Coming Together

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Coming Together Page 4

by Brandy L Rivers

  “Eddie, may I call you that?” her father asked softly.

  “Of course, sir.” He couldn’t meet Mr. Xhangxi’s pain-filled eyes.

  “Would you join me for dinner tonight? I have so many questions about her life here.”

  Eddie could imagine what was on his mind.

  How much do you know about Kim’s true nature?


  How much do you know about Others?

  Plenty. I am Other. Though certainly a dragon could scent his nature.

  Eddie may not be the same species as Kim, but he wasn’t all that different. They both could shift. Both held magic. He wasn’t anywhere near as comfortable with his abilities as Kim had been.

  Eddie cleared his throat. “Of course, sir.”

  “Please, call me Zhi. I’m honored to finally meet the man who loved my daughter. I only wish we had the pleasure of meeting under happier circumstances.”

  “Me too.” He wiped away the tear rolling down his face. “Maybe you can tell me more about her life in China.”

  Chapter 6

  Enrique sauntered into the Jitterhouse at a quarter to one in the morning. He wore his usual roguish smile. “Evening, Jackie.”

  “Hey, gorgeous.” She batted her lashes, unable to resist flirting with the scrumptious Latino. Sweet and charming, but another hot, off the market man. In a few weeks, he’d be married to one of her friends from high school.

  She hopped out of her seat and grabbed her bags from under the counter. “Everything’s ready for you to take over.”

  “Oh, senorita, don’t tease a man like that.” His eyes twinkled as he kissed her hand. “Enjoy your evening, Jackie.”

  “You, too.” She met Brent at the corner table as he slid his laptop into his case.

  Mischief quirked his lips as he stood. “I think we should celebrate.”

  Her eyes narrowed in suspicion. “That’s what they said last night.”

  His brow arched.

  Turning, she headed to the door. Countless questions popped up, but fear kept her from asking a single one.

  He hurried to catch up and gently caught her arm. “I apologize, that wasn’t what I meant.”

  She sighed. “What are we celebrating?”

  “The shoot was amazing. And a friend of mine has a nephew who recently moved to Seattle.”

  Jackie shot a glare his way. “Really, Brent, I don’t want a date, especially not a blind one.”

  Brent nudged her. “Not a date. Tiana and I were hoping you might show him around town. A friendly sort of thing. He’s a nice guy. I can promise he won’t do anything without your expressed permission.” Brent had given her the same nudge when he set up the photo shoot.

  She sighed heavily. “I suppose I could get a drink with him. If he’s a creep, it’s a no go. I respect Tiana, but there is something different about her. I’ve never been able to put my finger on it.”

  He nodded. “That’s all I ask. There is absolutely nothing to worry about, Stefano is quite old-fashioned.”

  “All right, I suppose.” She sighed heavily, and turned toward Shenanigans. “What should I know about him?”

  “First, I have something for you.” He pulled a clear teardrop-shaped crystal from his pocket. The pendant hung on a leather cord that he held out with a smile. “Please wear this.”

  Jackie’s head cocked to the side. “Why? What does it do?” She didn’t expect a real answer unless she asked him a specific question. As curious as she was, there were a few things she wasn’t comfortable learning. Namely anything to do with the truth about her mother.

  “A necklace that will be beautiful on you.”

  Stopping, her hands landed on her hips as she turned to him.

  He sighed. “And will serve as protection against shadows.”

  “Shadows?” She rolled her eyes.

  “Not Stefano, but yes, shadows.”

  “So, what do you know about him?”

  Brent rolled his eyes. “He’s not as old as Mathis and Paavo, but he’s older than I am. I have it on good authority he is a charming man. If I didn’t trust Tiana, I would never ask you to give him a chance.”

  “A chance?” She shook her head with a groan. “I thought you wanted me to play tour guide. If this turns into a date situation, I’ll be pissed, especially after the doozy of a photo shoot you sent me on last night.”

  “Which I have no doubt you thoroughly enjoyed,” he quipped.

