Midnight Masquerade

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Midnight Masquerade Page 16

by Shirlee Busbee

  "I cannot believe that she actually sold you the horse. Even half a horse!" Royce said.

  Dominic grinned at him. "Doubting my charm and grace with the ladies?"

  An answering grin on his face, Royce shook his tawny head. "Never that!" he admitted with a laugh. "When you decide upon a course, there are few, male or female, who would deny you."

  "Perhaps," Dominic replied. "But I can tell you that once I saw that horse I would have done anything within my power to own him. I was determined that, one way or another, your cousin was going to sell him to me."

  "But at that price!" Josh exclaimed. "I have heard that you are an excellent businessman, but I must confess," Josh continued in a teasing tone, "that I have serious doubts about your abilities to strike a hard bargain after this morning's work."

  Dominic grimaced. He could not disagree with Josh—he had serious doubts about his own sanity of late. And as for what he'd done this morning, he had no answer or excuses. Shrugging his shoulders, he said dryly, "Be that as it may, I did accomplish what I set out to do."

  "Half of what you meant to do," Royce reminded him with a roguish gleam in his eyes.

  "Very well, half, but,who knows—I may not have to pay that amount in the end."

  It was an idle statement, uttered without thought or reason, but Josh pounced on it. "Eh?" he questioned. "And why is that? Got some other ideas about my niece?" Privately, Josh was of the opinion that this co-ownership of the horse smacked of an imminent proposal, and Dominic's remark only confirmed it. Of course young Slade wouldn't have to pay the full amount in the end—not if he married Melissa! Be glad to have him in the family. Just wish they'd get on with it!

  Royce wasn't concerned about Dominic's plans or lack of plans regarding Melissa, and leaning across the table, he demanded, "Where is that agreement you signed with Melissa today? I want to see with my own eyes proof that you did indeed strike that ridiculous bargain."

  "It's upstairs in my room. If you really want me to get it I shall, but I don't think it's necessary." Ruefully, he added, "I can assure you that I did strike that 'ridiculous bargain.'" He had not forgotten how obstinate Royce could be in his cups, and when Royce insisted that he wanted to see the agreement, Dominic complied. Rising to his feet, he said, "Very well, I'll get it. Order us another round of brandies while I'm gone."

  A smile on his lips, he walked upstairs and down the hall to his room. He was already inside and reaching for his valise when he suddenly became conscious of the glow of the burning candle on the stand. Stiffening, he stared in bewilderment at the lovely creature sleeping in abandonment on his bed. Hardly daring to believe what he was seeing, like a man in a daze, he walked nearer, halting mere inches from the edge of the bed.

  Spellbound by her golden beauty in the dancing light of the candle, he stared down at the sleeping woman, his gaze wandering over the profusion of honey-colored hair that spread across the quilt, before traveling down to the creamy expanse of silken flesh which spilled invitingly out of the top of the gown. He couldn't tear his eyes away from the gentle rise and fell of the woman's breasts, but with an effort, he forced his glance upward, past the firm chin and the full, tempting mouth, beyond the delightfully tip-tilted nose to the thick lashes that lay like black fans upon the delicate bones of her cheeks. She was enchanting, he thought foggily, but what the hell was she doing in his bed?

  Part II

  The Parson's Mousetrap


  if one will face the truth,

  is an evil,

  but a necessary one.

  Unidentified minor fragment


  Chapter 11

  How long he stood there staring down at the seductive form of the young woman on his bed, Dominic couldn't remember; he only knew that as the moments passed, he was aware of his body's instant response to her nearness. Desire, fierce and compelling, surged through his loins; visions of making love to her, of kissing those provocative lips, of removing the material that stretched across her bosom, jostled in his brain. The intensity of his reaction to the mere sight of this lovely creature reminded him forcibly that it had been weeks since he had last lain in the arms of a woman—and it also reminded him of the teasing he had taken from Royce about his chaste state.

  Enlightenment dawned and he chuckled. Of course—Royce had sent her here and then had manufactured a reason for him to return to his room to find this exquisite surprise. As he glanced again at the tempting curves plainly revealed by the tight, old-fashioned gown, anticipation curled in his belly.

