Three Mates for Judith

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Three Mates for Judith Page 6

by Cara Adams

  Naftali appeared, blocking the front door of the house, his arms open wide, and the boys skidded to a stop between him and the women, who formed a solid line behind the kids.

  Uniformed men with weapons jumped out of the helicopter, and one boy threw himself onto the ground, covering his head with his hands and screaming. The other two copied him, but the soldiers, or whoever they were, divided into two groups, one racing into the house and the other heading around back.

  Nahum pulled out his cell phone and called the man who’d originally rung and told him about the attack from the rear of the property. He didn’t even know who it was. The voice had spoken in a hushed whisper, and it wasn’t a number in his list of contacts.

  This time the answer was in a normal speaking tone, and he recognized it as Dwight.

  “Hi there, Dwight. What’s happening?”

  “I’ll update you in a minute, but tell that chopper to get back up in the air and look for a car fleeing the area. One of these intruders said Lutterworth promised to be nearby to help if anything went wrong.”


  No way could he leave the bus to go to the helicopter, especially if Lutterworth was still around. He rang Zebulun. “Lutterworth is likely escaping by car. Get the chopper in the air.”

  “I’m on it.”

  Only seconds later, the helicopter took off, and Nahum rang Dwight again. “I need a description of the vehicle to give the pilot.”

  He waited while there was a lot of noise in the background of the call and then heavy breathing before Dwight spoke quietly. “There’s no description. Lutterworth told them it was a test of their worthiness and that he’d be watching. I suspect the damn man took off the moment he realized the kids were in trouble.”

  “Well fuck!”


  * * * *

  This day had already gone on far too long and been far too stressful for Naftali. He wasn’t a security guard. That job belonged to his brothers. His idea of a stressful day was usually when some idiot put the wrong code in a spreadsheet and ordered one hundred pounds of potatoes instead of one hundred pounds of apples.

  Even the chef screaming abuse at him in French, wanting to know how he was supposed to make apple pies with potatoes, wasn’t nearly as bad as the thought that his woman might be killed by her own fucking father.

  And then, to top it off, they didn’t even catch Lutterworth. They had ten teenage boys who would be charged with a nice long list of breaking and entering, property damage, disorderly conduct, and assault, but that was all.

  The only good news was that apparently two of the boys had been in trouble before, for smashing up George’s Café, and the Reed triplets had some interesting video footage taken from their computers, so they would probably tell what they knew to avoid ending up in adult jail for a long time.

  Being so close to Judith all day had filled him with admiration for her and made him want her more than ever. He’d caught flashes of lust, desire, and longing in his brothers’ eyes as well and knew that tonight, when all the shit was finally sorted and the fucking cookout was under wraps, they would try to get to know her better. Not that Naftali felt he needed to talk to her anymore. Watching her with the women, with the children, as a joint hostess on the farm with her mother, all had taught him more than words would say. Her actions had painted a clear picture of a woman he’d be proud to join with forever.

  The Alpha had returned to the panther warehouse with the rest of the pack since everyone was sure Lutterworth wouldn’t approach such a secure building any time soon.

  “If he’d had any followers other than those teenagers, he’d have used them today. It makes me wonder if he’s lost his influence somehow,” said Nelson slowly.

  “Actually…” Mrs. Lutterworth looked thoughtful.

  “What, Mom?”

  “It must be almost a year ago now that we were invited to Long Island to stay with friends of mine. Your father got a little too friendly with the wife of one of the men there, and that didn’t go down well in our circle. Everyone knows men fool around with women not their wives but never at occasions such as this. When I was angry with him, Lewis told me he hadn’t realized she was his wife, not his mistress, because she’s a lot younger than him, and that it was all a misunderstanding anyway, but even so, it was the kind of mistake hostesses don’t forget or forgive.”

  Judith giggled. “Because too many of them are much younger trophy wives as well?”

  Cherise laughed. “Possibly. But that might be why he hasn’t got as many contacts as before.”

