AMISH ROMANCE: Three Amish Sisters Box Set: PLUS NEW BONUS BOOK - Grace's Hope Renewed!

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AMISH ROMANCE: Three Amish Sisters Box Set: PLUS NEW BONUS BOOK - Grace's Hope Renewed! Page 5

by Rebekah Fisher

  Rebecca looked up as the two men walked into the kitchen. She couldn’t help but notice they were acting like best friends.

  “After I get the doctor’s okay, I will be working for Caleb for a while, at least until I’m strong enough to go back to farming.”

  Rebecca looked over at Caleb and smiled. Caleb winked at her and asked, “how are the kinner doing. Are they behaving?”

  Marta smiled at Caleb. “Don’t you worry about your kinner. As long as they are with their future grohs-mammi they can do no wrong.”

  Caleb looked over at Rebecca. “We really should go back home. I have to finish up some work before the end of the day.

  * * *

  Rebecca found herself humming as she started to prepare supper. The children were quietly coloring at the table and Kathryn was sitting in her highchair playing with a toy.

  “Rebecca, can we call you Mamm now?” Elizabeth asked, looking up from her book.

  Rebecca thought for a moment. “Once your daed and I are married, you are welcome to call me Mamm.”

  “Daed said our real mamm will live on in our hearts and she is always watching us, even if she had to leave, and that it was okay to call his next wife our mamm.”

  “Jah, Elizabeth, your mamm will always be watching you and she loved you very, very much. I would love it if you called me Mamm, when we get married.”

  * * *

  “Something sure does smell good,” Caleb said when he walked into the kitchen an hour later. Going over to the stove, he stirred a pot of stew that was simmering. He noticed Rebecca watching him, smiling. “What are you smiling at?”

  “At you, Caleb Troyer. It is funny how Gott works. Three months ago I thought I would never find true happiness and now today I am overjoyed because soon I will be the mamm to five wonderful kinner and preparing to marry the man of my dreams.”

  “You’re sure you are fine with having an instant family?”

  “Jah, of course. I wouldn’t want it any other way.”

  “ would be nice to give the kinner more bruders and shveshtahs—if you are fine with that.”

  Rebecca blushed. “I wouldn’t want it any other way.”

  * * *

  They all sat around the table that evening and bowed their heads as Caleb began to pray a blessing over the food. “Gott, we thank you for this meal that was so lovingly prepared by Rebecca. I thank you for guiding Rebecca to me, I thank you for opening our eyes and making us see that Rebecca and I belong together and that my kinner will soon have a mamm who will love them and care for them. We thank You for Your continued love and support.”

  Rebecca looked up at her future husband the smiling faces of the kinner and felt overwhelmed with emotion. Everything in her life was finally coming together. Gott had guided her and she certainly was glad she had listened. In a few months, she would be baptized and then married and living the life she had only dreamed she would live.


  Emma’s Journey

  Chapter 1

  Emma Miller quickly ran up the stairs to her bedroom. She had gone into town that afternoon to visit with one of her Englisch friends and she had given her some books. Books on history, and geography, and literature. Emma loved reading and she loved learning. She was hoping she could spend just a few moments going through some of the books before she was needed to help with the chores.

  She didn’t quite understand why she had such a longing to learn more about the world—she was, after all, supposed to be learning what it takes to be a good Amish housewife and prepare herself to one day settle down and raise a family. But Emma wasn’t sure that was what she wanted. She loved being Amish and she loved her Gott, but she just wasn’t sure she wanted to settle down, at least not right now.

  As a matter of fact, one of her dreams was to become a teacher one day, but she saw no opportunity for that to happen, as they only had once school in their community, and the teacher was already established there. She sighed. Besides, I need to find a job soon to help out the family, at least until Daed has recovered enough to work.

  “Emma, are you home?” her mother, Marta, called from the kitchen.

