The Neighborhood Series (The Neighborhoood)

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The Neighborhood Series (The Neighborhoood) Page 27

by Tarrah Anders

  “How’s it going?” I ask.

  “Well, it would be going a lot different if you didn’t tell me that you’re hanging out with this guy,” Noah says with annoyance to his tone.

  “You guys know each other?” I ask, looking between them.

  “I know of him; he’s Val’s ex.”

  Chapter Seventy-Two

  Well, now I feel pretty freaking awkward standing here with my new guy, and he also appears to be someone from Valerie’s past.

  Valerie happens to be Noah’s girlfriend and someone that I hang out with on the regular. In fact, we were all supposed to get together tomorrow for a BBQ at Rhi and Luke’s house.

  Well, this is an interesting development.

  I look between the two guys. I don’t see too much animosity between the two, but I do see a little bit of irritation.

  “What brings you to Mercy?” Noah asks Darrel.

  Darrel pulls out the barstool, sits down, leans on the bar, and asks for the best that he has on tap.

  Noah flips a coaster down in front of him, pulls the tap, and places a glass in front of Darrel. He does the same with me, knowing my drink of choice being the light blonde beer that we have on tap.

  “I met Deb through a mutual friend, and we hit it off,” Darrel says cryptically.

  “A mutual friend?” Noah questions. “I thought I knew all your friends. I mean I doubt Val would introduce you guys, and she hasn’t mentioned to me that she’s spoken to you,” Noah says.

  Might as well let the cat out of the bag. Rhiannon will likely mention something anyways. I take a deep breath, glance at Darrel, and smile at Noah.

  “So, I have an agency that comes to my apartment a few times a week. I don’t - I mean didn’t - have a anything resembling a romantic relationship until very recently, and I was starved for human contact. So, I hired cuddlers, and that’s how I met Darrel.”

  Noah’s expression doesn’t change as he crosses his arms and widens his stance behind the bar.

  “I’m confused, what is a cuddler?” he asks.

  “It’s someone who would come and cuddle you. It’s in the name, easy as that,” I reply with a shrug.

  “And you paid people, random strangers, to hold you?” he asks.

  “I vetted them, we talked before the cuddles happened, and if I wasn’t okay with a cuddler, then the session wouldn’t happen.”

  “How many people do you cuddle with?” he asks.

  “In total, I’ve had three cuddlers. I have Mrs. Maxwell, who is like a grandmother. I’ve had Devin who was great, and then Darrel.”

  “Never mind that this is the weirdest shit that I’ve ever heard, but wouldn’t you want to keep your private life and your… I guess, professional life, private? Why would you cross the lines?” he asks, spreading out his arms.

  “Well, he’s no longer someone that I have cuddle appointments with, I only see Mrs. Maxwell now.”

  “You stopped your cuddle appointments, and now you have sex appointments,” Noah laughs turning to Darrel. “I thought you worked in medicine or something?”

  “Medic. I needed a break, and a friend referred me to Cuddle Puddle.”

  “This is just so weird,” Noah mutters to himself. “Your relationship with Val, it wasn’t a shitty ending, and from what I hear, you treated her fairly. So, then why the attitude?”

  “She’s the one who broke it off with me, man. I didn’t even know where she moved to. It’s been two years since I’ve seen her, let alone talked to her,” Darrel says with his palm up, facing Noah. “I’m not here by any means to try to get her back; no offense, but I haven’t even thought about her.”

  “Dude, I’m secure in our relationship, I know. But Deb here is not only an employee of mine, but she is a friend. We’re family here. I just want to make sure that - well actually, this whole situation is frankly odd, but um, good for you guys,”

  “Thanks,” I reply, not knowing what else to say.

  “I guess I should let Val know, not to make the BBQ tonight too awkward, but I guess it’s nice to meet you. As long as you don’t screw over Deb here, I have no problem with you.” Noah holds his hand out and Darrel takes his hand to shake.

  “Can I get a menu?” I ask, once the manly shake is finished.