  A lazy smile on his mouth, he absentmindedly sat down on the pine chair and with all his thoughts on the sweet charms that he would soon enjoy, he removed his boots. The jacket followed, as did the pristine cravat and embroidered waistcoat, but then, too eager to complete his undressing, he approached the bed, wondering fleetingly where Royce had found such a beauty.

  It didn't matter to him—she was here and he wanted her. Sinking down beside the sleeping woman, he nuzzled her neck and ear, one hand trailing across her shoulder. She smelled delicious, like sunshine and lavender, and he was amazed how potent an aphrodisiac such normal scents could be; hunger to know the delights of her body sent the blood thundering through his veins.

  When there was no response to his light touch, Dominic teased the lobe of her ear with his tongue and murmured, "Wake up, sleeping beauty."

  Dimly Melissa heard the words and struggled up through the layers of sleep that had overcome her. Slowly she became aware of her surroundings. She had been dreaming of Dominic, of Dominic kissing her, and when she opened her eyes and saw his face just above hers, it seemed like part of her dream. Her golden-brown eyes, drowsy and unknowingly seductive, widened and a sleepy smile crossed her face. "You're here," she breathed, not fully awake.

  Dominic was enchanted. Asleep she had been lovely, but awake... His gray eyes, warm and caressing, traveled over her features, the tumbled golden-brown curls, the silky black lashes and the slightly slanted topaz eyes. Awake she was the most bewitching woman he had ever seen, his gaze riveted on the beguiling curve of her mouth. And yet as he stared at her, he was troubled by an elusive sensation of familiarity—as if he had seen her before and should know her. Wishing his head were clearer, that he had not drunk quite so many brandies this evening, he frowned. He couldn't have seen her before, he finally decided—he would have remembered her.

  Seeing his frown, Melissa brushed back the lock of wavy black hair which persisted in falling across his forehead. "Is something wrong?" she asked, the remnants of her dream swirling hazily around in her brain.

  Dominic shook his head. "Not now," he muttered thickly and brought his mouth to hers.

  Sweet fire exploded in Melissa's body at the touch of his hungry lips, and with no will of her own, her arms went around his neck, pulling him closer to her. His kiss deepened and Melissa had no thought to deny him when his tongue sought entrance to her mouth, her lips opening eagerly for his possession.

  A groan of pleasure broke from Dominic and he tore his mouth from hers, pressing hot, tingling kisses down her neck as he said roughly, "God! You're a sorceress—you make me mad!"

  Feeling a little mad herself, a dreamy expression on her face, Melissa stroked his dark head, reveling in the sheer pleasure of touching him, of having him touch her. She didn't ever want to wake up, didn't want to open her eyes and discover that it was only her imagination. His searching lips found hers again and she ceased to think, conscious only of the taste and scent of him, of the sweet yearning that was building within her.

  Even when his hands deftly undid her gown and she felt the garment slip down around her waist, her chemise following, she was unable to believe that this was anything but a dream. And since it was a dream, she could do whatever she wanted, and that included touching him freely and without shame, her questing fingers undoing his white cotton shirt and touching his bare skin. It was exciting to feel the leap his heart gave as her hands wandered ove
r him, exciting to touch his warm flesh, to explore the hard, muscled chest and to discover the stiffened nipples surrounded by the crisp black hair. It was even more thrilling to hear his low growl when her hands boldly traveled lower, and her own heart thudded in her breast at her wanton behavior.

  His teeth caught her lower lip. "Don't!" he got out with an effort. "Don't tease me—I am too ready for you as it is."

  A catlike smile of satisfaction crossed Melissa's face and with a sigh she arched her body nearer, longing for him to touch her, to explore her as she was doing him. But when he accepted her invitation and his warm hand closed around her breast, she was unprepared for the sharp shock of pleasure that flooded her body. Gently those knowing fingers pulled and kneaded her breast as Melissa lay there breathless and stunned by the erotic sensations that were created by that simple act, her flesh seeming to surge into his hands, tendrils of sweet desire burning in her blood. And when his head lowered and his lips took one straining nipple into his mouth, his tongue curling urgently about it, she thought helplessly that nothing could ever feel as wonderful. But she had been wrong. When his teeth lightly rasped the swollen tips, a soft moan escaped her. Gripped by half-exciting, half-frightening emotions, she clenched his dark hair, wanting more and yet not knowing what it was she sought. She had never felt this way before, had never believed the depth of pleasure and yearning that could be aroused so easily, so swiftly, by a man's touch. There was a tight, almost painful ache centered at the junction of her thighs, and her hips pressed closer to Dominic's long, powerful length.

