Stalked (Rogues Shifter #2)

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Stalked (Rogues Shifter #2) Page 21

by Gayle Parness

  “Thank you. Tell her I was asking about her and that she can call me tonight if she wants to talk.”

  “I will.” We said our goodbyes and I felt better when I hung up. Ethan was next.

  “You had more trouble with Kennet.” Ethan’s voice was tight with rage, although I was shocked that he'd heard about it so quickly. I replayed the whole story from start to finish, including the confrontation with the weres, the rescue of the fae, my taking in Bridgett then handing her off to Maya, and finally my dream and my quick recovery, thanks to Lord Caelen.

  “Maya will take good care of her. Look, Sinc, Kyle and I think that we should be there to protect you when Garrett’s not up, so we’re coming over to stay until this whole business is over with Kennet. Don’t argue, we’ll be there in two hours. We’re stopping first to get groceries. Sinc and I will do all the cooking and Kyle will do the laundry.”

  “Ethan, I appreciate your offer, but I have three vampires living in my basement. I have Liam staying overnight and Garrett’s with me most of the time. You're very sweet, but I don’t need any more protection.”

  “We’re coming, even if we have to sleep on your front lawn. If you have to go out, a couple of us will always be with you. It’ll be better all around, Jackie.”

  They wanted to help in the worst way and they’d probably felt left out of all the excitement lately. It would be good to have them here where I could keep an eye on them, safe from Kennet’s grasp. And maybe I did need them. I felt like I was walking on the edge these days, flipping end over end down a long hill, praying that I wouldn’t crash when I reached the bottom. With my team here, I’d be able to relax and maybe even have some fun.

  “Okay, we’ll try it. But I’m going to send you home if you make my life any crazier than it is already."

  Ethan laughed. "We're low maintenance."

  "You are, but Sinc and Kyle?"

  "Will be on their best behavior."

  "I'm holding you responsible."


  "I’ll get the upstairs bedrooms ready for you.”

  “See you in two hours.” He sounded so excited.

  “And who are we getting the upstairs ready for?” Garrett was leaning against the doorway, looking scrumptious in jeans and no shirt. “And why is there a ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign on your door when you’re out here?”

  I smiled. “To answer the second question, Liam is sleeping in my room and I told him he could stay as long as he wants. He’s really out of whack from the last twenty-four hours.”

  He swayed gracefully toward me and took me in his arms. “I’m very glad you worked things out with him.” He kissed me gently. “But where are you sleeping if he’s in your room?” he teased.

  “In your room, which is really our room isn’t it?” I kissed him back a little harder and felt his fangs lower, so I stuck my tongue in his mouth and pierced it on the sharp point. I heard him hiss and begin to suck until he’d swallowed several drops. There were tiny silver dots dancing in his beautiful eyes as he kissed me again. I melted against his firm body and sighed.

  Stroking my hair, he grinned at me playfully. “Well that was wonderful, angel, but I believe I never got an answer to my first question.”

  “Ethan, Sinc and Kyle.” I started to kiss his bare shoulder, but he pushed me gently away and held me at arm's length.

  “Did you just say, Ethan, Sinc and Kyle?” I nodded. “Are we having a party? Do they not want to drive home after the festivities so they’re staying just the one night?”

  “They’re staying until Kennet isn’t a threat anymore.”

  “Do you feel that this is wise considering that our guests in the basement are very fond of shifter blood?” He was smiling, but I could tell he was a little stunned that I’d agreed to this.

  I smiled and ran my hand down his chest and over his stomach. “You can control your nest, Garrett.”

  He closed his eyes, definitely enjoying the caress. “Can you control the team, Jackie?”

  “Theoretically, it’s Ethan who’s supposed to control the team, but I’ll lay down some rules when they get here and you can do the same with your nest. It'll be fine.” I looked up into his eyes with a touch of longing. “I’ll be glad to have them around.”

  He smiled at my honesty. “And that’s the reason we’re going upstairs together to get everything ready for them.” He lifted my chin to look closely at my face. “But are you sure you’re feeling well enough?”