  “It’s also possible people have noticed small, expensive items disappearing when he’s been visiting them,” added Nahum.

  Cherise had nodded at that as well. Then she’d kissed Judith’s cheek and headed up to her suite of rooms. Nahum and Nelson had followed her up the stairs and checked that she’d locked her door and planned to stay inside. Since her rooms were on the third floor of the old house and there were no handy trees or drainpipes for anyone to climb up, she should be completely safe now.

  “I didn’t think most private houses had internal doors that locked anymore. Except maybe in the bathroom. I thought that was an idea that dated back to multiple family homes,” he said.

  “Mom had the locks installed on her door, and mine, which was next to hers, and on our windows when she split with Dad. I was still small so that was probably when he went back to Elsie’s mom and she conceived JJ. None of us can work out why he came back then, although he didn’t stay long enough to know about the new baby.”

  Mrs. Davey came into the room. “We’re retiring for the night now, Miss Lutterworth.”

  “Thank you for all you’ve done today. It’s been very hectic for you both I know.”

  Naftali said, “Sam and Jake are staying on duty all night. Make sure you make a noise if you get up to make a snack or something so they don’t frighten you.”

  She shook her head. “We have a coffee pot and a sandwich maker in our rooms anyway. But thank you for the warning. Tell them breakfast will be ready at seven thirty. Likely they’ll be hungry by then.”

  By then he and his brothers would be back on duty. If they were going to spend time with Judith, it had to be now.

  “Can we escort you to your rooms, Judith?”

  “I have the attic. I took over the entire attic of the brownstone, and it worked so well as my own personal quarters that I did the same thing here, even though I’m not here as much. Perhaps you’d all better come upstairs and check no one has slid down the chimney or something.” She grinned as she said it, and he suddenly knew—absolutely and without a hint of the possibility of a mistake—that she wanted them as much as they wanted her. Awesome!

  * * * *

  Nelson walked behind Judith all the way up the stairs to the attic. Her taut little ass in her tight jeans wiggled and swayed, and his dick nearly exploded with the need to be inside her. Maybe even inside that hot little ass. He couldn’t decide if she did it deliberately or not. She had a slender, lithe body. She wasn’t exactly short, but likely an inch or so under the average height for a woman.

  She was also slender. Not anorexic or waif-like, but without any excess pounds on her body. However, she seemed to have plenty of energy, so he thought likely it was a natural body shape, not induced by excessive diet and exercise. JJ and Elsie were slender as well, and even Cherise was lean, so likely Judith got the genes from both sides of the family.

  When Judith unlocked the door to the attic, Nelson was surprised. He hadn’t been aware that he’d had an image of what her domain would look like, but it hadn’t been this.

  The door opened into a narrow entryway only about four feet wide, facing a wall covered with dozens of family pictures. Holiday snaps, historical pictures of her ancestors, and photos of vacations and the people she’d shared them with. The wall extended maybe ten feet, finishing with another wall at right angles to it, also filled with photographs. Only after they’d passed t
hrough what had effectively been an S bend, completely blocking any view of the room itself, did he see a huge open expanse that must have been half the length of the house. It was divided into spaces. The first one was a living area with comfortable arm chairs, bookshelves, a couple of low end tables with reading lamps on them, and a large TV on a wall. Big windows looked out over the backyard and to the farm itself.

  The second space appeared to be a formal dining room with a fully furnished kitchen, but Judith walked them straight past it before he had a chance to look at it properly. Beside the kitchen was a short hallway with a door, but this door was open.

  Her bedroom was another large room, and the bed was more than big enough for the four of them. Hell, it was big enough for six people. He’d never seen such a huge bed.

  “Wherever do you get linen for such a huge bed,” asked Naftali.

  Of course sourcing items people needed was his job.

