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Fate's Plan

Page 6

by JA Low

  “Oh.” Yep, that is the brilliant answer you say, when a man tells you that you make him a better person.

  “I’m moving too fast…” Luke takes a step away from me, running his hands through his silky, black hair. “Forget what I said…” He pushes past me and heads to the front door where our boots and jackets are.

  “Hey.” I call out after him, he slowly turns around and I can see the tiniest bit of hurt across his face. I run towards him and jump into his arms, nearly barreling him over. I place a slopping wet kiss on his face, which makes him laugh.

  “You’re crazy, Lil.” He chuckles.

  “Yeah, about you.” The words slip out easily, and he stills.

  “Yeah?” The cocky smirk crosses his face.

  “Yeah.” My arms wrap around his neck. “I think you’re a bit alright.” He raises an eyebrow at me, which makes my eyes roll. “Now, enough feelings for the moment, let’s get cooking, so you can work these new calories off me.” Luke’s palms squeeze my ass.

  “I like the sound of that.”



  Okay, when I said he was going to help me work off my Christmas lunch calories, I thought it was going to be by the fire or in our bed. Not walking through the bloody snow. I cooked a brilliant Christmas lunch, not traditional at all, but it was still yum. I made spaghetti carbonara, even though Luke burnt the bacon. Like, seriously, how does one burn bacon? I now understand how one burns bacon, when they have never cooked before. I think Luke might be a Mummy’s boy. He is Italian and their Mums are notorious for looking after their sons. But we survived. I also made bruschetta to start with, Luke complimented me on it and I even attempted tiramisu, with the awful instant coffee; it didn’t turn out too bad. Luke ate it all so, that’s a win. He was pretty pleased that I had gone to the effort to make him feel at home today. I haven’t really celebrated Christmas the past two years, sick people don’t stop for us to celebrate.

  “Hurry up,” Luke calls up ahead of me.

  “My legs are little and the snow is deep,” I call back. I don’t have stilts for legs like him, some places I sink down all the way to my bum, I’m not made for this. Luke makes his way back to me, picks me up and hauls me over his shoulder like a fireman. “What are you doing?” I squeal.

  “It will be quicker if I just carry you,” he tells me, as he makes quick work through the snow. He’s right, he is walking quicker without me straggling behind him. We don’t get far until I start complaining about being ill; hanging upside down is not a great idea after a big meal. “Jump onto my back.” He crouches and I jump on, now that is better.

  “Giddy up.” I pretend Luke is a horse and slap his bum, he’s not that amused, but I’m having fun now. We eventually make it down to the lake, called Loch Leven, which is a famous lake in the area. Some of it is frozen over, while some still has moving water. There is not a person out, we are the only people, only crazy people out in the cold like this. But, it’s peaceful, relaxing, soothing, great for the constitution.

  “This is beautiful.” Luke looks out at the white landscape. “Peaceful.” Both of us take in the majesty of the mountains, snow and lake. “Do you think Rob will want you back?” Luke’s question surprises me; it’s come out of nowhere.

  “He can try, but as far as I’m concerned, we are through. I wasn’t in love with him. I think…” I hesitate, kicking the snow in front of me with my foot. “I think I dated him to get my parents’ approval.” There it is, the truth. Can I really fault Rob for cheating on me when I was never really in the relationship? That I was never in love with him? Luke is silent, as if he is contemplating something.

  “I understand that. My business, it is the family business. And I have a lot of responsibility on my shoulders.” He’s finally opening up about himself.

  “Are you the oldest?”

  “No, thankfully. So, I have a tiny bit of freedom compared to my brother, but I am next in line.”

  “How many in your family?”

  “I have an older brother and two younger sisters.”

  “Are you close with them?” I don’t want to ask too many questions and spook him, but I’m liking him telling me more about himself.

  “With my brother and youngest sister, yes, but the other one.” He shakes his head. “She…she is best friends with my ex.” His ex. I knew he could possibly have one, but it still shocks me hearing him say it out loud.

  “She chose sides?”