  “I’m perfect. All I needed was a dose of gooey green medicine and a heart to heart with our sleepy fae friend.” He grinned as he took my hand and we started toward the stairs.

  “What’s up?” Sasha was standing in the doorway that Garrett had vacated thirty seconds ago.

  “You get up early too?” I asked, feeling a little put-out.

  “Garrett and I were turned the same year. I’ve been a vampire two months longer than him, so yeah, pretty much. Of course Garrett was a hundred year old cheetah shifter when he was turned and I was only a 25 year old human, so magically he's stronger. I can’t stay out in the late afternoon sunlight like he can. A quick dash is all I can manage. And I need blood…I can’t do that energy drain thing.”

  “Please tell me that Heinrich and William sleep until sundown.”

  “Well usually they’re up around five.” He smiled at my obvious irritation. “Do you want me to stay downstairs for awhile?”

  I had an idea. “Actually, you can help. We have more guests coming. How are you with a vacuum?”

  “I guess we’ll find out today.” Sasha grinned and seemed happy to be asked to join us. That smile might disappear when I tell him to clean the bathroom. I snickered and directed him to the broom closet.

  “It should be another entertaining evening,” said Garrett mischievously nuzzling my ear.

  I narrowed my eyes and put my fists on my hips in mock annoyance. “I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself. Would you rather dust or make up beds?”

  Chapter Twenty-four

  We finished in about fifteen minutes due to mind boggling vampire speed and the fact that Liam had managed to keep the upstairs fully stocked and sparkling clean. The three bedrooms were lovely and there were two full bathrooms and a common room with a large flat screen TV and comfy couches and chairs. There was a balcony which overlooked the woods off the common room and a small fridge which we stocked with water bottles, beer and soda. There was also a piano.

  “Why don’t we move it downstairs near your violin and guitar? There’s plenty of room. Aaron can come over and the two of you can entertain us.” I thought that this was one of my best ideas ever. I’d loved it when he’d played for me and he seemed to have enjoyed it so much himself.

  “How do you propose we get it down there?” Garrett was smiling.

  “What does it take for four strong vampires to move a piano down a flight of stairs?”

  Sasha chuckled. “That sounds like the opening line to a joke. Hmmm, let's see. How about this for the punch line: the blood of three shifters?” His fangs were poking out.

  “I think a better punch line would be ‘The threat of being staked outside in the sun’.” He shrugged sheepishly.

  Garrett was laughing. “How about we leave the piano up here and I walk upstairs carrying the violin or guitar?” We all laughed, agreeing that was the best idea.

  At 5:00 PM we heard the two cars pull up. I opened the door and got lifted into Ethan’s arms and kissed enthusiastically on the forehead. “I was worried about you. I’m so glad you’re okay.”

  I kissed him back on the cheek. “How are you feeling?”

  “I’m as good as new.”

  “Better.” Sinc said as she waltzed into the room. “How are you, Jackie? “ She hugged me and then looked me over. “You seem a little tired. Are you sleeping okay? I have some great bath salts that you can put in the tub to relax you. Works wonders.”

  “Hey Ethan, can you give me some help out here?” Kyle was trying to carry i
n as much of the luggage as he could.

  Sasha was a blur as he moved through the door and then back into the foyer carrying four suitcases. Kyle followed behind with the rest of the bags. “Thanks.” He put down the luggage and stuck out his hand toward Sasha. ”I’m Kyle.”

  “Sasha,” he said as he shook Kyle’s hand and smiled, taking in a slow deep breath and licking his bottom lip. Kyle laughed at Sasha’s blatant come-on, taking back his hand and shaking his head. “Sorry, man. I’m mated and I’m definitely not a donor.”

  Ethan walked over and extended his hand, all the while keeping an arm wrapped tightly around Sinc. “I’m Ethan and I think you've met Sinc. We’re together.” Ethan wasn’t going to put up with any of Sasha’s shit either.

  Taking the hint, Sasha shook Ethan’s hand firmly and then bowed slightly to Sinc. “Hello Ethan. Sinc, it’s nice to see you again.” He looked from one to the other breathing in deeply, and then sighed, a little disappointed.