  “You’re an ass.” Jackie stormed off, ready to head home and enjoy a nice, long bubble bath.

  Brent caught up and pulled her to a stop. “Jackie, you needed what happened last night.”

  She spun toward him, jerking from his hold. “I needed to get double-drilled? I’m sorry, but what the fuck, Brent? That’s none of your damned business. You don’t get a say in who I do what with, and I’m sure as hell not discussing it with you.”

  He put his hands up defensively. “Shit, not that. Think back. Besides the seduction, and whatever else they did to you physically, can you say you saw nothing weird? That nothing strange happened?”

  A chill crept down her spine. “Like I was tripping on some psychedelic shaman brew Grampa John cooked up for Eddie?”

  “Yeah. I’m sure you didn’t understand most of what your mind showed you. That’s why we should talk.”

  “Did they drug me?” she accused.

  “No. The process is called an awakening. You gained access to memories from your mother’s side. Things you have to know, and why I’m so insistent you talk about what you are. Not because I care about the sensual details. I want to ensure you understand everything that comes with your other side.”

  Looking up at the sky, she shook her head. “You’re crazy.” Or maybe she desperately wanted to believe he was.

  “Jackie, if you aren’t ready to talk, fine. Sooner or later, you’re going to have to. And yes, I had hoped Mathis and Paavo would get you through the awakening so we could finally discuss your fae half. There is so much to explain, but acceptance must come first.”

  “The sex was part of an awakening?” Jackie shook her head. “I’m going home.”

  “Damn it, yes, it was. That’s not the point. I wouldn’t have been worried about the process, except you went and messed around with a halfling who wasn’t fae enough to get you through the awakening completely. Your other magic started surfacing and if you don’t get a handle on your power, it’s going to blow up in your face.”

  “I don’t understand. And I don’t want to.” She turned to go home.

  He pulled her back to face him. “Don’t go. Please, meet Stefano. If you can’t stand him you can leave, but give him five minutes before you bail.”

  Her eyes narrowed dangerously. “You’re not trying to get him into my panties?” She winced at her own words. “Tell me you manipulated my sex life only for the awakening, nothing more, and you’d better damn well mean it.”

  “Awakening, nothing more. For the record, the awakening is sexual by necessity, and something we all eventually experience.”

  “Fine. Five minutes.”

  “When you’re ready, talk to me. Okay?”

  “Not yet. I can’t.” She planned to push the visions away for as long as she could, preferring the picture her father had painted of her mother to the truth.

  Resigned, he nodded. “Come on.”

  They stepped into Shenanigans, and Brent led her to a table along the wall. Tiana sat alone with no nephew in sight.

  “Evening, Tiana.” Jackie looked around wondering, Does my five minutes start now? Or when Stefano arrives?

  “A pleasure to see you, Jackie.” Tiana turned to Brent and leaned in for a long, slow kiss. Jackie caught a flash of fang and her heart paused a beat.

  She’d known Tiana was Other, but a vampire? Did that mean her nephew was also a vampire? Brent had mentioned Stefano was older than him, and he was nearly two hundred years old, which meant the nephew was definitely Other.

d slid into the booth beside her with a sad, yet hopeful smile. “Evening, Jackie.”

  She wanted to slip into the crowd and disappear but he’d blocked her only exit. Managing a smile, she said, “Hi, Jared. Didn’t expect to see you here.”

  “Please, let me buy you a drink, so we can talk? There are things I want to say.”

  “No. Sorry. I can’t.”

  His eyes pierced into her as flashes of that night flipped through her head. “Jackie, please. I didn’t mean to take it that far. I intended to ask where you wanted to go, but then you were into it, and I couldn’t think.”

  “Jared, just stop. I get it, things got out of hand, but I’m not interested.”

  “Please, give me another chance. Without the kink.”

  “No, Jared. I’m meeting someone here shortly.”

  “Maybe another night?” he pleaded desperately. “To talk. In public. Nothing more.”

