AMISH ROMANCE: Three Amish Sisters Box Set: PLUS NEW BONUS BOOK - Grace's Hope Renewed!

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AMISH ROMANCE: Three Amish Sisters Box Set: PLUS NEW BONUS BOOK - Grace's Hope Renewed! Page 19

by Rebekah Fisher

  “Abigail, would you please set the table? Daed should be in soon from the fields. You know how he likes to have everything ready,” Miriam said, stirring the stew on the stove.

  “But that’s Rose’s job. I pour the water,” Abigail protested. “It’s not fair that she gets a job outside of the house, and we have to do her chores.”

  “Now shush; Rose is providing extra income to the family, and it’s what Gott wants her to do,” Katie said calmly. Katie looked out the kitchen window wondering if her older sister would be home for supper at all. Rose had been offered a job working at the local supermarket and without talking to anyone she accepted it. Their father had been very upset at first but when he realized the extra income was helping, he soon gave his blessing.

  Hearing the back door open, Miriam knew her father had come in from the fields. John Troyer was a hard worker who loved his family. He was devastated when his wife died; and Miriam, being the oldest was worried about what would happen to their family. Finally, he pulled through and began working even harder. Miriam knew that it was his way of coping because his daughters were a reminder of the love he had lost.

  Miriam went over and hugged her father. “Supper is almost ready, Daed. I made chicken stew and biscuits tonight.”

  John Troyer smiled at his daughter. “Your Mamm was famous for her chicken stew. I’m glad she taught you how to make it.”

  Taking a seat, he looked over at Katie and Abigail. “How was your day, my dochtahs? I hope they were filled with lots of prayers to Gott.”

  “Jah, Daed,” Katie and Abigail said together, then broke out into a fit of giggles.

  “Thomas Becker asked if I could go to the community center with him tomorrow, Daed. Would it be alright if I go?” Katie asked glancing over at Miriam.

  “Thomas Becker? He’s the boy from up the road a couple miles, isn’t he? The one whose parents own the dairy farm?” John said sitting back in his chair.

  “Jah, but if you don’t want me to…” Katie started to say.

  “Nee, nee, you can go. His parents are fine people, and I know that Thomas has good values,” John said, smiling.

  Katie ran over and hugged her father. “Danke, Daed.”

  “Alright, supper is ready,” Miriam interrupted as she brought the bowls of stew to the table.

  “What about Rose?” Abigail asked.

  “She may have to work late tonight. There will be leftovers for her when she gets home,” Miriam said. She sat down and looked over at her father to say grace. It annoyed her that her sister would be late on this important night.

  Everyone bowed their heads as John began to pray:

  “Dear Lord, thank You for this meal we are about to eat and thank You for all your blessings that you have given us this day. I thank You for looking after my girls and helping them become strong women, and I thank You for taking care of my Elsa, I know she is with you. Please tell her that we all miss her very much and think of her every day. Amen.”

  They were just finishing supper when Rose flew through the door.

  “I’m so sorry. I had to work late, and I know tonight is an important night,” Rose said as she went to grab a bowl. “Ach, Miriam, you made Mamm’s stew recipe. What a beautiful tribute.

  John looked up from his bowl and smiled as Rose sat down. “Better late than never, Rose. I just want you girls to know that your Mamm would have been so proud of each and every one of you. She loved you with all of her heart. Now let’s eat. I am sure your Mamm would not want us to let this delicious stew get cold.”

  * * *

  After supper, they all helped clean up the kitchen and then everyone gathered in the sitting room. John looked around the room at his girls and smiled.

  “Daed, tell us the story of how you and Mamm met,” Abigail asked, cuddling up to her father on the couch.

  “Ach, do you girls ever get tired of this story?” John laughed, closing his eyes, briefly remembering that day.

  John and Elsa had met in grade school and were inseparable. At seven years old, Elsa Miller told everyone that when she grew up, she was going to marry John Troyer. At the time, everyone just laughed, but ten years later, John and Elsa married in her parent's home. They went on to have one of the most successful vegetable farms in the area and were the proud parents of four healthy girls. They were a happy family until tragedy struck and they discovered that Elsa had cancer. A year later she went to be with God. Her parents had a unique relationship based on love and trust and one that Miriam hoped she and Jacob Schmidt would have.

  “Daed, do you know what kind of gifts are in our hope chests?” Katie asked.

  John smiled, thinking back to his wife and her gift to each of the girls. Elsa had given strict orders that they could not open their chest until their wedding day. “Jah, I know. You will only find out on your wedding day. Your Mamm worked very hard getting those chests ready. It was her way of being there on your wedding day.”

  The girls sat quietly for a moment; each one thinking about their chest and what their mother could have given them.

