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Sordida Page 9

by Jason Andrews

  It is inevitable that you can’t be focussed, she thought, but on the other hand – you’d be so engrossed, maybe you’d agree to do absolutely anything?

  “So, here we are at last, Amercia – we finally meet, please step inside my office.”

  “But, but, it’s – it’s you” Amercia gasped, shaking her head in disbelief, he appeared so smug with himself, “it’s fucking you, we met didn’t we – it is you isn’t it, we met on the stairs. You’re Tim, aren’t you?”

  “Yes, you are correct. My name is Tim Helman, also known as Mr X in Sordida as a bit of fun because of an old rumour that I put the x in sex. I did put on the deeper voice earlier to disguise myself from the voice you have heard from the telephone. My apologies for testing you in this manner. I could tell you didn’t appear to know it was me all along and your loyalty will not go unrecognised Amercia. As tipsy as you are it appears, you refused an offer when you thought I was somebody else to keep my appointment with you your number one priority.”

  Amercia followed him into his office, one of the few rooms on this floor that appeared to have solid regular walls from brick. It seemed to be the most private room which was grey all over with a feeling about it to that of a doctor’s office. A wooden desk in the far corner with a computer and filing cabinet against the wall looked just for show.

  “It’s been quite an experience though,” Amercia replied, taking a seat at his desk while taking in every square inch of his middle-aged yet masculine face. She admired his stubble, his modern look with a navy suit, no tie, shirt unbuttoned was mesmerising, “nobody here seems to give a fuck what they are doing or who they are doing. Glad to know I passed your test at least. Hopefully, I do seem to meet your expectations.”

  “That’s the whole beauty of Sordida; it’s a place with the freedom of expression of consenting adults without being judged because as however strange, extreme, or even simplistic naturism – it’s about letting your hair down. Escaping from the stress and strains of modern society and exploration of the body in ways never seen anywhere else. With regards to expectations, it is a pleasure to have you here tonight.”

  “Would you rather I called you Tim, Mr Helman or Mr X. With your surname being Helman, are you linked to the Helman House Hotel by any chance?”

  Tim nodded to confirm, another smile in her direction as he was expecting further questioning.

  “I come from a large business orientated family who has shares in the Helman Estate. It’s an inherited estate that has been in my family for generations and generations. Between the family, we co-own the Hotel, the business units in the industrial estate up ahead, holiday let properties across Cornwall and other villas here and there abroad as part of the holiday let branch of the business. Sordida is strictly my private venture, and this building was going to be a small niche hotel with a spa – this location though isn’t much sought after, so I have sole usage rights from the Helman Estate. Some time ago at our other hotel, I noticed in my time there as manager our most prestigious guests started booking multiple rooms many times. Later, having then discovered escorts at the hotel being brought in secretly by guests – I deemed this bad business and a bad reputation for our hotel brand.”

  Amercia was mesmerised by his rugged looks as he continued.

  “Keeping Sordida a separate club in a separate location from the hotel, word of mouth has helped to establish its success with a regular clientele who pay regular monthly fees for the privilege of attending our events and special occasion nights. It keeps the sex and the escorts mostly away from the hotel while offering more fun in a great environment for everyone. In the very beginning, I used to keep room two-three-two held off the records for private let to guests who hired escorts. That’s how it ended up as a conversion into what it is now, practically a super-safe porn recording studio, but for Sordida it still has its uses.”

  “So why a need for escorts and how come they don’t just all get it on with each other without them?”

  “They do mostly, but some games and specific events require extra people who you cannot just pluck off the street, well not all. If there aren’t enough members coming at the same time in the month, then our escorts help with hosting, getting involved with sexual activities, assisting with the fulfilment of certain fantasies. It’s about having the numbers because I keep only the best escorts on Sordida’s regular books. Those who can encourage, fulfil, unleash and ensure our members spend, spend, spend while having a great time, I will offer more work on a consistent basis. It’s purely business focussed from my point of view because I need them to return. They have money to burn for their sins, and I want to encourage them to spend whatever they can here. My only fetish is that of a financial nature.”

  “I see, honestly I get it – I’m very adaptable, and I’m not easily shocked or offended. If it’s work, it’s work, and I could use the extra money badly as I may have mentioned previously. Would you be willing to keep me on your books for the foreseeable future?” Now for her stab in the dark question getting straight to the point.

  “I’m quite confident I could succeed in your business here. I’m not as daft as I look you know, I’m also a qualified accountant. I can be very business minded if you think it will help. I’m just not used to the idea of being all that submissive – yet?”

  “Let’s see how the rest of this evening goes, Amercia. Firstly, you have our draw to attend too, and I want to see how the members observe you because there must be some rapport between them and yourself. Hosting our prize draw will put you directly on display to everyone here tonight for me to see how well you’re received. Members come from all over the United Kingdom and some from European countries, each with a high profile or high earning job. Paying premium fee’s keeps all the riff-raff at bay which is a small price to pay for our members considering their security and privacy too. It’s an elitist sexual association that I shall entrust you to keep to yourself. You scratch my back; I’ll scratch yours so to speak – that’s how I operate in the simplest terms. There are other avenues I have my interests in, but I need not divulge all my business now. We barely know each other, but I’m pleased you made contact. I deleted the comments from my golfing profile – well spotted. You’re quite the detective, aren’t you?”

