Planet Glecerus

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Planet Glecerus Page 8

by Olivia Black

Auden smiled. “I would like that.”

  Auden held out his arm, and Sebastian took it. He wrapped his arm around Auden’s and placed his palm against the male’s muscular forearm. They both walked back into the dining hall together.

  As soon as they stepped over the threshold, all eyes turned toward them, tracking their movements. Sebastian ignored the attention. He knew it was unavoidable since Auden was the High King of Glecerus. And Sebastian knew that he should probably get used to it. There was a possibility that he could become the male’s mate.

  When they reached the dance floor, Sebastian wrapped his arms around Auden’s waist and placed his head against the male’s chest. Sebastian could hear the steady rhythm of a strong heartbeat mixed with a slower thumping sound in the background. It was strange, but at the same time, it lulled him into a relaxed state.

  Lub-dub, lub-dub, thump, lub-dub, lub-dub, thump…

  “Your heart,” Sebastian whispered.


  “It sounds different.”

  Auden chuckled lightly. “That’s because I have two hearts.”


  Sebastian closed his eyes, blocking everyone else out, and simply swayed back and forth. Wrapped in Auden’s warm embrace, he let himself simply enjoy the moment.

  A little while later, the music came to an abrupt stop. Sebastian lifted his head from Auden’s chest and dropped his arms to his side. He stepped back and looked around.

  Mark clapped his hands to get everyone’s attention and said, “I hate to interrupt everyone’s fun, but it’s time to head back to the dormitory. We’ve got another long day tomorrow.”

  Sebastian didn’t want the night to end, but it seemed their tour guide, Mark, had other plans.

  Auden lifted Sebastian’s hand and placed a kiss on the inside of his wrist. “Sleep well.”

  “Sweet dreams.” Sebastian smiled.

  Chapter Nine

  The next day after first meal, Mark arrived at the dormitory for another outing. He didn’t give them any information beforehand. He simply said that they were going to an exhibition. Sebastian wasn’t sure exactly what that meant, but he was almost positive it would be a memorable experience. After everything he had seen, Sebastian still found it hard to believe that he’d been in Glecerus for only three days.

  They were once again led out of the dormitory and down the corridor. When they reached the conveyor transport device, Sebastian grabbed the railing and stepped on as if he’d done it a hundred times before. They didn’t go down to the bottom floor where the market was located. Instead, they were taken down two levels and through a long, arched tunnel.

  Loud music, overlapping voices, and cheering reached Sebastian’s ears long before they got to their destination. The noise bounced off the stone walls, drowning out all the thoughts that were plaguing him. Regin. Auden. Both men seemed to take up a great deal of space inside his head. Sebastian pushed all his personal thoughts away and focused solely on the excitement that surrounded him.

  Soon, Sebastian stepped into a giant cavern. The place was huge. It looked like an arena lined with tiered seating in a complete circle.

  “Okay.” Mark turned and faced them. “There are six sections in this arena, and each section cheers for a different team. I’m going to seat you all in different sections, so we need to move quickly. Also, you will be served traditional Glecerian food and beverages. The drink contains alcohol. If you don’t want alcohol, you need to tell the server. And be careful. The drinks are really strong. Okay, let’s go!”

  Mark led them in a single file line along a pathway to the first level of seats, closest to where the action would soon take place. He counted out ten guys before moving to the next section. He continued doing this until all the humans were seated, ten per section.

  “This is so exciting!” Georgie clapped.

  “It must be a sporting event of some kind,” Aaron said.

  “We’ll find out soon enough.”

  A minute later, a pair of metal doors swung open, and the crowd stood up and cheered, whistling and stomping their feet. Sebastian jumped up, following their lead, as did the other humans.

  Six groups with ten Glecerian participants came through the gate, entering the arena. Each group was wearing tight-fitting leather leggings in different colors – red, black, blue, gold, green, and purple. The material looked as though it were painted on their bodies, leaving nothing to the imagination. Sebastian stared, with his mouth slightly open. Enormous was the word that came to mind. He tried to look away from the material stretched over their crotches, but it was impossible. Sebastian’s eyes roamed freely, taking in the impressive sight and huge bulges before him.

