Bite & Release 3: Riley

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Bite & Release 3: Riley Page 17


  “Oh, I can hear the wheels in your head turning. This must be a dream come true. To have finally found a way to interlope into our lives permanently.” Dad accused Carrie.

  “I’m not the father of the boy who knocked up my daughter.” She huffed.

  “No, you’re the stepmother who obviously didn’t raise her daughter with goddamn morals. Big shock there.”

  I was livid. “Dad, for God’s sake, you just insulted my wife, who happens to be the mother of your future grandchild.”

  Mom padded over to my dad and took his hand. “Apologize to Gabriella, Shea.”

  “I’m sorry. It’s not your fault that your mother is a—”

  “Andrew!” my mom boomed. She reserved using his given name for times he pushed her too far. “I think it would be best if we let the kids settle in. We can all go out to dinner,” she added. I’m sure it was to punish my dad.

  “This is a fucking nightmare,” my dad uttered.

  “And it may continue for you if you don’t grow up. I swear, our twenty-year-old son is acting more mature than you. Now get your shit together and let’s get out of here.”

  Dad scowled as he helped my mom with her coat.

  “Gray’s in the backyard. He’s been fed. Riley, none of what’s going on between us is your issue. I figure your dad won’t make a scene if we’re in public.”

  “Don’t count on it,” he retorted before my mom sucker punched him in the stomach. He doubled over and responded with a grimace.

  Silence filled the room when the front door shut behind them.

  “I think that went well,” I teased as I pulled Gabe to me.

  “I anticipated worse. I love my mother, but I understand your dad’s reservations about her. It must be difficult to be expected to put the past on a back burner, especially when it almost cost your mom’s life.”

  I didn’t want to talk about what had transpired all those years ago. It made me feel as though I was excusing all that had happened. In reality, it made me sick to my stomach that Gabe’s mother had plotted against my mom. I couldn’t imagine how arduous this was on my dad. I could see rage on his face every time he looked at Carrie.

  “You must be exhausted. Let me get your luggage, and you can go upstairs and take a relaxing bath while I unpack your stuff. I figure we can use my bedroom until walking up the stairs becomes too hard for you or I feel it’s too dangerous. Then we’ll use Holly’s room. What do you think about converting the office or my old bedroom downstairs into a nursery? I assume we won’t be able to use the loft for a while after you give birth.”

  Gabe reached up and put her arms around my neck. “I love you. You’ve really given this a lot of thought.”

  I nodded, brushing my lips against her hair. “I have. Last night before I asked you to marry me. I want you to know I didn’t go into this relationship lightly and that I’m fully committed to making this work.”

  “I told you I got lucky. I don’t know why you’ve forgiven me, but here you are. And I swear I’ll make you happy.”

  “You already have.”

  I watched her stroll up the stairs before I ran out to the car and grabbed her suitcases. After climbing the stairs, I set the bags in what was now our bedroom. Gabe was humming in the bathroom, which made me smile as I walked downstairs to let Gray in. He jumped and danced around me as I collapsed on the sofa.

  I scratched under his chin, then patted his head. “You now have a dad and mom,” I revealed as I rubbed his belly. I was sure my parents had spoiled him during the time they were here.

  Deadbolting the front door insured no surprise visits from any parent. I stripped off my pants and shirt, then kicked off my boots. It felt odd walking up the stairs naked.

  Gabe looked surprised as she blew bubbles in my direction. “Aren’t you cold?” she asked.

  “Born and raised in Alaska. The cold is part of me.” I smirked. “Can I join you?”

  “Only if you promise to ravish me. I mean, it is our honeymoon,” she professed as she pulled me in.

  I sat facing her in the tub, and her hand immediately captured my cock.

  “We’ll have some private time after the baby’s born. I want to take you to the place my dad took my mom. The pictures are amazing.”

  “I can’t wait, but until then, I’ll just have my way with you,” she said slyly, grasping my shaft tighter.

  “How about I use what you have in your hand and fuck you right here in the tub and then again in the bed?” I professed.