  “This bed was made for a movie. The funding for the movie fell through, and I thought it’d be fun to buy it. So it came with the sheets and comforters. I’ve never used the blood-red sheets and matching comforter cover. But maybe I will one day,” she said with a naughty glint in her eyes.

  He looked at the bed. The sheets were a girly pink, and the comforter was the same color. He could deal with that. But red might be entertaining as well. Right now he was more interested in getting his woman naked and onto the bed than any color the bedding might be.

  She sat on the end of the bed, kicked off her shoes, and looked at them. Then she said very softly, “Since you want to protect me, I’d be really safe if you came to bed with me.”

  Nelson grinned. He’d never been propositioned by a woman before, but since these exact thoughts had been going through his mind for days, there was no way he was going to let that put him off any more than pink, or even red, sheets would.

  “That’d be wonderful. We’d very much like to guard you up close and naked. But first you have to get undressed.”

  “I will, but I’d like to look at you three naked as well. It’ll take me three times as long to look at you as it will for you to look at me.”

  Nelson wasn’t at all sure that was accurate. He was pretty sure he could look at her naked for hours. But he bent down to unlace his boots. Once again, it was what he wanted, so there was no sense in arguing about it.

  He heard the thumps as his brothers removed their boots as well, and then he pulled his belt out of his jeans. “Has anyone ever tied you up for sex?” he asked, rubbing his hands along the leather.

  She giggled. “Take a closer look at the design of the headboard.”

  She pulled the top drawer of the nightstand open, but he was looking at the bed frame. It was metal, very sturdy, which it needed to be if five or six people were going to get on it at once. But he could see what she meant. The metal pattern included bars and designs that would make an excellent support for ropes or handcuffs.

  “That must have been some movie they planned,” said Naftali, saying exactly what he was thinking.

  “They didn’t say, but porn came to my mind when I saw the pictures of the bed as well.” Now she really did laugh out loud. It was a pretty, feminine laugh and tugged at his cock as much as the sight of her sitting there on her enormous bed did.

  “You aren’t undressed yet,” Nahum reminded her.

  She lay flat on her back. “I might need some help.”

  He glanced at his brothers, and Naftali nodded. They settled themselves on the bed surrounding her, and then Naftali lifted her T-shirt up, exposing her bare belly.

  Nelson bent low and licked wet lines over it then sucked some of the flesh up into his mouth before trailing his tongue over to her belly button and biting lightly all around the rim.

  Then he moved back and let Nahum have a turn. Naftali lifted the T-shirt higher so it covered her face, and he extended her arms up as well.

  Nahum rolled her bra up and teased one of her breasts while Naftali used the T-shirt to trap her arms so she couldn’t interfere.

  Nelson couldn’t resist licking her belly again, on the other side of her body from where Nahum was licking. Naftali pulled the T-shirt right off her and unzipped her jeans. This time they worked together to pull them very slowly down her legs, licking and sucking and touching every inch of skin as it was revealed to them. Finally the jeans were on the floor, and she pushed her socks off with her own feet.

  Nelson noticed the open nightstand drawer and turned to look inside it. He pulled out two sets of handcuffs in padded denim. “Did these come with the bed? They look just perfect to go around the metal bars of the headboard.”


  He wasn’t sure whether she was commenting on Naftali’s actions, with his face buried in her pussy, or whether she was answering him, but Nelson took it as consent and clipped one on her left wrist.

  “If we’re going to get serious here, you need to be on your front.”

  His brothers rolled her over, and he handed the second pair of handcuffs to Nahum, who quickly locked her wrist to the headboard on one side of the bed while Nelson did the other side.

  “What else is in that drawer?” asked Naftali, rummaging in it.

  Nahum held up a dildo, but Nelson was hoping for a whip, a paddle, or a flogger. She didn’t seem to own anything like that, so he slid off the bed, stripped down to his boxers, and then padded barefoot into the kitchen area of the attic.