  “Well, I am off to bed,” John said after a couple hours of sharing stories about their mother. He went over to hug each one of them. “Tomorrow is another working day.”

  Miriam nodded. “Jah, there is school tomorrow, and it is past your bedtime,” she said to Katie and Abigail.

  After making sure everyone was tucked in, Miriam went into her bedroom and closed the door. Staring over at the corner of her room where her chest was, she smiled, thinking of the day she would be able to open it. She had been seeing Jacob for quite a while now, and although they had not spoken of marriage, Miriam thought it was just a matter of time before he asked her to court him. Turning off her kerosene lamp, she snuggled down in bed, hoping to dream about her wedding day and to find out what was in her hope chest.

  * * *

  “What are you doing Saturday night?” Jacob Schmidt asked Miriam when she met him at the market.

  Miriam thought for a moment. “Nothing. I don’t have any plans. Why?”

  “A bunch of friends are meeting for game night at the community center, and I thought it would be fun to go,” Jacob said, helping Miriam carry her bag of groceries to her buggy.

  “I would love to. That sounds like fun.”

  “Great, I’ll come by and pick you up around seven.”

  Driving home, Miriam couldn’t help but smile to herself. She and Jacob had been friends since grade three. His family had moved into the community after buying a farm just up the road from Miriam’s. Jacob’s family was poor, so most of his clothes were well worn. The other children avoided him, but Miriam was the first to go over and talk to him. She shared her lunch with him when she discovered he didn’t have much to eat. His father did odd jobs around the town and sometimes would go weeks without any work. Miriam’s mother had always taught her to help those less fortunate than them. Before too long, Miriam and Jacob had become best friends. Once they finished school, Jacob found a job helping out at the local grocery store. Miriam believed it wouldn’t be much longer before he proposed to her. She was so sure, that she spent her spare time daydreaming about becoming his wife and having a family. She already had plans in her mind that they would live with her father for awhile and Jacob could work for him on the farm, and then one day they would build their home right beside his house.

  Saturday night, Jacob arrived on time to pick up Miriam. Driving into town, Miriam looked at him and smiled. “So Jacob, where do you see yourself in a few years?” Miriam hoped that by asking questions like that, she could get an idea of what his plans were.

  Jacob looked over at Miriam and frowned. “I haven’t much thought about it. My parents need me at home right now. My mamm isn’t doing well and is in bed most of the time.”

  Miriam put her hand on his arm. “Ach, Jacob, I didn’t realize your mamm was sick. I’m sorry, and I’ll be sure to pray for her tonight.”

  “Danke. The doctor said it could be her heart, s
o she has to take it very easy,” Jacob said. “With my bruder and shveshtah married and living so far away, there is only me to help.”

  “I guess it makes it hard to plan your future,” Miriam said, feeling a bit disappointed.

  “Jah, but once she gets stronger, I hope things will get back to normal,” Jacob said, pulling into the community center parking lot.

  “Do you ever think about getting married?” Miriam asked, taking Jacob’s hand as she jumped out of the buggy.

  “Jah, one day I’d like to be married and own a large piece of land.” He smiled at Miriam. “I’m sure you understand.”

  Miriam smiled back at him and nodded. She wasn’t sure exactly what he meant by asking her if she understood. Was it because it was his way of letting her know he wanted to marry her eventually? Or did it have another meaning?

  Walking into the community center, they were met by their group of friends. They had all gone to school together, and several of the couples were now married. Miriam longed for the day that she could announce to her friends that she and Jacob were getting married.

  They had an enjoyable evening of games and laughs and even though she and Jacob were friends, it sometimes felt like they were a couple.

  Getting home later that night, Miriam found Katie still up and sitting in the kitchen having a glass of juice.

  “Did you and Jacob have a nice time?” Katie asked.

  “Jah, we did. It’s always fun to get together with friends,” Miriam said, pouring herself a glass of orange juice.

  “Do you think Jacob will ask to marry you?”

  Miriam smiled. “I’m hoping he will. We’re friends but we’re always together, and I know he isn’t seeing anyone else but me.”

  Katie smiled. “Well, I’m sure he’ll ask when the time is right.”

  Miriam looked around the room as if to see if anyone was listening, then turned to her sister. “Just between you and me, I pray every night to Gott asking that Jacob asks to court me.”

  Katie giggled. “I do the same about Thomas. I think someday we’ll marry.”

  Miriam smiled at her sister. “You still have a while to go before you can even think about getting married.”

  Katie laughed. “I know Miriam, but I can still dream. Anyway, good night,” she said as she got up and hugged her sister.

  Getting ready for bed, Miriam couldn't help but think about her conversation with Jacob earlier that night. She was sure he would ask her to marry him; she just wished he would give her some hint or sign as to what his plans were.