  “They’re huge!” Aaron shouted out over the music.

  “What!” Sebastian asked. He could barely hear anything over the roar of the crowd and the music.

  “They. Are. Huge.”

  Sebastian nodded. “Their muscles…”

  The music suddenly cut off as Aaron yelled, “Cocks!”

  The crowd started laughing, as did a few of the participants.

  One of the Glecerian males, wearing black, strolled toward them. He stopped in front of Aaron and shot the young man a wicked grin. “My name is Stolk.”

  “Hi.” Aaron smiled. “I’m Aaron.”

  Stolk reached out and took Aaron’s hand, placing it on his shaft. Aaron didn’t need much encouragement. He squeezed, trying to wrap his fist around the thick piece of meat.

  “Oh, wow.” Aaron ran his palm up and down the male’s impressive package, caressing his dick. “You’re a big boy.”

  The male groaned in pleasure. Stolk stood unmoving, allowing Aaron to explore at his leisure. He didn’t try to touch Aaron back or urge him to do more. In fact, the male seemed quite happy with the attention he was receiving.

  Sebastian thought about saying something but decided against it. Aaron was an adult. He didn’t need to be protected as if he were some inexperienced child. Aaron was in the same predicament they all were. He’d volunteered to become a mate to a Glecerian male. Whatever he wanted to do was his choice.

  The rest of the black team, not want to be left out of the excitement, walked over to their section. The males introduced themselves, shaking hands and exchanging names with each human. Regin soon joined his team. Holding ten plum-colored flowers, he handed one to each of the humans, saving Sebastian for last.

  “It’s good to see you again, Sebastian.”

  “You, too,” Sebastian said.

  Sebastian lifted the flower up to his nose and inhaled. It possessed a heady aroma that filled his head, like chocolate. The similarities brought back childhood memories and made Sebastian crave the decadent treat. “What kind of flower is this?”

  “It’s called Black Inkberry.”

  “It smells amazing.”

  “It’s grown in Dia’ly Furuhm, a farming region on the other side of the planet.”

  “A farming region?”

  “Yes.” Regin chuckled. “The eight regions in Glecerus all offer something different. Unique.”

  “The more I learn about Glecerus, the more I like it.”

  “A lot of newcomers have said that,” Regin told him. “The game today can get violent, but I don’t want you to worry. It’s a lot of fun, and there are only minor injuries at the end.”

  “Thank you for telling me that. I’ll try not to worry.”

  “Did you enjoy the welcoming dinner?”

  “Yes, I had a nice time.”

  An image of Auden automatically popped inside his head. He thought about the High King and the dance they shared, their bodies pressed together. He wasn’t sure why, but he felt a twinge of guilt. Was it because he was talking to Regin? Or was it because he was thinking about Auden?

  “I wish I could’ve been there to dance with you, but I wasn’t allowed to attend.”

  “Was it because of what happened at the market place?”

  “Yes, but talking with you and ha
ving your hands on my chest was worth the punishment.”

  “So…” Sebastian cleared his throat. “Is there only going to be one game today?”

  “There is a team game, and afterward, there are individual contests. This exhibition is for the higher ranking, unmated Glecerian warriors to show off our strength and skills to the humans.”

  “It sounds like this is going to be an exciting event.”

  A horn blared, echoing through the arena, and everyone instantly went on alert. “What’s happening?” Sebastian asked.

  “It’s time to start the game.” He grinned.

  “Good luck, I’ll be cheering for you.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Remember to yell for us,” Stolk told the group. “We’re your team. We’re playing for you.”

  Their section clapped wildly and whistled, getting into the spirit of the game.

  The six teams each took up their positions on the outskirts of the arena. They were each holding a different weapon—swords, maces, and other bizarre tools Sebastian couldn’t identify.