  Jackie shifted uncomfortably. He didn’t scare her, but since that night, she wasn’t sure what to think. Part of her enjoyed the dirty things he’d done, but being blindfolded and gagged freaked her out. She’d wanted to stop but had no way to tell him.

  She looked him the eye. “We’ll see. Not tonight.”

  Defeated, he climbed out of the seat. “I’m sorry, Jackie. Truly.”

  “We’ll talk soon,” Jackie offered half-heartedly.

  Then her blue-eyed Adonis stepped up to the table. Time froze when he smiled at her. “Is the gentleman bothering you?” His Italian accent sent a shiver down her spine.

  Relief settled as she stared into the blue orbs. “No, he’s leaving.”

  The hope in Jared’s eyes dimmed further as he turned and slipped into the crowd.

  “May I?” the stranger asked, motioning to the seat beside her.

  “Mmhmm,” breathed Jackie. “Please.”

  He held out his hand with a dazzling smile. “I’m Stefano.”

  She wrapped her fingers around his, enjoying how his hand enveloped hers. “I’m Jacqueline, but everyone calls me Jackie. You’ve been haunting my thoughts all week.”

  He squeezed her hand gently before sitting. His sensual laugh washed over her. “Have I now?”

  “You have.”

  “Since I first laid eyes on you, I keep hearing your siren call.”

  The last words she wanted to hear. Siren were often depicted as manipulative beauties who used their power for their own end. Jackie wanted nothing to do with anything she’d read or heard about them, especially after helping to destroy so many at the party a few weeks before.

  “I’m sorry, have I said something wrong?” he asked softly.

  Shaking her head, she managed a smile. “No. Though you should have come in to meet me in person.”


  Brent looked over and winked. “Hello, Stefano.”

  Tiana gave them a knowing smile. “Now that you’ve met properly, I think Brent and I should sneak away.”

  “Thank you for inviting me.” Stefano reached over to squeeze Tiana’s hand.

  As Brent and Tiana moved to the dance floor, Stefano turned to Jackie. He wet his full bottom lip as his eyes caressed down her body and back up. “You’re even more enchanting in person than through a window.”

  For a second, those words unsettled her. He’d walked past the coffee shop every night she’d worked for more than a week. Often.

  The Jitterhouse sat along a busy street on Capitol Hill, so it wasn’t unusual to see the same person pass several times over the course of an evening.

  She’d had an inkling someone had been following her all week. Maybe the two goons from the night before?

  Shaking off the notion, she decided to give him a chance. Brent would have warned her if there were any reason to worry about Stefano. And he was the perfect distraction from Eddie.

  Ever curious, she asked, “Are you visiting? Or did you move to Seattle?”

  “I came to help my aunt with her shop for as long as she needs me. Perhaps I’ll find a reason to relocate here, permanently.” His gaze was so intense she was tempted to do more than talk. But she was done with one-night stands. He’d have to want more than a roll in the sheets.

  She looked toward the door. “Not sure about you, but I don’t feel like drinking.”

  He wet his lips. “I’m not thirsty.”

  “How about a walk?” Jackie suggested.

  “Volunteer Park is close.”

  A smile flirted across her lips. “My favorite.” Walking under the stars seemed like a welcome turn for her evening.

  Stefano stood, and took her hand, pulling her to her feet. “Did you recently get off work?”

  “I did. Had planned to go straight home before Brent talked me into coming here.” She pulled her laptop bag and purse over her shoulder as Brent beckoned her over. “One moment,” she told Stefano before moving to Brent, passing Tiana on the way.

  Her breath hitched as she squeezed through the crowd. Images and memories not her own flittered through her vision. Questions bubbled up, but she wasn’t ready. Maybe soon she would try to understand. Right now, she wanted to forget.

  Brent pulled her deeper into the crowd. He put his mouth against her ear and spoke quietly. “You like him, don’t you?”

  She nodded, realizing he was trying to keep others from hearing. More questions spun through her head.

