by Titus Nettles

  “Ulgo Meatgrinder, I think I have spotted a nest," whispered Mal'kep.

  Voresh and Belar had scouted ahead with Roc'shor, while Fer'shad and Belos were discussing tactics only a few paces in front of them.

  "Seems everyone paired off except me," Kel’Van whispered to himself."

  "That's is by design Kel’Van," said Ulgo Meatgrinder behind him. "The group members have broken off with their respective classes to best learn how they perform."

  "Which leaves me all by my lonesome."

  "Hmm, this is true," Meatgrinder grinned back. "There were no level 10 shamans available that were not already on patrol. Even if they were, none of them actually match your skillset, now do they?"

  Kel’Van nervously smiled and rubbed the back of his head at that remark. He wasn't exactly a shaman. Meatgrinder gave a smirk of his own as he smoothly changed the subject.

  "What do you make of the attack Belos's team did?"

  Kel’Van rubbed his chin while he tried to think of a way to put his thoughts into words.

  "It was a very effective strategy to use his for his group. Belos himself led the charge, being the biggest and strongest. He then made sure to gain the enemy's attention and then funneled them away from where his teammates were coming from. Which, of course, allowed for the rest of his team to attack the blindside or rear." explained Kel’Van.

  "Uh-huh," nodded Meatgrinder. "Go on."

  "Well, Mal'kep, being the second strongest, led the three-man unit into their blindside, while the others quickly broke off into a circle, thereby surrounding the enemy and killing them with speed and viciousness."

  Meatgrinder nodded in silence and waited a few seconds before he spoke.

  "That is a good assessment as any, I suppose, but you are correct. The Berserker goes in first, does the damage, and gets the enemy's attention, while the Slayer followed by everyone else, surrounds the enemy and attacks. Different formations and tactics are used depending on the makeup of the group or war band, but that is the foundation that most of our attacks, big or small, are based on when fighting the enemy," explained Ulgo Meatgrinder.

  Again, Kel’Van could not knock the efficiency of the orcs battle strategy. In his mind's eye, he saw how their racial makeup and tactics would play out against an actual player team. Initially, their attacks would confuse and probably defeat most teams.


  Long term, that tactic would only work for short duration, even accounting for the orc’s strength, size, and speed. Players adapt. Seasoned players over time, would obliterate them.

  "Your group is not exactly the same as Belos's," said Meatgrinder, bringing Kel’Van from his thoughts back to the present. "How would you have attacked the gnolls given your team's make up?"

  Kel’Van replayed the fight scene in his head, replacing Belos's team with his own.

  "Hmmm, I would use the same plan but change only the second phase. Fer'shad would rush in first, grabbing their attention and turning them away from us. Instead of The Slayer or, in my teams’ case, Voresh leading the second phase, I would lead. Voresh and Belar would be behind me using the same tactic of encircling the enemy," explained Kel’Van.

  "Hmm," mouthed Meatgrinder. " Why that particular tactic instead of what Belos’s chose?"

  "Mostly because of my magic skillset, Ulgo Meatgrinder. I can create a cone of fire in a five feet radius. That means my flames can attack multiple people at once. The confusion and panic that the flames will create will allow Voresh and Belar better opportunities to attack and surround the enemy. Voresh will veer to the left after my initial attack, and Belar can strike on the right. For my team, it is way more efficient and gets the most kills for the way our group is structured. "

  Ulgo Meatgrinder nodded his head sagely as he slowed his walk behind the others. Kel’Van matched his pace and slowed his roll as well.

  "So, tell me Kel'Van, was your use of magic the reason for your choice of actions here? “

  Meatgrinder may have made it seem casual, but Kel'Van had a sense that his answer would have a lasting effect on his relationship and standing with the old orc.

  “Better to be honest now than heartache later," Kel'Van thought, bringing back memories of his father teaching him about relationships with people.

  "It is the main reason why I chose this tactic," Kel'Van sighed. He then looked Meatgrinder in the eye and held his attention.

