Repair Me

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Repair Me Page 3

by Jennifer Foor

  Going into the bathroom while a naked stranger was already occupying it was a bold move. Sure, she could have slapped me or called the police, but I knew her phone had no service and that she’d been checking me out just as much as I’d been doing it to her. The attraction was mutual and I didn’t need her to admit it.

  My ex was a very attractive woman. She had full breasts and a nice ass, but this girl was fucking perfect. Her hips were curvy and her long blonde hair fell down her chest accentuating her supple tits. I couldn’t help but check her out before she freaked and left me in the shower to tend to my sudden predicament.

  With each stroke of my hand, I thought about her standing in my bathroom naked. Then my mind went wild, imagining her bending over and letting me take it however I wanted it. I leaned against the shower as I came, closing my eyes and trying to focus on acting normal. I wasn’t the type of guy to beat off to a complete stranger. Sure, I’d experienced with movies and magazines as a kid, but ever since I’d moved away, I’d had girls lined up wanting a piece whenever I snapped my fingers.

  This chick was no different, even if she was afraid to admit it.

  All I had to do was stay focused and keep my mind off of my sad life. If I could keep myself occupied, for even a little amount of time, it was worth it. I’d spent too many nights hating myself and missing my sister.

  When I walked out of the bathroom, I got several hateful looks from my houseguest. I’d never considered where I lived to be an advantage, but I’d also never had a damsel break down all alone without anyone to come help her. She was too hard-headed to be scared of me. I could see it in her eyes and felt the way they watched me.

  It took about ten seconds for her to decide she wanted to come out with me, because she claimed to be starving. In my opinion, I think she was starving for some attention. For some reason, I wanted to know why she was falling right into my plan so easily. Now she was telling me her name, like we were going to be friends. Call me crazy, but I think if someone hated me, they wouldn’t care if I knew their name. She wanted to get to know me, which meant my plan was working. With a little more persuasion, I’d have her begging.

  Chapter 3


  The drive to the little diner was a good thirty minutes. I played with my fingernails, stared out the window and pretended to be bored. All the while I was smelling him, thinking of him, and wondering how I had gotten myself into this whole mess.

  Halfway there, he must not have been able to stand the silence. “There’s a fifth of Southern Comfort under the seat.”

  I gave him a look, but pulled it out anyway. He motioned for me to take a swig. It burned going down and I felt like I was going to vomit immediately. My types of drinks were usually the frozen, fruity kind. “That is awful.”

  He grabbed the bottle and took a sip, then handed it back to me. “You get used to it.”

  “Do you always drink and drive?”

  “Never! My buddy left that in there last weekend when I drove him home. There’s always barn parties goin’ on around here. My sister, well she lost her life after one of them, so I’m usually the one who drives the others home.”

  That was deep. “Were you close?”

  He stared at the road. “Eleven months apart. Everyone always mistook us for bein’ twins.”

  “I’m so sorry. I have a brother. He’s six years older than me and has a family. We don’t talk much, but I always wished we were closer.”

  “Can I ask what you’re runnin’ from?”

  I looked over at him and saw him looking back at me, waiting for me to respond. I looked out the window, so he wouldn’t see my pain because it hurt too much to talk about. “After years of being together, I caught my boyfriend cheating.”

  He shook his head. “Damn. You actually caught him?” I pulled out my phone and showed him one of the pictures. “What the fuck?”

  “Yeah, I think I’ve said that a couple times.” His reaction made me smile, which was a change from what I’d been experiencing.

  “Let me see that shit again?” I handed him my phone. He looked at it and then handed it back to me. When our eyes met, I felt that heat again. “You know, neither of them girls hold a candle to how you look naked.”

  His eyes were on me, not the road.

  I knew I was blushing. No guy had ever been so blunt with me, especially about my body. Shit, only my ex had ever seen me completely naked. “Should I say thanks or worry you are going to hurt me and leave me in a ditch?”

