Stalked (Rogues Shifter #2)

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Stalked (Rogues Shifter #2) Page 2

by Gayle Parness

  “It’s so nice to meet you Jackie.” She sent her warm expression over to me and so I did my best, but only managed to force out a thin smile.

  “It’s nice to meet you too.” I said to Serena through a slightly clenched jaw. “Who’s this?” I sent to Garrett.

  Garrett sent, “Let’s talk in the bedroom.” He turned back to Serena. “Could you excuse us for a moment? Please make yourself comfortable. Grab something to eat if you’d like. Samson, come with us, boy.”

  “Sure, take your time.” Serena smiled and sat down on the couch while Samson and I followed Garrett into the bedroom. He shut the door behind us and took my hand, leading me to the bed and sitting next to me.

  “I need to feed, Jackie. Serena is one of the shifters that I feed from when I’m staying here “

  “Feed from me.”

  “No. It will weaken you. It's important that you're able to think clearly at dinner and during the meeting. I need to take a little more than usual, so that I’m at my best.” I stared at him and said nothing, afraid that I might blurt out something angry. “I feed from shifters several times a week when we’re at home.”

  I forced myself to sound calm. “Not in front of me. I don't know them personally. He said nothing. Where are you planning on enjoying your meal?”

  “I could bring her in here.”

  I looked at the bed with its luxurious sheets and comforter and pictured them curled up together on it. “That’s so not going to happen.”

  He shrugged, still trying to be reasonable. “I could go to her room.”

  I looked at him in disbelief. “You must want me to kill her.”

  Several dots of silver popped to life in his azure eyes. “You’re being ridiculous and unreasonable.”

  He was seriously upset with me, and I couldn't really blame him. His skin had felt cold when he'd led me to the table, so he’d waited too long already. He might even be in pain. It was just that I’d never actually met one of his donors and Serena was, well, she was very pretty. I looked at him as he tried to hide his irritation and I felt a flash of guilt. He needed to be in top form tonight and I was being a bitch and not showing him that I trusted him.

  I sighed. “Okay, I’m sorry. I am being unreasonable. Go ahead and feed from her on the couch and I’ll take a very slow shower. When I get out, I’d better not hear any heavy breathing.” I grabbed his shirt and pulled him toward me to kiss him deeply, giving him a reason to think of me while he fed. When we pulled apart he was smiling again and his eyes were clear of silver. “Have fun,” I sent a little sarcastically, pushing him gently toward the door. He grinned a sexy grin and shook his head, chuckling, as I headed off toward the bathroom.

  When I finished my shower, Garrett was sitting on the bed reading. His skin had a pinkish glow and his eyes sparkled with energy, so the feeding must have gone well. I still felt guilty about how I’d acted, so I crawled over to him, still covered in a large towel, and wrapped my arms around his now warm chest. “I’m sorry that I’m a jealous idiot.”

  “I’d probably feel the same way if things were reversed. But if you saw how it was when I fed from them, you wouldn’t be upset at all.” He ran his fingers over my arm and I cuddled closer.

  “Hmm. Somehow I don’t think that would be the case. I’d see how much they were enjoying it and it would make me crazy. Has she left?”

  “Yes, she’s sleeping. I had someone carry her back to her room.”

  I giggled, reaching out with my hand to run my fingers through his hair. “Greedy vampire.” He was just leaning over to kiss me when we heard another knock on the door.

  Garrett gave me a peck on the cheek, not what I’d been hoping for, and got up to answer it. I heard Liam’s voice and decided that I should think about getting dressed for tonight’s meeting.

  My clothes were already laid out so I got into them quickly and then ran a comb through my damp hair. I’d already been warned that electric outlets were rare in faerie because everything that the fae needed ran on magical energy. Cell phones only worked if the council gave their permission, which was usually in an emergency situation where someone outside of Faerie needed to be contacted. We had permission to use ours as long as it was in our room and wasn’t more than a few times a day. Apparently the fae were sensitive to the waves sent out and received by the phones. Only the very youngest of the fae had ever used a computer.

