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Betrayal of Cernunnos

Page 14

by Matthew Fish

  “I’m going to go and find some good weaponry,” Felecia spoke as she got up from the table. “Which way is the ballroom?”

  “To the left,” Mark said as he placed his hands against his head. “I thought we were just planning…”

  “We were,” Hazamel said as he placed a hand awkwardly upon Mark’s shoulder. “Consider what is at stake—everyone is willing to take up the fight as soon as possible because they wish to save you, Maddie, and Emily. They wish to save Lily’s people—and thankfully, mine as well. I know that this comes suddenly, but it must.”

  “I understand, I just…”

  “You don’t like it,” Hazamel spoke as he recalled a familiar saying from Mark’s memory. “You don’t have to like it, but I appreciate it that you will still do it.”

  “Yeah, something like that,” Mark muttered. “I’m sorry, Emily…Maddie. I know I said we were done, but—yeah. We just have to do this, and then we can be done. We will take a properly stupid long vacation.

  “This is Leaf,” Lily spoke as she brought in the awkward looking, short young man with messy, curly hair, grey eyes and a sharp nose. He was wearing a tan suit as he approached the table and opened up a case. He pulled out a book with the words “The White Stag” written upon the front.

  “Mark, Emily, Maddie,” Leaf spoke meekly as he turned to the three and smiled. “It is good to meet you, in this form.”

  “I kicked you in the dick,” Emily whispered. “Sorry about that.”

  “Was a long time ago,” Leaf said as he shrugged.

  “Leaf,” Lily spoke as she placed her hand upon Amelia’s shoulder. “This is Amelia—you have agreed to make a contract with her.”

  “Right,” Leaf spoke as he handed Amelia the book and a silver pen. “Hold onto these items as we ride north of here…”

  “We will return in a few hours,” Lily said as she put her bow across her shoulder and escorted Leaf and Amelia out of the room. “Get some rest you three—we march on Cernunnos in the morning.”

  “Be careful,” Maddie said.

  “Don’t fuck it up,” Emily said as she smiled to Amelia. “That was…a good idea, you little shit.”

  “I know, fuckface,” Amelia said as she carried her book and pen and turned to smile at Emily. “See you later, bitches.”

  “Oh, one more thing Mark…” Lily said as she headed back into the room with a small bucket. She pulled the Damascus steel folding knife from her pocket and placed it upon the table. “We need conductor blood.”

  “Of course you do,” Mark said as he picked up the knife and handed it to Maddie. He closed his eyes as he rolled up his shirt, exposing his arm.

  “Why does she get to cut you?” Emily asked as she placed the bucket beneath Mark’s arm.

  “I thought you’d not want to hurt me,” Mark said as he shook his head and kept his eyes tightly closed. “You’re free to switch if you want.”

  “Why do you think I’d want to hurt you?” Maddie asked, slightly offended.

  “Well I made you do it to yourself last time…”

  “That’s true,” Maddie said as she slid the blade swiftly against Mark’s shoulder as a large stream of blood filled the bucket. After what seemed like forever, the bucket was filled almost to the top. Mark looked as though he was about ready to pass out from all the blood loss.

  “Thank you,” Lily spoke as she took the bucket and headed off.

  “Well, that was fun times,” Mark said as Maddie wrapped a bandage around his arm.

  “I will take my leave, if you do not mind.” Hazamel spoke as he picked up Abelio’s axe.

  “Where are you off to?” Mark asked. “There are plenty of rooms open…you’re free to sleep here.”

  “It is far too warm in here for my particular tastes. I shall be right outside in the yard. I like a good view of the moon when I sleep. It is a nice comfort,” Hazamel spoke as he disappeared out of the room and through the hall.

  “Weirdo…” Emily muttered as she took Mark by the hand. “Let’s head up to bed, I don’t think we can do anything more tonight—other than for ourselves.”

  “I’m heading up as well,” Maddie said as she finished cleaning up Mark’s wound. “I hope…that everything goes alright tomorrow. I mean, I…love you guys, you know.”

  “We will be fine,” Emily said as she placed an arm around Maddie. “Before you know it we’ll be back at the beach, and you’ll be wearing that hideous hat you like so much. The warm air will be on your skin, and you’ll have a drink in your hand. It’ll be good again—we love you too.”

