Spy Dog: Rocket Rider

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Spy Dog: Rocket Rider Page 5

by Andrew Cope

  Lara’s sticky-up ear was at full attention. Leo? she thought. Dad? The old dog, crotchety and miserable. He’s my father!

  11. Dangerous Dogs Act

  Lara trotted into the nearby town in search of something to eat. She found a fast-food takeaway and rummaged in the bin. Mmm, there’s always a half-eaten burger to be found, she thought. Oh, and a few chips. Lara couldn’t work out why she was so hungry. Must be the Scottish air.

  The retired spy dog wandered the snow-covered streets, thinking hard. As the biting cold wind grew worse, Lara came across a cafe where she could warm up while the thoughts whirred through her mind. Her spy-dog training came as second nature as she waited for the right time, slunk in and found a cosy place under one of the tables. She curled up, exhausted. This was the perfect spy-dog tactic, hidden by the tablecloth but able to peek out whenever she felt the need.

  Lara could hear the clinking of knives on plates and chatter of customers. Her ears tuned in to the radio in the background. That suncream jingle again! The weather report was grim. Seems there’s a blizzard on the way. I doubt anyone will be wanting Jimmy’s Tartan Suncream!

  All she could think about was her father. I’ve met him, she thought. But he clearly doesn’t want anything to do with me, so I’ll leave him be. Maybe the professor was right. I could end up doing more harm than good.

  Lara lay with her head on her paws. She was exhausted and her eyelids were drooping. I’m going home, she decided, before her eyes closed and she sank into a dream about the best family in the world.

  Professor Cortex picked up speed in the Secret Service van. He switched on his special blue flashing light and the traffic miraculously cleared. ‘For emergencies only,’ he’d winked at the children. ‘Except for sometimes when I want to get home for my tea.’ The tarmac flashed by as the best family in the world sped towards Scotland.

  Lara woke fully refreshed. She peered out from under the tablecloth and waited for the right moment. I’ll just have these sausages, if you don’t mind, she thought, clearing the leftovers from a cooked breakfast. And a slurp of these beans. A customer came in and the dog slid out.

  Lara trotted back to the warehouse, planning to catch a lorry south. She remembered the men with sticks. And Taser man! Approach with caution. The snow was falling more heavily than ever as Lara trudged the four miles back to the warehouse. It sure seems high security, she thought, noticing several Beware of the dogs signs. Yikes! I hope there’s no trouble this time. I just want a lift home!

  Lara sniffed the air. Alsatians, she nodded. Nice family pets but they can also be trained to be big bad dogs. And what’s that funny smell? Like fuel. Maybe gas? Lara shook her head and refocused. Stop acting like a spy dog and start being a stowaway dog! I’ve got a family waiting!

  The barbed-wire fence had been fixed since Lara drove the forklift truck through it, and it now seemed to go on forever before she finally found a small gap and wriggled through. She got her backpack caught on the wire and was trapped half in and half out of the compound.

  Ouch! she whined as she tried to reverse.

  ‘Ouch, indeed,’ growled a large black guard dog. ‘How unlucky to be caught trying to break into our territory.’

  Lara’s heart sank. ‘OK, guys,’ she began. ‘I’m sorry for breaking in but I’m just after a lift home in one of your lorries. Perhaps you can help?’

  The Alsatians howled with laughter. ‘We’re guard dogs, lady, not guide dogs,’ said one.

  ‘And we don’t help … we hurt!’ snarled the other. ‘Especially when we’ve caught you breaking in.’

  Lara sighed. It’s certainly not an ideal situation, she thought. I’ve tackled big dogs before, and won. But these are very big dogs … trained to hurt … and I’m hooked on this fence. Think, Lara, think.

  The biggest dog raised his hackles and approached the trapped spy dog. He lashed out a paw and caught her across the shoulder, drawing blood. ‘We don’t like intruders, do we, Blaze?’

  ‘No, Bullet. Our mission is to seek and destroy,’ snarled his companion. ‘We’re police dogs see, gone wrong!’

  ‘Police dogs, eh?’ barked Lara, calm on the outside but panicking on the inside. ‘I guess I shouldn’t hurt you too badly, then,’ she snapped, wriggling to free herself from the barbs. Lara didn’t have time for these bullies.