  “I’m just tellin’ it like it is. You can take it however you want.” He pulled over, and I realized we were at the diner. “What about me? How do I rate next to your ex?”

  “Why do you want to know? Aren’t we just strangers, passing by chance? Does my opinion really matter?”

  He pulled his keys out of the ignition and looked over at me. His eyes were light blue and as the sun was starting to set, they were so bright. “When you’ve lived here as long as I have, the datin’ pool dwindles to nothin’. You ain’t got to answer. I think I already know anyway.”

  He jumped out of the truck before I could say anything. When I started to open the door, he was already there by the passenger door, ready to help me out. He reached for my waist and lifted me down, but kept his hands where they were. I stared into his eyes and was so captivated that my next words came out without my knowing. “You’re so hot.”

  He closed the truck door and pushed me back up against it. His face was so close to mine and our eyes were locked on one another. “If you want to forget about him, I can make it happen.”

  What was it about this guy that had me so weak in the knees? I was searching for words. “How?”

  “I’ll fuck you so good that the only car you’ll ever drive will be a Ford, because you’ll never stop thinkin’ about me.”

  I laughed but licked my lips thinking about him fucking me. “I bet you say that to all the girls.”

  “Does it matter if it’s the truth?” He dragged his lips over mine, and I was pretty positive that my pussy was throbbing between my legs. I licked his bottom lip as I pulled away to see how he would respond. He grabbed my hand and backed away from me. “Just say the word. You know you want to forget about him, don’t you?”

  I did. I wanted this stranger to have his way with me; to make me forget about everything else. I wanted to lick the sweat off of his chest after he’d bent me over and made me scream his name, repeatedly. “I’m not that kind of girl. I just don’t sleep around like you’re assuming!”

  He smiled and pushed the hair out of my face. “We’ll see about that, darlin’.”

  Ford turned away and started walking towards the diner’s entrance. He’d left me there panting on purpose. I was so upset with myself for being completely turned on by this guy. Yes, he was hotter than hot. He smelled fabulous and his lips were tantalizing, but I had to be careful. I didn’t want to be some easy lay, even if I knew it was what my body needed to do to get over my ex.

  After waiting a few moments, and realizing he wasn’t coming back out for me, I made my way into the restaurant.

  What I thought was going to be a regular diner, lined up with booths and a large spread across the whole back wall, wasn’t that at all. Sure, there were a couple booths when you first walked in, but the back of the establishment had been converted. A stage was back against the wall and a dance floor was in the center. The bar was located in between the dance floor and the tables. As I walked in further, all eyes were on me, and there were a lot of them.

  I looked for Ford, but when I spotted him, I realized he wasn’t coming to my rescue, because he had his tongue down the throat of some brunette on the dance floor. It didn’t take him long after being rejected to move on.

  I actually felt sad about it. Why did I even care? I kept telling myself that he was just a stranger. It made no sense why I’d be jealous of some girl that I never even met.

  Not wanting to draw attention to me watching them like a creeper, I wal
ked over to the bar and started looking at a menu.

  An older lady walked up and leaned over the counter. “I’ve been informed that you’re on Ford’s tab tonight. What can I get ya?”

  I looked over at Ford who was dancing extra close to the brunette. “He doesn’t have to do me any favors. I have my own money.”

  She cocked an eyebrow and smiled. “Honey, if a guy like Ford wants to buy you things, you let him.”

  “It looks like he’s buying a lot of girls things.” I caught another peek at them dancing.

  She laughed and leaned closer. “Between me and you, he doesn’t put anyone on his tab.”

  I placed my order, but said nothing else to the woman. She had to be mistaken. He looked like he was a complete lady’s man from the way he was groping all over the chick on the dance floor. With a beer in my hand, I sat down at one of the only remaining tables left and tried to not watch them. I hated the way his muscles looked as he brought his arms up around hers. She kept laughing at things he was saying and I could have sworn that they were both glancing at me to see my reaction.

  I stared at my beer and pretended not to notice, even though it was bothering the shit out of me.

