Desire Too Wild To Tame: The Bad Baker Boys: Luke's Story

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Desire Too Wild To Tame: The Bad Baker Boys: Luke's Story Page 3

by Tonya Brooks

  Matt heard his brother groan in what sounded like genuine pain. Not even trying to hide his hilarity, he just had to add, “Watch yourself, bro. A woman like that would eat you alive and pick her teeth on your bones.”

  The warning was exactly what he’d needed to get his head back on straight and Luke laughed his ass off. Oh, if his brother only knew...


  Easy was thrilled to discover that her sister had not been exaggerating. The Baker men were gorgeous and it didn't take long for her to figure out why they were called bad boys. Their infamous charm was positively lethal. Easy was a first class flirt herself and she poured it on just as thick. John was the more outgoing of the two single brothers and he turned on the charm the moment they met.

  John Baker looked the leather clad beauty over in fascination and definitely liked what he saw. She was smokin’ hot. “Damn, darlin’, where have you been all my life?” he really wanted to know as he took her hand in his and held on instead of shaking it.

  Recognizing a player when she saw one, Easy slipped her hand free as she drawled, “I get around, Sugah.” Oh, he was easy on the eyes alright and normally she could look at him all night long, but the man standing with Matt at the grill had captured her complete attention because... Wow! There were no words to describe the sheer perfection of his thick inky black hair, broad shoulders and chest, and those long muscular legs. She had never believed in love at first sight until she laid eyes on him.

  When they were finally introduced, she looked up into incredibly blue eyes framed by the most handsome face that she'd ever seen. The breath lodged in her throat and time seemed to stand still as they just stood there staring at each other. In that instant, Easy saw inside his very soul and the recognition struck a chord deep inside of her. This was the man that she'd been looking for her entire life.

  The wildness in him was plainly visible as was the depth of raw hunger that held them both completely ensnared. Her bemused smile became decidedly wicked as she looked down the muscled length of him before her eyes returned to his and she was surprised to see that his expression had become guarded. “Hello, Sugah,” she breathed unsteadily, her hand still held firmly in his.

  “Easy,” he said in a slightly husky tone and forced himself to release her hand. “Nice to meet you.”

  Luke was stunned stupid. He had looked into her eyes and what he'd seen scared the hell out of him. It had been like looking in a mirror at his very soul. He'd never seen a more perfect woman in his life. Easy was the living embodiment of every fantasy he'd ever had packed into a curvaceous leather clad body. Everything about her called to a side of himself that he would not, could not, allow to surface. The fact that he couldn’t claim her damn near killed him.

  “The pleasure is all mine,” she replied in that sultry Southern drawl as her eyes ate him alive.

  The knowledge that she wanted him just as much didn't help matters a bit. He'd never felt desire this intense before, never wanted anything as much as he wanted her. Right. That. Minute. Sweet Jesus, he'd love to show her what pleasure really was. Every instinct he possessed was screaming at him to haul her into his arms and do just that. He had to get the hell away from her before he gave in to the irrational need threatening to take control of his rational mind.

  “Excuse me,” Luke said abruptly and quickly made his way across the yard to join his father at a picnic table.

  “You alright, Son?” Jedidiah Baker asked with a frown. The boy looked as if he'd had a hell of a shock.

  “Yeah,” Luke lied and couldn't resist turning so that Easy was in his line of sight.

  Jedidiah smiled knowingly as he followed his son's gaze. The pair stared at each other across the lawn and it was plain to see that they wanted each other bad. He wondered what the hell she'd done to send his son running. It wasn't like Luke to ignore a beautiful woman and this one was absolutely stunning, leather and all. “That's a hell of a woman,” he commented just to see what the response would be.

  “She's trouble with a capitol T.” Luke stated the obvious even though he was in complete agreement with his father’s assessment.

  “A man could get used to trouble like that,” he said shrewdly as he gently rocked his granddaughter when she began to fuss. Matt and Harley had named the little darling after his first wife and the baby had won his heart as easily as her namesake.

