The Black Farm

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The Black Farm Page 25

by Elias Witherow

  I wrapped her up into me, my breath draining in a relieved gasp. I kissed the top of her head and felt the knot in my heart unravel as I pressed her against me.

  “You’re here,” I sputtered, stone turning to water. “You’re here…you’re here…oh, Jess I’m sorry…I’m so sorry.”

  She looked up into my face, her eyes brimming with tears. “I didn’t know where to go, where to look. Nick, I was so scared, I thought the Keepers…I thought they…”

  “It’s ok,” I said, my eyes welling with sadness and relief, “I’m here. I’m ok.”

  Danny cleared his throat, interrupting our brief reunion. “Look, this is very heartbreaking, but I won’t be able to hold back this horde of angry Pig Born forever.”

  I smiled at Jess, tears rolling down my face, and then looked up at Danny. “You’ll take us to The Pig?”

  “You said you had something for me,” he said, unmoving. “Let’s see that first. I’ve been more than fair.”

  “Did he harm you?” I asked Jess, ignoring Danny for a moment. “Did he touch you?”

  Jess shook her head, pulling away. “He…no I’m ok. I’m ok, Nick.”

  Danny spread his arms. “See? Now can we please get on with this?”

  I slung the satchel down from my shoulder and tossed it at Danny. “That should cover any inconveniences.”

  Danny caught the bag and looked at me cautiously. He opened the flap and his eyes went wide.

  “What…what is this?”

  Jess clung to my shoulder as I gripped the shotgun in one hand, the hatchet in the other. “It’s the gods you’re so afraid of. The monsters on the mountain.”

  Danny’s head jerked up, disbelief plastered across his face. “You don’t mean—”

  I nodded. “Those belong to the Eyes of the World.”

  Danny just stared at me, and then looked back down at the severed heads. “They’re gone…it can’t be…”

  I jerked a thumb over my shoulder. “I imagine those comets in the sky are a bunch of very concerned and pissed off entities, rocketing toward us to find out just what the hell happened.”

  Danny looked past me at the distant horizon. “Angels…demons…my god…”

  “I can’t image it’ll be good when they get here,” I said, “but Danny…they’re not here yet. You have a very limited window to do whatever the hell you want. The Pig’s leash has been severed. It’s all or nothing now. You want to make a move? Do it. Because they’re coming,” I pointed at the neon comets, slowly blazing toward the earth, “and when they get here, it’ll be too late.”

  Danny continued to stare at the descending forces of Heaven and Hell. I saw his mind working urgently, quickly, gears turning, options stripped and then assembled. He looked at Jess and me before turning toward the Pig Born.

  “Inform The Pig what’s happening! NOW!”

  I saw a stir among the crowd of monsters as one of them broke away, sprinting for The Barn. I surveyed the sea of mutated faces and twisted features. The army of The Pig. They were all staring at the sky, the impending conflict surfacing in their dull minds.

  “I did you a huge favor, killing the Eyes,” I said to Danny, “now I expect you to hold up your end and take us to The Pig.”

  Danny looked at me cautiously, the wind blowing across the grasslands. “Give The Pig a second to digest all this. I’ll uphold my end, don’t you worry…but before I do, I have to ask you something.”

  Jess shifted at my side and I nodded. “Ok, what?”

  Danny took a step closer, lowering his voice. “Why do this? Why kill the Eyes for us? Why help The Pig?”

  “Because,” I said wearily, “I just want to get the hell out of this goddamn place.”

  Danny looked down at the satchel again. “You certainly went to great lengths just for the opportunity. You know there’s no guarantee The Pig will send you back. The way things are…I think you might have a better chance here.”

  I looked at Jess. “We’re not staying.” Jess smiled sadly and then slowly nodded in agreement.

  Suddenly, the air splintered as a furious shriek deafened us all.

  We covered our ears as the piercing cry thundered into our skulls, the echoing scream cracking the sky.

  It was the roar of The Pig.

  As the blast faded, Danny’s face paled. “Oh, fuck…”

  Jess was squeezing my arm urgently, pointing towards the opposite side of the Farm, “Oh my god, Nick…”

  I turned and looked.

