Coming Together

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Coming Together Page 22

by Brandy L Rivers

  “How did you deal with the emotions, afterward?”

  “Lonny made me talk. Too damned much, I thought. But he was right. Talking got the negativity out of my head, and I was able to relax for intervals. The time without falling back into memories got longer and longer, until they stopped entirely.”

  “Can’t talk to Eddie. He saw everything. I can’t imagine what went through his mind when that monster had me spread open and his teeth in me. I saw everything he intended to do. He wanted to destroy me, told me he was going to break me. He would have.”

  “He didn’t, and even if he had tried, you’re strong enough to pull through. Eddie loves you more than life itself. He would have done anything and everything to help.”

  “And Stefano.” She shuddered. “Jerk wants to take me away, keep me locked up, because I look like his dead wife. Shit, he was so sweet, charming. I thought maybe he was a decent guy, but then he starts demanding, and expecting me to listen, when he doesn’t have a damned clue about who I am.”

  “He’s not going to find you when we’re done with the wards. He’d have to find someone who knows where you are. Someone who can’t protect themselves from a vampire’s gaze. We all can, and we wouldn’t share the secret. No one else has been here, right? Not even Tiana?”

  “Not even Tiana.”

  “Our company, and the Silver Council, is looking for Sidra and Clive. And they’re going to keep an eye on Stefano. You’re safe here.”

  “You guys are the best. I’m grateful you took Eddie in and got him to finally accept what he is.” She smiled over at Scotty. “And thank you for talking to me.”

  “Give me your phone. I’ll save my number. If you ever want to talk, call me. I’ll listen. I may not be good at much, but I will lend an ear.”

  “You’re great at plenty. Don’t doubt yourself.”

  He laughed. “Yeah, well I don’t have to be the best at everything.”

  “You have a great attitude.”

  He nudged her. “Still have those thoughts running around your head?”

  “No. For now.”

  “They’ll come back. It’s not easy to get over being violated. You don’t ever totally forget. If you aren’t comfortable talking to Eddie, you have me, and I’m sure plenty of other people who are eager to help.”

  “Same goes for you. If you want to talk, I’ll listen. Maybe hearing more of your story will help me. Hope it’s not wrong to say this, but knowing someone as big and strong as you was… hurt… helps me realize there was nothing I could have done differently.”

  “Not wrong at all, Jackie. Sometimes we have no control over our situation.” He patted her thigh. “I mean it. Anytime. Call me.”

  * * * *

  Lonny caught Eddie’s arm before he could follow Scotty down the trail Jackie took. “Let Scotty talk to her. Alone.”

  “How could he possibly help her when I can’t?”

  “He has experience with that sort of shit. Let him talk to her.”

  “I want to help.”

  “Yeah. Do that by letting her talk with someone who can relate.”

  Eddie rolled his eyes, throwing his hands up. “Scotty can relate?”

  “Yes. Ask him if you insist on details.”

  “That’s unnecessary.” Dropping his arms, he let out a breath. “She won’t talk to me about last night.”

  “He’ll get through,” Toryn interjected. “Sometimes you need a fresh perspective. Someone who can listen without wanting to go off on a rampage and seek revenge.”

  “If you’d seen what that monster tried to do, you would be pissed, no matter who the victim was.”

  “Exactly. She needs someone to listen without that attitude right now. You’re mad at everyone who had any hand in it.”

  He shook his head. “I could never be angry with her for what happened.”

  Lonny squeezed his arm. “That’s not what we’re saying. You want to kill everyone who hurt her, right?”

  He nodded.

  “Yeah, well Jackie might open up to someone who isn’t fuming mad. Someone who can listen, and let her get all the emotions out of her system, without the macho bullshit.”

  “I didn’t take over. Never demanded she let me take care of her. I’m only offering my support.”

  “Don’t change that,” Toryn stated. “However, I learned recently that sometimes Isa does best hearing from someone not so close to the situation. This is the same thing. You saw it. He didn’t. He can give her support from the other end of the spectrum. You want to kill this vampire.”