  “That's what scares me.” Luke admitted and forced his hungry gaze away from her.

  Luke was more attracted to the woman than he cared to admit and he had a hell of a time keeping his eyes off of her for the rest of the evening. If ever he'd seen trouble, it was Easy Grayson, and that was something he did not need. The fact that she was pure temptation encased in form fitting leather drew him like a magnet and it took all of his will power to resist her come and get me smile.

  His little brother had no such reservations and had shamelessly flirted with her since she'd arrived. Not that Easy seemed to mind. On the contrary, the woman had flirted with John in much the same manner, which infuriated Luke and reinforced his decision to keep his distance.


  Easy could see why her sister loved living in the small town. The people were so warm and friendly and she felt right at home among them. For weeks now she had been toying with the idea of moving to Lakeside to be closer to Dizzy and the prospect was looking better by the minute. The place did have a lot to recommend it, the main attraction being the ridiculously handsome man who was currently shooting her covert looks from across the yard.

  Geez, Luke had melted her thong with one look and then took off like his hair was on fire. Yeah, she was still trying to figure that one out, and why he continued to avoid her. No matter how many times she had worked her way through the crowd to get closer to him, he always managed to give her the slip. It would have been dammed frustrating if it hadn’t been so much fun. Men weren’t the only ones who enjoyed a chase and Easy was an avid hunter... of two legged prey, that is.

  “You’re a natural with babies.” Harley said and drew her attention away from Luke.

  Easy looked down at the infant sleeping peacefully in her arms and smiled. “I have a lot of experience.” she replied quietly.

  “You have children?”

  “I wish,” she admitted with a lopsided smile. “I have three younger siblings and they were more fun to play with than dolls. A lot more trouble too.”

  “Hey, I resemble that remark.” Dizzy grinned.

  “This one was a little angel,” Easy said with a nod at her sister. “Roxy was a holy terror from the day she was born.”

  “She still is,” the youngest said with a laugh.

  The sleeping baby stirred and Easy instinctively began to gently rock the tiny body, her smile tender as she stared into the perfect cherub face. “You are so lucky, Harley,” she assured the other woman.

  Harley heard the wistfulness in her tone and was moved by it. It was obvious that Easy loved children and wanted one of her own. “Would you like to put Gigi to bed, Easy?” She queried.

  “I’d love to.” she agreed with a delighted smile.

  Easy followed her hostess through the antebellum mansion, up one side of a grand horseshoe staircase to the second floor and then down a hallway that led to the west wing of the house. She had been in some very impressive homes, and lived in a few of them as well, but for all its grandeur, this house was no showplace. It was a real home and you could practically feel the love.

  “You have a wonderful home, Harley.” she complimented as they entered an adorable nursery in various shades of lavender and aqua blue with bright white furnishings. It was decorated to look like a scene straight out of a fairytale. “And this nursery is amazing.”

  “Thank you,” the interior designer replied. “The house is still a work in progress, but I converted this wing into our own little haven.”

  Easy placed a tender kiss on the baby’s forehead and laid her gently in the brass crib fancifully designed as Cinderella’s coach.
Harley tucked a lightweight blanket around her daughter, turned on the baby monitor and clipped the receiver to the waist of her shorts. The two women slipped out of the room and she said, “I’ll give you a tour of the place.”

  Directly across the hall was a door that led into a room in shades of aqua and navy blue with dark furnishings and decorated with a baseball theme. “Let me guess, John’s room.” she teased.

  “Nope, this is Jed’s room although John does spend a fair amount of time in here playing video games,” she admitted with a laugh. Harley had two sets of bunk beds custom built into a corner in an L formation. Instead of beds, the bottom of one contained a computer desk and the other one held a modular sofa. “I have to drag Jed and Kylie out of here to eat.”

  Easy could see why. One entire wall housed a built in entertainment center with a large screen TV and what looked like every type of wii gadget and video game known to man. It looked like the perfect place for a thirteen year old boy to hang out and relax with his friends.