  While sitting there stuffing my face with chicken tenders and fries, Ford swooped in the seat across from me. He grabbed one of my fries. “The food’s great, right?”

  “You didn’t have to pay for it.” Did he assume that buying me food was going to get him a free ticket into my pants?

  “Are you goin’ to dance at all?”

  I scrunched up my face. “Probably not! I wouldn’t want to show you up when you’re getting so much play.”

  He turned and looked out onto the dance floor. “You jealous?”

  I crossed my arms. “Of course not! I don’t know you or your conquest.”

  He smiled and stole another fry. “My conquest?”

  “Yeah, you know, the girl out there ready to shed her clothes and fuck you in front of everyone?”

  He just shook his head and continued laughing at me. “You’re really sexy when you’re jealous. I reckon you better stop, though, before I get even more turned on by it.”

  He got up and walked away without giving me the opportunity to respond.

  He was so…so…right! Ugh! What was I even doing? How could I be jealous over a guy that I didn’t know? The worst part of it all was that I wanted him more by the second. I could close my eyes and imagine him touching me with those big hands. I wanted them all over my naked skin.

  While I was dreaming about it, I hadn’t noticed a strange guy sit down across from me. I jumped when he spoke. “You want to dance?”

  I held up my hands. “No, I’m fine, thanks!”

  He turned and looked to see what I was looking at, then looked back at me. “You and every other woman here want a piece of that. Ever since he got back to town, he’s been a chick magnet. I can save you a lot of time and heartbreak, sweet thing. Ford has his hands full with Ashley. Just come dance with me and enjoy your night.”

  I thought about Ford being with every girl in this town. It was gross and made me reconsider what I had been wishing for. I grabbed the guy’s hand and led him out onto the dance floor. “Let’s go then!”

  Sure, it was a bold move and yes, it was just to get a rise out of Ford. If he was a womanizer, I wanted him to know he’d never have me.

  From the moment my body started to sway, I caught him watching me. His eyes were locked on my body and it overwhelmed me with desire. I didn’t know what it was about him, but he made me so hot in all the right places.

  The music got faster and his dance partner stepped it up, grinding her ass against him, while letting his hands linger over her waist. The evil little sex kitten in me took complete control. I wanted him to want me, even if he wasn’t going to get it, so I mimicked her moves, but grinded harder against my willing partner. Instead of letting him control where his hands went, I slid them up to my breasts and gave him permission to explore.

  Ford watched then put his head down into the girl’s neck. The off thing about it was that his gaze was still fixed on watching me. I squatted all the way down to the floor and came back up again, watching him the whole time. His smile grew as he watched my body moving. Song after song, we became caught up in outdoing each other with seduction, all the while only doing it for a rise out of each other.

  I had him where I wanted him. When he was bending her over later, he’d be thinking of my naked body and not hers. I felt sneaky and bad, but it turned me on. Everything about what I was doing was turning me on. With sweat running down my face and chest, I excused myself to the bathroom to freshen up. For a couple moments I stared at my own reflection in the mirror, wondering what I was thinking. How could I look at myself knowing what my body wanted to be doing? I felt dirty and sexy all at the same time and I didn’t know how I felt about that.

  When the door opened and Ford stood there behind me, I had no choice but to turn around and face him. “This is the ladies room.”

  He looked around. “I’m aware of where I am.”

  “I was just leaving.” I went to walk away but he grabbed me by the waist and pulled me into his arms. “What are you…”

  He kissed me, slipping his tongue into my mouth almost immediately. I pulled away and slapped him. He grabbed my hair and held me still while he got close to my ear. “Stop actin’ like you don’t want this to happen.”

  “I don’t!”

  He kissed me again, this time not taking my rejection seriously at all. His tongue caressed mine and that ball of fire ignited from my mouth and headed straight down to my sex. I knew my panties were getting wet, due to the fact that I could almost feel myself dripping after being turned on by this man. It didn’t matter that we’d just met, or that someone else was outside waiting for him.