  "But it was not the only reason. Belar, while strong, fast, and agile, has not the level of proficiency in weapons as the rest of us. Belos's tactic depends on all people being proficient with their weapons. Any plan not accounting for that and involving more than one opponent facing her would jeopardize the whole team. My plan will allow me to be closer to her instead of being on the opposite side, thereby making sure I can assist her and have a better chance of success for the team,” said Kel'Van solemnly.

  Ulgo Meatgrinder nodded his head in acknowledgment. "I have observed this as well. But once an orc reaches level 4, they must be put on a team for patrolling the valley, no matter what their level of skill is."

  Kel'Van quickly chimed in, if only to defend Belar's fighting capability.

  "It's not as if she is helpless, Ulgo Meatgrinder. As I have said, she is fast, agile, and strong. She is very good at unarmed combat. Maybe the best in our camp."

  "That has been demonstrated many times, youngling. During a training exercise with another orc, she could not land a decisive blow on her opponent. In frustration, she threw her weapon to the ground and charged him.!" chuckled Meatgrinder.

  "He was so surprised, he didn't bother to put up a defense, and Belar put him down with two punches and… wait, what did she call it? YES, a spinning back kick!" laughed Meatgrinder.

  Kel'Van began laughing himself. " Yeah, I remember everyone talking about that."

  "It's a shame it doesn't translate well into her skill with the blade though."

  Kel'Van, while slightly annoyed at the remark, could not fault its truth., Worse yet, he felt Belar wasn't entirely to blame for that.

  "Yeah, I have to admit I had a hand in that." he sheepishly said.

  Meatgrinder said nothing, letting the younger orc speak his peace.

  "She took a liking to the moves I used on Fer'shad the first time we fought. I encouraged her in this since she was a natural at the fighting style. I'm' as much to blame as Belar with her lack of skills with the sword,” said a humbled Kel’Van.

  Meatgrinder did his customary nod when he agreed to something."It is good that a person knows the limitations of their people. Even better that the person recognizes their own shortcomings and takes responsibility for them. All good traits of a leader."

  "Thank you," said a confused Kel’Van, thinking where was Ulgo Meatgrinder going with this.

  "Those were the last things I needed to be sure of before I gave you the position of patrol leader.”

  Kel'Van snapped his head in the direction of Ulgo Meatgrinder in complete shock.


  Kel'Van's sheer surprise broke out a huge grin on the face of the old orc.

  "Why are you surprised? Surely you must have seen this coming."

  Kel'Van vigorously shook his head. " Hell, naw!"

  Ulgo Meatgrinder only raised a confused eyebrow at his words. " I don't know this "Na from hell " of which you speak, but it should be obvious you would be the most likely one to lead your group."

  The old orc paused before he spoke.

  "You have shown extreme competence in the use of your weapon for a youngling. It far outpaces your peers. You combine that with your natural charisma, and it is understandable why your peers respect you."

  "Charisma? Peers?" questioned Kel'Van. " With all due respect Ulgo Meatgrinder, I think you've exaggerated just a little bit."

  "Have I?" Meatgrinder asked. “Both Fer'shad and Belar defer to you before making decisions within your group. They are always seen accompanying you everywhere when they are not directly engaged wit
h my instructions. Even Voresh, who only practices with you when I instruct him to do so, calls you shaman, though you have clearly yet to earn that rank of distinction."

  "Lastly, was recognizing how Belar's skills were lacking and it's detriments on your group. You showed you can compensate for her shortcomings and the humility to accept your part in it. A distinct leader is responsible for the wellbeing of their troops."

  Meatgrinder put a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Trust me, this was not a hard decision to make. "

  "Now, as for Belar, yes, your encouragement in furthering her unarmed combat training may have added to the deficiency of her weapon skill. Ultimately, she made the decision to do that, not you. However, the actions she takes now, as her leader, you are responsible for. Finding a way to fix it will be a challenge," he said.

  Ulgo Meatgrinder began to walk at a normal pace, with Kel’Van lagging just behind him. He paused just before he was within earshot of the rest of the Warband.

  "I must say this now Kel’Van," he said softly. " Although not common, I have seen orcs similar to her situation before. They were not long upon this world."