  “I hope that happens,” Maddie spoke as she followed the two up. She gave Mark a hug, and then turned to Emily and squeezed her tightly. “See you in the morning.”

  “Goodnight,” Mark said.

  “Goodnight,” Maddie repeated.

  Emily shut the door as she pushed Mark onto the bed. She climbed on top of him and began kissing him passionately. She pulled off his shirt and pressed her lips against his chest, and followed all the way down until she was just below his stomach. She undid his jeans and slid them off, revealing a pair of grey boxers and a full-tent erection. Emily returned her attention to Mark’s lips as she bit on his lower lip as she ran her hand in a slow trace down to his erection.

  “Just out of curiosity…” Emily whispered as she nibbled on Mark’s ear. “How on point was that Hazamel guy?”

  “On…what, exactly,” Mark said as he reached for Emily’s breasts and fumbled with her bra beneath her shirt. He eventually unclasped it, a small victory, as he began to rub her nipples against his fingertips.

  “The threesome thing,” Emily said as she squeezed tightly against Mark’s cock.

  “I love you,” Mark said as he nodded and continued to fondle Emily’s tight perky breasts.

  “I love you too, but that doesn’t answer the question,” Emily said as she playfully nibbled upon Mark’s shoulder. She squeezed him even more tightly as he let out a moan. “We could all die tomorrow—you’ve always been truthful, don’t stop now.”

  “I’ve thought about it,” Mark admitted quietly. “It’s just that…we’re so close, and all but I can happily spend the rest of my life with just you—that’s all I need.”

  “Yeah…?” Emily asked as she released her hold on Mark and slipped off the bed.

  “I’m sorry—I didn’t mean to say…” Mark started as Emily projected out of the room. “Shit…”

  Mark heard a short scream as Emily projected back in with Maddie. She was wearing a thin nightgown and nothing more. Her nipples were visible through the sheer fabric.

  “What the hell are you doing?” Maddie asked as she found herself in bed with a very aroused Mark and a half naked Emily. “You know what we have to face tomorrow?”

  “He’s interested,” Emily spoke as she gestured to Mark. “I’m interested…”

  “No…” Maddie muttered as she attempted to get up as Emily climbed atop her. “I’m not going to be responsible for screwing up your relationship.”

  “That wasn’t a hard no, more like an excuse no,” Emily said as she brought her lips to Maddie’s and pressed them firmly together. She reached her hand down and cupped Maddie’s breast and began to fondle her hardened nipple through the silky fabric.

  “I’m not sure if I’m really comfortable with this,” Mark said as he watched his best friend and his girlfriend begin to start making out. He was rather turned on, just unsure on what he was supposed to do in this kind of situation. Even in his mind it was never quite a clear picture that gave him direct instructions.

  “I don’t want to make anyone uncomfortable,” Maddie said as she pushed Emily away.

  “Well, let’s make him comfortable then, nipples,” Emily said as she pulled up on Maddie’s nightgown, exposing her nude, shapely form. Emily grabbed a hold of Mark’s head and pressed it against Maddie’s left breast. He fumbled for a moment as he wrapped his lips around her nipple. She let out a soft moan. With his right hand he began
massaging Maddie’s other breast, they were smaller and softer, but the feeling gave him an overwhelming sense of lust and excitement. Emily began to kiss against Maddie’s smooth, soft stomach as she worked her way down and parted Maddie’s legs. She kissed her inner thigh and slowly worked her tongue until it was against Maddie’s clit. Maddie began to let out loud moans as Emily worked her tongue against her flesh while Mark kept his attention firmly on her chest. After a short time of all the attention, she arched her back and came, letting out a loud scream.