  He squeezed her arm gently. “Be careful, and don’t remove the necklace. Bad things happen around him.”

  Then why the fuck did he introduce them? Brent never had a problem telling her to stay away from those he felt were a danger. “What do you mean?”

  “He’s a vampire, but you have nothing to fear from him. There’s an old vendetta against him, by more powerful vampires. Call me if you encounter them.”

  Shaking her head, she backed away. “See you later, Brent.” More confused than ever, she met Stefano near the table.

  He held his arm out. “Shall we?”

  Jackie took his arm and smiled. “We shall.”

  “Brent cares for you.”

  “He’s like family.” Jackie shrugged. Something pushed at her, some bit of knowledge she swept under the rug as she pulled Stefano outside.

  “Why don’t we visit the park, then if you don’t mind, I’ll accompany you home.”

  “Sounds like a plan.” As long as he didn’t mean her bedroom.

  They walked in silence, stealing coy glances at one another. Jackie pulled him toward her favorite sculpture, the Black Sun. More memories wanted to surface, and again she had to beat them back.

  Turning to Stefano, she tipped her head. “Where are you from?”

  “Sicily, but I really don’t want to dwell on the past.” He captured her gaze, his eyes sparkling. “I’d rather look forward.”

  “Maybe that’s for the best.” She glanced back at the Black Sun. Something about the sculpture pulled at memories long since buried. Both her own and the other ones. “Come on.” She directed him along the path.

  * * * *

  Stefano couldn’t get over how much Jacqueline physically resembled Eloise. However, she had nothing else in common with his late wife.

  Eloise had been timid, wanted to be led. She followed him wherever he chose to go. Men made her nervous. The quiet bothered her when they were alone, and she couldn’t go two minutes without filling the silence with some comment or conversation.

  Jacqueline talked to everyone. She led them through the park confidently, never looking to him for direction. Fear didn’t appear to be in her vocabulary, especially after last night. And she flirted with everyone. Though now that they were alone, she seemed to welcome the silence. Did she realize the temptation she presented?

  Lost in thought, she turned toward her house, silently pulling him along. He began to wonder if she’d forgotten his presence when a soft laugh escaped her lips. She looked around as if waking from a daydream.

  “What’s so funny?” he asked cautiously.

ring what my roommate will think about me roaming the park this late at night.” She rolled her eyes. “At least I’m not alone this time. He’s such a worry wart.”

  His heart stuttered. “Roommate?”

  “My best friend. He proposed to his girlfriend tonight, so he’s probably too busy to think about me.” She shrugged, a smile on her lips, but sadness clouded the aquamarine depths of her eyes.

  “What is it?”

  “Nothing.” Her face brightened as she turned toward him. “So, why were you hanging around the café, but never bothered to come in?”

  He glanced away with an embarrassed chuckle. “You’re intimidating. I couldn’t fathom how such a beautiful woman would be interested in me.”

  She looked up through her lashes. “I’d like to get to know you. Every time you wandered by the window, I wanted to coax your story from your lips. You don’t need to share all the past details, but I want to understand the man.”

  Taking her hand, he pulled her toward him. He couldn’t resist caressing the curve of her cheek as she smiled. “From the moment I spotted you, I’ve been drawn to you. Had Tiana not intervened, I may never have gathered the courage to approach.”

  “I’m glad she did. You’d come by when I’m the busiest and I couldn’t sneak away for a moment.”

  Her phone rang, and she gave an apologetic smile. “One moment.”

  She walked a few steps away and put the phone to her ear. “Hey, everything okay?”

  Stefano’s hearing was keen enough to pick up the man’s voice on the other end.

  “You aren’t home.” Desperation in his tone. Something clearly upset the speaker.

  “Went for a walk.” Jacqueline gave Stefano a sheepish shrug.

  “Where?” the man demanded, much too possessively. “At the park?”

  Her brow pinched. “Yeah, but I’m not alone.”

  “If you say Skylar or Chloe is with you, so help me spirits, I will come over there and carry you home.”


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