Sordida before as part of a hunt event evening. You must be aware of the privacy and the expectations. We pay the price to compensate for the trusted few we invite to play which brings me to my question. I have something I want to run by you.”

  “I’ll co-operate with you, but I need to be assured of my safety and privacy too.”

  “I can’t reassure you enough; you’re in safe hands here. If I didn’t trust you, I wouldn’t have even invited you to be so close to Sordida. The only place I can’t see you is the bathroom.”

  “What has this room got to do with anything. I understand your need for privacy. However this is some extreme lengths to invite me to a hotel and lock me in, don’t you think. I thought we were going to have dinner?”

  Amercia held the phone still to her ear as she looked around the room for any trace of a camera. It must be in the mirrors, she wondered, or the smoke alarm sensor above? Nothing was visible to her to give away that a device was recording her every move within the room.

  “Sometimes we use this room as part of our sex games within the club, Amercia. Think of it as an annexe to the club where we can stay at a safe distance. Sordida pay a substantial sum to this hotel for exclusive usage all year round. I have installed this room with some state of the art technology, all of which is used only for Sordida purposes. This room is strictly on a need to know basis, and only those who request a private secluded room with Sordida are made aware of its location.”

  Amercia composed herself to remember why she had put herself in this situation in the first instance. Play the game, she thought, go along with it.

  “For my safety, I want to check a few things out; if you can see me, then I’ll leave the phone on the side while I look around the room a few minutes.”

  “Do as you please. I cannot open the door yet until I have the assurance of your discretion. You are completely safe; I need you to understand my need for privacy.”

  Standing up from the bed, Amercia proceeded to peruse the room at her leisure. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, except that the vanity unit seemed fixed to the floor. She tried to move it, but it wasn’t budging. It was feasible that this unit could have been modified to accommodate a hidden camera. With all the stress and confusing she was gasping for diet cola, yet the mini fridge was empty. All the drawers, cupboards and wardrobe area were also empty. The room was misleadingly ordinary; she took another glance at the walls and ceiling before sitting back down on the double bed.

  “Are you still there?” She asked, “What was it that you wanted to run past me?”

  “Sordida is one of the most underground swinger’s clubs in the country. We are a one of a kind with a huge gathering of exceptionally wealthy regulars. Due to the status and wealth of its members who pay substantial fees each year, Sordida takes pride that its associates can unwind, relax and partake in group sexual activities with the assurance of all that discretion is mutually respected. I need your word that you will never disclose of this conversation. That you accept you are safe.”

  “I swear it. I will not breathe a word to anyone, I promise.”

  “I have something for you. Inside the wardrobe is a small electronic safe. If you key in the code one-four-six-nine, you will find five-hundred pounds in cash. I want to hire you as an escort because I have a special evening lined up and you look perfect for the occasion. You look beautiful, Amercia.”

  “Deal, what are you expecting with that amount and what are you into doing. Kissing, wanking, fucking?”

  Amercia bit her lip and considered that five-hundred pounds for an escorting job was an offer she couldn’t afford to refuse. Having paid twenty pounds to the taxi driver, a few empty cupboards at home with increasing bills month after month, this money was great timing. Hopefully, he doesn’t have much stamina, she wondered, I might get to see what he looks like at last. Please
don’t be vile.

  “Sordida is having a greedy girl’s night soon for the first time in months. At this event, we invite our hand-picked escorts and watch our wives play with all the sexy dressed women and men. There will be plenty of men with their dicks out on offer for the evening. I’d like you to come along as my guest because I am confident our members will like you and please remember this is strictly professional between us. There is five hundred available to you now upfront for agreeing to participate, and I will pay the other five-hundred after completion on the night. Do we have an agreement?”

  “Yes, we have an agreement, Mr X. For that generous amount, I’m all yours for the evening. I’ll do anything you want.”

  “That’s what impresses me about you. I know you’re going to be an asset and I hope we can continue to do business. I need you to understand our values and necessity for secrecy. You’ll understand more when you come to the club, so I’ll be in contact in due course with more information. As soon as I let you out of here with my money, you agree on the deal. Don’t let me down and remember for now it’s a complete secret. Tell no one. Consequences, Amercia.”

  Amercia didn’t like his tone of voice before he hung up from her, it sounded sinister with an implication that he meant business. She had every intention of accepting the money.

  Amercia had taken the money from the safe and upon doing so the room door unlocked for her to exit. Having been advised to keep the agreement solely to herself, she managed to fit all the bank notes in her clutch bag before leaving the room. Trying to act normal, she closed the door behind her slowly and headed towards the lift. A young female cleaner passed by her in the hallway, Amercia nodded to accept her presence in being polite, pushed the button for the elevator and waited a few seconds before the doors opened. This shit just got real, she thought to herself, this fucking shit is real. She stepped into the elevator, and her nerves were on edge. Carrying around five-hundred-pounds in cash was a big deal, and she in no way expected to receive another five-hundred as part of the plan. For that amount of money for an escorting job, she would fuck the whole club twice over and take a dildo of extreme proportions. Amercia considered this her first main escorting job with serious cash rewards; she didn’t want to fuck it up. Keeping this a secret from Jake Parker, was going to be difficult, but also a test to herself to ensure client confidentiality if she was to secure any future work. If it hadn’t had been for his confession of attendance, she wouldn’t be so intrigued by the mystery of Sordida. Her curiosity was getting the better of her.


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