  “What are you new here? You know the menu like the back of your hand,” Noah laughs, turning around to the back of the bar and grabbing a menu.

  “It’s for him,” I offer in explanation. “He’s had Percy’s burgers, but there are other wondrous things on that menu that I’m sure he’ll like too.”

  “Ah yes, well, Percy has revamped the menu in he recent months. It’s more of a culinary experience than just a bar food experience here now.” Noah smiles wiping his hand on the towel hanging off his pocket.

  “You sound like an infomercial,” I joke.

  “You sound like an informercial!” Noah says back in a singsong tone making fun of me making fun of him.

  Chapter Seventy-Three

  The rest of the weekend went great. There were zero weird interactions between Val and Darrel at the BBQ, and there was a lot more amazing sex had.

  After Darrel left to go back to Hollybrooke on Sunday night, I had a drink at The Neighborhood with Valerie just to make sure that she and I were okay.

  She swayed her hips as she walked over to the booth I sat in, purposely giving Noah an eyeful with a smirk tossed over her shoulder.

  “Hey, girl,” she says with a smile, dropping her bag across the booth.

  “Hey,” I reply while she slides into her seat across from me.

  “Everything okay?” She asks.

  “I just wanted to, you know, meet up and talk. We’re friends, and I wasn’t aware that I was now dating an ex of yours until Noah and Darrel met. It’s like a code, and if you’re not okay with it, then I definitely don’t want that coming between our friendship,” I say quickly.

  “Deb, I genuinely appreciate it, but you don’t have to worry about it. I broke up with him; I’m not lusting after him, and besides, I don’t think the relationship was that serious to begin with. Noah just doesn’t like the thought, as silly as it is, that I had relationships with other people before he came along. He likes to get all alpha-male on me and pretend that I’ve only ever belonged to him.”

  “Do you mind if I ask why you broke up with him?” I ask hesitantly.

  “We dated for maybe a year, I met him at the tail end of him going to school to become a medic, and he was busy. I was busy, and I knew that my endgame wasn’t in Hollybrooke. I wanted a simpler existence, hence coming to Mercy. While Darrel was busy graduating and starting his first job on a medic team, I was applying to jobs all throughout the state. I liked him, but I honestly didn’t see the relationship as lasting, and he knew it too. We passed the time with one another for a brief period of our lives. We had a good time together, but it was never something as serious and lasting as what Noah and I have. So, you and Darrel dating. I’m happy to see two people that I know be happy. If he makes you happy, then go for it.”

  “Thank you. If I would have known, I would have come to you sooner, but-.”

  “Like I said, as long as he makes you happy, I’m happy.”

  “You sound like Noah.” I smile over my glass.

  “I do spend a lot of time with him, so that makes sense!” she says with a laugh, signaling for Wyatt to come and take our order.

  My phone rings and startles me. I’m situated on the floor surrounded by homework and snacks. The screen shows that Darrel is calling, and I smile before answering.

  “Hey there, how was your day?” I ask him.

  “Shit, it was complete shit,” he says on an exasperated sigh.

  “Oh no, what happened?” I ask, putting down my highlighter and leaning against my couch.

  “So, I got called into the main office with Tre as soon as I got into the Cuddle Puddle offices tonight. We have a weekly all staff meeting, so that was tonight. I generally show up about thirty minu
tes beforehand and write up any notes that I need to, assure that my marketing section is on point, and reply to reviewers. So anyways, long story short, I’m no longer in the Cuddle Puddle family.”

  “Oh shit. What happened?”

  “Breach of contract. I think Devin reported seeing a photo of you and me from my Instagram over the weekend. I was accused of fraternizing with a client, and when Tre looked at me and asked me what was going on, I couldn’t lie.”

  “But I canceled all the appointments that I had with you,” I say.

  “You’re still a client, and even though Tre doesn’t believe me when I say what is happening between us started after our last session together, she feels that I acted inappropriately.”

  “Man, this sucks. I can talk to Tre and-.”