  The color immediately drained from my face and I grabbed Jess.

  The dead sun exploded across the horizon like a black hole, a blinding blaze of scorching violence that consumed the expanse of the heavens. Tendrils of inky darkness shot from the detonation like cracks in a pavement, shooting out and then up toward the neon comets, obliterating them from existence.

  The shockwave came next, blasting across the forest like a hurricane. It knocked us to our knees, the ripple of heat burning my eyes as I squeezed them shut in pain. My ears rang and I felt the earth shake beneath my feet.

  I shielded my face and looked up to see a second blast erupt from the dead sun, a cosmic detonation that plumed out like rolling thunder. A wall of midnight darkness swept the distant sky as it plowed across the Black Farm toward the mountain.

  The wall of titanic, ebony energy slammed into the distant summit and I gasped, watching the immense power plow across the world.

  And then the mountain was no more.

  Slowly, we all got to our feet as the aftershock rumbled in the distance. The sky where the comets had been was now stained with streaks of darkness that hung in the air like wet tar. There were no signs of the descending intruders or the mountain. The world groaned and then righted itself, a long gasp escaping on the wind as it tended to its new, horrific scar. The wall of still moving energy bloomed ahead of itself and then settled over the earth like falling mist.

  After a moment, I found my voice. “I think you just lost half the Farm.”

  Sweat stood out on Danny’s face and he licked his lips nervously. “Wh-what the hell? What was that?!”

  Still recovering, Jess swallowed hard. “I think The Pig just blew up the competition along with half the world.”

  Danny blinked and turned in place, looking back at The Barn. The army of Pig Born was still getting to their feet, exchanging grunts and snorts of concern. Even they were scared. The two snake-like creatures coiled above the Barn and bared their teeth at the sky, thick strands of drool leaking from their snarling mouths.

  “This isn’t the end,” I said to Danny. “You may have wiped out the initial wave, but they’ll be back. The Pig just pointed a huge spotlight over all of us.”

  Danny was recovering now, the shock fading. “I know. But Jesus Christ, if The Pig can do that…”

  I stepped forward. “Hey, don’t forget about our trade. This changes nothing. We still need to see The Pig. Sooner rather than later. I have a feeling shit is about to hit the fan here and I want no part of it.” I gripped Danny’s arm, my eyes bloodshot. “I just want to get out of this god-forsaken place. NOW.”

  Still staring at the sky and the after effects of the explosion, Danny nodded distractedly. “Ok, ok…yeah, come on. Let’s get this over with.”

  Without lingering any longer, we followed him toward The Barn.


  I stood with Jess in an empty room, waiting for Danny to return. I knew this place. I had been here with the Hooves, awaiting our chance to pledge our allegiance to The Pig. How times had changed. My boots scraped over the barren concrete as I hugged Jess to me. She was trembling and I realized I was, too. The weight of what we were about to do was pressing in around us.

  “How long is he going to be?” Jess asked quietly.

  “I don’t know,” I said, stroking her hair. “I’m sure The Pig isn’t in the mood to see visitors. Might take some convincing.”

  I pulled away from her and took a long breath. “Before he comes back t
hough, there’s something we need to do.”

  Jess looked into my eyes and I saw fear in them. I stroked her cheek lovingly. “You trust me, right? You know what we’re about to do?”

  I saw the fear grow and felt it reflected in myself. Jess nodded. “I know…and of course, I trust you. You’ve done nothing but try and protect me since we arrived here.”

  I cupped her face in my hands, “There’s just one more thing we have to do before we escape this nightmare.”

  Jess’s eyes begged for clarity, “What is it, Nick?”

  I suddenly stuck my fingers down my throat and pulled her into me. I felt myself gag and then my stomach lurched.

  I pulled my fingers from my throat right as my gag reflex gave in. I pressed my lips to Jess’s and projectile vomited down her throat. I felt her buckle in horror, desperately trying to shove me back, but I held her tight, my mouth sealed over hers.