  “All three of them, after what Brent told me.”

  “Don’t worry. We’re rigging the barrier to alert us if they show. Someone will be out to help. Either us, or the mages. Maybe both. Shadowstalkers are tricky.”

  “Hey, thanks again. I hope we can deal with this sooner than not. I don’t want to keep taking days off, but I’ve got to be here for her.”

  “Exactly where you should be,” Toryn assured. “We’re not stressing over a few missed days when you have a major crisis. You’ve seen us take off without much warning to protect those close to us.”

  Which was true. Each of them had put their loved ones first, more than a few times.

  “You guys are going above and beyond for me.”

  Toryn shrugged and went back to work with Lonny.

  A phone started to ring. Eddie pulled his out and frowned at the display. Walking toward the cars, he took a breath before hitting talk. “Hey, Chatan. What’s up?”

  “Hey. Told you I would come out when I could. Want to be there for you. Can’t imagine it’s easy right now, after losing Kim.”

  Eddie sighed. “You’ve got bad timing, my friend. We’re camping. Needed to get away.”

  “I could come out. Bring Jackie some Jack. Bring you whatever you’d like. I want to be there for you, man.”

  “No, we’re fine. Brent’s out here, and there’s a swarm of shit flying around. You don’t want to be in the middle of it. Hopefully, we’ll be back in a few days.”

  “But I’m wanting to get out of town myself.”

  Eddie laughed. “Why don’t you go visit your brother until we get back?”

  “Maybe. Hey, you and Jackie hook up yet?”

  “You’d better not be thinking you’ll get back together with her.”

  “Nah. I told you before, it wasn’t me she wanted.”

  “I still think you dropped her like a dick.”

  “Why don’t you ask her what happened?”

  “Doesn’t matter. Things are good for us now.”

  “So, you two hook up?”

  “It’s not a hook up,” Eddie growled.

  Chatan laughed. “You are a couple?”

  “Yes. And I’ll tell you right now, I won’t take any shit. If you say anything to make her uncomfortable, that beat down I gave you will be nothing compared to what you’ll get.”

  “I’m not going to make a move on your girl. She was always yours. ‘Bout time you two realized it.”

  “What?” Eddie asked.

  “Keep her happy, and call me when you get back. I’ll come out and make sure everything is working for you two. I’ve heard some crazy rumors.”

  Confused, Eddie rubbed his neck. “Will do. Hopefully, the mess is over soon.”

  “Hey, I’m happy for you two. Go enjoy her.” He hung up, and Eddie walked back to the fire pit wondering what Chatan was talking about.

  Jackie walked straight for Eddie. She wound her arms around his waist and hugged him tight.

  “Hey you,” he murmured, pressing a kiss to her lips.

  She leaned back with a beautiful smile. “Needed a walk,” she murmured.

  Seeing her relaxed erased his earlier concerns. “You’re smiling again. That’s all that matters.”

  She looked back to Scotty. Doubt passed over her face.

  Eddie leaned in to whisper against her ear, “If it’s easier to open up with someone else, then talk to Scotty, or anyone
who helps.”

  Melting against him, she pressed her mouth to his. Her tongue traced his lips and he opened to her. The kiss deepened and Jackie let out a soft moan.

  He tipped her head back with a grin. “We aren’t alone yet.”

  The mischievous twinkle in her eyes didn’t match the exaggerated huff she gave him.

  As she stepped back, Scotty squeezed her shoulder. “Remember what I said. Anytime.”

  “I will. Thanks again.”

  He nodded.

  Toryn cautioned, “You have about a two-mile radius. You should feel a tingle when you get close to the edge. As long as you stay within the boundaries, no one who hasn’t been here will be able to detect you. They can come out here and scour the area, but they won’t penetrate the wards.”

  “And I have space to wander next time you two get carried away,” Brent offered with an eye roll.

  Lonny looked around with a shrug. “If anyone who shouldn’t be out here gets near the wards, we’ll know.”

  Eddie smiled gratefully at the guys. “If there is anything I can ever help with, don’t hesitate to call.”