  Making this woman mine had made me more voracious than ever. Once I had gotten over my initial fear of sex during pregnancy, I couldn’t get enough.

  Gabe’s body was changing subtly. Her stomach had become fuller, rounder, and her areolas were darker. I would love watching the transformation of her going from a woman to a mother.

  Her skin was sleek and slick as I guided her to sit on my cock. My entire body shifted as I pumped inside her. Every nerve came alive while she moved up and down my length. My face went damp with perspiration as the warmth of the bath collided with the heat of her sex. In desperation, I wanted to get closer and lifted her ass with both hands as I continued to measure each stroke.

  I sealed my lips in an attempt to squash the sound rising within me. My nostrils flared as I convulsed against her. My hands went to her shoulders to brace her in my climax. Gabe’s nails scored my back as I moaned deeply, spilling my seed into her. She responded, reaching her peak and meeting my orgasm.

  God, I loved this woman so much. She had become everything I lived for. Was this the way my dad felt? Was this what he and Mom shared?

  Our labored gasps quieted as we prepared to dry off. I climbed out first and snatched a clean towel. As Gabe began to stand, I offered my hand and helped her out. After pulling the plug in the tub, I began to dry her off.

  “I got your thermal nightgown,” I said as I handed her the clothing.

  Her laughter echoed in the room. “Just because I wore it once doesn’t mean it’s going to become a nightly thing. I’m sure I can find something sexier, at least until I get huge.”

  I quickly made use of another towel, then pulled on sweats as my wife strutted to the bed, wrapped in a towel. “You have to be chilled. Please throw something on.”

  “Are you going to be like this for my entire pregnancy?” she asked as she shimmied into a pair of thermal pants, adding a long-sleeved shirt that showed her belly button.

  I licked my lips in response, wishing I had donned a pair of briefs. My dick instantly hardened in appreciation of the view.

  She snapped the waistband of my pants and smiled. “Should I suck you off?”

  If it were even possible, I got stiffer.

  As she got on her knees, I blew out a growl. “Are you insane? I’m not having my pregnant wife kneeling on the floor to satisfy my lust,” I griped as I helped her to her feet. “I’m not going to deny you the pleasure of… well, pleasuring me. But I think it will be more comfortable for you on the bed because I’m all about your enjoyment.”

  “I’m sure giving you a blowjob is all about me,” she joked, reclining on the bed. “Come lie here and allow me to gratify you,” she quipped, patting the space next to her.

  I complied, removing my sweats and crawling in beside her. My hand fisted my shaft as I lay there, and her teeth nipped at the crown, making me moan in ecstasy.

  “You know I could get off by watching you handle yourself. It’s quite sexy,” she murmured against my length.

  “Hell no. Maybe later. Right now, I’m content having you go down on me,” I commented.

  I snarled as she began to lick my cock, her fingernails skimming my ball sack. I thought I’d blow as she inhaled me. Her cheeks hollowed, and I felt her tongue swirl around my dick and skirt the roof of her mouth. She greedily sucked on my length as I gripped the sheet in an attempt to curb my release. I began to feel as though I were falling as she manipulated every vein with her fingers. Gabe began to pump me, and I whispered her n
ame over and over again.

  I was losing control and there was no way I could hold back the eruption freight-training up my shaft. I bucked three times into her mouth, shuddering and convulsing with satisfaction as I watched her swallow. In exhausted response, I laid one arm over my eyes and heaved.

  “You feel better now, more relaxed?” she questioned, wiping the edges of her mouth with her hand.

  “Hey, where are you going?” I asked in a raspy voice, watching as she rolled out of bed.

  “I love you, Riley, but brushing my teeth is a must right now.”

  I sat up, watching her go to the bathroom. “Are you saying I don’t taste good?” I asked as I punched the pillow behind me.

  “I plead the fifth,” she replied in a hushed tone as she spit out toothpaste.

  Hmm, so my come tasted like shit. No other girls had ever complained. Considering her hormonal state, I supposed bringing that up wouldn’t be wise.