  ‘Doesn’t look like you’re in a position to hurt anybody,’ growled Bullet, curling his lip to reveal some brilliant white fangs. He sprang at Lara just as she released the clip from her backpack. Bullet attacked the bag, gripping it in his teeth and shaking it from side to side. But Lara was gone. He dropped the backpack at his feet and turned to see Lara dancing about on her hind legs, karate-style. The guard dogs turned to each other, a little confused.

  Lara did a kick and punch into the air. ‘OK, fellas, bring it on,’ she barked. Her hackles were raised in an attempt to look as big and threatening as she could. I’m a black belt, she thought, but these are a pair of snarling brutes. Both of her attackers crouched low, teeth bared, ready to pounce.

  Yikes, thought Lara, still dancing. They’re like wolves! This is scary!

  Bullet came at her again in a flurry of teeth and claws. She felt the scratch marks in her shoulder as she punched with all her might. She landed a terrific blow and the dog yelped in pain.

  Blaze was coming next. Lara swung her leg and kicked him in the belly, while landing a decent blow on Bullet’s nose. The attacking dogs were down but not out. They regrouped, blood streaming from their noses and mouths. Bullet spat a tooth out.

  Blaze’s eyes were watering. ‘Now you’ve made me really angry,’ he barked in a high-pitched tone.

  Lara was worried. These are seriously hard dogs! Remember your training, Lara. Sometimes it’s best to avoid a fight. She spotted an open door to the warehouse up ahead and decided to go for it.

  The bully dogs pounced again and Lara ran for her life, yanking her backpack from the wire on the way as she put her tail and ears down to ease wind resistance. Can’t forget my gadgets, she thought to herself. The Alsatians were after her, but with a head start she made it through the door and slammed it behind her, hoping they wouldn’t get through. She heard wild barking and scratching as they threw themselves at the closed door.

  Too much noise, she worried. I must get them to shut up. Lara dumped her rucksack on the floor and looked around the room. It’s a staff kitchen. She took a deep breath and worked out a plan as the fierce barking continued outside.

  Ten seconds later Lara jumped and opened the door. A pair of very angry Alsatians bounded through. But Lara was prepared. She hit Bullet with a frying pan and, bang, he was out cold. Blaze came at her and Lara picked up a chair to fend him off.

  ‘Down, boy,’ she urged. ‘Settle yourself.’

  But Blaze wasn’t for settling. He was in attack mode so Lara had no choice but to defeat him. Twenty seconds later the unconscious dogs lay side by side.

  Who’d have thought a wooden spoon would be so effective? she thought. It didn’t look like a useful weapon but Lara knew exactly where to aim and the hollow sound as it hit Blaze’s head had made a strangely satisfying clonk.

  Phew, gasped Lara. That was a bit chaotic. I’d best get out of here quickly! She nosed her way out of the kitchen, into a corridor and sniffed again. Which way for a lorry? And what is that strange smell again? she wondered. It’s getting stronger.

  Lara heard the beep beep of a lorry reversing. That’s my ticket home, she thought. The retired spy dog bounded down the hallway to peer through the warehouse door. What’s going on? she asked herself as she watched the scene unfold in front of her.

  The beep beep was a lorry all right. It had reversed into a loading bay and OZONE 1 was being lifted on to the back of the truck. Lara watched as the rocket was laid flat and covered up. How strange. This is a suntan-lotion factory, and it’s producing rockets. I just don’t get it.

  Lara observed for a few minutes more as the rocket was secured and the
lorry pulled away. She was torn. The pull of my family is one thing … but a rocket? she thought, cocking her head in consideration. And a strange smell of gas? I reckon it’s worth investigating. Just for a moment, anyway.

  Lara bounded up the fire escape stairs and let herself into the warehouse. Once a spy dog, always a spy dog!

  12. Space Age

  The professor was getting excited as the van sped past the Welcome to Scotland sign. The receiver in Sophie’s hand lit up, a tiny dot bleeping away. ‘That’s her,’ he explained to the children. ‘We’re within range. Find that dot and we find GM451.’

  The warehouse was full of men in white coats. And why such high security for a suncream factory? Something fishy’s going on. Let’s see what I can sniff out. Lara followed her nose, tail wagging excitedly. Her sniffing took her to a large tank, shaped like an oil drum, with all sorts of hazard signs stuck to the side. Clearly a dangerous gas, she thought, shying away from the strong odour. A nearby door flew open and Lara shrank into a corner as a pair of men stepped out of an office. She strained to listen … I half recognize that voice.