  Toryn snorted. “We’ve all been there. You for us. And now we’re here for you.”

  Eddie sighed. “I do what I can.”

  “That’s all you can do,” Scotty answered.

  Toryn nodded. Lonny and Scotty gave them a smile before they walked back to the cars.

  “I’ll start the grill,” Jackie offered, turning to set up dinner.

  Golden locks were piled on top of her head with a clip, leaving her creamy neck bare.

  He couldn’t resist temptation and closed the distance. Eddie wrapped his hands around her hips and nibbled up her neck.

  Jackie’s head tipped to the side with a moan. “We haven’t eaten,” she complained, attempting to be the voice of reason, even as she melted against him.

  “Can’t help it. Unless you tell me to stop, I want those sighs, and murmurs. You’re undeniable when you fall into passion.”

  She giggled. “It’s a good thing we didn’t figure this out back when we lived with your parents. Your father would have kicked my ass out. I remember when he caught you making out with a girl in the basement. You were grounded for a month.”

  “Ha, he’d have kicked me out first,” Eddie teased. “He liked you best. You never got in trouble.”

  “Only because I was smarter about the shit I pulled. I didn’t get caught.” She looked back with a raised brow and he covered her sassy mouth with his.

  “Never,” he groaned. “Not even with Chatan.”

  He could see her first time as if he’d stumbled upon it that morning.

  Eddie hurried outside to ask Jackie for help with an assignment. He found her in Chatan’s arms, giggling about something.

  Jealousy washed through Eddie as Chatan took her hand and led her into the woods. She teased him while he sweet-talked her. Eddie hated the fact his older, more experienced, cousin made a move—even more jealous she’d fallen for it.

  Chatan pulled her onto a moss-covered log and kissed her, while slipping his hand under her shirt. He moved so slow, caressing her soft skin. She moaned, her back arching to press her breast into his palm.

  Eddie had never been so hard in his life as he watched his cousin do everything he wanted to do to her.

  Chatan took his time. Eddie had seen him make out with fervor more times than he cared to count. He’d been worried Chatan would push Jackie too far and break her heart.

  Instead, he slowly undressed her. Took his time seducing and kissing her, reading her cues.

  Eddie couldn’t tear his eyes away as the prick lived his biggest fantasy.

  Jackie spread her legs as Chatan slid his fingers through her heat. God, he could see the glisten of passion in the sunlight as Chatan teased and caressed her into orgasm. One finger dipped in as he knelt before her, his tongue lapping at her juices. Jackie’s head fell back as her fingers tangled in his hair.

  What Eddie wouldn’t give to trade places.

  When she cried out her release, Chatan moved up her body and slowly entered her. She froze beneath him and he stopped moving, pausing to kiss her until she was breathless. Recovered, she grabbed his ass and pulled him into her. From there, she took over, leading his pace, instinctively taking what she wanted.

  Eddie watched her come, whispering something against Chatan’s lips. That moment convinced Eddie he had to find someone else and stop wishing for what he couldn’t have.

  Despite this epiphany, his love and desire never waned, only grew stronger.

  She blushed. “He was a flirt. I never thought he’d be interested in me. And then…” She sighed and looked away.

  “I was so jealous.”

  Her eyes popped wide. “You knew?”

  He placed his head on her shoulder. “I watched, wishing it were me. That I’d taken the initiative, but I worried my parents might kill me if I ever did.”

  She laughed. “Yeah, me too.” Jackie turned back around. “Though now I don’t feel so bad, because it was your name that left my lips when I came. That’s why Chatan didn’t try to be my boyfriend.”

  He blinked slowly. “It was?”

  “Dare I ask when that happened?” Brent queried with a look of surprise.

  “About a year before you showed up.” She swallowed.

  “You were fifteen.” Brent laughed. “Well, that’s about right for fae. And I told you Eddie had been fantasizing about you for ages, long before I met you.”

  Eddie nodded. “It’s true.”