  “No, it’s pointless. Apparently, Devin was pissed off that I took you as a client, but whatever. It’s done,” he says dejectedly.

  “I’m so sorry, is there anything that I can do?”

  “I’m a huge fan of your boobs,” he says. I can hear the smile to his voice.

  “And your point?” I stifle a laugh.

  “I wouldn’t mind a tit shot?”

  “Other than something that includes nudity flying through the streams to your phone, is there anything else?” I reply.

  “When do you work next?” he asks.

  “I have shifts tomorrow through Sunday.” I look up to the ceiling, recalling my calendar.

  “Damn, looks like I’ll just need to come to you.”

  “That sounds so horrible,” I say.

  “After being back here in Hollybrooke for a few days, it’s very loud here. I never noticed it before. Mercy has it’s little interesting bits, but overall the noise level is a five when here it’s a hundred.”

  “I don’t think I ever noticed the noise level, but I don’t think I was looking for it either,” I tell him. “I haven’t had many extended stays in Hollybrooke to keep track.”

  “What time are you off tomorrow?”

  “I have the mid-day shift; I’m done right after the dinner rush,” I say.

  “Wait, I should have asked, do you mind if I come to Mercy for a few days and spend more time with you while I figure out my next move?” he asks. “I know that we just started dating, and that could be a huge inconvenience, but I really enjoy the quiet there, and hanging out with you is a bonus while I figure out my next move.”

  “Well, I mean, you may be cramping my style with my other boyfriend,” I say jokingly, twirling the end of my ponytail.

  “Battery operated boyfriends do not count, Deb,” he says sternly.

  “Wow, Kellen will be so offended,” I reply into the receiver. Covering my mouth, my chest bounces with silent laughter at the way this conversation went.

  “Please don’t tell me that you named your vibrator?”

  “I mean, I need a name to call out when I climax, right?”

  Upon getting off work, Darrel sat at the bar waiting for me. I place my arm across his shoulder, lean in and kiss his cheek, before I take a seat beside him.

  “Hey there, pretty darlin,” he says with a country twang to his tone.

  “Um, hello there, cowboy,” I say.

  “I figure that you’ve got that cowgirl look.”

  “And what does one do to earn this said ‘cowgirl look?’” I ask him, signaling for Miles.

  “Well, you wear cowboy, err, I mean cowgirl boots, like a lot,” he says with his eyes narrowed at my boot clad feet. “And then you have those cute little cut off pants that look like a cowgirl would wear during the summer.”

  “I see.”

  “I like it, cowgirls are freaking hot. Do you own a hat?” he asks eagerly.

  “I may,” I smile.

  “Oh really?” He turns in his barstool to face me. “Can we get to your house right away?”

  I shove his shoulder gently and laugh. “You’re too much. I need to eat something. While you were working on that burger, I was serving them.”

  “You didn’t get a lunch?” he asks.

  “Oh, I did, but I was holding Rhi’s baby the entire time and didn’t get a chance to eat,” I explain.

  Rhiannon and Luke came in this afternoon for the silver senior hour dinner time, and while they ate, I played with Piper the entire time, so the new parents could eat without having to tend to their baby.

  “Is that something that you want?”

  “Food? Hell yes!” I reply while Miles places a coaster and my standard blonde beer in front of me.

  “Can you get me Percy’s sun-dried sandwich with sweet potato tots?” I ask.

  Miles writes down my order and walks it back into the kitchen. I turn my attention back to Darrel who is staring at me expectantly.

  “What?” I ask.

  “I wasn’t talking about food. Do you want babies?” he asks.

  “I mean, sure, maybe one day, but right now, no. I want a food baby.”

  “A what?”

  “I want a food baby, not a real baby. I’m not equipped to have a baby just yet. I need more years of wisdom, and a lot more sleep,” I reply honestly. “What about you?”

  “I think I’m good to have one or five in the next, say, ten years.”

  “Five?” My eyes bulge out, and my jaw drops.

  Chapter Seventy-Four

  We walk into my apartment, and Darrel walks straight to my bedroom and drops his bag by the side of the bed that he has claimed as his.