  I reached to pick up my pants from the floor. After I pulled them on, I sat back with a pillow behind me.

  My arms welcomed her as she slipped back into bed. “We’ve been married twelve hours.” I yawned. “I’m beat. We have a lot to figure out in the next week. I’m sure you’re tired, baby,” I uttered when she placed her head on my bare chest.

  “I am bushed. I’m trying not to think about all the decisions we have to make.”

  “My love, let me handle everything. I don’t want you worrying about anything. I can take care of it all.” I promised.

  “How did you get so much older in one day?” she gushed.

  “Maybe I had to. Maybe I wanted to. I prayed for this life. Well, minus our parents interfering, but nevertheless, I can do this. The only apprehensions I have involve you and the baby. Past those, I have no concerns. We have a home and a business. The first thing we’ll do tomorrow is find the best obstetrician Fairbanks has to offer. I want to know everything about this pregnancy and whether you are able to continue working at the clinic.”

  She kissed my nipple. “I’m sure I can work just fine.”

  I lifted her chin. “I’ve never done this and neither have you. Let the doctor make the recommendations. I’m not ruling out working, but I won’t have you or my child at risk. If we have to, we can hire temporary help. And I have a feeling my mom and dad will be sticking around, too.” I sighed. “You do realize that Kathy and the others are going to be overwhelmed and probably downright shocked about us.”

  “Kathy won’t be shocked. Before I confirmed what I suspected, she went with me to buy pregnancy tests. I used them at her house. Even her husband knows.”

  My jaw dropped. I’d always considered Kathy an ally, but women always stuck together.

  Jesus, I hoped she didn’t think I threw Gabe out and fired her because she was pregnant. “So Kathy must think I’m a jerk.”

  “Oh no, Riley, not even. She defended you profusely. I confessed that I was the culprit. I even told her I lied to you and that I never told you that I suspected I was pregnant. I even disclosed who my mother was and what she had done. That surprised her much more than me being pregnant. She had heard the rumors for many years and was familiar with the stories. She’s a good friend, not only to me, but she thinks of you as family.”

  I digested everything my wife had just declared. Kathy had been part of Protected Paws for almost fifteen years. Of course she knew about the skeletons in my family’s closet.

  “I’m glad you had her as a confidant. You needed a friend, and I couldn’t have chosen anyone more loyal than her.”

  My wife yawned, which in turn made me yawn again as I snuggled into her.

  I knew Gabe was patiently waiting for the days to get longer, which meant sunlight more consistent with what she was used to. Growing up here, I was accustomed to living a few months a year plagued by darkness. And I wanted to stay here. Alaska was not only my home, but the clinic would be mine one day. We had everything here, including a business. I prayed Gabe wouldn’t want to move back to California eventually. Though, it almost made sense she would want to live in a place that was familiar.

  She’d only come here because of that damn box. Relocating to Alaska had been a way of punishing her mother. I truly wanted to investigate the keepsakes. I wanted to understand my wife. Aunt Trina had always thought Carrie had a mental breakdown because of my dad. Gabe wasn’t related to her by blood, but Carrie had raised her for twenty years. It was reasonable to believe that my wife bore some emotional scars due to the loss of her father and finding out her mother’s notorious past.

  My dad had been physically abused by his father. His tattoos hid his life raised by a monster. He never talked to me about it, but my cousins, the twins, had eavesdropped on several conversations between their parents. The knowledge they gave me made it easier to understand my dad’s helicopter parenting. He had smothered me ever since I could remember. He’d worked hard to protect me from his past and not become his father.

  I needed to know more about the box Gabe had found in her mother’s closet, which had driven my wife to lose it. Maybe if I did, I would be able to comprehend her behavior and what had caused her mother to do the things she’d done in the past. I believed Carrie when she admitted how much she loved Gabe’s father. But I also believed she had loved my dad so many years ago.

  I stretched as Gabe snored softly, my mind keeping me awake. Would I be a decent father? How about a good husband? I had told her not to worry because in reality I had enough concern for both of us. She had drunk wine and been under a great deal of stress when she hadn’t known she was pregnant. I hadn’t a clue about any of this. In truth, I was flying blind. I played a good game acting as though I were mature enough to juggle a wife, a business, and a baby.