  The two women entered a set of double doors at the end of the hall and Easy could only stare at her surroundings in awe. The exterior walls contained multiple sets of French doors while the room itself was bathed in soft aqua and turquoise hues. To the left was an area dominated by a massive king size bed, while the right side of the suite held an ensuite bath and a closet of epic proportions. Directly in the center of the room was a cozy sitting area complete with a fireplace that was perfect for a quiet romantic evening.

  But she just had to ask, “Is that a stripper pole?”

  Harley looked at the bright silver pole situated prominently between the sleeping and lounge areas. “That it is,” she admitted without an ounce of shame. “Well, I am married to one of the bad Baker boys,” she added as if that were explanation enough.

  It was. It also explained why Matt was so happy with his wife. Easy gave her a look of genuine admiration and said in a tone filled with awe, “Girl, you are my hero.”

  The two women exchanged a knuckle bump and a laugh before Harley led her back into the hall again. “I pretty much duplicated this floor plan in the east wing so Mom and Pop have their own haven. Without the pole, of course,” Harley joked. “Pop really liked the idea, but Mom just wouldn’t go for it.”

  Yep, the people in this town were great, Easy decided. Moving to Lakeside might be the best idea she’d ever had. Now she just needed to bag and tag a certain handsome attorney to share her new life with. A wicked smile curled her lips. It was time for the huntress to move in for the kill.


  When Luke decided to call it a night and walked around the house to his vehicle, he wasn't surprised when Easy followed him. The woman had been bird dogging him all night long and he’d done his damndest to avoid her. It hadn’t been easy to do when every instinct he possessed had been screaming for him to toss her over his shoulder, carry her back to his house and make love to her until neither of them was able to move.

  “Leaving so soon?” Easy asked as she stepped onto the driveway. The fact that he didn't seem to be interested in her, even though she'd felt him watching her all evening, made him even more appealing. And God knows, he couldn't have been more tempting. Luke Baker was quite easily the sexiest man she'd ever met and she wanted him more than she'd ever wanted anything in her life.

  “I have to be in court in the morning so I need to go over the case file tonight,” he admitted as he reluctantly turned to face her.

  “Can you give me a ride, Sugah?” she asked with the most wicked smile he’d ever seen. “I'm ready for bed.”

  Ignoring the innuendo and knowing it was a bad idea, but too much of a gentleman to refuse, Luke made sure she knew he was only offering to take her home when he replied, “I can drop you off at Brett and Dizzy’s.”

  Not the answer she was hoping for, but it would do since she’d finally have the opportunity to be alone with him. “I'll just let Dizzy know,” she said and went to the backyard to tell her sister that she was leaving and thank the hosts for a lovely evening. Easy walked back around the house and when she saw Luke standing beside the open passenger door of a Hummer, her steps faltered. A flash of memory hit her hard and she fought the terror threatening to rear its ugly head.

  Luke saw her stop and stare at his vehicle and the strangest look crossed her beautiful face. That sinful as hell smile disappeared and it looked like she was scared half to death. “Are you coming, Easy?” he asked when she just stood there.

  Shaking off the flashback, Easy focused on what he had said and it was just the right distraction to help her forget the horror of the past. That sinful smile curved her lips as she sashayed right up to him and trailed her fingertips down his rock hard chest. “Umm, now that’s an invitation I can’t pass up, Sugah,” she drawled in a tone laden with devilment.

  Luke couldn’t help it. Even though it was against his better judgment to give the woman any type of encouragement, he flashed that bad boy smile and shook his head in denial as he laughed, “Get in the truck, woman.”

  Steeling her nerve to actually climb inside the beast, Easy realized that this wasn't going to work. There was no way in hell that she could make herself get inside that vehicle. “That might be a problem,” she said a bit breathlessly.