  “Deb!” he shouts from the other room.

  “Yep?” I ask, getting myself some water.

  “C’mere a sec?” he asks.

  I set the glass down and smile as he’s sitting on the bed. I notice that he has a box of condoms close by in preparation so as to not have any mishaps like before.

  “What’s up?”

  “Kellen?” he asks, naming the vibrator that I mentioned on the phone last night. I can feel my face flushing at the mention.

  “What about him?”

  “Him? Oh man, I want to see my competition,” he says with a smile, leaning back on his hands on the bed.

  “Aren’t there some things that should be kept private?” I ask, hesitating to make any movement.

  “There are, but I want to make sure that I satisfy you in every way possible.”

  “Are you wanting to know whether or not Kellen is bigger than you? Will this be a dick sizing thing that guys do in the locker rooms?” I ask, placing my hands on my hips.

  “Um, first, not all guys do that. Second, why are you talking as if Kellen is a real person?”

  I bite my lower lip and give in. I walk over to the side of the bed that he’s on, take a seat beside him, and rummage through the drawer. Underneath my underwear and shoved into the back of the drawer is my trusty vibrator bag.

  I pull it out and hold it out to him.

  “Um, that’s a velvet bag,” he points out.

  I roll my eyes and hand it to him. “If you want to know your so-called competition.”

  He takes the bag, opens it, and pulls out Kellen in all his glittery, purple veiny, glory. He holds it up directly in front of him and looks at it closely. Inspecting the device as he takes in every bit of detail.

  “It’s not going to tell you any secrets, if that what you’re expecting,” I say to him.

  “Did you get it at a strip club?” he asks. “Do they sell those at the chicks strip clubs?”

  “No, why would I have gotten a vibrator at a strip club?”

  “Look at all that glitter!” he points out.

  “That’s just to make it not look like an ugly dick,” I reply.

  “I’m offended,” he says, clutching his free hand to his chest.

  “Oh, no. You shouldn’t be. You have a beautiful dick. Like the best dick that I’ve ever seen.” I nod appreciatively. “Aside from Kellen.”

  “Aw, you like my dick?” He hands me my vibrator back.

  “I do. My first thought upon seeing it was: ‘nice dick,’” I say w
ith a nonchalant shrug.

  “I’m not sure how to take that,” Darrel says.

  “Take it as a compliment; dicks aren’t the most attractive thing on a man’s body. Dicks are just dangly bits that are weird.”

  “Weird dangly bits.” He nods.


  He lunges forward, grabs me, maneuvers so he is on top and tackles me to the bed. While hovering over me, he leans in and kisses my bare shoulder and trails kisses along the path of my collarbone to up my neck.

  I shiver as his lips skate across my skin, and my arms move to around him while simultaneously spreading my legs to allow room for him. Immediately, his hardness grinds against my middle.

  “I can’t control myself around you. It’s impressive that I was able to for the first several times that I saw you.”

  “Tell me about it,” I agree.

  “I would have to pull off onto the side of the road to relieve myself,” he admits.

  “Aw, you like me.” I smile.

  “I do, I really do.”


  Many months later

  Darrel decided that he would go back to the medic profession after being let go from Cuddle Puddle. Only, this time, he’d be working for the county and not just in Hollybrooke. I stopped using their services, not out of any sort of retaliation of them firing my man but because Darrel and I were moving into a house together between Hollybrooke and Mercy. I wouldn’t have a need for additional human contact, as I was given it on a daily basis by my man.

  I still work at The Neighborhood Bar with all my best friends, but I am very part-time as I’m gearing up for my last year of school. In turn, I will have to complete some in-classroom hours at the school just outside of town, close to our new home.

  The summertime in Mercy is full of activity as the town gears up for the annual county fair that we host. I’ve seen a lot of the businesses cleaning up their storefronts, preparing for out of town visitors to venture into their establishments, that it makes me smile every time I see a fresh coat of paint or new items in the windows.


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