  ‘So just one tank of superconcentrated CFC gas left to fill,’ she heard. ‘And then we load it on to the rocket and hey presto!’ The men chuckled together.

  ‘A big fireworks display for the whole of Scotland,’ laughed one of the men as they hurried by.

  That voice, she thought. It’s Jimmy off the suncream ads. Maybe I can get his autograph for the kids? Lara emerged from the dark corner, annoyed that she couldn’t fit the pieces of the jigsaw together. Maybe I should check out the office where the men have come from. Lara jumped up on to her hind legs and pulled at the office door. She padded in, sniffing the air, ears on full alert. Files, laptops … normal office stuff. Lara cocked her head and listened. She heard the men approaching the office again and made a dash for the curtains.

  Yikes, they’re too short, I can’t hide there … Under the desk? … Too obvious … The filing cabinet, it’s my only chance. Lara tugged at the metal handle and the bottom drawer slid out. Aaah, it’s full of files. She banged it shut, the footsteps getting nearer. The next draw was half full. No chance. She stood on tiptoes and pulled at the top drawer. Empty. Brilliant.

  The men were about to enter the room. Lara leapt on to the desk and sent a lamp crashing to the floor. Whoops! In one impressive bound, she was inside the filing cabinet. The drawer glided shut and Lara lay hidden in the cramped darkness.

  The men heard the crash as they swung open the office door. ‘What was that?’ shouted Jimmy. ‘Who’s there?’

  ‘The lamp’s fallen, somehow,’ said his colleague, picking up some of the pieces.

  Jimmy put his finger to his lips and picked up the broken lamp. ‘An intruder,’ he mouthed. He checked under the desk before pointing to the curtains. It was the only other hiding place. Jimmy held the broken lamp high while his colleague tiptoed to the window and tore the curtains apart.

  ‘Nobody,’ gasped his mate, puffing out his cheeks in relief. ‘It must have been a gust of wind.’

  ‘Agreed,’ said Jimmy, lowering the lamp. ‘I guess we’re both a bit jumpy. We’re so close to pulling off the biggest plot since Guy Fawkes! Let’s get on with the meeting.’

  The spy dog crouched in the dark of the top drawer, listening to the muffled conversation. It’s so uncomfortable, she thought, with my hind leg behind my ear! I hope the guys are quick!

  ‘I’m filming one more set of advertisements tonight,’ said Jimmy. ‘Our ads will be beamed to every home in the land twenty times a day until everyone’s singing our blasted jingle.’

  ‘Excellent,’ nodded his colleague. ‘Then all we need are harmful rays … lots of harmful rays! So let’s go through the schedule one more time,’ Lara heard the muffled voice say. ‘The rocket is already on its way to Ben Nevis. We’ve secured a launch site near the top of the mountain.’

  ‘Good,’ said Jimmy. ‘And we’re filling the final CFC gas tank as we speak. That’s to be transported tonight and fixed to the rocket first thing.’

  Lara grimaced in pain as she strained to hear. ‘And then, the best bit,’ she heard. ‘Tomorrow we launch the rocket and time it to explode in the Earth’s ozone layer and destroy it. Caboom!’ laughed the man. ‘A free fireworks display!’

  ‘So no more ozone layer above Scotland,’ snarled Jimmy.

  ‘Which is sad for everyone else, but not for us. All that radiation is allowed to beam down to Earth and there’s only one way to protect yourself.’

  ‘Jimmy’s Tartan Suncream,’ chorused the men together, breaking into the jingle once more. ‘They’ll be queuing round the block. We’re gonna make millions. Billions, even!’

  ‘Prove the technology works and then we go global, punching holes in the ozone layer above major cities all over the world,’ said Jimmy’s colleague.

  Jimmy’s face grinned as widely as the plastic face mask would allow. Global domination was his favourite hobby.

  Lara was desperate on two fronts. On the one hand she now knew the plan and needed to escape to stop the rocket. It’s an evil scheme, she thought. Jolly Jimmy is really Deadly Jimmy! If they launch the rocket there will be an environmental disaster.

  But Lara had a priority that, at that moment, was even more urgent than saving the world. I’ve got cramp in my leg. And it’s killing me. Aargh, the pain! Lara pulled a wonky doggie face and bit her tongue in an attempt not to howl. But it was so bad that in the end she had no choice.