  Another male walked out from the gate. He was carrying a baseball-sized diamond. The male placed it in the center of the arena on a tall, thin platform before making a quick exit, closing the gates behind him.

  “What is the point of this game? It just looks like they’re going to kill each other.”

  “They’re going to fight, but they won’t kill each other,” Georgie told him. “The objective is to capture the diamond and secure it before the other team can steal it from you.”

  The horn went off again. The teams faced each other, and with a loud battle cry, they charged. Sebastian was trying to keep an eye on Regin but lost the Glecerian when all of the men met in the center of the arena. The weapons it seemed were all for show. Swords slapped against flesh, but no one tried to stab their opponent. In some cases, the weapons were thrown to the arena floor as the males fought using their fists. A few of the males ended up on the ground, wrestling.

  It didn’t look as if anyone was trying to get the diamond. Instead, they simply beat one another to a pulp.

  “You’re so lucky,” Georgie said suddenly.

  Sebastian looked at the other man, his brow furrowed in confusion. “Why would you say that?”

  “Last night you danced with the High King, and today, one of the warriors is showing his interest.” Georgie sighed. “I don’t understand why none of them were interested in me. What’s wrong with me?”

  “Nothing is wrong with you. You’re adorable and kind and smart. If they can’t see how great you are, then there is something wrong with them.”

  His eyes looked sad, but still, Georgie pasted a smile on his face, as if that alone would change everything.

  “The warrior, his name is Captain Regin Priq’aq. I met him on the starship before we left Earth.” Sebastian purposefully left out the most important detail, mainly that he hadn’t spoken to Regin on the ship. “We spoke yesterday at the market. As for the High King, did you see me make a fool out of myself at the welcoming dinner? I was tackled by a guard in front of everyone.” Again, he omitted most of the facts.

  Georgie started laughing.

  “None of the other males even looked in my direction. I’m pretty sure it’s because I’m not in the auction any longer.” Sebastian shrugged. “I don’t know. Maybe you’re not either.”

  Georgie was quiet for a moment as if he was carefully considering Sebastian’s words. Then he nodded in agreement. “Maybe you’re right.”

  “Besides…” Sebastian shrugged. “We’ve only been here for three days. Try to have some fun. I’m sure that everything will work out in the end.”

  Georgie nodded. “Okay.”

  “Good. Now let’s watch these warriors kick the crap out of each other.”

  Sebastian turned his focus back to the game and instantly cringed. He understood the basic concept. Get the diamond and get it to the safety zone. But how could one team beat the other five? The men appeared to be equal in size and musculature. The battle was fierce and the males savage. Blood splattered onto the arena floor, and the sound of bones breaking echoed through the space. There didn’t seem to be an end in sight. And truthfully, it seemed to be getting out of hand.

  When someone stopped in the aisle beside Sebastian, he looked up, happy for the distraction. The male was holding a giant tray filled with plates of finger foods and goblets of alcoholic beverages. He put a plate on the flat wall in front of Sebastian and a cup filled with a purplish-blue liquid beside it.

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome,” he said before he continued down the aisle, handing out food and beverages to the others.

  Sebastian wrapped his hand around the goblet and brought the rim up to his lips. He sniffed the beverage before taking a tiny sip. It was sweet with a sour kick that made his tongue tingle. Yummy. Sebastian took a big gulp, swallowing down the contents. He placed the goblet back onto the low wall when he was done.

  He leaned forward and tore off a piece of meat from the bone. Sebastian wasn’t exactly sure what animal it came from but figured he would try everything Glecerus had to offer. He popped the meat into his mouth and chewed, savoring the moist morsel. Sebastian ate, ignoring the bloody battle inside the arena.

  He jerked his head upright when the horn blared once again.

  “We won!” Georgie shouted. He stood up and started clapping.

  When Regin started running toward Sebastian with a big smile on his face, Sebastian realized the game was over. Regin lifted his arms above his head and shouted, excited over his team’s win. Sebastian immediately jumped to his feet and started clapping. The male might be drenched in sweat and covered in blood, but Regin didn’t seem to mind. He was incredibly happy. The battle had been brutal, but in the end, Regin’s team won. Their team had won.