  Kneeling beside her bed, she closed her eyes and prayed. Dear Gott, please help Jacob’s mother to get better and please give Jacob a sign so that he can ask me to court him. I’d love to become his wife. Thank You for all You have given me, for keeping my daed and shveshtahs safe and healthy. Please continue to take care of Mamm as she helps You in the next world. Amen.

  As she climbed into bed, Miriam couldn’t help but smile. God had been good to them, and she had much to be thankful for. She knew all her dreams would come true; she just needed to be patient. After all, she was only twenty and still young, but she found it frustrating when she thought about many of her friends who were only nineteen and were already married and starting to have children. She knew her day would come; she just wished it was soon.

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  More Books By Rebekah Fisher

  The Amish Bakery Boxed Set

  Just $0.99 or free with Kindle Unlimited!

  This is a sweet series centered around an Amish Bakery. You'll get to know many of the same characters throughout the series, and join in with them as they find love, and God's will for their lives. Also included is one previously unpublished book!

  Book 1-Daniel's Choice

  Book 2-Miriam's Hope (Bonus Book)

  Book 3-Lucinda's Wish

  Book 4-Elizabeth's Longing

  The Troyer Sisters

  This new sweet, clean Amish romance series is about the Troyer girls, a family of four sisters. The girls live alone with their father, as their mother had passed a few years back. Follow along with the family as they walk the path that God has chosen for each girl. Share tears of joy as well as tears through trials with the girls, as they each learn to trust Him; and as a result find true love for their lives.

  Book 1 - Miriam’s Story –

  Book 2 – Rose’s Story –

  Book 3 – Katie’s Story –

  Book 4 – Abigail’s Story –

  The Path of His Choosing

  This sweet, clean Amish romance series is about an Amish girl named Mary King and the special journey God has planned for her life. There are times of joy, and times of sorrow; and the different paths she takes may leave her uncertain about her future. Follow along with her as she learns to trust Him, knowing that He works everything out for good.

  Book 1 – Seasons of change –

  Book 2 – New Beginnings –

  Book 3 – The Journey Ahead –

  Book 4 – Peter & Ruth –

  Harvest of Hope

  This is book 1 of a two-part series. After the tragic death of her parents, Leah Troyer is left to raise her 5 siblings on her own as well as try to continue to run a successful vegetable farm that her parents had worked so hard for. Overcome by the financial pressures, she realizes she needs help before she loses the farm. She meets Chris Johnston, an Englischer, who is drifting around looking for work. After much thought, she agrees to hire him to help on the farm. Chris helps Leah through some tough times and he has an idea that will completely transform her finances. The only problem now, is that they realize they have strong feelings for one another, but they are of two different worlds.

  How will God work in this situation?

  Love Ripened Sweeter

  Brenda Lehrer's father has fallen ill and while she's thankful her new job at the coffee shop will help with the family finances, she's dealing with heartbreak as her suitor has decided to join the English world.

  She herself falls ill one day, and on the way home from work falls asleep in her buggy. She awakes to find herself at the home of an Amish family, the Hershbergers, who had found her in their driveway and taken her in to care for her.

  After spending a few days in their care she has enjoyed getting to know the Hershberger's sons, especially David who is around her age. They soon find themselves in love, and she spends time working with him in his family's apple orchard. However they do have differences - he is of the Old Order and she is of the New Order, and this is causing some problems, especially between their families.

  Finally, the families have made resolution and Brenda and David are engaged...but tragedy has struck...

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  Read how God works in her life by downloading free with Kindle Unlimited!

  Emily's Choice

  When Englischer Emily’s mother dies from illness, her world is further turned upside down when she then discovers that her father isn’t dead, like her mother had told her, but alive and living as an Amish man in Lancaster County. Now, Emily is required to go live with him.

  However, midst the pain of the loss of her mother and her introduction to her new family, Emily decides to help waitress at the family restaurant and is delighted to meet Caleb, a fellow employee at the restaurant. She’s draw
n to Caleb’s gentle demeanor and strong faith. As Caleb spends time with her helping with the restaurant, her grief, and their Amish ways she can’t help but fall in love with Caleb.

  Caleb, meanwhile, has developed feelings for Emily, but is now conflicted, as he is baptized and does not want to date an Englischer.

  But now an opportunity arises for Emily to return to her Englisch world with an unexpected visit from her Great Uncle and Great Aunt ofwhom she had not known. Now Emily must make a very difficult choice. Find out how God works in Emily's life as she chooses to trust Him...

  And more! Check out my author page on Amazon for more titles.


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  Always trust God!

  Rebekah Fisher


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