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Sordida Page 7

by Jason Andrews



  er nerves were in tatters, but her appearance was entirely immaculate with a long black figure-hugging dress complete with a diamante belt showcasing her Italian designer black heels that made Amercia imagine she was an A-List celebrity. As this was to be her first outing to a swinger’s club, nothing had prepared her for the evening of events. Not knowing what to expect, she indeed was no prude, but to experience people fucking each other around her was a vision only seeing would be believing.

  Amercia sat drifting through daydreams filled with expensive taste as she yearned for a future outside of this council estate in which she felt trapped, along with the torment of scraping the rent together. Throughout the process of applying make-up, choosing her favourite short bobbed wig and getting ready, her stomach was in knots. The build-up to this opportunity had been fearful with intense moments of almost cancelling. Anticipating that Mr X would be driving her to Sordida any minute, Amercia now sat on the sofa afraid to move in the event of creasing her new clothing.

  Her mobile phone started ringing, Mr X was calling so she answered it in a snap.

  “I’ve been reliably informed your car for this evening is almost at your location, but you’ll need to stand outside for the driver to see you.”

  “What colour car is it and are you going to be there too. How will I know what car to look out for?”

  “You’ll know which one immediately because there shouldn’t be many like it about at that time. It’s a surprise treat for you as a thank you again for being my guest at our greedy girl’s night. I do hope you find yourself at ease. I’m looking forward to meeting you, but please remember that tonight this is a job I am paying you for as an escort. It’s purely professional only since it’s everyone else’s party tonight. Although you’ll be in the spotlight, I want others to greet you and warm to you.”

  “So, I do finally get to see the face behind the voice tonight? I can’t wait to meet you, are you in the car or will I see you at Sordida?”

  “No, I’m not in the car because I’ve got a lot to organise in a short space of time, so I’ll be in the club. I’m sure you’ll find me. Your access tonight is freedom; no door is out of bounds for you. I must head off due to a few last-minute plans. Speak soon.”

  “But wait, I still don’t even know your name?”

  “When you find me, all will become clear because as I’ve said many times now, learn to trust me. Relax a little and enjoy it.”

  Mr X ended the conversation, and Amercia returned the phone to her black clutch bag checking she also had her keys and lipstick with her before heading to the door. Leaving the bedsit, she stepped outside into the cold with the night stars just starting to become visible. Shivering, but amazed, it can’t fucking be, she thought to herself as the car came into view, no fucking way! The stretch silver limousine slowly pulled into the street at a slow pace. In a small council estate where the yearly average income of most families was what the state provided on benefits, a car of this stature was a big deal. Amercia noticed curtains twitching in all directions while others were opening their front doors to view such a beautiful vehicle as it parked by the curb closer to her. The driver got out of the limousine; he was wearing a tailored grey suit with a matching chauffer hat. Looking directly at Amercia, he opened the passenger door of the vehicle as she walked closer to him. Smiling, she felt shy due to being on view to her neighbours as many now had their beady eyes on her, although she kept herself private she was convinced they will be talking about her in the morning. No doubt wondering where she had been and why. The feeling she got inside was of pure joy. The immensity of being spoilt like this was a real treat.

  “Your journey begins here, Amercia,” said the driver, “I was advised by my boss to look out for the sexy lady in the new black heels. He wanted you to arrive in style. You’re looking classy; I think you’ll do well this evening.”

  “Thank you, driver. I wasn’t expecting this; it has taken me by surprise. Just wow. Look at it; I’m amazed at how beautiful this car is. I’m fucking speechless. Excuse my language.”

  “It’ll be a smooth ride, if there is anything you need, please just let me know. My name is Michael, and feel free to help yourself to as much of the champagne as you desire. It’s a well-stocked vehicle.”

  Amercia stepped inside the limousine to view the beautiful black and grey leather seats that span around the complete interior. A bar area with neon lights that changed colours lit up the champagne glasses that were lined up with the reflection of smaller lights glistening like stars beaming from the mirrors above the seats. Never had she travelled anywhere in such luxury as this. With no prior wedding, or prom to celebrate to justify the expense of hiring one of her own, Amercia placed a hand on her chest as she was overwhelmed by the treatment she was receiving at this moment at the expense of Mr X. What a lifestyle, she wondered, what a fucking lifestyle I could have in this.

  “Let me know what style of music you’d like me to play? Again, don’t forget to help yourself to the champagne on ice, it’s just in the bucket under the glasses. I stopped to open it just before heading into your street. There’s another bottle in the boot if you need more, but the ice has run out.”

  Amercia moved further down to take a glass from the holder and poured herself a small glass of champagne that tasted like liquid gold. The fizz went straight to her nose; she smiled at Michael who was watching her.

  “I don’t want any music on but thank you all the same. I want to sip the champagne and enjoy the view with the window down a little.”