  Regin grasped the back of Sebastian’s neck with one hand and brought their lips together in a fierce kiss. When Regin pulled back, he grinned down at Sebastian.


  “The winners are allowed to request a kiss. I should’ve asked, but I was too excited, and I really wanted to taste your lips.”

  Sebastian couldn’t help but smile. “I enjoyed the kiss.”

  “Regin!” one of his teammates shouted.

  Regin groaned in disappointment. “I’ve got to set up the arena for the next competition.”

  “Go. Have fun. We’ll talk later.”

  Regin turned on his heel and jogged back toward the other warriors. Sebastian sat back down and enjoyed the view.

  Now that the game was over, the contestants worked together, setting up the arena for the other competitions. Targets were placed on one side of the arena with different types of weapons—archery bows, knives, and axes. On the opposite side, a ring was set up for wrestling matches.

  “The king’s here,” Georgie said, grasping Sebastian’s attention.

  Sebastian’s eyes swept the crowd, searching for Auden. “Where?”

  “He’s up there.” Georgie tilted his chin, subtly trying to show Sebastian without making it obvious. “In the box.”

  Sebastian looked up and found Auden. The male was inside a clear glass box with a group of Glecerian males, Jason and a couple younger boys. Even from across the amphitheater, Sebastian could see the grim look on the male’s face. He didn’t look happy. When Auden’s eyes met Sebastian’s, the king smiled, smoothing out his harsh features. But Sebastian knew the truth. Auden had seen Regin kiss him, and it was obvious that the male didn’t like what he’d seen.

  Lifting his hand, Sebastian waved, and Auden mimicked the action, waving back. It was a little awkward, and truthfully, Sebastian didn’t know what to do or how to handle this situation. He was interested in getting to know Auden and Regin on a personal level. He wished there was a way to spend time with them both, but things didn’t work that way on Glecerus.

  “Wow, this drink is delicious.” Georgie smacked his lips together. “I
wonder what kind of alcohol they use.”

  “Yeah, it’s good.”

  Sebastian took his eyes off the king and grabbed his own drink. He lifted the goblet to his lips and downed the contents.

  When the exhibition matches started, Sebastian tried to stay focused on the action in front of him, but his gaze always found its way back to the king’s box. His attention was divided between Auden and Regin. And if he paid attention to one more than the other, he felt guilty, as if he was doing something wrong.

  Sebastian was relieved when the winners in each competition were finally announced. It meant that the outing was over. The winning male in each category took a lap around the arena, waving to the crowd before sharing a kiss with the human of their choice.

  Sebastian hated to admit that he was relieved Regin hadn’t won his bout. He didn’t want to share another kiss in front of Auden.

  As the Glecerian warriors exited the arena, Sebastian rose to feet, eager to leave. He said good-bye to Regin before following the rest of the group out of the cavern and back to the safety of the dormitory.

  Chapter Ten

  The rest of the week went by in a blur.

  Mark took them on several outings around the region. He also gave them a chance to meet groups of unmated males from other regions that had traveled to Nviia’ Ladur. Sebastian turned every new experience into a learning opportunity. He asked questions to find out how each region was organized. From farming communities to fishing villages, it seemed that Glecerus was even more interesting than he first realized.

  On their last day inside the dormitory, they were taken to the busy metropolitan region in Nviia’ Ladur and given the opportunity to tour the residential area to see how the people of Glecerus lived.

  The front door slid open, granting access to welcome visitors. Stepping over the threshold, Sebastian was greeted by tall stone ceilings and an open living area with comfortable seating. The kitchen was spacious, with a long bar and stools. The bathroom had a shower and a giant soaking tub. Down a short walkway were the bedrooms, each one decorated to the couples’ specifications. In one home, the couple had a master bedroom, an exercise room, and a baby nursery. In another home, one of the bedrooms was an office and the other a child’s bedroom littered with mountains of toys.


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