Coming Together

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by Brandy L Rivers

  Coming Together

  Others of Seattle: Book 5

  Brandy L Rivers

  Copyright 2015 Brandy L Rivers

  Smashwords Edition

  Cover Design by Brandy L Rivers

  Edited by Shaner Media Creations

  All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

  Also by Brandy L Rivers

  Box Sets

  Others of Edenton – Series Volume 1

  Others of Edenton – Series Volume 2

  Others of Edenton – Series Volume 3

  Others of Seattle – Series Volume 1

  Others of Seattle – Series Volume 2

  Others of Edenton

  New Beginnings

  In Too Deep

  Shadows Fall

  Shadows of the Past

  Falling Into Place

  Fated Love

  Breaking Free

  Mending Scars

  Labor of Love

  Light in Darkness

  Blissful Agony

  Entangled Darkness

  Deadly Design (Coming 10-24-16)

  Untitled: Declan’s story (Coming Summer 2017)

  Others of Seattle

  Nights Embrace

  Storm Mistress

  Accepting Fate

  Red Queen

  Seductive Solutions

  Changing Destiny

  Coming Together

  Storm Wrath

  Twisted Bonds (Coming Spring 2017)

  Nights Embrace Spin Off

  Summer Rhythm

  Stand Alone Contemporary Romance

  Heart on Fire

  Falling Star

  Sweet Tooth

  Backburn (Coming 1-6-17)

  Pine Barrens Pack Co-Written with Rebecca Brooke

  Cursed Vengeance

  Vengeance Unraveled (coming 2017)

  To keep up with upcoming releases and news visit me at my

  Website – Facebook - Twitter

  Or join my newsletter or reading group Rivers’ Shenanigans.


  To Grampa,

  The best book pimper in the world

  You are an inspiration

  I love you so much

  Chapter 1

  Soft snoring pulled Jackie from sleep. Not one man, but two.

  What in the hell did I get myself into?

  Fighting back the urge to snuggle into the warm jumble of limbs, she managed to peel one eye open. Long red hair blanketed her. Mathis River’s face was pressed against her breasts. Turning her head, she found Paavo and his indigo hair draped over her side while his hand nestled between her thighs.

  Oh fuck me—wait, they did that. Oh freak! How did I wind up between these two?

  Her head ached. Last night was a blur. Not to mention she was sore in places she’d never been before.

  Paavo’s fingers flexed, grazing her clit. She bit her lip to stifle the moan. Sensation blazed through her as she struggled to hold still.

  Pull yourself together, Jackie. Not like you’re a virgin. Just a little extra loving going around last night.

  Taking a quiet breath, she began the process of disentangling herself from two of the most physically perfect men she’d ever seen.





  Was there anything we didn’t do?

  Several minutes ticked by before she moved to the end of the bed. The guys snuggled tighter, legs tangling, their erections pressing against one another.

  She clenched her thighs together, trying to fight back her throbbing desire. Didn’t work in the slightest. Closing her eyes only brought back the physical memory of them both thrusting deep into her.

  Forcing herself into action, she looked around until she found her dress, half-hidden under one of their shirts. Then she picked up her torn underwear.

  The night came back to her in a rush.

  Every touch.

  Every kiss.

  Every intimate second.

  She slid to her knees, biting her tongue hard enough to taste blood. The clock’s red numbers caught her attention. Nearly four in the morning. She had a breakfast date with Eddie and Grampa John in several hours.

  Shaking her head, she gathered her boots and dress, leaving the panties as a souvenir, or whatever. She snuck into the bathroom for a cold shower. Tying her hair into a knot, she washed herself quickly.

  Jackie shut off the water and stepped into the warm embrace of a hard male. She barely strangled back her scream as he spun her toward the wall and pinned her with his tempting body. His lips grazed her ear and she moaned as she instinctively pressed against him.

  Remembering the time, she gently pushed him back as his fingers dipped into her.

  “Okay, whoa, slow down.”

  “What’s wrong, beautiful siren?” The strange accent no longer sounded so unusual. His mouth traced along her jaw as he expertly teased her body. Flashes of a thousand images from a different place and time flipped through her mind like some HD photo album from another dimension.

  Is this the Twilight Zone, Porno Edition?

  Pulling his hand from her, he sucked her juices off his fingertips.

  “Stop, wait,” she breathed into his lips, trying to end his sensual assault. “I just showered.”

  “I wouldn’t mind taking another with you.” He kissed her neck, but Jackie pushed him back.

  “No, Paavo, stop.” She could hardly catch her breath.

  “I crave one last time with you,” he purred.

  “No. Tempting as you are, I’m out of time. I promised I’d come home, and Eddie’s probably worried. I never called.” A wave of guilt washed through her. He was such a damned worrywart. If she checked her phone, there were likely a dozen texts and missed calls.

