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Sordida Page 17

by Jason Andrews

  The first round was picking those selected to do the fucking, and the roulette wheel was used to choose the number of women to fuck. The second round was using the roulette wheel to select one number to represent the total woman used, and then the lottery machine picked the number of guys who would fuck her. Got it now, she thought to herself; I wonder how much those twelve girls get paid?”

  Matt walked past Amercia and Tonya, pinching her ass as he high fived into the air. Amercia smiled and looked astounded as the hotel barman she made eyes over was in Sordida. He was in on it all along, she wondered, pleased but now even more nervous, he can’t be an escort though he doesn’t look the type. Matt made eye contact with Amercia who knew he worked for Tim, he waved, and she acknowledged shyly, but Tonya was looking stern.

  “Don’t you even think about lusting over that one,” said Tonya in a raised voice, “Matt is only here to do the draw, not take part in any of the games. He works downstairs in the bar sometimes to cover staff who can’t come in at short notice. He’s Mr X’s, right-hand man. More of a handyman fixing this and that, barman, waiter, cleaner, and anything else for a bit of extra cash. Fancies himself rotten does Matt though.”

  “I have met him before, and I know he works for the hotel. I met him the first time I went there. I do like the look of him though, but he looks the type to be fucking anything that walks doesn’t he. I love his muscles too. I’d shag him at least once.”

  “He’d shag anything at least once. He might have even jumped in head first into my deep end if you get my drift once upon a time.”

  Amercia laughed loudly at Tonya’s expressions, but she stood back and observed the way the twelve women were interacting with the crowd didn’t look how she would have expected. They all appeared sexy with their beautiful bodies on show, some more noticeably facially pretty than others, but one minor detail was troubling her that she had only just witnessed.

  “Tonya? I’ve noticed something about those naked girls up for grabs over there, can I ask something?”

  “What the fuck is it now girl? The numbers are almost selected any minute, and these guys are itching to get their hands into some pussy.”

  “Why aren’t any of them talking to anyone? If you look at them all walking around, moving about and shit, but no one is chatting with any of the guys or women in here, is it some rule that once your clothes are off your mouth stays shut too?”

  “Virtute duce comite fortuna,” Tonya replied slowly, “led by virtue, accompanied by fortune. Sometimes being seductive isn’t about words, it’s all about actions. Less is more, and all these experienced women can tease by the art of using just their own eyes. Watch even closer; a simple suggestive stare can entice the best from a man. Learn from them, watch them at work tonight. Sordida isn’t some dirty little swingers club, Amercia, this is a classy erotic venue for an elite range of clientele, and their wishes are our commands. Silence is golden in some instances here.”

  While watching the actions of the women more intensely to the point of scrutinising every little body movement, something didn’t feel right about them. The more Amercia looked, the more she was starting to feel distracted from the event. Her concerns were growing by the minute as she began to question what was going on around her. The more she examined her surroundings, the more she realised how bizarre it was fast becoming. The nerves were beginning to kick in with immediate effect.

  Amercia watched Matt who had now moved towards the roulette wheel; his muscled arms were prominently on display distracting her thoughts to when she first met him at the bar a few weeks ago. Amercia glanced again in his direction; she could see he was watching her, smiling at her. She liked that, but ironically couldn’t contemplate fucking him in Sordida, she wasn’t here for sex to enjoy and began to wonder who her clients were for tonight. Why haven’t I met them yet? She thought to herself, I’ve been here for an hour or so and not so much as a peep. The lights were flashing in many different colours as Matt took to the microphone.

  “So, Mr X,” Matt said pointing towards Tim smartly dressed in a black tuxedo, complimented by a bow tie, “are you ready for tonight’s first number. This number from the lotto machine will reveal the winning host who will get access to the private suite with up to twelve of our naked escorts tonight. Can I get a whoop-whoop?”