  She spun around. “Yeah, I was in the same boat. And wait, was that why you kicked his ass the next day?”

  He nodded, looking down at the ground. “He took your virginity then dumped you.”

  “It wasn’t like that. He told me he couldn’t do it again because I was in love with you. Chatan didn’t want to mess up anything between us, and he didn’t like that I was thinking about you.”

  “Shit. I’m a jerk,” he mumbled.

  She laughed. “Don’t. What I did to Leslie was worse, and all you did was feel her up and kiss her.”

  His eyes widened. “What did you do?”

  “During soccer, the next day, I created an ice slick long enough to make sure she fell. Didn’t mean for her to break her leg.”

  “Anyone else you tormented through the years?”

  She shook her head, a laugh escaping. “No. I felt too guilty after they took Leslie to the hospital, and she came back the next day with a cast. It’s not like most of your girlfriends had weird accidents.”

  He shook his head. “You weren’t to blame for Kim.”

  “I never wished her ill. Even though I was sure she would marry you.”

  “She really did like you.”

  “I miss hanging out with Kim.” She smiled softly. “Why is it your girlfriends were cool with me, but every single guy I dated hated you?”

  “Probably the threats I gave them when you weren’t around.”


  “My favorite was telling Stefano I’d rip his fangs out and shove them up his cock. But I pretty much told them all that if they were stupid enough to hurt you, I was coming after them. They probably knew why.”

  Brent laughed. “Oh, they knew why. Everyone knew what you two denied. Jackie has been better at accepting the fact you were with someone else.”

  “Doesn’t matter now. You’re stuck with me,” Jackie told him. “After I finish cooking, maybe we can go for a swim.” She winked.

  Tempting images danced through his head, distracting him further.

  Chapter 33

  Stefano woke with a start. Worry for Jacqueline nearly overwhelmed him. He stood, finding himself still in the cell. His chest heaved with heavy breaths.

  Mike rapped on the glass and held up a document. “You will not go within 500 feet of Jacqueline Oceans. You will not seek her out. If you do, you will wind up back here, provided you live through the night.”

ano nodded, not daring to open his mouth. With Sidra and Clive looking for her, there was no way he could follow the order.

  He continued, “She’s not in town. Don’t bother looking for her. The only people who know where she is are with her.”

  His brow arched. “She didn’t tell you where they are?”

  Mike glared back. “Nope. But they will if anything happens.”

  “My only concern is her safety.”

  “She doesn’t feel safe around you.”

  “I agree to the terms. I won’t seek her out. What more do you want?”

  Mike opened the door and shoved the papers at him. Stefano quickly scanned through the document. An official Silver Council order, and the penalties were high.

  No matter, he had every intention of finding her. Stuck in the cell, he’d thought about what he could do to protect her. If he could get her alone for a moment, he could drain her enough to put her to sleep, then carry her to a vehicle and take her somewhere far enough away she’d finally be safe. He couldn’t tell them that if he had any hope of leaving in time to save Jacqueline.

  “I understand,” Stefano stated.

  “Remember that. Now, come on.” He led him through the corridors to a small room where Tiana paced.

  She stopped, looking up at Stefano with glowing red eyes. “Before we go, tell me you don’t plan to repeat last night’s mistakes. You’d better tell the truth. If you aren’t, I will leave you in a cell to rot.” Her bitterness stung.

  “I’m not going after her,” he stated plainly, hoping to be out of headquarters sooner than later. Without a direction, there was no point in searching. Not yet. He planned to lurk and listen around Seattle, see if he could find any trace of her.

  She looked to Mike. “Thank you. I’m sorry this has all turned into such a huge mess. I have no excuse for my nephew.”

  Mike gave her a look like she was crazy before glaring at Stefano. “Remember, you’re not to be anywhere near her. Fuck up, and you’re right back in that cell.”

  Stefano nodded.

  “You’re free to go.” Mike’s nose wrinkled in distaste.

  Stefano followed Tiana out of headquarters. She led him to her car and drove toward the bookstore with a glare. “You are a fool. You realize that, don’t you?”


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