  Paavo pouted as he released her and took a step back. “I apologize, Jackie. I can’t help feeling as if I’ve had you for the last time, and I crave more.”

  “I’m sorry. I have plans early this morning. If I let you start, I’m not going to want to go.” She reached past him for her dress and pulled it over her head.

  He watched her with a sexy grin.

  Jackie couldn’t help adding, “Last night was fan-fucking-tastic, but we went places I’ve never gone before and I’m sore.”

  “Soon you’ll find yourself with the man you love and I won’t get another taste.”

  Jackie snorted. Eddie was likely wrapped around the woman he loved. “Doubt it. Now, I really do have to go. Thank you for the hottest night of my life.” She pulled on her boots before tugging her dress lower.

  “One kiss?” he pleaded.

  “One, but only one. If Mathis wakes up, I’ll lose any hope of getting home to change before I have to leave for breakfast.”

  “One is all I ask.” He leaned in, caressed her cheek, and kissed her soft and sweet. Her body relaxed, the hint of soreness ebbed away as his tongue met hers briefly.

  Another thing she’d learned a
bout siren from the strange visions the night before. They could heal with intimacy. Pain would subside with a caress. Mend wounds with a kiss. There were other things they could do. Things she didn’t want to consider too closely.

  Leaning back, he smiled. “I could drive you home.”

  “Thank you, but I want to walk.” She hoped it would provide the perfect opportunity to sort through the craziness in her head. She slipped past him, and he followed her to the door.

  Turning back, she smiled. “Please tell Mathis thank you for a wonderful night. That goes for you as well.” Resisting temptation, she grabbed her purse, and hurried down the driveway.

  * * * *

  “Stefano, stop stressing. The girl has a life.” Tiana let out an exasperated sigh. They were on the phone but he could imagine her shaking her head. “You’ve had an entire week to approach her, and done nothing. I’m sure she is with friends.”

  “What if something happened to her?” he protested. There were endless horrific possibilities of what could occur to the radiant blond with aquamarine eyes. Stunning, exquisite, she occupied his every thought.

  Where was she?

  “Darling, I realize she could be Eloise’s twin, but she’s nothing like your darling wife. Jackie is extremely independent. Not to mention very modern. She’s a busy woman with many friends.” Tapping echoed on the phone, then she laughed softly. “Perhaps tomorrow evening I shall introduce you two.”

  A tingle started at his toes, working its way up as he looked down the street. Jacqueline’s damp curls bounced around her as she hurried through the park.

  “Got to go. I’ll be home later.” He hung up and followed, sticking to the shadows.

  Stefano hissed at the amount of skin the woman showed. A goddess, her style was breathtaking, though definitely on the daring side. He feared her clothes would invite unwanted attention.

  She walked with purpose, head up, a look of determination on her face. Men watched her everywhere she went, but rarely approached. She was so much stronger than his Eloise had been. Maybe because she wasn’t human. Jacqueline’s blood called to him, but he would never drink from a mage, or any Other. The risk was too great.

  He wondered where she’d spent her evening, and with whom. Her lips were swollen, probably from kissing some unknown man. He prayed that wasn’t the case, but there was something more to her. Jacqueline’s essence had glowed before, but now shined like a beacon.

  A thread of guilt wove through him when she looked over her shoulder in his direction, then hurried her pace. Any faster and she’d be running. He couldn’t resist following her. After losing Eloise, the thought of anything happening to Jacqueline was unbearable. Someone should look after the ethereal beauty.

  Her unusual eyes gleamed under the lights as she took in her surroundings. Stefano’s heart nearly stopped when two men, easily twice her size, came at her with baseball bats.

  They never stood a chance. She dispatched them both without really seeing either man. Her long, graceful leg came up as she twisted under the first swing. A hard kick to the darker man’s face sent him stumbling back as his partner tried to catch her on the downswing.

  Jacqueline spun out of reach and came back around with a sharp left uppercut that knocked the second goon’s head so far back Stefano heard the bastard’s jaw snap shut as he fell on his ass. She gracefully danced away, shooting each a challenging glare.

  When one stood, she threw her hands up and a barrier of ice stretched out before her. He collided with the wall and fell to the ground again.

  She turned and continued down the street, not bothering to run.

  He followed, disappointed the confrontation had been over so quickly. The urge to teach them a lesson about how to treat a woman plagued him. However, he wanted to ensure her safety the rest of the way home.

  With a huff, she inspected her knuckles as she kept going. He winced when she shook her hand as if it hurt.

  He longed to go to her, take the pain, but she reached her destination before he could decide on an approach that wouldn’t receive the same reaction as the thugs.

  Where did the wall of ice come from?

  One last look behind her, she seemed to stare exactly where he stood in the shadows. Her brow wrinkled as she disappeared behind the door. The lock clicked into place.

  I do hope tomorrow isn’t too late.