  Groaning, Dominic endured the exquisite brush of her body against his, the feel of her yielding flesh nearly his undoing. He had wanted to savor this first joining, had wanted to slowly bring them both to that final, mindless pleasure, to kiss and fondle every delectable inch of the intoxicating body moving so wildly under his, but the demands of his own body and the irresistibility of this sweet wanton made it impossible.

  Raising his head from her breasts, he stared down into her face with passion-blurred eyes. A sensual smile on his lips, he said huskily, "I see you can wait no longer than I... but, sweet witch, I'm afraid that I shall be embarrassingly quick this first time...."

  His gaze dropped to her bare bosom, to the upthrusting coral nipples, and a spasm of desire made him tremble and groan in defeat. His mouth swooped on hers, his lips crushing against hers as his hands pushed up her silken skirts in one almost violent motion. He wanted her, could hardly prolong this sweet torture another second, and shifting slightly, he settled his hard body firmly between her thighs.

  Melissa's eyes flew open with shock when she felt the unmistakable bulge press intimately between her thighs. Only his breeches separated his naked flesh from hers, and suddenly, horrifyingly, she realized that this was no dream. This was real and this was happening to her right now.

  Reality shuddered through her, the events of the evening flashing before her eyes, and fright such as she had never known numbed the ardent cravings of her body. Yet when Dominic's searching fingers found the tight little curls between her legs, a gasp of mingled fear and melting delight came from her. But fear was the far stronger emotion, and she began to struggle to escape from his seductive fondling, tearing her mouth away from his half-coaxing, half-bruising kiss.

  Neither of them heard the faint knock on the door, nor the sudden opening of the door as Melissa cried out desperately, "Oh, stop!" Her hands no longer tangled in his black hair, she began to beat upon his back with clenched fists. "Oh, I beg you, you must stop this instant!"

  Royce stood transfixed in the doorway, unable to believe the sight that met his eyes. His voice full of angry incredulity, he burst out, "Good God! Lissa!"

  Melissa froze, her horrified gaze on Royce's pale, shocked features. She was only dimly aware of Dominic's tensing, of the abrupt removal of his weight as he rolled away from her. Her cheeks flaming with shameful embarrassment, in great agitation she fumbled around, trying to straighten her clothing, to cover her naked breasts and exposed thighs.

  There was a terrible silence and Melissa was certain that she would die of humiliation, that the ugly situation could not possibly be any worse than it was at this moment. But she was wrong. The three participants were still frozen in their revealing tableau when Josh's head appeared just beyond Royce's shoulder and he said jovially, "What is it, my boy? Dominic fall down drunk on his bed?"

  Royce made an abortive movement to shield the occupants in the room from Josh's gaze, but he was too late, as Josh pushed his son aside and walked into the room. When the full import of the tawdry scene percolated into Josh's drink-befuddled brain, he made a strangled attempt to speak, but nothing came from his mouth save an odd gobbling sound.

  It was Dominic who recovered first. Rising swiftly from the bed, wanting to put as much distance between himself and the deceitful, wanton little slut who sat there mute, Dominic snarled, "For God's sake, shut the damned door! We don't have to put on an exhibition for everyone in the tavern!"

  His voice released the others from their dumbfounded state. Josh bellowed furiously, "Now see here, young man! Don't you take that tone with me—particularly when it is my niece you have cravenly attempted to seduce!" Averting his gaze from Melissa's disheveled state, he muttered, "And, Lissa! What were you thinking of to come to a man's room alone! The shame of it! We are disgraced! You are ruined!"