  Liam had suggested that I wear a dress to the first meeting, explaining that fae females dressed in a feminine way at meetings of this kind, but that I should also try to look powerful. I took that to mean edgy-chic, so I chose a form fitting silk-dress in my favorite shade of emerald green with a moderate v neck and a slight slit on the side. It wasn’t too short, the hem was just above my knee, but the slit gave it a sexy touch. I added a pair of black heels and a simple silver and emerald necklace and earring set that Garrett had given me to go with the dress. I shook my blonde hair out to let the air dry it into its natural thick waves, applied some lipstick and mascara and walked out into the common room.

  The two men turned to look at me when I entered. Judging by their expressions, the outfit was a success.

  Garrett moved toward me. “Jacqueline, you look amazing, tres belle. Very beautiful. The Fae Elders will not be expecting such a powerful vision.“

  “I've heard that fae women are the most beautiful of all the supernaturals. But I have something they don't." I took hold of his wrist. On it was etched a sapphire colored cheetah's eye with a black tear stripe running down to his index finger. I had a matching mark on my wrist, although mine was tinted with the green of my eyes.

  He lifted my hand and kissed my mark very sweetly. “They are not more beautiful than other females. They are perhaps, more magical. You'll outshine them all tonight, my love." Out loud he said, "I’d better get ready, so we don’t keep Lord Caelen waiting.”

  As Garrett left the room, I turned to Liam and smiled. “Would you like to sit down?” Liam was wearing a tunic in a vibrant shade of blue, black pants and a wide leather belt with a familiar knife attached in its sheath. He'd lent me this same blade for my battle with Antoine, a powerful vampire from Eleanor’s nest. I'd defeated him, thanks partly to this amazing fae blade. I wondered if it was just ceremonial to wear a weapon to a council meeting or if he thought there might be some kind of trouble.

  Liam nodded and sat on the couch as I sat in the chair across from him. His golden hair fell down to his shoulders in lovely waves and his intense violet eyes looked worried. “How are you this evening, Liam? Was it nice to see your family?”

  “Yes, it’s always wonderful to spend time with my father, brother and mothers. I’m looking forward to introducing you.”

  “How often do you get to see them?”

  “I'm home most evenings, but don't often get to spend time with them all together in one place, as my father and mothers are extremely busy with official business. Every cycle of the moon, we make a point of sharing a meal. I see my brother more often."

  He changed the subject smoothly. “I thought that perhaps we could go over some of the standard rules for a meeting like this, just to refresh your memory.”

  “Yes of course.” I sighed and gritted my teeth. We’d done this before we left, but I knew better than to argue about it.

  “You must address the Elders as Lord or Lady. If anyone else is introduced to you as a Lord or Lady then you must address them as such. You should not speak in anger. You must remain calm even if what is being said is irritating you. Some discussions can go on for awhile and I know how—impatient you are. Don't let your anger run away with your common sense.”

  Liam always had a way of cracking the shell and getting right to the yolk, which sometimes annoyed the heck out of me. I scowled at him. “Gee, I wouldn’t want to embarrass you, since you’re being held responsible for my training. Maybe you can pull up some kind of vocal paralysis spell in case I say the wrong thing.”

  He twisted his mouth in an uncharac
teristic smirk. “That might be a very good idea.” I huffed in annoyance, then realized I was being silly. We were on his home turf, after all. I should be paying attention and not doing exactly what he'd accused me of.

  He continued despite my grumpiness.“You can answer questions, but don’t give more information than necessary. Speak calmly. You must not use any of your powers on anyone here in Faerie; including your healing powers. And try not to show weakness, because the Elders and their families will be observing you closely. They respect Garrett. They respect his judgment. They will want to see if he has chosen well.”

  I sighed, feeling more than a little overwhelmed. “Do you think he’s chosen well?” I didn’t mean to put him on the spot but his opinion meant a lot to me and I knew he wouldn’t lie, even to spare my feelings.

  “Garrett could not have chosen better.” He took my hand in his and smiled reassuringly at me, but I saw in Liam’s eyes a tiny flash of regret, hidden behind his happiness for us.

  It disappeared quickly. “Someone will be here in a few minutes to take you to dinner and the meeting.” He nodded, turned away gracefully, and left.