  Squeezing my eyes tightly, I begged for sleep. A while later, I finally shut down, but my dreams continued to invade my slumber.



  T he week started with us sneaking away to find a doctor. I called Kathy and told her what was happening, asking if she would make sure the clinic ran smoothly and let my backup know I would need him for another week. She also referred us to a well-known obstetrician, Dr. Spence. We were able to get an appointment that afternoon.

  We met my parents and Gabe’s mom for breakfast. I had to chuckle at my wife’s appetite.

  “Just for your information, I’ve had to watch my weight all of my life. Finally, I can eat guilt free because all this food is for two,” she announced as she ate another forkful of hash browns.

  My mom nodded. “Chow down now because you’ll still have to watch your weight. We got hosed on this eating for two. The doctor will make sure you don’t gain too much weight. You’d think they’d cut us a break, considering we are the ones pushing out a watermelon through our—”

  My spoon clattered to the table. “Mom, for God’s sake, we’re trying to eat and you’re scaring the shit out of Gabe,” I complained as I grabbed my wife’s hand.

  “Should I sugarcoat childbirth?” my mom argued.

  As if on cue, my dad, Carrie, and I all exclaimed, “Yes!”

  “I know you think you’re being helpful, Ryan, but I’m sure Gabriella’s frightened enough. She’ll find out soon enough what to expect when she goes to the doctor,” my dad noted, comically scolding my mom.

  “Okay, my lips are sealed.” She promised, frowning as she pretended to zip her mouth.

  Dad appeared amused. “I only wish you would have pledged that when we were younger,” he retorted.

  Mom playfully flipped off my dad, and he responded with a kiss.

  Carrie remained silent, which I guess was not normal.

  “Are you all right, Mother?” Gabe asked.

  She put down her teacup. “I’m fine. Just listening and happy because I know you will be loved and taken care of.”

  “Wait. You’re going to be here. I thought you’d be staying and helping me through this.”

  “Gabriella, I’m leaving you in go
od hands. If I stayed, there would be chaos. We have to be honest. Nothing I could ever do would erase what I did. And it shouldn’t. I should wear my past like an albatross around my neck. Ryan, you have always been gracious from the day you forgave me, but you, Shea… Having me here is a constant reminder of what you almost lost. My daughter is going to need three stable people, and I’m glad it’s you two and Riley.

  “We can Skype all the time, and anytime you need me, I’m only a phone call away. And you can count on me to be here before you give birth. I want to be able to hold my first grandchild. Don’t cry, Gabriella. I’ll be fine, and anytime you want, I can fly over.”

  “But, Mother, I don’t want you to be alone,” Gabe sobbed.

  “My dear daughter, you came here with a ploy to never return. I’ve been alone since your father passed. I may travel or join a singles club. I’m still young, and even though no one can replace your father, I don’t want to spend the rest of my life by myself.”

  I consoled my wife.

  My dad seemed content with Carrie’s idea. I wondered if he had anything to do with this. I looked helplessly at Mom as she glared daggers at Dad munching gleefully on a waffle. My parents were still staying in a hotel, and I bit my tongue before offering that they come back to the house with us. I knew there was a fight brewing on the horizon, and I didn’t want Gabe to be involved.

  As we finished our food in virtual silence, I felt for my wife. What if my parents decided to go back to Florida? I mean, they had a house and they’d started a rescue. If I was man enough to get a woman pregnant and marry her, should I rely on them?

  Income was no problem. I had money in a trust left to me from a grandmother I’d never met, and the clinic was booming. The house and my truck were paid off. I still wanted to get Gabe a safety vehicle, and we needed to prepare for our baby, but all of this was doable.

  The server brought the check, and my dad and I argued over who was paying. It was all for display as he made a grab for the receipt and tossed four twenties on top.

  Everyone stood. It was embarrassing that five adults didn’t know how to say good-bye to each other.


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