  Jess sputtered as another wave filled her. She gagged, then swallowed, frantically trying to escape my clutches. I felt puke splash from her nostrils and run down my chin as she tried to eject the vile remains of Ansom.

  After she drank down the third splash of vomit, I pulled away, gasping. Jess fell to her knees, dry heaving, panting, confusion and disgust rattling her. I quickly knelt down and put my hand on her back, urging her to hold it in.

  “I’m sorry,” I hissed, “this had to be done. Trust me, please, this is the only way we’re getting out of here.”

  She looked up at me, coughing violently, her eyes bloodshot. “What the hell, Nick!?”

  I stroked her head as her seizures passed. “Just trust me, please, I’m begging you. I’m sorry I had to do that, but it was necessary.”

  Jess wiped her mouth and shuddered. “How…why…?”

  I turned my head and spat, my own stomach rolling. “It’s better if you don’t know the details.”

  Still shaking from the shock, Jess stood. I helped her, apologetically stroking her arm. I desperately hoped she had ingested enough of Ansom, the bits of gore now spreading their purity through both our bodies.

  Well, that was if there was any truth to my insane hypothesis. One way or another, this would be the end of us. And I found some comfort in that.

  Suddenly, Jess and I jumped as Danny walked through the doors in front of us. Heat rolled from the chamber at his back and I could hear the scrape of enormous hooves on the concrete. My stomach lurched and I felt fear spread through me like cancer.

  “The Pig will see you,” Danny said quietly.

  Jess clutched my arm and I nodded, my voice not quite steady, “Ok…let’s get this over with.”

  Danny pointed at the shotgun and hatchet shoved into my pants. “Leave those. You know you can’t bring them with you.”

  I pulled the weapons out and tossed them aside. Didn’t have any use for them anyway, no matter where we were sent.

  Danny turned and motioned for us to follow him. I slid an arm around Jess and tried to calm my racing heart. The looming violence ahead of us was terrifying and insane. I tried not to think about how it would feel, about how much pain we’d suffer. I heard Jess whimper at my side as we entered the chamber.

  The Pig towered before us like a statue.

  The furnaces behind the titanic creature cast its shadow across our faces as we approached, and I felt darkness a I’ve never experienced. The Pig snorted a blast of foul breath across the room as we walked towards it, and I fought to control my already upset stomach.

  The Pig was just as large as I remembered, a quivering mass of flesh and hooves and teeth, its eyes dark and intelligent. The two fleshy tubes jutting from its sides quivered, the unseen heads roaring down at us through the roof of The Barn. For a horrifying split second, I wondered if we’d be eaten and spat out as newly created Pig Born.

  Danny held up a hand and we stopped, just feet away from the God of the Farm. The Pig ground its teeth together and a strand of thick drool slithered between its lips and dripped to the floor.

  “These are the two,” Danny said reverently, his head bowed slightly.

  The Pig breathed heavily through its flaring nostrils, cocking its head at Jess and I. I felt like it was staring into the deepest wells of my soul. I looked at my feet, heart pounding. Jess was trying not to hyperventilate, her breath stuttered and desperate. Together we stood, absolutely terrified. I felt like The Pig could see every thought and action I had taken since arriving on the Farm. I shuffled my feet, throat dry, and desperately tried to mask my thoughts. If this monster somehow knew what I had been up to, what I had done…

  Finally, The Pig opened its mouth and let out a long, squealing roar. I dared not move, the noise paralyzing me in place as spittle flew across my face. I clenched my hands into fists to stop them from shaking, my bladder releasing.

  Piss running down my leg, I slowly looked up as The Pig shook itself and then lowered its mouth. Its jaws opened like a ramp leading to hell’s darkest pits, its tongue rolling out like a long, wet worm.

  “You first, Nick,” Danny said from behind me.

  I jumped, having momentarily forgotten he was still here. I looked back at him, shaking my head. “No…we go together.”

  Danny stared at me for a moment and then raised his voice to his master. “They wish to go together. Do you accept that?”

  The Pig didn’t move, its mouth split open to reveal a cavern of teeth the size of kitchen knives. I stared into the gaping maw and felt a wave of terror rock me. I squeezed my eyes shut and then forced them open, a gale of dizziness sweeping through me.