  “Okay…that was, definitely something,” Maddie spoke as she attempted to catch her breath. Emily pulled off her shirt exposing her large breasts; she then stripped out of her bottoms, revealing her naked shaved form. Emily maneuvered Mark so that he was now upon Maddie. She grabbed a tight hold upon his dick and led him towards Maddie. Mark could feel Maddie’s wetness from her past orgasm against his hard erection. With a gentle motion Emily slid Mark into Maddie, as he pushed the entire length of his penis inside of her she let out a loud moan. Maddie pressed her hands against the headboard as Mark continued to pump furiously inside of her. Emily fondled Maddie’s breast with one hand as she began to kiss Maddie. She reached her free hand down and started to rub against herself until she worked herself up into a series of whimpers as she sent herself into a frenzy. Mark continued to push himself inside of Maddie as she squeezed herself tightly against him with each thrust. Eventually he could no longer contain himself, he braced his hands against Maddie’s waist as he could feel himself throbbing inside of her as he came. Maddie let out another scream as she wriggled against him as he pulsed inside of her.

  “Fuck…” Maddie whispered.

  “That’s like…six now,” Emily said as she let out a short giggle and slapped Mark firmly on the ass, causing both he and Maddie to squirm. Mark slowly pulled out of Maddie as Emily placed herself between them. Maddie began to press her lips against Emily’s nipples, alternating from one to the other as she squeezed her large breasts. She then worked her way down and began to kiss Emily between her legs, just as Emily had done for her. Emily let out short whimpers as Mark began to run his hand over Emily’s chest. He made out with Emily as Maddie continued to go down on her. Emily came hard after a short time, letting out a loud whimper as she bit her lip almost hard enough to draw blood. Mark was already aroused again just from watching. Once Maddie moved her face from Emily’s pussy, Mark positioned himself so that he slid in right after. Emily let out a loud whimper as he began to thrust vigorously into her. Maddie ran her hands over Mark’s back as she felt his muscles contract with each successive thrust. She then placed her lips upon Emily’s as they made out as Mark watched. He steadied himself with one hand as he placed his other hand between Maddie’s legs—she was dripping wet. He rubbed his hand against the folds of her flesh as she let out moans. At the same time, Mark continued to thrust into Emily as hard as he could. Emily’s whimpers were muffled by Maddie’s lips against hers as they both made quiet noises as Mark worked his fingers quickly against Maddie, and his cock firmly into Emily. Unable to take any more, Mark let out a load moan as he came inside of Emily. Emily bit down gently on Maddie’s lower lip as they both made satisfied, quieted, noises. Mark felt a bit dizzy and quite drained as he carefully collapsed between the two girls.

  “I hope that was…okay,” Maddie said with a worried tone in her voice. “I mean, I got a little carried away with all of that and…”

  “Settle down, pussycat,” Emily said as she pressed her lips against Maddie’s. “It’s not like we did anything wrong. Mark and I both like the shit out of you—just as much as we fucking love each other. Sometimes…it’s just how it is.”

  “Should I go,” Maddie said as she pulled up the blanket. She felt a bit exposed with a small measure of embarrassment for allowing herself to give in. She always did like Mark, perhaps more than like. That strange kiss she shared with Emily was on her mind at times. It did make her rather curious and strangely excited. She had no idea just how curious she felt until she was given the opportunity to act and be acted upon.

  “Stay with us,” Emily said as she shook her head. “It’s probably lonely in that room, the bed is big enough for the three of us, right Mark?”

  “Yes,” Mark said as he nodded exhaustedly. He was not sure exactly what happened. But he was in a complete state of a little bit of shock mixed in with complete sexual release. “Emily, are you sure that was…right? I mean I don’t want to mess up what we have…”

  “Stop fretting so much you two,” Emily said as she shook her head. “Enjoy your life—you only get one. I mean, unless you two plan on running off on me. Then that will really piss my nits off. Other than that, no worries, my sillies…”

  “Would never leave you,” Mark as he placed an arm around Emily and squeezed her tightly.

  “Put the other around Maddie,” Emily commanded. “You don’t want her to get cold…no pneumonia before the big battle; it doesn’t give you a pass to sit it out.”

  Mark placed his other hand around Maddie’s naked body and drew it close to his. He felt a strange warmth beyond a physical sense as he found himself close, without barriers, between the two. They stayed like that until they fell asleep. They were quite worn out from all the activity and the morning held the dreaded uncertainty of the unknown ahead of them.

  Chapter 7

  “Maaaaarrrkk,” Caesar’s voice rasped.

  Mark attempted to get up, but found himself pinned down by the two girls who clung to him tightly.