  Although his reasons were entirely different than hers, Luke had come to the same conclusion. There was no way she could climb inside while wearing that strip of leather that posed as a miniskirt. The damn thing barely covered her amazing ass like it was. Since the hummer’s height made it difficult for ladies, he routinely assisted his dates in and out of the vehicle, so he knew from experience that there was only one option. He was going to have to touch her, dammit. Scooping her into his arms, he lifted a very surprised Easy up and sat her in the seat with little effort.

  “Thank you,” she said in a slightly husky tone and he tore his eyes away from the incredible up close and personal view of her cleavage to reply a bit hoarsely, “No problem.”

  The panic hit her the moment he closed the passenger door and Easy forced herself to take deep, calming breaths until Luke joined her in the cab. Having him to focus on helped take her mind off of what she was riding in and she allowed her imagination to weave a deliciously wicked fantasy about licking every inch of his muscular body.

  With every primordial cell in his body on red alert, Luke was acutely aware of the fact that he was completely alone with the woman of his erotic dreams and that she was silently undressing him with her eyes. Afraid of what might come out if he opened his mouth; he didn’t even attempt to initiate a conversation as he drove the few blocks to her sister’s house.

  Once they arrived, he went around to open the door and help her out. Bracing himself for the feel of her in his arms again, Luke was shocked as hell when Easy suddenly pounced on him and locked her legs around his waist. Sweet Jesus! His hands closed instinctively around her ass and his mouth went bone dry when he felt nothing but bare, toned flesh. His grip tightened possessively and a growl of raw need rose up in his chest

  When she rocked her pelvis against him, his eyes damn near crossed, and he could feel her heat through the barrier of his pants and briefs. Don’t look down. Don’t look down. Don’t look... holy hell! The sight of a barely there thong nestled firmly against his arousal damn near did him in and his entire body shuddered with the force of his desire.

  Everything male inside of Luke demanded he accept the blatant offer, back her up against the side of the vehicle and bury himself inside her right then. Smoldering blue eyes met hungry green and he knew that he had to back the hell off before he crossed the point of no return.

  Throwing herself into his arms had been a desperate attempt to escape the vehicles confines, but once she was there, Easy realized it was exactly where she wanted to be. From the way his eyes were devouring her, she was right where Luke wanted her as well. “Would you like to come inside, Luke?” She asked with a wicked smile and knew he’d understand the invitation for what it was.
/>   Oh, hell yeah. “I don't think so,” he refused hoarsely and slid his hands under her supple thighs to gently ease them away from his hips.

  “That's too bad,” she said as she relaxed her thighs and let her body slide sensuously down the hard length of his. “I have the feeling it would be a night that neither one of us would ever forget.”

  Damn right it would, and that was the whole problem now wasn’t it? One night with this woman would never be enough and there was no way in hell he’d let her go once she was his. He knew it right down to his bones and that was a risk he wasn’t willing to take. Taking a step back, he took her elbow and maintained a respectable distance between them as he escorted her up the steps to the front door.

  “Thank you for bringing me home, Luke,” Easy said as she turned to face him. The man was confusing the hell out of her with his mixed signals. His eyes practically ate her alive with a primitive hunger that set her blood on fire, yet his actions couldn’t have been more opposite.

  “My pleasure,” he agreed absently and watched in fascination as she removed a key from where it had been safely tucked away between her breasts.

  “It still could be,” Easy assured him as she slid her hand up his chest, over his shoulder and around his neck.

  “No.” Luke refused thickly as his burning gaze met hers again.

  “I don't even get a goodnight kiss?” she asked seductively and saw the battle waging in his eyes. Sliding her other hand up his rock hard chest, she asked, “Just one little kiss?”

  Luke knew he'd be a damn fool to take her up on the offer, but the temptation of tasting her sinful lips was just too strong to resist. One kiss, he assured himself. Just one taste of perfection and he'd leave. Leaning forward, his lips brushed lightly over hers once, twice and then they settled more firmly against her mouth. He was never sure exactly what had happened after that.


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