  “How did you find out where I live and why did you invite me to room two-three-two of your hotel if you weren’t going to be there?”

  “I already told you it was about my privacy within room two-three-two, it’s a specialist room solely for Sordida’s use or when I require it as you’ll find out later tonight. It’s within those four walls in my hotel that I trust I could have full private conversations with you. It was for me to witness you were not recording our conversations while I could see every move that you made. I could see how you responded in a small trapped environment, your body language, your fear, your anger and how you thought on your feet. Also, how you were even still interested in Sordida activities and even after that – it didn’t put you off in any way.”

  Amercia nodded to acknowledge that he was making some sense now she was starting to feel sober, but she was desperate for a diet cola so desperately – cold fizzy caffeine was her only vice. She was starting to lose attention.

  “For the record, I was able to locate your address with the taxi firm you used. The barman called a local firm that I have some financial investment in their business. I could find out where you had been dropped off very easily with the right contacts. I wanted to surprise you, but there’s nothing untoward in my actions. I hope you liked your designer shoes and the complimentary limousine ride here tonight? I only have the best intentions, but I couldn’t expose myself and this business immediately to you. I hope you understand that now.”

  “I love the shoes, the limo ride was spectacular, the champagne was out of this world, but right now I need a cold fizzy cola, diet if you have it. I’m a bit of an addict. Thank you for explaining to me your reasons for keeping me in the dark, it makes so
me sense now. Shall we head back down to the bar, is that the area where the draw will be taking place in a bit?”

  “Indeed, it is, you’re a special sort. I’ll brief you some more on the way down. All I can suggest is look enthusiastic, excitable; they’re all here for a good time because it’s still early in the night. By midnight everyone will be pissed and fucking all over the place in every room available. As an escort, there are no expectations of sex with members here, but being present, being nude, is up to you in the end. Money here is for time, but the more you involve yourself, the more they’ll pay. As I’ve said – everyone has their price, and you’ll get out of this what you’re willing to put in. I’ll grab you a cold drink from the fridge downstairs. I do hope they like you because I think you have potential, but I can’t put someone in the club who isn’t going to earn me money. I take a cut from all your earnings, the more you earn, the more I earn. That’s how it works.”

  Tim walked towards the door, stood beside it to allow Amercia to leave first which she thought was gentlemanly of him. He presented himself as a businessman providing a service of assistance to a likeminded group of people with kinks to escape mundane wealthy lifestyles.

  Tim Helman walked through the entrance to the bar area with Amercia following behind him; she noticed how the whole room came to silence with eyes from every corner watching his every move. He walked past the pole dancers where two long tables had been set up in the time she had been upstairs with a range of electronic gadgets, laptops, envelopes and sex toys. Noticeably a selection of glass dildos caught her eye, looking like solid massive erections, but each had intricate designs with the colour running through the glass as though ink had dripped into water. Amercia walked by his side and felt shy with everyone looking at her, smiling she nodded to each who made eye contact – the barman came over and handed them both a microphone.

  “Welcome,” said Tim, “just checking you can hear me across the floor. Testing, testing.”

  “We hear you,” a voice replied from the far end of the room, everyone started to gather closer in, “numbers to the ready.”

  Amercia took these few moments to analyse everyone in her view. With the appearance of everyone looking like the formal evening you would expect on a cruise ship, it was confusing to idealise the wealth and mentality in the room indulging in the sexual activities she had witnessed upstairs on floor three. Bob and Sandra were waving at her, distracting her from the daydream of everyone fucking each other in turn. Damn, she thought to herself, I probably embarrassed myself with those two swinger’s earlier. Look’s to be about forty people around here tonight.

  “I want to say a huge thank you for attending this evening; I’m sure when the champagne gets flowing later all our greedy girls will get on the floor to grab your attention. If any of you guys do need some performance enhancement drug, some little blue pills are free for use at the bar, but at your own risk. I am not liable for anyone’s heart attack. I’m probably not insured for that.”

  A series of laughter echoed around the room, the pole dancers still present stood resting by the poles appearing to enjoy the break.

  “As you know – Sordida values your membership and this month we have some great rewards for you guys. Some state of the art laptops, tablets, sex toys, phones, cash prizes up to a thousand pounds and a two-night all-inclusive stay at the Helman House Hotel with luxury spa access. That’s not all - because you have some complementary company at the hotel with our new resident escort, Angie.”

  There was a round of applause, Amercia noticed Angie whom she had met earlier with a lousy attitude handcuffed to the bed in the most luxurious pair of diamond effect handcuffs walk into the room clapping like she was the queen of Sordida. She headed towards the bar looking exhausted from her sexual activities.

  “X, X, X, X, X.” The crowd at the front was chanting, Amercia could see Tim, also known as Mr X to her and the room, was an authoritative figure in this club, “X, X, X, X.”