  Garrett snapped him out of it. “Sash, downstairs please, now. I'll be down in a few minutes. When the others get up you can all go out to feed.” Sasha nodded, grinning again, and headed for the stairs. Garrett winked at me and then left to make some calls from his office.

  “He’s living in your basement?” Sinc asked, ignoring Ethan's scowl. She was staring after Sash, who'd taken his time leaving the room. Definite eye candy.

  Okay, so this was a good time for a talk. “Could you put everything down and sit for a minute?” They made themselves comfortable, looking at me curiously.

  “Garrett has full control over his nest, but you need to use your heads when you’re around them, especially that one. Francois, Eleanor’s maker, has a very powerful seductive charisma. Eleanor inherited it from him and she passed on that power to Garrett and Sasha, The other two vamps didn't inherit that particular gift, but they're all fond of shifter blood. Heinrich is enormous but very polite and respectful. William seems nerdy and sweet, but you can never underestimate any of them. They can rip out your heart in a flash. Garrett will kill them for it, but you’d already be dead."

  Kyle laughed.“Thanks for that visual. At least Sinc’s safe.” He mouthed no heart as he drew a heart shape over his chest, adding a diagonal line. Kyle grinned at his joke while she flipped him off.

  I ignored them.“Shifters and the fae are their favorite snack because our blood is more potent. They’ve only been feeding from volunteer donors at local clubs. They’re probably antsy and bored. To them you’re a walking talking gourmet buffet and the fact that you’d fight back is just more of an enticement. If you get confrontational with any of them, there could be serious consequences."

  “Jackie, I think we can control ourselves.” Sinc put her hand in Ethan’s.

  “I just want you to be absolutely clear about everything. We’re having a house built for them so they won’t be in the basement more than a couple of months.”

  “You’re building a house for them?” Sinc looked shocked.

  “Next door.” I nodded.

  “I guess we’ll be seeing a lot of them.” Kyle shrugged.

  “You’re going to be working together. Garrett's making them part of the Rogues team. They’ll be used where he thinks they’re needed." Ethan was scowling. "You’ll still be in charge of the shifter team, Ethan. The vamps will be a special unit under Garrett.” Ethan’s eyes narrowed in irritation. He wasn’t keen on taking orders from any vamp other than Garrett, but he was also smart enough to recognize the perks to having three extra members with superior strength and fighting skills.

  “Come upstairs and you can choose your rooms. It’s really nice up there.” We all went up together carrying various suitcases with Samson following close behind me. Ethan and Sinc chose the largest of the rooms to share and Kyle picked the one nearest the stairs.

  “It’s closest to the kitchen.” As slim as he was, Kyle seemed to always be hungry.

  “It’s okay for Peter to stay here too,” I said sincerely. Peter was a great guy and he had a way of keeping Kyle calmed down that was really useful.

  “Nah, he gets up so early for work. He’ll come over some evenings, though. Thanks anyway.”

  We walked into the common area and Ethan ran right over to the piano and started to play some scales. “It needs a good tuning,” he said, paying no attention to our shocked expressions. “I’m a little rusty, but I can still remember a few tunes. He started to play “Your Song” by Elton John, singing in a smooth, rich voice. Sinc slid her body onto the bench next to him and put her head on his shoulder. He was obviously singing it to her. Kyle and I beamed at them.

  “What are you guys waiting for?” Kyle asked when the song ended. “Just do the bonding thing, already.” He flopped down onto the couch and made himself comfortable.

  “Don’t think I haven’t tried.” Ethan said after glancing at Sinc.

  A tense look passed between them and then Sinc turned away and stood up. “I’m going to start dinner.” She walked quickly down the stairs. Ethan looked at us and sighed then started to play “Fields of Gold” by Sting.

  “I’ll help her with dinner. You guys hang out. I’ll try to see what’s up."

  “Witchy woman strikes again.” Kyle was grinning.

  “You’d better watch out, Kyle, or I’ll pull out my voodoo doll with the spiky blond hair and the tattoos.”

  “Hey no big deal, I’m into piercings.”