  That last statement sent a chill through Kel’Van’s spine. Meatgrinder stared at him solemnly, then Kel’Van nodded his head. Satisfied his point was made, Meatgrinder resumed his stride with Kel’Van bringing up the rear.

  By the time Kel’Van and Meatgrinder caught up with the rest of the group, they were huddled together crouched behind some large rocks. Voresh and Mal'kep crept to the Warband's position coming from the south of them.

  "There are seven of them down there, Ulgo Meatgrinder," reported Voresh " They are eating...something," he spat out, visceral disgust at whatever he saw among those gnolls.

  "Okay then," signaled Meatgrinder. "I'm removing the four of you younglings from the Warband." He then nodded to Kel'Van. "It's your command now. We'll be up here watching in case things get out of hand."

  "Understood," replied Kel'Van. He then motioned for the other younglings to follow him. While crouched, he stealthily walking away from Meatgrinder's position, surrounded by tall grass. As he got farther away, he whispered behind his back to his teammates.

  "You guys didn't seem surprised by him breaking up the Warband and putting me in charge."

  "Belos told us that this was going to happen. He wasn't sure who the leader would be, but the three of us were pretty sure it was going to be you," Fer'shad responded behind him.

  "Well guys, thanks for the vote of confidence," smiled Kel’Van. "I think this is good right here."

  Kel’Van then crouched down even farther to the ground. He grabbed a stick and drew seven x's in the dirt.

  "These"...as Kel’Van pointed at each x "are the seven gnolls." He then drew a square and three triangles. Pointing at the square, Kel’Van said, "This is our tank Fer'shad. Just like we saw Belos do with the gnolls earlier, he is going to attack them and drive their attention away from us. While the of us three start running to their blindside here,” said Kel'Van as pointed at the circle.

  "All of this you have already seen demonstrated by Belos’s team. Here is when things go differently." Kel'Van then detailed the plan exactly how he explained it to Ulgo Meatgrinder. Voresh was the first to speak.

  "Pardon, shaman Kel’Van, but what is a tank?" The others chuckled at Voresh’s question since they were in the same situation weeks ago.

  "I'm just an adept Voresh, and I'll explain later on tanks after the battle is over. What's important is that you go immediately to the left once I start throwing fire into that nest of gnolls."

  He looked at Belar and said, "I need you to put in that fancy footwork we practiced in the camp." Belar gave a wolfish smile and nodded her head.

  "Okay people, let's get into position.”

  The gnolls were grouped together around a fire. One of them had tossed a gnarled bone into the pile behind it. The creature laid back against a rock, oversized hands rubbing its full belly. After a short while, it got up to relieve itself against a tree, just in time to turn around to hear the whizzing of Fer’shad’s two-handed ax swinging across his mid-section.

  "SKKRREEEEE!" cried the dying gnoll. The others sat up, sniffing the air around them. They started running around the rock. There, they beheld the grisly scene of a massive orc standing over one of its own, with its innards lying beside it.

  The orc brandishing it weapon, dripping with blood and gore, smile from ear to ear.

  "Greetings, vermin," grinned Fer'shad.

  The large orc swung his bone ax across the two Gnolls standing in front. From the blow's momentum, he then twisted his body in a complete turn putting his ax above his head. In this stance, he brought down the mighty weapon onto a gnoll's skull, nearly breaking the face in half.

  Kel’Van and his team came charging behind the gnolls watching the carnage ensue from Fer’shad’s' initial attack.

  "Way to go big guy!" thought Kel’Van. They were almost upon them when his hand began to turn red.


  As his hand turning crimson stretched out, a cone of flame enveloped the gnolls from behind. He then yelled for Voresh to take the left side. The warrior wielded his sword low to the ground behind him with both hands. He then swung the long blade at an arc from his left hip, ripping through one gnoll from its hand through the chest, and the gnoll next to it from shoulder to face. Blood sprayed in the air across Voresh's visage as he reversed his grip and pushed the bone sword forward through the chest of the gnoll with the ruined face. Kel’Van was still spouting gouts of flame of which he aimed high in the faces of the enemy while strafing to the right.