  “I would also like to welcome my guest this evening, some of you might have seen her around already. The beautiful, the fantastic – Amercia. By now you should have all read the rules sent out to you all by post last week with your allocated numbers. I can confirm that Amercia is not aware who has what numbers, and each of the prizes on offer on the tables has a corresponding number underneath. Amercia are you ready?”

  Amercia looked up at him, smiled, shrugged her shoulders to indicate that she didn’t have a clue.

  “I’m ready,” she said softly into her microphone, hoping he believed her, “what do you need me to do?”

  “There are two buckets,” Tim replied, “In bucket one, you will pick from the random cards, and each will indicate tits, pussy, balls, cock or ass. In bucket two you will pick a number between one and ten. Then you will need to find the winner who will have the number written across that body part. If you pick tits and nine, you will need to inspect the winner who should have nine written on her tits. The same goes for balls and four, for instance; he should have written the number four on his balls somewhere.”

  Amercia stared into the crowd as Tim handed her a pair of latex gloves he had been carrying in his pockets. She faked a smile in the direction of them all, trying to look confident and encouraging. A little disgusted that members in this very room have ink over their pussy and cock Amercia might have to inspect, it was still considered easy money for what he was paying her, so she slipped on the gloves and hoped for the best.

  Tim held the first bucket under her and watched as she placed a hand inside. She couldn’t believe this was happening.

  “Say it out loud to the crowd,” he said as he watched her pick a card, “say it loud.”

  “Balls.” She shouted, “It’s balls.”

  There was a sigh from the women as the men started edging closer in anticipation. Tim switched buckets, and she soon picked up another card.

  “Seven, so the winner is balls-seven. I have no idea what you’ve won yet though.”

  “Balls seven is a two-terabyte laptop with inbuilt HD camera for some kinky webcam sex, Amercia. Balls seven come to me to collect your prize, or if you wish we can keep it behind the bar for later. Same applies to all winners.”

  “It’s me, it’s me,” said a man edging forward into the crowd, he stood in front of Amercia unbuttoning his tuxedo trousers, “I’ve won.”

  She noticed he was excited, he pulled down his trousers, followed by his boxers, held his cock in one hand and leaned forward to expose the number four written in bold ink across his scrotum. His wiry pubes turned her stomach as this sixty-year-old looking male had a combination of both dark brown and grey hairs twisted in all directions. Amercia, leant forwards, smiled, at least it wasn’t cock-seven, she thought to herself, I’d barely see it in all those wrinkles.

  “I can confirm you’re our winner, congratulations, now go collect your prize.”

  Please be fucking tits next, she thought, tits, come on tits. Tim came back with both buckets, this time more prepared and hands to the ready she took one card from each bucket.

  “Ass and three. Ass three,” Amercia said for all to hear, while also thinking this could be male or female, “Ass three, come on down why don’t you, claim your reward.”

  “Fuck yes,” shouted a woman in her forties who was stood next to her husband, “that’s my mother-fucking ass.”

  The woman and her man came forward, both looking as though they were in the legal profession as she imagined they would suit a courtroom with their appearance, ass number three was soon in view as she turned over, slid her dress right up and then down with her knickers. With not a care in the world, both of her cracks were visible to all and sundry.

  “That’s a thousand pounds in cash. I’ll leave this with security downstairs for you to collect on the way out – confirm your names to me again a little later.”

  Amercia turned to look at the prizes on the table, counting that there were a handful more env
elopes. Surely not all of them have that much cash inside; she wondered, fucking greedy bastards. Tim came forward with the two buckets again; she hoped this wouldn’t continue for that much longer as she delved her hands in both to grab some cards.

  “Tits ten. Tits ten come to show me the goods.”

  Both Bob and Sandra raised their arms and walked closer towards her. Amercia counted to five in her head, preparing herself to have to witness the sight of Sandra’s breasts. Sandra came closer with Bob attached to her dress, unzipping it from behind as they made their way through the small crowd. Sandra came as close to Amercia as she could with a beaming smile, exposing herself with the number ten written in ink across underneath her left breast.

  “Go on,” Sandra said, winking, “have a good old feel – he didn’t give you those gloves to keep your hands warm.”

  Amercia placed a hand on Sandra’s nipple, the faint touch with the coolness in the air perked it right up to attention.

  “Great pair of tits for my age. Bob, can’t bloody leave the old girls alone.”

  “What have we won? Please tell us it’s a weekend at Helman House Hotel?”

  “Congratulations Bob, you’ve won the Helman House Hotel stay for two nights with Angie. Angie, where are you?”

  Angie appeared from the bar area, walked closer to Bob and Sandra as she smiled and waved at them. Bob was jumping up and down with excitement, stepping closer to Angie as she came forward to introduce herself.

  “Awesome, well done. I can’t wait to meet you both again – intimately.” Angie said, locking eyes with Bob, “I’m sure we’ll all have a lot of fun together. Just like we did upstairs the other week.”

  I wonder how much she’s fucking paid for that gig, Amercia thought to herself, lucky fucking bitch. Two whole days must have bagged her hundreds, if not a thousand or more.

  “Congratulations to you both. I’m sure Angie wouldn’t mind you chaining her to the bed from what I’ve seen already tonight.”


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