  Royce, his face hard and set, his eyes gleaming with a golden fire, growled dangerously, "But that is easily remedied. My friend can name his seconds, and we can settle this insult with pistols at dawn."

  "Don't be a fool, Royce," Dominic said coldly. "I have no intention of blowing your brains out—or allowing you to do the same to me over what is an unfortunate mistake."

  "Mistake!" Josh shrieked. "How can you call it a mistake? Is that not my niece there on your bed, and were you not in the process of ravishing her when we arrived?"

  A grim smile quirked Dominic's lips. "Ravish is not the word I would have chosen—I did not know that she was your niece."

  Royce's common sense reasserted itself, and as his initial outrage and stunning fury abated somewhat, he asked in a calmer voice, "Perhaps you would like to explain to us precisely what was going on?"

  It was an embarrassing predicament, but embarrassment was the least of the emotions that Dominic was feeling at this moment. He was furious at the entire situation; furious that he had not instantly recognized Melissa Seymour, if by no other clue than the almost uncontrollable passion that had assailed him the second his mouth had touched hers—a passion that only she seemed to provoke; furious that he now found himself in the position of having to explain to two justifiably angry gentlemen exactly what he had been doing with one of the ladies of their family; and furious because he very much feared that he had allowed lust to lead him into a very clever trap. Silently he cursed himself for not having been more wary; he knew Josh had been matchmaking, but he would never have suspected that Manchester would go this far to get a husband for his niece.

  Dominic threw Melissa a look of bitter dislike. She had caught him in one of the oldest snares known to woman, and that perhaps infuriated him most of all. His gaze decidedly hostile as it roamed over her rumpled state, the amber gown now clutched protectively in front of her, her legs hidden beneath its folds as she crouched there against the headboard watching this drama with a glassy-eyed stare, he felt something stir within him. But then, reminding himself that she was very adept at disguise, he squashed the slight softening he sensed within himself and said icily, "I would be happy to explain my part in this whole affair, but I think that we would all find it far more interesting to discover why Miss Seymour came unknown and uninvited by me to my room and bed this evening."

  "What?" Royce and Josh demanded in unison, Royce's eyes narrowing speculatively and Josh's blue orbs nearly starting from his head.

  Dominic smiled tightly, his gaze hard on Melissa's white face, lingering for a second on her passion-bruised mouth. "Exact
ly what I said. I came up here with no other purpose in mind than to get the document about which we had been speaking. You may well imagine my surprise when I discovered an attractive young woman asleep on my bed." He flashed Royce a wry glance. "I thought that you had sent her up here—and that you had manufactured a reason for me to go to my room so that I could find her."

  He looked again at Melissa, the contempt he felt obvious in his face. "I had never seen your cousin without her, shall we say, disguise, and so I did not recognize her. Why should I even connect the seductive creature I found with the prim Miss Seymour? It is not the habit, I believe, for proper young ladies to come calling alone, at night, to the room of a man they barely know... nor do they usually offer themselves so freely to the demands of strangers."

  Each word was like a savage blow to Melissa, and as each one fell, she shrank closer to the headboard as if this way she could escape the pain they brought. She could think of nothing to say, her brain numb, her tongue stuck to the roof of her mouth. This must be a nightmare, she told herself half hysterically. It must be! This could not be happening to her. She would wake up any moment and discover that she was at home in her own bed, not, please, dear God, at the Whitehorn tavern, in Dominic Slade's room in this degrading situation. But her prayer went unanswered and she was certain that her heart stopped beating when she heard Dominic say, "But that is enough of my explanations. I think it would be only fair if we let the lady tell us what she was doing here at this time of night."

  Melissa suddenly found herself the focus of three pairs of eyes, and if she had thought that nothing more terrible could happen, she discovered that she had been wrong. She didn't know which was the worst to bear—the disappointment and embarrassment in her uncle's eyes, the cynical speculation in Royce's or the furious contempt in Dominic's cold gaze. Wishing she were dead, she stared back at them in misery, her thoughts whirling through her brain like autumn leaves as she tried frantically to formulate some reasonable explanation for her presence. Never mind about why she had responded so ardently and wantonly to Dominic's kisses; that was something she would never discuss.


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