  “You may continue,” Danny said behind us. “Approach The Pig and climb into its mouth.”

  Jess was crying and I felt like I would start at any second. I felt Danny’s hand on my shoulder, guiding me forward. Our footsteps echoed in the empty chamber, the roar of the twin furnaces sending ripples of heat across my already sweaty face.

  “I love you, Jess,” I whispered, voice shaking.

  “I love you, Nick,” Jess said, tears flowing down her face.

  I squeezed her hand. “When we get out of here, let’s try for another baby. I want to start a family with you.”

  Jess exhaled grief. “I would really, really like that.”

  Chest heaving with terror, I halted directly in front of The Pig’s waiting mouth.

  “Please…” I hissed, my voice barely a whisper.

  As I climbed into the expansive jaws, my muscles turned to liquid. The Pig’s tongue squished beneath my hands and knees as I crawled along it. My shoulders scraped the rows of teeth above me as I reached back and took Jess’s hand, pulling her up behind me. Foul heat poured over our faces and saliva soaked us, the stinking, filthy mouth a long tunnel of death.

  The Pig raised its head and closed its mouth around us. Jess immediately began to scream as horrific darkness encased us. I held her hand like a vice, my other guiding us slowly through the squelching black.

  I had barely started to crawl when The Pig bit down on us. I screamed so hard I felt blood rupture from my throat, a line of massive teeth crunching into my leg. Bone and flesh were torn as I rolled in its mouth, its tongue tossing me across to the other side for another bite. I heard Jess howling as well, a primal sound that blasted from her lips.

  As I bled into its mouth, my body rolling into another bite, something happened.

  The Pig retched.

  I heard its displeasure immediately, a squealing roar that amplified from its throat.

  “JUST KEEP GOING! PLEASE!” I screamed, tears of agony rolling down my face. I could feel my knee bone scraping along the bottom of the mouth, an exposed nub of bloody white. Below that was gone, bitten off.

  The hand clutching Jess’s was slick with blood and slime, but she held onto it with fierce determination, her screams echoing in my ears. The walls of the colossal mouth closed in around us, pressing in tight and I felt blades of pain shoot across my body.

  The Pig retched again as our blood spewed from our ruined flesh. I fel
t it gag and the mouth creaked open, its tongue flopping around us, trying to push US back out. I grit my teeth, screaming, and reached ahead of me with my free hand, clutching a long tooth. Muscles trembling, I howled, pulling us forward, deeper into the mouth.


  I jerked Jess along behind me and The Pig bit down again, angry at my refusal to eject from its jaws. My vision exploded with stars of blinding pain as its monstrous teeth plunged into my stomach, tearing my guts apart.

  I vomited blood, the agony beyond anything I had ever felt before…

  …but I kept crawling, defiance shattering the walls of my throat as I screamed. I was almost to the back of its throat, a pulsing pit of darkness.

  Suddenly, Jess was shoulder to shoulder with me. I felt her squirm at my side, a ruined mess of flesh and blood. The Pig snapped its jaws again, and in that brief second, I saw her legs cleaved from her body at the thigh. Her eyes bulged and her face streaked with saliva and trails of thick blood.

  “Keep…moving,” she croaked, her voice a harsh, guttural escape, almost dream-like through the agony.

  I ground my teeth through the searing horror and gripped another tooth, pulling my body into the deepest part of its mouth. Jess held onto me as I suddenly slipped, the massive tongue frantically trying to push me out of its throat.

  I clung onto her arm as I felt my insides roll out of my stomach, squirming through the gaping hole in my gut. As they made contact with The Pig, I heard it scream, and a sickly smoke sprang from where they slithered.

  I grabbed wet gums and hauled myself forward, now staring down the long black of its throat. Jess wrapped her free arm around me and helped me along, breath blasting from her fractured chest in wet heaves.

  I heard sizzling and saw that my intestines were searing into the bottom of The Pig’s mouth. Great wafts of charred smoke filled the tight interior of our fleshy coffin and I gagged at the smell, blood squirting between my teeth.


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