  “Please, do not get up on my account, you tomcat,” Caesar said as he made a little clawing motion with his hand. “I could tell you stories of waking up beside multiple partners, but—you would probably not care too much for it. You seem to lack the taste for men. A pity, you would have made a strapping young gay lad.”

  “I don’t exactly know how this happened,” Mark admitted. “Not that I really mind.”

  “It is about tomorrow,” Caesar said as he nodded. “There is nothing like the fear of death to speed up the inevitable. Well, I always suspected that it would be an inevitable situation. I had Emily pegged as bi-curious when we first met. Maddie though, that was rather unexpected.”

  “I’m happy to hear you talk about lighter subject matter,” Mark said as he nodded, as nodding was about all he could do. “I would have expected something grimmer…given our conversations lately.”

  “Oh, allow an old young looking man some fun,” Caesar said as he dismissed Mark’s comment with a quick gesture as though he was shooing away a fly. “I will not make light of what awaits you tomorrow. I know that you will come out of it just fine. After all, you are a strong leader, and a great Conductor—even if you do not believe so yourself. You will be a fine man. I am proud to have known you, my dear Mr. Argent.”

  “You sound like we won’t be talking anymore…”

  “If you succeed,” Caesar said with a short nod. “And you will, I am sure of it—then Cernunnos will be returned. These passageways that he has used to go back and forth between the Otherworld and your world will be closed off. I will no longer be able to sneak into them and have our little dream-time conversations, unfortunately.”

  “That makes me really sad, actually. I had kind of…grown to expect them; especially since you passed on…I do miss you.”

  “And I, you,” Caesar said as he attempted to wipe away a tear from his eye. “Oh now look what you’ve gone and done. I apologize for being harsh with you earlier. I just needed you to stay on course. I would like to believe that my sacrifice meant something. Just look at what you will be saving—millions of lives, a whole race of people born from the moon. I am a very proud of you Mark.”

  “I’m sad I won’t get to see you again…”

  “You will,” Caesar said with a smile. “It might be two thousand years—if you are lucky, or it might be sooner. But this is not goodbye forever. This is merely, a goodbye for now, my friend.”

  “Goodbye, Caesar,” Mark spoke softly

  “You look like you will be very well taken care of in my absence,” Caesar said as he peeked beneath the covers and smiled sheepishly. “They are very well formed…for girls. Oh—the time is upon us. All the best to you, my friend….”

  “And to you, my friend…”

  Mark awoke with a great sense of sadness. As the sun filled the room with a dull grey glow from an overcast sun, he pressed his lips gently against Emily’s forehead. She slowly opened her eyes as she smiled at Mark.

  “You alright…?” Emily asked quietly.

  “It’s Caesar,” Mark said as he looked to the light from the window. “We had to say goodbye—there will be no more conversations.”

  “I’m sorry,” Emily said as she pressed her face against Mark’s chest. “We should get up—get suited up, one last time.”

  “One last time,” Mark said with a single nod. Emily reached over and pressed against Maddie’s shoulder.

  “What?” Maddie asked as she let out a large yawn. “Oh…my, for a second I thought that was all a dream. I mean that in…a good way though. It was a very good dream.”

  “Time to get ready, moaner,” Emily said as she let out a short laugh. “One last time—for our future, and…yeah, everyone else too…”

  “Alright, whimperer,” Maddie said as she smiled.

  “I’ll get your things,” Emily said as a gust of wind filled the room, blowing off the blanket and revealing Maddie and Mark’s naked bodies to the morning light.

  Maddie attempted to cover up her naughty bits as best she could as Mark climbed out of bed and slid on a fresh pair of boxers. “I could have gotten them myself…”

  “You get used to it,” Mark said as he felt Maddie’s eyes upon him.

  “Sorry—I’m staring,” Maddie said as Emily projected back into the room with Maddie’s Conductor outfit and a long bag with her recurve bow.

  “I picked out your blue panties, and a blue bra—you seem to be partial to the color,” Emily said as she handed Maddie a pile of clothing. Emily climbed into a pair of tight fitting pink boy shorts and pulled up a pair of worn blue jeans. She paused as she was about to step into a pair of tennis shoes. “Will it be winter where we are going?” Should I go with shoes or boots?”


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