  Flame spell hits stone gnoll for 10 points…burning effect 2 points for 10 seconds)

  Flame spell hits stone gnoll for 10 points…burning effect 2 points for 10 seconds)

  Flame spell hits stone gnoll for 12 points…burning effect 2 points for 10 seconds

  "Now Belar, hittem low!" screamed Kel’Van.

  She was already at a full run when he started his flame attack. She then lowered herself and shouldered one gnoll, pushing him further into the flames. Upon hitting the ground, Belar swept her leg to the right, sending a second gnoll to the ground. After Belar's attack, they had the rest of the gnolls surrounded. Kel’Van stayed close to Belar but needed not to have even bothered. It was a slaughter after that. Belar clumsily began stabbing the gnolls, which she forced to the ground. Kel’Van turned off the flames and started hacking away at the remaining enemies covered in fire. While Voresh and Fer'shad butchered what was left of the enemy, meeting the other two orcs in the middle.

  Sword strike hits stone gnoll for 10 points

  Sword strike hits stone gnoll for 10 points

  Kel’Van stood amongst the gnoll dead, breathing hard, with his sword hanging limply from his hands. Blood and gore painted his clothes and face, while the gnolls' charcoal remains perfumed the air. Voresh was leaning on his long sword, hard planted into the ground. Fer’shad stood breathing heavily, holding his large two-handed bone ax. Kel’Van saw Belar, still on her knees with both blades pinning a gnoll corpse to the ground.

  Even amongst the carnage around them, a small smile began to form on Kel’Van’s face as he watched his teammates.

  They had won.

  They were alive, and they had won. His teammates slowly began returning a smile back at him. A burst of pride suddenly boomed in his chest, for himself and his team that just beat a group with higher levels than their own. His team, with his plan.

  "Hell yeah, baby!" he screamed at the top of his lungs. The bloodied orcs didn’t understand his words, but the sentiment was well received. Belar pumped her fist in the air, while Voresh did the same with his sword. Fer'shad, with his weapon casually over his shoulder, walked up to Kel’Van and patted him on the back.

  "That people... Is how a plan comes together," yelled Kel’Van."And it was all because of you guys." He then pounded on the giant orc's chest. "Way to tank big guy!" Kel’Van then pointed at Voresh. "Don't thi
nk I didn't see you cleave two of those things in half; that's how you do it baby!!!" Belar had already stood up. "You keep up that fancy footwork !!"

  Kel’Van started pumping both his sword and fist in the air. "THIS IS WHAT WE PLAY FOR!!" cried Kel’Van, who got lost in the moment as if he was still playing high school football.

  The youngling orcs looked quizzically at their leader, but Kel’Van’s infectious laughter and joy at being alive and winning won them over. They began laughing, pumping their weapons in the air, and enjoying the moment.

  "That was pretty well done," said Belos. Ulgo Meatgrinder and the senior group looked down below at the younglings celebrating their first victory.

  "It was not unexpected though. The group individually are very capable younglings; even with Belar's ineptitude with her weapon, they did very well in this fight," said Meatgrinder. " I'm more worried about how they will function as a group with enemies who actually know how to wage war. But as a first show of battling as a team, they show promise. We are going to need soldiers such as this if we're to realize Gaea's expectation of orcs to tame this land."

  They waited till they could see the black smoke of the gnolls being looted before they made their way down.

  Fer’shad was looting what appeared to be the last of the gnolls When Belos called for help.

  "Ulgo Meatgrinder, over here!"

  The two squads met up to where Belos was standing. There, spread eagle just a little farther from the campfire was a dead creature half-eaten by gnolls. Its skin, or what was left of it, was a dark grey. Its armor looked as if it had been chewed and was hanging off the body. It looked like some type of light armor at first glance. Big muscles on a relatively small frame. At least compared to Fer'shad, an easy comparison to make since besides the skin color, he looked like an orc.

  Everyone froze in silence. It wasn't until Meatgrinder pushed the standing bodies aside that hovered in a semi-circle surrounding it that they started speaking in hushed whispers.


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