  “Jah, I will be down in a minute,” she called as she quickly slipped the books under her bed. She couldn’t wait for tonight when she could lie in bed and read and learn more about this world.

  Emma walked into the kitchen where her mother was rolling out some pie dough for supper.

  “I’m glad you’re back, Emma. Rebecca hasn’t come home yet from her job and Beth is out checking the fields. Can you go and see if your daed wants anything?”

  John Miller had recently come home from the hospital after having a terrible accident. The doctors weren’t sure if he would ever walk again. But amazingly, he began to heal quickly and was now able to walk; although very slowly and with a cane, but it was a miracle! Even so, the complete recovery would still be quite a process, and in the meantime everyone had to help out. Her older sister, Rebecca, had found a job as a nanny for a local Amish widower and she and Beth were still looking for work to help bring in extra income.

  “Aww, my Emma,” John said, resting on the couch. “Come and sit beside me and tell me about your day.”

  Emma went over and kissed her father’s cheek then sat down and took his hand. “Well, this morning I checked the crops and it looks like everything is coming up. We should have a good harvest. And this afternoon I went into town to make a delivery for Mamm.”

  “Did you say your thanks to Gott for all He has done for us today?”

  “Jah, I did and I prayed that our fields would be full of beautiful vegetables to sell at market,” she beamed. “Mamm wants to know if you need anything before we start preparing supper.”

  “Nee, I am fine for now.” He smiled broadly at her. “Go and help your mamm.”

  Emma went back into the kitchen and started cutting up some potatoes for supper.

  “I spoke with Lydia down the road the other day. She tells me that the school teacher is leaving and they are looking for a replacement,” Marta said nonchalantly.

  Emma thought for a moment then looked over at her mother. “Oh, Mamm, do you think I would have a chance if I applied?”

  Marta smiled at her daughter. “My dear Emma, you have a constant desire to learn. I think you would have a wonderful chance.”

  * * *

  The next day, Emma went over to the school to apply for the position of school teacher. Waiting outside for the school day to end, she sat and watched the children all run out of the school house and head on their way home. She walked into the familiar building. It had been a few years since Emma had been in school, but she was amazed how things never seemed to change. The school teacher, Sarah Yoder, had been a teacher at the school for the last several years and had taught Emma during her last years of school. Walking into the classroom, she saw Sarah sitting at the front desk going through some papers.

  “Hello, Sarah. Excuse me, I wonder if I could have a word with you?” Emma asked rather nervously.

  Sarah looked up at Emma and smiled. “Emma, dear, please come in and have a seat. What a wonderful surprise! How have you been? Is your daed doing well?”

  “Thank you. Jah, I am fine and my daed is getting stronger every day. We continue to pray to Gott for a full recovery.” She took a deep breath. “I understand the position of school teacher will soon be available?”

  “Jah, Emma. Are you interested in the position?”

  Emma nodded. “I am. I know I don’t have much experience, but I did help with some homeschooling for Jonathan Schwartz last year when he was injured and couldn’t attend school.

  “That’s wonderful! I haven’t had any other applicants for the job and I will be leaving in a few weeks. I can spend some time with you teaching you my methods and planning some lessons with you, so you wouldn’t have to be concerned about that. And Ruth, my teaching assistant, will continue to stay. She doesn’t want to take the position of teacher; she is happy
to remain an assistant,” Sarah said. “You were one of my best students and I always used to say to myself that you would make a great teacher one day.”

  Emma looked up at Sarah and beamed. “Really? Well, danke, that means a lot coming from you, Sarah.”

  “Of course, we’ll have to speak with Bishop for his approval, but I think he’ll be in full agreement with me. You have a desire to teach, and you have the love of Gott,” Sarah said. “I think you are more than qualified, Emma.”

  “Danke, Sarah. May I ask why you are leaving?”

  “My husband and I will be moving to another community and I will be having a bobli in a few months.” She smiled. “But I must say, I’ve truly enjoyed teaching here. I am going to miss it, but it is time for me to move on.”