  I laughed and walked down the stairs. I heard Kyle arguing with Ethan about his song choice. The music changed to some faster Billy Joel song.

  Sinc was in the kitchen chopping vegetables. “I figured they’d send you.”

  “My idea.”

  “Well whatever. I’m not talking about it.”

  “He loves you.”

  “Not talking.” I waited while she chopped. “Look, you’re seventeen, you don’t know much about relationships.”

  I barked a laugh and then felt a flare of frustration. “You didn’t just say that.”

  “You’ve had one. One great relationship which will last forever and ever—happily ever after and all that.”

  “You could have that too.”

  “Look, people don’t change. I know what I am and Ethan deserves someone who isn’t going to stomp all over his heart.”

  “People can change. We’ve all changed. You’ve already changed. Do you think I’d be friends with that bitch who bit my leg the first time we met?”

  She choked on a giggle. Her voice grew softer as she confessed. “One day I’ll lose interest and start looking around for something else. It’s what I do, especially when things start getting too serious.” She just kept chopping with her back to me.

  ‘Is that happening now? Are you looking around?”

  “No, but I’m not the settling down type and Ethan is. I’ve tried to tell him. He's been more persistent lately, trying to get me to commit to something more permanent. This is when it usually starts.”

  I blurted out, surprising both of us, “Maybe you don’t think you deserve him.” She stopped chopping and looked at me. “How could anyone really love you when your own parents didn’t?”

  Now it was her turn to look irritated. “That sounds like some bullshit you heard on Oprah.” She turned away shaking her head. “I don’t want what most women want: raising a family in a sweet little home. I don’t want to hurt Ethan, but…”

  “Way too late for that. He adores you. Your auras match up. Your energy links together.”

  She turned around and glared at me. “I’m a moody bitch. I’m great with math and science but not with feelings. Sure, I talk a good talk, but it’s all surface chatter. I have no—no soul.” Her shoulders sagged again. “Ethan is all soul. He deserves someone more like him.”

  “But he loves who you are. And I see a lot of heart and soul in you. Look how you cared for him after the accident.”

  “I was frightened.” Her face had gone a little pale as she remembered that night. "But he’s gotten so serio
us lately. He asks me every day to make it permanent. I can’t handle being pushed.”

  “You didn’t feel this strongly about any of those others did you?”

  Her eyes glazed over. "Once. I had a first love. I thought he was everything. It didn't work out, but we were both really young." She smiled at me. "I'm crazy about Ethan. It's just that I know he can do better."

  “Did he tell you about his past?”

  “Yes, and it doesn’t change anything because he’s not that person anymore. Unfortunately, I’m—I'm still me. I’m not the woman he thinks I am. I wish I could be that woman, but I can’t.” She threw down the knife she was using and left the kitchen, walking back up the stairs and slamming her bedroom door.

  I sighed. My mojo was malfunctioning tonight. I picked up the knife and started to chop the veggies, having no clue what she was intending to make. Ethan appeared next to me taking the knife smoothly from my hand and then giving my shoulder a squeeze.

  “Get the barbecue going, Kyle.”

  “Sure, Ethan.” He grabbed a beer from the fridge and slipped through the patio doors.

  “Thanks for trying.”

  “She loves you. She doesn’t feel like she’s good enough for you.”

  “How do I make her see that she’s everything to me?” He frowned as he threw the veggies in a large bowl, added oil and spices, then wrapped them in foil for the grill.

  I shook my head. “If you keep talking about bonding, you may push her away.” He nodded and walked to the fridge to pull out steaks. He prepared them for the grill and took everything out to Kyle who was sipping his beer on the patio. I followed him outside. “Give her some time and then you can bring it up again. Try to be patient.”

  Kyle spoke up. "It won't help. She's not gonna change her mind. I've known her longer than either of you. She's carrying a torch for a wolf from her old pack. They were head over heels in love and then her pack leader threw her out. Her parents never even contacted her and neither did the guy. It fucked her up big time."

  Ethan kept his expression neutral. “You’re the designated griller tonight, Kyle.”


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