  Just by the champagne bucket, Amercia noticed a few business cards for Helman House Hotel. They must be supplying them with the limo’s, she thought, I wonder how much they pay the hotel for this extra service too? She moved back up to the window end of the limousine which was the complete opposite end of the driver if she needed anything it would be a shout down. She pressed the electric switch to lower the window a little and felt the breeze blow on her face as they drove further away from her bedsit. Amercia stared out of the window trying to mentally prepare herself for an evening of sexual endeavours and the only opportunity she had of putting her name out there to earn extra money for her expenses. As self-centred as it was, this was a life she wanted for herself - other people’s luxuries at her fingertips.

  The industrial estate was now approaching, Amercia wound down the window further to see the wall of trees Jake had mentioned in his previous sessions with her. She could see Sordida in the distance that matched her online mapping images she’d saved to her laptop a few days ago. It’s happening, she thought, I best get my act together if this is to earn me some serious cash.

  “We’re pretty much here now,” Michael shouted from the other side of the limousine, “did you finish all of that champagne?”

  The journey had been a relaxing drive; she had witnessed passing cars and pedestrians gawping at the limousine for most of the trip.

  “Not quite, but most of it. It’s been an impressive journey to get me here.”

  Driving now through the wall of trees, Sordida stood in the distance, a tall white modern building with white light projected on the walls to make it glow. Amercia could see other cars and guests as she approached, the only image this view imagined for her was that of prom nights for the middle-aged. Women dressed in ballgowns walked arm in arm with their male partners who walked beside them in suits, Amercia clocked bags, shoes and watches on almost everyone that screamed expensive designer wear. With her curiosity heightened by the wealthy appearance of members of this club, she channelled her nerves into excitement.

  The limousine parked, with the remaining handful of couples walking past, they turned to watch the driver open the door for her to reveal her presence upon them. Stepping out without showing her knickers had been a feat, Amercia pulled one leg out at a time to conceal the red lingerie she was wearing underneath the long black dress; she felt all eyes upon her once again – sh
e had arrived in style. Michael put his arm around her and led her to the entrance that had a neon white Sordida sign with a red carpet leading in through an open door. A tall pair of muscular gym-built men were guarding the area. She thought they were fit as fuck, but their intimidating appearance made them even sexier. With enough alcohol in her system to lower her inhibitions, right now she wanted to ride them both together as she started to feel horny. Everyone around her appeared swathed in sophisticated fashion wear; it looked like the opening of a premier. For a swinger’s club, Amercia was expecting the women to seem a little sluttier, but it was hard to imagine these women with their skirts above their naval and their knickers by their ankles as a cock was penetrating their pussies. She wasn’t even sure she wanted to see that image.

  “Why the security?” Amercia asked, inquisitive of their need to police an entrance, “do you get a lot of crime around these parts, it seems secluded to me. I know the industrial estate is just up the road, but it seems like a nice enough peaceful area here doesn’t it?”

  “There are people in here worth a substantial amount of serious dough,” Michael replied as they approached the front entrance, “the safety of their members is high on the priority list, without it, no one would come. It’s the perfect locality for a swinger’s club too, very out the way. Can get up to all sorts without the wrong people finding you.”

  “Alright lads?” Michael asked walking past security who nodded as they recognised him, “She’s arrived.”

  The taller one of the two who stared straight into Amercia’s eyes was analysing her; she smiled at him innocently not breaking her glare back. So, they’re expecting me, she wondered, I’m a topic of conversation tonight.

  “Go straight on through,” the guard responded, “make sure you sign her in.”

  Amercia could visibly see the swinger’s club was a converted luxury house. It wasn’t a purpose-built business unit, but instead a modernised futuristic home that was fit for a millionaire lifestyle. If you removed all the fancy lights, the red carpet and neon sign, the property would look like the outside building owned by a professional business couple. It was both classy and stunning. As Michael led her through the front door, the lustre of whiteness embraced her just as Jake described. The hallway looked pristine with glistening tiles and marble flooring, she noticed the huge mirror that hung in the centre of the wall, convinced it concealed a hidden camera if her experience of room two-three-two at the hotel was anything to be compared. At the end of the hallway was a young female attendant sat at a desk, her smile perceptibly false and plastered across her face wasn’t as welcoming as she tried to portray.

  “This is…” said Michael, turning to point at her, awaiting a response as he raised his eyebrows.

  “Amercia,” she replied, “do you need any identification?”

  “It’s fine. I already have your name on the list because we’re expecting you. Hold out your hand, and I’ll stamp you in. If you leave at any time, remember to show your stamp to the security guys on the way back inside.”

  Amercia held out her right hand, felt the pressure of the stamp hit her skin and raised her arm to look at the red eyes imprint left on the back of her hand. Appears like a fucking tramp stamp, she thought to herself, a similar process to a cheap nightclub.

  “This is where I leave you,” Michael said, “you’ve been a great passenger, but I’ve got other work to do. Just follow the stairs up, and you’ll see the social bar area. Enjoy your first night, make it memorable. Have fun.”

  “I’ll try, hopefully. Will I see you again?”

  Michael lifted his arm and waved to her on the way out, laughing to himself quietly.