  The crowd gathered in closer, they held tightly in their hand's little slips of papers with their numbers printed on it, each looked greedy for some action as if they were about to win a huge jackpot. Amercia glanced in all corners of the room and considered that despite being wealthy, without the club they indeed would never be able to get that kind of sexual kick anywhere else. The reasoning behind the existence of Sordida was starting to come together.

  “I sure am Matt. Let’s spin the machine and reveal the lucky guy, girl or couple.”

  The sound of the drum roll hit the speakers, Amercia felt her eardrums pop slightly to realise she was standing close to the speaker that loomed above her head. She wondered how much money everyone paid for the opportunity to win a sexual experience with that many escorts.

  “How much did each person pay to enter this then, Tonya?” Amercia asked.

  “I guess this must be a popular event, look at them all desperately waiting. I’ve never seen so many faces itching to find out who has won the women.”

  “It’s a popular raffle, they pay a grand each per ticket, and some buy more than one. The fun doesn’t just end there either. Members can also have the whole thing recorded for a video, while some like others to watch and join in, then you have all the extras he will sell as an additional cost. You can have extra toys, chocolates, roses, anything you want. Money isn’t an object.”

  “I can certainly fucking see that. I can’t get my head around it. It’s a play den for the wealthy; I do admit I love the setting though, you wouldn’t think that when the industrial estate closes all this goes on around here. Surprised no one complains about all the limousines parked up.”

  “The Helman’s between them all have pretty much most of Plymouth sewn up. Tim has mastered the sex scene for the millionaires and business people, but that came about through his hotel business and contacts that rent out units on this own estate. His brother though, who he will not talk about, so don’t mention anything, is more continental with his hotels. He is currently managing the chain in Egypt, Turkey and a few others scattered around the world. They fell out years ago.”

  “Number twenty come on up and reveal yourself,” Matts' voice blared across the room, “congratulations, you are in for the night of your life. You’ve won the banging of your dreams.”

  Amercia stretched her neck up to see who had won the prize of being the host; she could see a couple, potentially husband and wife clap their hands as they walked towards Matt. The male half of the couple was mid-thirties looking with short dark hair, reasonably attractive with a toned look about him, but his accompanying female partner was apparently in her forties. Amercia assumed from her stern yet pleased look she was the dominating of the two and had envisioned a lifestyle of the male continually tagging along waiting for her commands. He could have been her toy boy, or someone she’d paid for the evening to go with her.

  “Drum roll. Please. How many of our lovely women who are here to entertain you will you take into the playroom tonight? Are you excited both of you, and what about you girls in the crowd?”

  The twelve naked women continued to mingle around the crowd, not voicing a word, but gently touching everyone and smiling. The couple who had won were holding hands, now clearly looking like they are in a relationship were also laughing at each other but glancing into each other’s eyes and nodding to give assurance that this is something they wanted to try.

  “Ten beautiful sexy naked women,” Matt screeched, “Ten, you have ten of our women. Claim your ten, but which two will you let go of tonight? Decisions, decisions.”

  As the naked women all headed in the one direction, uniformly
walking towards the couple who had won a piece of them, Tonya walked over to congratulate them on their win. As she headed towards Matt, leaving Amercia standing on her own, Roy who was now extremely intoxicated made a beeline for her out of Tonya’s sight. He stood with his back against the wall to appear as though he was standing straight. His hunched expression made him look as though he wasn’t fit for purpose and not up for any sexual activity.

  “Hello again, Roy,” Amercia asked, “are you alright, you look pissed?”

  “Abso-fucking-lutely. Get a good look at those girls because they will not be back. Trust me.”

  “What do you mean. Did the escorts do something wrong?”

  “Some people come, and they stay, others they come, and they never stay. You seem like a decent type, trust me when I say this because you need a chance. They aren’t always honest.”


  Roy put his hand against the wall to gain his balance; she could smell the putrid smell of whisky all over him. His hair scruffy and his outfit soaked in spilt alcohol, she thought he was acting strangely. His continued behaviour of latching on was annoying her.

  “Run. Amercia, run from this.”