  * * * *

  A shiver of fear tingled along his spine. Eddie woke up in a cold sweat. Kim was asleep, but not for long. She had about an hour before she had to leave to pick her family up from the airport, and persuade her father to meet him, her Native American boyfriend.

  Kim had explained that while her father was traditional Chinese, he was quite open-minded, having lived for eons as one of the oldest dragons from this realm. That fact did little to ease Eddie’s nerves.

  To keep himself busy, he climbed from bed and pulled on a pair of pajama pants, leaving Kim to sleep until her alarm chimed.

  He needed to psych himself up for the inevitable proposal. As long as Mr. Xhangxi approved, Eddie planned to pop the question at dinner—if he could get his nerve up. He had reservations at Kim’s favorite restaurant, Shiro’s Sushi. Hopefully, he could drink enough saké to give him a boost of courage without making an ass out of himself.

  Every time he’d planned to propose in the past, some combination of fear, and his secret love for a woman he couldn’t have, stood in his way. Tonight he needed to take the leap and move forward, instead of hoping for what could never be.

  Eddie stepped into the hall and paused. He didn’t sense Jackie. Tiptoeing to her room, he cracked the door open enough to see her bed made from the day before, which meant she hadn’t been home yet.

  His heart twisted in knots as he crept to the kitchen. He worried about his roommate. Memories of the day he found out his best friend would have the room next to him for the rest of their childhood flashed through his mind. They were both six years old.

  He’d been so happy, until he saw her tear-streaked face. Her shoulders shook with quiet sobs as she huddled on the couch.

  Eddie ran to her, and hugged her tight. “What’s wrong, Angelfish? We get to play all the time now.”

  She sniffled, burying her head against his shoulder, squeezing back as tight as she could. “Daddy died. He—he’s gone.”

  Looking up at his mother confirmed the tragic news. Her sadness rolled through him, dousing the joy of running and playing all day when they weren’t in school.

  “Jackie is family. She’s staying with us from now on,” Dad told him.

  Only, Eddie never saw her as a sister. Jackie was his best friend, his Angelfish. The woman who stole his heart, but could never know, because like his dad had said, they were family.

  He wanted to kick himself for the battle he constantly fought. Jackie would kill him if she ever found out how he truly felt. On the other hand, Kim was everything he wanted, and he truly loved her, but sometimes he wondered if love was enough.

  Questions danced through his head.

  Is Jackie okay?

  Did she go home with someone?

  Did they treat her right?

  Will she be home in time for breakfast with Grampa John?

  Trying to shake the questions from his head, he started the coffee pot and whipped up an omelet for Kim, his soon-to-be fiancé. Maybe after the proposal, he would move into Kim’s place and his passion for Jackie would slide into an appropriate familial love.

  As he flipped the omelet, Jackie walked in. Her clothes were rumpled, her hair disheveled, lips kiss-swollen. A twinge of jealousy twisted through him.

  Her hand flew to her chest. “Oh shit.”

  He offered a smile. “Morning, Jackie.”

  A frown marred her face, tempting him to kiss away her worry.

  “Sorry, Eddie. I meant to be back before you woke up. Didn’t want to scare you.”

  He rolled his eyes. At least she was all right. She didn’t stay out often. However, the scent
of sex lingered on her. Her golden hair was damp, soft rose-pink lips kiss-swollen, and her eyes hooded with the exhaustion of one pleasurable night. In a word, she looked edible.

  “At least you’re home before it’s time to go to Grampa John’s.”

  Nodding, she tossed an apologetic smile as she moved to the coffee machine. She reached up and pulled a mug down. The edge of her dress rode up, showing off one tempting, round cheek before she settled back on her feet. “Why aren’t you in bed with lover-girl?”

  “Kim will be up shortly. Her father lands soon. She’s picking him up at the airport. Figured I’d feed her before she has to go.” He slid the omelet onto a plate and took it to the counter. Eddie noticed the way Jackie rubbed her hand while she watched the pot perk.

  Had she hit something? Probably someone’s face.

  Jackie looked up and caught his thoughtful stare before slipping her hand behind her back. “I’ll grab my coffee after a shower.” She ducked down the hall.

  He was tempted to go after her to demand answers.

  Kim chose that moment to step out of his room with a yawn. “Morning, Jackie. Don’t tell me those two gorgeous models kept you up all night,” she teased.

  “Uh… yeah,” Jackie answered, clearly uncomfortable. “Lost track of time,” she muttered, before locking herself in the bathroom.

  Eddie’s heart twisted with the confirmation she’d been with someone. Scratch that, two someones.

  Kim sauntered toward him and took a seat at the counter. “For me?”

  He leaned down to kiss her. “Thought you might be hungry.”

  “Thank you.” She sucked his bottom lip before turning toward her food. Smiling, she glanced over. “I don’t know how the girl does it. She gets paid to take these amazing photos, and then if she likes what she sees, she can have her wicked way with them.”


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