  Just as he’d thought, from the brief glance he’d had of the kitchen as they walked past it, the area was set up as a full-service catering zone. He wondered if Judith liked to host dinner parties. There was everything anyone could want to cook a three-course meal for half a dozen people here. He looked at the dining table. It seated eight. Okay, for eight people.

  He found the drawers, and as he’d expected, the top one held cutlery. The second drawer was what he was looking for. It was stocked with gadgets. He took out a wooden spoon, a pastry brush, some chopsticks, and two different sized spatulas. It took him a while, but he found a baggie filled with rubber bands. That was enough for now.

  By the time he returned to the bedroom, Judith’s legs were spread wide apart and tied to the footboard of the bed with a messy tangle of belts. He hoped whichever brother had done that could untangle it properly. But now wasn’t the time to worry. He dumped his haul onto the nightstand and saw a jar of lube sitting ready there, along with a box of condoms.

  They didn’t need condoms. Panthers weren’t fertile until after they’d mated their woman. But likely his brothers were right. Spoiling the atmosphere by having the conversation now was probably not the best idea.

  Besides, his woman was spread out on her girly-pink sheets, waiting for him to join his brothers and make love to her all night long. Their aim needed to be to wring as many orgasms as possible from her delectable body. It’d been quite a traumatic day, and the best sleeping pill ever invented was orgasmic sex.

  “Has anyone ever spanked you, Judith?” asked Naftali, picking up the larger spatula and swatting her ass lightly with it.

  She looked back over her shoulder at them, grinning. “I guess you don’t mean the time when I was six and I rode my bike along the just-laid and still wet concrete path?”

  Nelson snorted and shook his head. “I was thinking a little more recently than that.”

  She looked at them seriously now. “I’m twenty-five, not eighteen, and I’ve graduated college. I’ve never been promiscuous, but I’ve been to a lot of parties over the years. I’ve never been anyone’s sub, but I have engaged in some play times.”

  Naftali spanked her ass several times with the spatula. “Did you like being spanked?”

  “It’s sexy. But I expect you’ll do it much better. I’ve never had three men before. Actually I’ve never had more than one man at a time.”

  “You’re about to find out that three men are a lot more than three times better than one,” said Nelson, kissing her ear and then biting the shell of it lightly

  “I’m ready. Show me.”

  Chapter Five

  It seemed to Judi as if this day had already been going on for at least a week. She’d been ready for them to kiss and touch her for what seemed like a month at least, even though it hadn’t been that long really. But today had delivered so many new experiences, along with shocks and surprises, that all she could think about now was a long sleep in the arms of these three men, preferably prefaced by a damn good orgasm. A much better one than in her dream on the bus.

  Even that seemed as though it was at least several days in the past instead of only hours.

  Well, it had been a clear directive from her body to get up close and personal with these men, so here she was, naked, tied up, and waiting for the party to begin.

  She didn’t have to wait very long.

  Naftali spanked her ass hard with one of her silicon spatulas. No, with two of them. Two different sizes. Each one gave a slightly different feel as they landed on her ass.

  Then he wiggled to the side, and Nelson spanked her with a wooden spoon. It was a very different sensation from the spatulas. When Nahum lined up for his turn, her ass was already hot, and her cunt filled with cream. She was ready to be fucked and didn’t need any more spankings, but she supposed she couldn’t deprive Nahum of his turn. She had about a second to wonder if maybe three men wasn’t always going to be the best number, and then he teased her skin with a pastry brush.

  She’d thought she was already very aroused, but the feathery strokes of the brush were just as enticing as the spankings simply because of their difference. She’d never even thought of that before.

  Nahum crawled up the bed and teased the pastry brush along her neck. Then he lay beside her and ran it over her side, working the bristles across her breast. Judi gasped at the incredibly erotic sensations and watched him as he played the brush over her skin. Then both the wooden spoon and the two spatulas were being tapped on her shoulders and her back. Judith turned her head the other way to see Nelson using her body as a drum while he tapped out a complicated beat on her skin with the kitchen utensils.


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