  He picked me up and leaned me against the porcelain sink. I could feel the coldness hitting my thighs, cooling that burning urge that made me want to spread my legs and give him my soul. This time, when he pulled away, I was panting.

  He smiled and looked at himself in the mirror, before releasing me to stand on my own two feet. His hand reached down and rubbed me between the legs as he spoke. “When you’re lyin’ in my bed tonight, you’re going to wish I was there with you. Are you going to touch yourself while you’re thinkin’ about me?”

  Why did his scandalous words give me butterflies? Why did I know I was going to do exactly what he was telling me to?

  Except, I didn’t want to imagine being with him. I wanted it to happen. I wanted to forget all about my ex and everything he’d done to me, even if it was only for a night.


  I couldn’t have planned things out better than the way they were falling into place. My ex made for a great addition by throwing herself at me the moment I walked into the door. Since I didn’t feel like her causing a scene, I decided to go with it. If I wasn’t sure about Sky, her eyes revealed more than she was saying. In fact, the little kitten couldn’t keep her wandering eyes off of me. As the kissing intensified, so did the rush of guilt. My ex was a lot of things, but she didn’t deserve to be a pawn in some plan to swoon a stranger, especially since she wanted to be the woman I took home to bed tonight.

  I pulled myself out of her arms and looked into those big eyes. “I didn’t come here for this.”

  She smiled and tried to pull me in for a kiss again. When I wouldn’t let her, she started to pout. “Please? I’ll do anything you want.”

  I had to smile, thinking about how sexy she could be. Since she wasn’t the only person I’d been with, it wasn’t the experience that I enjoyed the most. Sure she knew how to move her hips and make me crazy, still, each time we got close I thought about Harley and how she should have looked out for her that night. She should have called me, but instead worried about herself and how drunk she could get without me around. I was done with her and that kind of bullshit. “I told you before, it’s not goin’ to happen.”

started to walk away from her. “Wait!”

  “Leave it be!”

  When I first walked into the diner, I stopped to say hello to my aunt and wave to my cousin Joey, who was cooking in the back. I made sure she knew that I was paying for whatever Sky wanted to eat and drink. If I was going to get a of piece that, then I needed to make sure she was fully satisfied.

  When I reached the little hottie she was busy eating and acting like my making out with someone else didn’t bother her. After driving her a little crazy, and hearing her reject me once more, I gave her some space, only to chase her into the bathroom afterwards. This time, she wasn’t going to say no. She wanted me and I was about to make her admit it.

  When our lips met she stopped being stubborn. Her tongue played against mine while my hands explored parts of her skin. My dick reacted and as I lifted her onto the hard sink I contemplated taking her right there in the bathroom. She was practically begging for it.

  My next question was both cocky and true, but she didn’t answer me, so I asked again. “Tell me Sky.” I teased her lips with mine. “Are you going to touch that bare pussy tonight thinkin’ about me until it drips?” I kissed her again and she let me, but still said nothing.

  Her eyes were closed and she was enjoying this just as much as I was. Before I could have cared less how she kissed, as long as she gave me another peek at that fine ass body. Now I wanted more than that. Her tongue was like a natural high each time it brushed against mine. The little moans that escaped her turned me on. I ran my hands over the fabric of her shirt, cupping her breasts and massaging them while we kissed again. My dick throbbed for her.

  I pulled away from her mouth and let her reach for me again while I spoke with her body still pinned against the sink. “Tell me you want me to fuck you.” I grabbed one of her hands and rubbed it over my erection. “You want this and you know it.”

  She bit down on her lip and shook her head from side to side.

  I took my tongue and teased her lips with it. I could feel her hot breath as she exhaled and tried to deny what we both knew was coming. “Say it, Sky. I saw you watchin’ me out there. I know you want this for yourself. You want to know what she knows about me, don’t you?” I must have hit a nerve, because she pulled away and looked at me, fighting the jealousy that was boiling through her veins.


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