  He huffs. “Very much so, from her text messages. She is very much on Team Rachele.” Luke kicks some snow in front of him. “She cheated on me…” My stomach sinks, who the hell would be stupid enough to cheat on this man, especially that dick? “With my best friend.”

  “What! Oh, no.”

  “Yep.” He shoves his hands into his pocket.

  “That is the worst because they both betrayed you.” He nods. “Why?” I don’t understand why people cheat with best friends.

  “I don’t know. I didn’t stay around to find out.” Guess we are more alike than I thought.

  “Did you love her?” Luke contemplates that question for a couple of moments.

  “I thought what we had was love, but I realize now, that it was just what was expected of us to do, be together. I guess like you and Rob, our families were friends and had been for a very long time, everyone just assumed we would one day get married.” I know exactly what he means. “Like you, I had to get away and I’m glad I have, it’s given me a new perspective on my life.” Luke holds out his hand to me, I take it, my cheeks warming at the gesture. We both sit together in silence, at one with nature.

  “I’m so freezing.” I’m shivering as we finally make it back into the warmth of the cottage.

  “Let me run you a bath.” That sounds like a fantastic idea as I slowly take off my frozen clothing, hanging it on the clothes rack. I hear my phone ringing in my room and make a mad dash to it, as I haven’t heard from Lauren yet.

  “Hello,” I answer, grabbing it before it rings out.

  “Merry Christmas, Lilly,” Lauren and Alistair shout through the phone. Hearing their voices today makes the holiday feel right.

  “Merry Christmas, guys, where are you?”

  “We’re in Zanzibar,” Lauren squeals. Oh, wow.

  “It’s beautiful there, how romantic.”

  “I know; it totally was because Alistair proposed,” she screams down the phone.

  “No way,” I squeal back.

  “Yep, yep, yep. I’m going to be a bride.” I can feel Lolly’s enthusiasm down the phone.

  “Oh, my God, guys, I am so happy for you.” Tears are falling down my cheek because I miss my sister, and wish I could give her a big hug to celebrate this momentous occasion with her. The line crackles.

  “We better go; the line isn’t too good,” she says, fading in and out.

  “Love you.” But the phone goes dead. I sit on the bed, tears falling down my face, feeling awfully alone at that moment.

  “Lilly, are you okay? What happened?” Luke asks, wrapping his arms around me, not realizing it is exactly what I need at that moment as I cry into his chest.

  “Lolly’s getting married.” I sniffle.

  “That’s good, no?” he asks, confused by my reaction.

  “It’s good. So good. I’m so happy…” As I burst into tears again, yeah, poor Luke is most definitely out of his depth at the moment.

  “Come, come. A hot bath will do you good.” He picks me up in his arms and hauls me to the bathroom. I like the way he just picks me up as if I weigh as much as a feather. It’s kind of manly being hauled around like that. He slowly undresses me, not in a sexual way, but in a caring way. He, too, undresses and we both ease into the hot water, my extremities burning at the heat, until I sink in and lay back against Luke’s chest. He runs his fingers through my hair, soothing me.

  “I’m so happy for her…” I start, holding in my emotions, “I just wish I was there to celebrate it with her.” I close my
eyes as Luke massages my head.

  “I understand you want to celebrate with them. But, they are in Africa, a very romantic place, it is nice that they have this moment, between the two of them.” He’s right. I can celebrate when Lolly gets back. I don't have to do it seconds after she announces her news. I sink deeper into the water.

  “You are a wise one, Mr. Luke.” I hear him chuckle beside my ear.

  “That would be a first.” We lay in the warm water and talk. He tells me all about his travels abroad, and I tell him about the exciting things I did while in Kenya, funnily enough, without Rob, who wasn’t interested at all in the culture of the country, unless there were diplomates or ambassadors coming to visit and we were invited to special dinners. Working in Africa was a once in a lifetime achievement, something I would never trade in a million years. Maybe fate does have a hand in things. Oh, no, is Lauren’s influence sinking in, am I seriously contemplating fate? Maybe that’s why Luke was brought into my life, to put me on another direction, to show me that there were other options I could do with it. Hmmm, maybe there is something to be said about fate then.