  Emma looked at Sarah in amazement.“A bobli? That is wonderful!”

  Sarah nodded. “Jah, I am very excited. Well, I’ll speak with Bishop, and then perhaps you can talk to him Sunday after church as well. Then I’ll have you come by Monday morning around 9:00. You can spend the week with me and I can begin to show you what you’ll need to know and the kinner will get a chance to meet you.”

  “That will be wonderful!” She couldn’t wait to get home to tell her family about her new job. She was going to be the teacher! Her prayers to Gott were answered.

  * * *

  Chapter 2

  Emma approached the schoolhouse with great anticipation. Today was her first day alone teaching. The week with Sarah had gone by far too quickly and there had been much to learn. Emma went home each night with her head spinning from all the things she needed to remember. She was thankful that Ruth, her teacher’s assistant would soon be there to help.

  The children’s ages ranged from 6 to 14, and Emma already had so many wonderful ideas on how she was going to organize her classroom. Before unlocking the door of the schoolhouse, she stood at the doorway for a moment trying to compose herself. She didn’t want the children to see that she was nervous. They must see that she was in control. The last thing that Sarah had said to her was, ‘don’t ever lose control of your classroom because if you do, it will be difficult to get it back’. She definitely didn’t want that to happen. She had baked a batch of peanut butter cookies for them, and had a few fun activities planned for her first day.

  She walked to the front of the classroom and ran her fingers over the surface of her desk. Taking a deep breath, she sat down in the chair and closed her eyes. She could do this. Gott would guide her. She spent most of the previous night praying to Him. Opening her eyes, she looked at the 25 desks that sat before her and began to feel somewhat queasy. Emma, stop this nonsense. This is a dream come true. You have always wanted to be a teacher. Gott is watching you and will not let you down. Hearing the sounds of laughter in the school yard, she realized the students were arriving. They usually remained outside playing until she rang the bell, announcing that school was about the start.

  “Excuse me, are you the teacher?” Emma heard from the doorway.

  She looked up and saw a young man and woman holding the hands of a small girl. “Jah, I am. How can I help you?”

  “We are the Stoltz’s, and we just moved here last week. We need to enroll our daughter Anna,”

  Emma bent down in front of Anna. “Hello, Anna, my name is Emma Miller. How old are you?”

  Holding up her little hands to show how many fingers, she said, “I’m six.”

  “Well, Anna, you and I have something in common,” Emma said, holding out her hand. “It is my first day too, so we both have to be brave.”

  Looking up at Anna’s parents, she said, “don’t worry, Anna will be in very good hands.” Emma said, taking the little girl’s hand.

  After the Stoltz’s left, Emma settled Anna into her desk. Several other parents stopped in to welcome her and wanted to wish her blessings on her first day.

  She looked at the wall clock and realized it was 8:45. “Are you ready to meet your new classmates, Anna?”

  Anna smiled at her and nodded her head. Taking a deep breath Emma went over to the a small cupboard at the back of the classroom. Opening the door, she reached for the bell, then walked out to the schoolyard and rang it three times. The children all stopped and ran to get their lunch boxes before coming into schoolroom. Emma stood at the door smiling as they entered.

  “Gut morning,” she said to each child. When the last of the children came in, Emma shut the door and walked into the classroom. The older children sat in the back while the younger ones sat in front.

  Walking to the front of the class, she turned and faced the twenty five faces staring back at her.

  “Gut morning, class. I want to introduce you all to a new student this morning. Her name is Anna and I want you to all make her feel welcome.” Would you say gut morning to her?”

  The students all said at the same time, “Gut morning, Anna.”

  “It will take me a while to remember all your names so I have prepared name tags for each of you to wear. So when I call out your name, please put up your hand.”