  Tonya came back over who had just heard the tail end of the conversation.

  “Fuck off Roy; you’re looking a drunken bastard. I’ll speak to Mr X and get you on a month ban starting from tonight. I did warn you.”

  “Not with the damn money I provide to this club. I put fucking shit loads in here; I spend tons. You know Mr X, will not tolerate your threats.”

  “Ignore him, Amercia. He’s a piss-head with a big bank balance. He’s not normally like this, but he loves his drink a bit too much if you know what I mean. I’d say bordering on alcoholic in my book.”

  Roy huffed and stumbled off.

  “I need a fucking piss,” he said, “then get me fucking laid.”

  “We’ll take a quick break Amercia, while the lucky couple and their girls move into the room specially made up for them tonight. Matt will do the second draw in a bit for the guys left over to likely fuck the two others who didn’t make it to the suite. We usually have about an hour break before Steeple-Cock begins. I’ve heard you’ve had a short briefing on it but seeing is believing. Sordida invented it.”

  “When will I meet my client or clients tonight?”

  “You’ll see them real soon, but first why don’t we relax and get a drink. There’s a complimentary bottle of bubbly from Mr X at the bar with our names all over it. Then, after that, we’ll show you Steeple-Cock, and you’ll meet your client for tonight. A little tip, they’re going to like you a little submissive tonight.”

  Amercia smiled, more than one then, she wondered, that little biscuit savings tin will be full as fuck soon enough.

  “Would you mind if I have a diet cola instead, Tonya? I want to be at my best for them tonight. See me in all my glory. I’m nervous, but I can do this.”

  As they headed for the bar area, a group of members followed. Some had already started to take their clothes off, she did casual glances in different directions and body parts, but her mind was trying to focus on acting as if this was ordinary everyday activity. The wealthy kind of lifestyle is precisely what I wanted; she reminded herself, it may be a million miles away from accountancy and finance but got to be fucking better than stacking shelves. I’ll adjust. I can do this.

  Tim was standing at the bar with two glasses in hand. He handed one to Tonya, another to Amercia. They both sipped champagne.

  “I’m still trying to sober up.” Amercia said to Tim, “you guys love your drink here, don’t you?”

  “This is the part of the evening where you just let yourself go. Don’t think, do.”

  Amercia smiled, sipped her drink and sighed to relieve her nerves.

  “I heard your clients are offering a couple thousand for you tonight, did Tonya give you the update on your role. They think you’re special.”

  “No. I haven’t even seen my clients yet.”

  “It’s because they want to remain anonymous, they’re high profile, very wealthy and they need you to respect their privacy. The members picked you when they heard we had a new girl join the team. It’s a special privilege to pop your cherry here so to speak with such clients of mine. They’re keen, and I know you won’t let them or us down. Have a drink to calm your nerves. Once you’ve done tonight, all the others will be easier for you. Trust me.”

  “Thank you; I appreciate your high worth of me. I can’t wait to meet them.”

  Amercia continued to sip her drink, but her hands were starting to shake with the anticipation of her sexual performances this evening. As she knocked back the final swig of champagne, this is what I wanted; she reminded herself, I need this money.



  omething terrible is happening to me, Amercia thought to herself, something I can’t get to grips with tonight. Trying to overcome her fear, she wanted to get deeply involved but realising she was violently intoxicated, trying to mask her unsteady composure was a struggle. Her body felt heavy with her eyes starting to glare at the distance to keep them open. Feeling a hard grab of her left arm, then a gentle tug of her right arm, she knew someone was pulling her away from her surroundings. With the realisation that she might faint, Amercia tried to stand firmly on both feet but was not able to do so. With a slump, she’d been pushed down into a chair.

  “I need some air, Tim, don’t I?” Amercia asked, “please take me outside to sober up; I’ve had so much to drink. I’m sorry, please forgive me, I’ve fucked this night up for us all haven’t I?”