  Lilly doesn’t know I am about to surprise her with a trip away for New Years. I love the cottage, it’s great, but, honestly, if it wasn’t for Lilly’s company, I probably would have packed up after 48 hours and scurried home to Rome with my tail between my legs. Apparently, here in Scotland, they celebrate Hogmanay, it’s their new year’s eve. I spoke to Wallace when we went down to the pub for dinner the other night and he suggested we go to Edinburgh for it, if I could get in anywhere. It has the best fireworks, with the castle in the background. I’m not sure if I heard right because he’s very hard to understand. I still don’t believe he is speaking English.

  “Hey, why do you have a creepy smile on your face?” Lilly looks up at me from her place by the fire where she likes to read her book.

  “I have a surprise for you.” She raises her eyebrows in shock.

  “Really?” Her eyes drift down to my dick, he twitches under her gaze.

  “Eyes up here,” I tease. “You can thank him later, but you have to pack, because I’m taking you away.”

  “Away!” she says, raising her voice.

  “Yes, you and me are going away to somewhere special for tonight’s fireworks.” I can see she wants to argue but is genuinely shocked. “Hurry up.” I push her off.

  Eventually she is ready, I grab her bag and throw it into my rental 4WD. I help her into the car.

  “Are you ready?” She gives me a side eye then breaks out in a huge smile.

  “Yes. I am so excited.” She claps her hands together, which makes me laugh.


  Off we go to Edinburgh, which is nearly three hours. Lilly gives me a sightseeing tour as we go. We stop at some quaint little villages on the way, to look around. As much as I told her we were in a hurry, she’s having way too much fun and, as long as we make it there before midnight I’m fine, however long it takes us. The level of comfort I feel around her, I’ve never had with anyone I’ve dated before. Are we dating? Maybe? Maybe not. Honestly, I think of her as more than just a friends with benefits kind of situation, but it’s not even been two weeks since we met, it’s hardly relationship status worthy. But, the feelings I do have for her feel strong, or am I hoping they are after the disaster I left Rome in? Am I forcing my issues onto her? Does she even like me like that? I know she likes the orgasms I give her but maybe she isn’t ready to date again, maybe I’m just a convenient cock. I shake my head, no, she wouldn’t want to be sharing this experience with me if I was just a quick fuck.

  “What’s going on in that big old head of yours? You seem very quiet all of a sudden?” I turn and look at Lilly, her brown hair is pulled up into a high ponytail, she has no makeup on and her cheeks are pink from the frigid wind outside.

  “I like you.” Just blurt it out there, Romeo.

  “I like you, too.” She bounces in the seat beside me.

  “Do you think?” My hands grip the steering wheel, am I seriously going to ask her for more. I can’t offer her more. What we have is just made for Glencoe, the cottage, nothing more. My family will never accept her. One she is not Italian, but she is fluent in our language, and two, she is not of the right social breeding. Right, ‘cause the right social breeding didn’t just humiliate me in public. Maybe I need to give someone like Lilly a chance, because she seems to have my best interests at heart. “Do you think, that maybe you would… like to keep seeing me after I leave Glencoe?” It’s out there, no taking it back. Lilly goes quiet beside me. I turn and look at her, worried I said too much, but she just looks like she’s in shock.

  “You want to date me?” she asks, pressing her finger into her chest.

  “Si.” I nod. Maybe my question got lost in translation, but I’m sure I asked correctly.

  “But, look at you.” I frown, what does that mean.

  “You could have anyone.” Huh, why would I want anyone, when I could have her? “Don’t you normally date supermodels or something?” This is true but does she not see she is more beautiful than any of those models, they are just cardboard cutouts, they aren’t real, they are just for show.

  “Lilly, I think you are beautiful.” Reaching my hand out to her, she takes it, a perfect blush tints her creamy skin.

  “You live in Italy.” I know all this, and it would take a little bit of logistics for us to work, but I think we could.