  After the children received their nametags, Emma started the daily lessons. The older children were learning about geography and history, while the younger ones were practicing writing and reading. After lunch, she had prepared a special little game that they all could play. It would be fun and would allow them to learn at the same time. She wanted to make sure the children would have a good experience in school. It wasn’t that Sarah had been a poor teacher, it was just that at times, she was very boring and Emma could remember not wanting to go to school some mornings. She wanted her students to be excited about school, and excited about learning. She would have to make sure their days were interesting and fun.

  While the students were busy working on their lessons, Emma had a chance to survey her class. Emma knew it would take her a while to get to know each child. While she knew many of the parents from church gatherings, she looked forward to meeting the ones she hadn’t yet met. At the end of the day, Emma stood at the door and said goodbye to each child as they left the school.

  “Emma,” Thomas, one of the older boys said as he stopped at the doorway. “Thank you for today. It was a lot of fun. I think I’m going to like having you for my teacher.”

  “Thank you, Thomas.” Emma beamed as she watched him run down the stairs towards the waiting buggy. Waiting for the last of the students to leave, she noticed that one little boy named Adam always helped his sister, Hannah. She smiled to herself as he took her hand and walked down the lane towards the road. She went back into the classroom to say goodbye to Ruth and then packed up her own things to go home.

  On the way home that evening, she felt a good feeling of accomplishment. There were no tantrums, no outbursts, and the children seemed to be well behaved. They all seemed to accept her as their teacher, which she was so grateful for.

  Thank you Gott for allowing me the opportunity to teach these young minds. I will not let You down and I pray that You guide me so that I can be the best teacher I can be.

  * * *

  Chapter 3

  Three weeks had gone by since Emma started teaching and she never felt so happy. She loved teaching and the children loved her. Even the older students, which Sarah had warned her could be a bit disruptive, were attentive and helped out when asked. During recess, Emma enjoyed going out and sitting on the picnic table and talking with the children about other things besides their school work. She felt it was important and a way to get to know them better.

  Sitting outside one day, Emma suddenly heard a commotion in the corner of the schoolyard.

  “Emma, come quickly! Adam has started a fight,” Susan, a third grade student yelled.

  Emma went over to the commotion. “What is going on here?”

  The group of children parted to make way for Emma. Standing in the center of the group, Adam Lapp had another student in a headlock.

  “Adam,” Emma yelled. “Let Jacob go!” Taking Adam by the arm to pull him away, he relucta
ntly let go of Jacob.

  “Why are you boys fighting?” she asked sternly. “Gott frowns on violence.”

  Adam looked up at Emma with tears in his eyes. “Jacob was laughing at me and said my family is poor.”

  “Jacob, did you say this to Adam?” she turned and looked at Jacob.

  Jacob looked down at the ground. “Jah.”

  “What does Gott say about making fun of others?” Emma looked down at Jacob.

  “That we are all created equal and we should not laugh at others.”

  “Exactly. Now you say you are sorry to Adam. And Adam I’d like you to apologize to Jacob for hurting him,” Emma said. “You will both spend the next 10 minutes sitting quietly, praying to Gott for forgiveness.”

  Emma gathered the children back into the classroom and gave them some writing assignments to do. She sat down at her desk and looked at Adam. He was in the 4th grade and was not as big as the other boys his age. She noticed that his clothes were quite worn and his hair looked uncombed. His sister Hannah, was in the 2nd grade and Emma noticed that her dress looked dirty and was frayed at the hem. Her kapp was too small for her head and her hair sticking out from it looked dirty.

  When school was dismissed, Emma asked her assistant Ruth, “I was wondering if you knew anything about Adam and Hannah Lapp. Do you know where they live or anything about their family?”

  “All I know is that they live with their mamm and they have no daed. I think he died.”

  “Do you know where they live?”

  “Nee, I have no idea.”

  “Okay, thank you, Ruth.”

  On the way home that evening, Emma couldn’t help but think about Adam and Hannah. There were some farms in the community that were poor, but usually the children were well taken care of. She was going to make a point of finding out more about them.


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