  As I stared at the door feeling slightly unsettled, Samson trotted over then rested his huge head in my lap. I scratched him behind the ears and whispered, “Samson, you’re such a good boy. I’m sorry you have to stay in the room while we go out, but I’ll make sure someone takes you for a walk while we’re gone.”

  “Samson’s coming with us.” Garrett was standing in the doorway, his hair still a little damp from his shower, a couple of strands hanging over his eyes. He’d decided to dress professionally in a dark gray suit, lighter gray shirt and a thin black tie. He looked scrumptious.

  I walked over and leaned against him, playing with his auburn hair to get it to fall just right. “Do you think they’ll allow Samson at the meeting?”

  “Lord Caelen is curious about him. Liam thinks he has some fae-hound blood. Also Liam can communicate with him if he gets rambunctious.” Garrett pulled me in closer and nuzzled behind my left ear. I had a birthmark there that he liked to target, since we’d discovered recently that it was a very sensitive spot—in a good way.

  “I could get rambunctious too.” I was just tilting my head to kiss him when someone knocked firmly on the door.

  We both laughed at our apparent inability to have a moment to ourselves. Garrett opened the door and there stood another handsome fae dressed in a plain rust colored tunic in a similar style to Liam's. His waist length hair was a very pale blonde and his large eyes were more of a lavender shade, which indicated that he was younger than most of the others.

  He nodded to us as he said our names. “Garrett Cuvier and Jacqueline Crawford Cuvier, I’m Farrell, the youngest child of Lady Jorrenn. I'm here to escort you to dinner with Lord Caelen and Lady Silvus followed by a meeting with the Fae Elders."He spoke without any fae accent and was much more enthusiastic than the other fae I’d met so far. His handsome grin was dazzling: total movie star material.

  “It’s very nice to meet you, Farrell.“ He was pleased by my friendly greeting. When I nodded back, feeling a little awkward, he smiled good naturedly.

  Garrett grabbed Samson’s leash and put his arm around my waist. “We’re ready.”

  Chapter Three

  After walking along another misty, seemingly floorless hallway, we ended up in front of a set of double doors painted a dark brown. It looked like the doors to any large meeting room, but I was very anxious to see the room beyond, hoping for something spectacular. Farrell opened the doors and I was disappointed to see that the room looked rather ordinary and utilitarian. It was quite large and there was a table for eight set up with lovely place settings and a small floral arrangement. It kind of felt like a table you’d see at a mediocre wedding reception. I sighed quietly and hoped that maybe the solstice celebration tomorrow night would be more colorful.

  When we entered the room, four pairs of purple eyes and one pair of brown turned to look at us, making my throat dry up instantly. Garrett had quietly transferred the leash to me, since Liam felt it was important for them to see how Samson related to me. I smiled feebly at the group and then glanced around the room in curiosity, trying unsuccessfully to hide my nervousness.

  Garrett placed his hand on my lower back in a gesture meant to calm me and we walked toward them, stopping about ten feet from their table. He nodded and smiled at the five fae seated at the table and gave my hand a short squeeze. I only recognized Liam, but he was sitting next to a woman who shared his smile and who I assumed must be his mother. I felt relieved when Liam stood up and walked gracefully over to us to make the introductions.

  Liam first introduced me to the handsome male fae who sat at the head of the table. “Jacqueline this is Lord Caelen, my father. Father, this is Jacqueline Crawford Cuvier, Garrett’s lifemate.” Lord Caelen stood and nodded solemnly, not offering his hand, as it wasn't the fae custom to do so.

  He was extremely tall, maybe 6’7”, with thick blonde hair the same golden shade as Liam’s, hanging all the way down to his waist. He had it tied back with a wide leather band etched with similar designs to those I’d seen on the arch. His large eyes were a very deep shade of purple and they pulled me into their depths like the moon did the tides. I quickly built up my walls but stopped myself from taking a step back, thinking it might be interpreted as rudeness or worse, weakness. His innate power was extraordinary and he smiled as he noticed my hesitation.

  “It's a pleasure to meet you, Jacqueline."

  "It’s a pleasure to meet you too, Lord Caelen,” I managed to squeak out, my voice cracking and my breathing coming a little fast. I sighed, disappointed that I hadn’t made the confident impression I’d hoped for.