  Rat-a-tat-tat. Lara tapped on the metal door with her claw. Er, hello, guys, came the muffled yelp. Can someone let me out? Please? I’m stuffed in here like an oven-ready chicken!

  The men went quiet, exchanging glances and looking at the cabinet.

  ‘Is that an animal?’ said the other man.

  Jimmy reached for a drawer and pulled out a Taser gun. He switched it on and Lara heard the familiar buzz as it charged. ‘I have no idea, but you open it,’ he mouthed, ‘and I’ll get it.’

  Lara was now hurting badly but she could hear the Taser gun charging up and she knew she was in trouble when the drawer opened. Too late now, unfortunately! Lara figured her only chance of escape was to surprise Jimmy and his evil friend. And with a stun gun pointing at me, it will have to be a big surprise!

  Jimmy’s sidekick hauled open the sliding drawer and Lara sprang like a jack-in-the-box, uncoiled and free. A bolt of electricity zapped at the blur of fur as it sped by. Lara was away, sprinting down the corridor as fast as her backpack would allow. It’s so good to be free! She took corners at top speed, imagining angry dogs and men with Taser guns beginning to take chase. Lara bolted across the snowy courtyard, looking out for angry Alsatians, then charged through the hole in the wire fence and didn’t stop until she was almost back in town. Her chest heaved in and out and her muscles ached.

  But at least I’ve escaped, she thought, looking back to check there was nobody following. All I have to do now is find the rocket and defuse the bomb!

  Lara trotted past a giant poster advertising Jimmy’s Tartan Suncream and shuddered at his evil grin. The future of the planet is in my paws. I have less than twenty-four hours to stop the rocket, she groaned. Or Scotland and then the whole world fries!

  13. Rendezvous

  Ben, Sophie, Ollie and the professor stepped out of the van and stretched their weary limbs. Ollie couldn’t resist bending down to pick up a handful of snow, which was immediately moulded into a snowball and thrown at his big brother. Professor Cortex wasn’t in the mood and one of his stern looks was enough for Ben to drop his own snowball.

  ‘Ladies and gentlemen,’ he pleaded, ‘we are here on important business. Your pet and my beloved spy dog is somewhere very close. I suggest we get started on the search.’

  Sophie handed him the receiver and all eyes fell on the red dot. ‘Well, well. It appears she’s coming our way!’

  Ollie was the first to see her in the distance. Sophie started sprinting, Ben quickly overtaking her. By the
time the professor caught up, Lara was being lovingly hugged by three children.

  ‘What have you done to your side, Lara?’ asked Ollie. ‘You’re bleeding.’

  Oh, you know, baddies, evil plots, rockets, poisonous gas, electric guns, barbed wire … the usual spy-dog stuff.

  ‘Good afternoon, GM451,’ said the professor matter-of-factly. ‘I trust you’ve found what, or who, you were looking for?’

  Lara nodded, looking sad. Yeah, I found my dad, Prof. Mr Jetski’s diary was right. He’s not exactly the hero I’d expected, though.

  ‘And I’m sure he’s a handsome hero,’ smiled the professor. ‘But now your curiosity’s satisfied, I’m hoping you want to return home with your family.’

  I’d like nothing more, thought Lara. But we have to save the planet first! How do I fill you in on the adventure? Maybe a mime? It’s worked before. Lara shrugged the children off and waved her paws for calm. OK, she woofed. Here goes …

  The children watched in shock as their dog went through a bizarre series of arm movements, acting out a rocket lift-off, before ending in a fantastic caboom sequence that Oscar-winning actors would have been proud of. She staggered around, clutching her throat.

  And we all suffer from poisonous rays from the sun, she wailed, jabbing her paw at the sky. And then, we rub suntan cream all over our bodies, like this, she demonstrated. Lara started to whistle the jingle from Jimmy’s Tartan Suncream advert, until all the children were grinning and singing along. So we catch the baddies, she mimed, doing a few karate moves, get Jimmy locked up and save the planet. And that completes my doggie mime. Ta daaa! Lara did a dainty curtsy and looked hopefully at her owners. Got it?

  The professor was scratching his bald head. Ben was shaking his. Sophie’s eyebrows were deep in thought.

  ‘There’s a message in there somewhere,’ she noted. ‘Someone’s been strangled? And you’re rubbing yourself because of the cold?’


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