  Having walked up a set of blinding white stairs with some minor difficulty, keeping a hold of the rail because she was starting to feel a bit tipsy blamed by the champagne consumption during the journey here, Amercia composed herself. She straightened her dress, fiddled with her wig and pushed open the doors to the social bar lounge. As she walked through, the bar was central within the room with approximately twenty couples leaning on the bar from one end to the other by her count, feeling entirely out of her comfort zone, Amercia walked forward as slowly everyone began to look at her. A drink was needed fast to settle her sudden onset of nerves. The awkwardness was due to being on her own, everyone in the vicinity was partnered up. Looking left and right, she had no idea where Mr X would be, concealing his appearance from her didn’t help.

  Where the fuck are you? She thought, get your fucking arse over here. The situation reminded her of her first day in a new job when you don’t know anyone at all, yet everyone seems to want to know who you are and what you do. In a roundabout way, it was precisely that.

  “Good evening,” Amercia said to the first couple she saw standing at the bar. An older gentleman in his fifties appeared to be standing there with a hand on his wife’s arse, “this is my first time here, I’ve never been to a greedy girl’s night before.”

  The atmosphere wasn’t very sexual; the social bar area had low lighting, slow music playing in the background. Amercia could see two pole dancers in the far-right side dancing up and down topless, but oddly no one was even noticing them. They looked beautiful, slim but muscular figured and both with long straight brunette hair showcasing their skills on the pole, tits to the wind. It was still early into the evening though.

  “Well hello, young lady,” the older guy in his fifties replied, while his wife just stared at her smiling, giving her the once-over, “are you a greedy girl?”

  “I’m an absolute cock-hungry whore. I’ll take all the cock I can get.”

  Both smiled at her and moved in closer. I need to calm the sarcasm I think, Amercia thought to herself, don’t want to make any enemies here already.

  “I might share him with you later because he makes my cunt squirt like a damn water hose. Greedy girl’s night is one of our favourite occasions here; we never miss it.”

  “I’m an escort,” Amercia blurted, feeling more confident into the conversation. It seemed nothing was off limits, “I’m new, but I’m learning the ropes. I’ve got a small handful of regular clients now, and I’ve done the occasional webcam show.”

  “I assumed you were an escort already because you are standing there without a partner. I’m Bob, and this is my wife, Sandra. Sordida is a couples only club mostly, so when we see a fine sexy minx like yourself on your own, it’s obvious. Who hired you, one of the regular couples – was it Tom and Jane who own the jewellery store chain - you do look their type?”

  “No, I received an invite from a guy I only know as Mr X. I think he will be here in a minute, or two.”

  “Well nice meeting you, have fun, might bump into you later. We’re starting in the darkroom after. Mr X is something of a master here; we’ll all see him tonight.”

  Amercia ordered a rum and diet cola from the bar, complete with a straw she sat down on the seating area near the pole dancers and admired the view of their super large breasts as they bounced with the motion of the grinding. Although her own was only average size, barely a handful at most, she did develop breast envy on others. As she slowly sipped the rum which she’d paid double the price for compared with on a regular night out, her mobile phone rang identifying Mr X as the caller.

  “Hello Mr X. I’m here at last, just at the side of the bar area near the pole dancers.”

  “I’m just finishing up some business. I’ll be around in a moment; I’ll call you when I’m there. Amercia, the stamp grants you access to most locations, please have a look around because you’re also my guest.”

  “Sure, I’ll see you in a moment then, text me. I need to know what you want me to do this evening. Do you want to fuck me?”

  “I’ll inform you later,” he responded, then hung up.

  Amercia removed herself from the seat and decided that she wasn’t going to drink any more alcohol. A few moments later she was now downing a bottle of champagne; the rum was starting to i
mmerse her into a drunken mess as her vision was spinning.

  Not wanting to ruin the evening as she tried to network and get her name known in the swinging world for couples, or men who needed an escort to special events, Amercia decided now was a good time to explore and clear her head a little. Getting off the seat was a challenge, the more she watched the pole dancers spin, her eyes began to glaze, unable to fully control her limbs as she stumbled back to the exit. The sign for the private rooms was showing the location for another floor. So, this is where all the action is, she thought, prepare yourself.



  he stairs upwards to floor three had felt never ending in her tipsy state. Amercia was starting to feel unwell; a self-inflicted condition she blamed on the champagne consumption, but her headache was now in overdrive. She could hear muffled laughter behind her that faded to the distance as she left the bar area which was slowly starting to fill with couples as the evening continued. For a greedy girl’s event, Amercia thought the average female age in the club was well into the sixties. Considering that she was among the youngest here, she assumed herself to be in demand later from the wealthy men that were peacocking themselves and their egos from wall to wall. Where is this fucking dark room then? She wondered, do they need the lights out for the shock of their mature bodies?

  “Do you need a hand gorgeous?” asked a gruff yet exceptionally polite voice behind her.

  Amercia was startled, she turned, stumbled a little and rested her hand on the railings that led to the opening of a hallway.

  “I’m ok; I think I finally made it to floor three where all the private rooms seem to be. Do you know if the darkroom is around here, I’m looking for Bob?”


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