  “Please sit next to me." He indicated the chair to his left. "Farrell, please take the hound to the kitchen to eat, let him run and then bring him back. He'll enjoy being in Faerie.”

  After handing the leash to Farrell, I sat as gracefully as I could, forcing myself to stay calm. There was something about sitting at a table surrounded by beautiful aliens that made me feel like I was in a Twilight Zone episode.

  Lord Caelen pointed toward another chair. “Garrett, if you could please sit next to Lady Silvus?” Garrett sat across from me with Lord Caelen’s wife to his right. On Lord Caelen’s immediate right and Garrett's left, was a handsome man with long dark hair like his mother’s and deep purple eyes, the same shape as his father’s, wearing a fancy royal blue tunic. Blue must be the family colors.

  Liam introduced me to the rest of the party. This is my brother, Aedus, and his mother, Lady Silvus, my father’s wife. And this is my mother, Lady Erin. Garrett, I believe you know everyone here.” We nodded to each other as Liam sat down next to his mother.

  Lady Silvus, Lord Caelen’s wife and Aedus' mother, was spectacularly beautiful with shining chestnut hair and large purple eyes which shone with flecks of gold. She wore a long gown of light blue silk and her skin was flawless and glowing with health. Her smile, however, was cold and I was surprised to see that she looked bored.

  On the other hand, Lady Erin smiled warmly at me, her long thick red hair tumbled about her head in gorgeous curls. Her honey brown eyes did not shine with gold, but with welcome instead. I liked her instantly. Her dress was a simple one in sapphire blue with narrow gold trim and an empire waist. She was human and looked much too young to be Liam’s mother.

  Garrett had already explained that Lord Caelen would have both his wife and his concubine in attendance. To see them sitting there calmly, not clawing the other’s eyes out, was interesting to say the least. He’d also explained that although Lady Erin was human and her son Liam was over 1500 years old, one of the benefits for a human living in Faerie was a complete halt to the aging process. When she’d agreed to be Lord Caelen’s mistress, over 1500 years ago, she’d stayed forever twenty-two years old. If she ever left him and returned to our world, she'd dissolve into dust. However, judging from the loving way she looke
d at her mate, I guessed she'd be continuing her life with him in Faerie. I was happy to see the same amount of love in her eyes when she spoke to her son.

  As the first course was being served, a delicious smelling soup, Lord Caelen turned to Garrett and asked, “I trust that all is well with you?”

  “As you see, Lord Caelen, my life has never been happier.” Garrett smiled, the corners of his eyes crinkling up in my favorite way. I returned his smile and allowed my nervous tension to melt away.

  “Jacqueline, perhaps you could tell us how you met our Garrett?” I told the story of how Garrett had noticed me running on a deserted road, and had followed me home and continued to watch me. He suspected that I was a cheetah shifter, as he’d been, and that I would someday have the power to use the magic of the lines. After noticing that I was having the usual signs of a first shift, he’d enlisted Rob’s help. Then after my first transition two months ago, he’d introduced himself to me in person and had started to teach me how to use my unique talents

  “And can you manipulate the lines?” This question was much more direct. His eyes had fixed on mine, and although he wouldn’t touch my mind without permission as it was a terrible breach of etiquette, I knew that he easily could, even with my walls up and reinforced.

  “Yes, but I have so much more to learn.” Magical cords of power wove through the air surrounding him, their colors vibrant against the background of the dull walls. Lord Caelen was powerful enough to stop my heart with only a thought or shred my mind with a blink of his deep violet eyes. Still, I forced myself to look at him directly without showing fear. This was Garrett’s ally and I needed his respect.

  He glanced at Liam. “My son is helping you?"

  Liam was quiet for a moment. "Yes, Father. She has learned quickly and is an excellent student.” Liam and I had sworn an oath not to reveal to anyone other than Garrett that he was training me. The fae guarded their secrets with their lives and so Lord Caelen was probably not too happy about the situation. I hoped that Liam wasn't in trouble. They seemed to speak mentally for a few moments then Lord Caelen turned his attention back to me.


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