  “You could come to Italy. I know people, I could easily get you a job as a doctor somewhere.”

  “But, I like saving the underdogs.”

  “I know. I know many charities that would love to have you come on board, plus, you already speak Italian.”

  “Don’t you think that is a little fast?” I’m surprised she is hesitating, but then I realize Lilly is a doctor, she spoke about always being the logical one compared to her free-spirited sister.

  “Maybe, but I’ve had so much fun with you, and I know I want more. I’d like to see where it could take us.” She looks up at me from the side, a small smile across her lips.

  “I think I’d like that,” she says shyly.

  “You would?” My brows raise in surprise.

  “Yeah, why not. Being cautious hasn’t gotten me anywhere, why not give being crazy a chance.” This makes me laugh, and my heart blooms inside my chest. I pull over to the side of the road, and down a little country path, I pull her into my lap and kiss her urgently.

  “I want to make you happy, Lilly. With every breath inside of me.” She kisses me passionately at my tender words. I want nothing more than to be inside of her, but these damn winter clothes are in the way. “We need to get to the hotel so I can ravage you.”

  “Yes,” she pants. I kiss her one last time before gently depositing her beside me.

  I booked us a luxury penthouse with views out over Edinburgh castle and the city. I also asked for discretion when we arrive. I know if I hadn’t they would have made a huge fuss and as far as Lilly is concerned, I’m just a businessman. We pull up at the back entrance, where a valet is waiting for us. I tell him we will take our own bags up. He hands me the key to the penthouse and quietly parks my car.

  “Wow, this place is amazing.” Seeing the wonderment on Lilly’s face gives me great joy. She has no idea I can show her things like this. I want to take her to some of my favorite places, Monaco, New York, the Greek Islands, I want to explore the world with her through brand new eyes. I want to soak up her enthusiasm for new discoveries. My life is much more luxurious than this, I guess I want to see how she will fit into it, will she think it’s over the top or will she appreciate it?

  “Oh, my God, this view.” Pressing her face up against the glass, we have almost a 360-degree view over the whole city. “We are going to be able to see all the fireworks, this is going to be spectacular.” Her excitement is vibrating through her body.

  “What I see is a beautiful woman standing
against a window, that I want to press her naked body against.” She turns around in shock, but that blush is back across her cheeks.

  “I don’t think anyone needs to see that,” she whispers.

  “You’re right, I wouldn’t share you for the world,” I tell her, pulling her face to mine and kissing her. Lilly’s fingers are through my hair, tugging at the ends, and our kiss grows frantic, as we strip off the winter layers; scarves, jumpers, t-shirts, jeans, socks all discarded onto the floor. Thankfully, the fire is on in the living room, and there is a large fur rug on the floor. I place her gently against it as I shimmy off her underwear. Lightly, I push open her legs for me, I’ve done it so many times, Lilly instinctively opens for me now, and I reward her for her eagerness with my tongue across her silky slit.

  “Hhhhmmmm,” Lilly moans as her fingers find my hair again, tugging the dark strands, pulling me closer to her, and I follow her instructions, feasting on her as if I am a starving man. Showing her what life could be like with me, what I would love her like every single day.

  “Yes, yes, oh, God, yes.” She arches her back as the orgasm takes over. My hands are in my pocket pulling out the condom; I know I should love her more, but I need to be inside of her, connected with her. Once I am sheathed, I enter her slowly, her legs wrapping around me. I hiss as I feel her wetness around me.

  “You and me,” I whisper, pressing our foreheads together.

  “You and me.” She smiles, then kisses me. We get lost in each other as I move inside of her.



  Lilly is beyond excited, especially because she can stay in her pajamas and not have to dodge the crowds. It’s beginning to sleet as well, they must be freezing down on the streets; and here we are drinking wine, eating delicious food laid out thanks to the in-house chef. This is the perfect new year’s eve; no responsibilities, no pomp, no paparazzi, just me and a crazy English girl who is squealing at everything she sees out the window. How can you not get caught up in the excitement of the night?


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