  “It’s not that big of a deal yet; I can see how overwhelmed you have become of tonight’s events. You need to slow down Amercia, take it all in and observed what is going on. Soon this will become a way of life for you soon, and you need to learn your trade. Don’t rush in, don’t always take what is on offer. Maybe you have learnt now that indulgence can be an enemy. You’re starting to display signs of all the seven deadly sins, aren’t you? Have some more water, and it’ll help shift a headache. Our house Grande Champagne does not seem to agree with you, so after tonight can you make sure you never have it again. Assure us all of that?”

  “Steeple-Cock has to carry on, with or without you Amercia.” Tonya interrupted the conversation, “the members here have expectations, and you need to seriously get a grip on yourself and learn to manage what you can or can’t do better than this in future. Someone had paid a lot of money for you tonight, and what a let-down you could be. I don’t want them to see you like this. I feel a bit responsible as I should have kept a better eye on you. At least we know for next time.”

  “I’m so sorry about this, Tonya. I was alright one minute, and then completely ill and off balance the next, I don’t know what has happened to me. I feel sick. Where did Roy go, where am I now?”

  “You’re at the back of the room; I don’t want everyone to see you in this fucking state. Roy is just as pissed as you are, but I have to get up front in a minute and make sure our other girls are ready for the next event. I was hoping you would get involved, but it’s an embarrassment Amercia, you’ve embarrassed the club and yourself getting in such a shameful state. We have standards to maintain, and I don’t want the others to see you like this, but because the guys have all had their enhancement pills, we have to rush now.”

  Tim nodded, shaking his head.

  “It is your first proper day after all though; you haven’t been the first to overindulge on their first day. I had high hopes for you Amercia; I wanted you to impress us tonight, not act like this. Are you ok to wait here?” Tim asked, “Steeple-Cock doesn’t take all that long, we’ll get Betty to replace our lost girl, and I’m hoping Amercia you might have sobered enough to meet your client in a couple of hours. Do you think you can stay put here without falling over or wandering off on your own?”

  Amercia didn’t speak, but just nodded to give assurance she wasn’t
going to go anywhere. She was feeling sorry for herself with the growing pressure now upon her to get as sober as she physically could for the meeting with her client. Although the constant thought of the money was playing on her mind, it was becoming difficult to control her muscle movements. Amercia felt weak at the knees; she needed her bed and an ice-cold diet cola. Perhaps the headache is the caffeine calling me, she wondered, this fucking water is not any suitable kind, but I’m not touching the alcohol.

  The bright lights in this room were blinding her eyes, her headache was pounding, and she hadn’t any painkillers. The noise from the porn videos playing on the wall combined with the chatter of members entering the room was draining her. Tonya was still only dressed in lingerie, but a teasing sight for the men who wanted a piece of her. Matt was nowhere in her view as she was aware she had been taken now into a different area of the club. This part was more vibrant with no bar in sight, but there were a few double beds towards the other end of the room, mirrors were all around her, then she realised.

  “This is the room,” she whispered to herself as both Tim and Tonya wondered down to what appeared to be a temporary stage, “the room Jake mentioned where they all watched from behind the mirrors.”

  Remembering how Jake had told her about the mirrors on the wall, the red velvet curtains, an en-suite bathroom near the beds. It looked precisely how Jake had described except she was able to see where walls could be moved around through sliders on the ceilings. There weren’t any queen size beds around her, but the room had been opened to allow for a more substantial number of members to participate. It looked fit for royalty as the décor was red velvet lined chairs, red velvet lined furniture, crystal chandeliers hanging central glistening above everyone, black stained wooden shelves decorated with decanters and old books that looked like they were falling apart, but out of everything, it was the mirrors capturing her attention. She watched as Tonya was talking to Tim, they waved in her direction, but her arm felt so limp she could barely wave back. Wondering how many people were watching from behind the mirrors, Amercia noticed the room was filling up with naked middle-aged men. She had heard others refer to it as the red room but was yet to witness anyone snorting cocaine as Jake had described from the vagina of his intended one-night-stand.


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