Planet Glecerus

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Planet Glecerus Page 10

by Olivia Black

“Really?” Sebastian arched a brow.

  It was obvious to Sebastian. Aaron was young and cute, but there was more than just his outward appearance. Aaron had a good heart. He cared for others. He smiled a lot, and his laugh was real and boisterous. With each new experience, he dove right in. He wasn’t scared to experience everything Glecerus had to offer. That was the reason he’d been so popular and had received tons of admirers. It wasn’t surprising that a male like Trygg would bid on him.

  “I told him the truth the night of the welcoming dinner. It was awkward. And then he...” Aaron cut himself off.

  “He…” he coaxed, hoping Aaron to complete his thought. “What? What did he do?”

  Aaron shook his head, “Nothing. Never mind. I just…I really don’t know why he bid on me. We don’t have anything in common.”

  “You’re wearing his mark,” Sebastian pointed out. “It’s permanent. So, give Trygg a chance. If it doesn’t work out, you won’t be able to play in the singles dormitory. You’ll have to leave the planet to find a mate.”

  Aaron didn’t say anything. He ducked his head, breaking eye contact. Aaron walked passed Sebastian, shuffling his feet against the floor as he moved. He went straight to his bed and curled up, pulling the covers over his head. Sebastian stared at his friend. He didn’t know what to do. He didn’t know how to handle this situation. But he hoped that, with some time, Aaron would find some happiness with Trygg. He didn’t want Aaron to leave Glecerus.

  “Sebastian.” Georgie sniffled.

  Sebastian spun around and stared at Georgie in horror. The man’s eyes were puffy, and his nose was bright red. It was obvious he’d been crying. “What happened to you?”


  His lower lip quivered, and tears spilled down his cheeks. Sebastian wrapped his arms around Georgie and pulled the man against his chest for a tight hug. He held Georgie as the man sobbed against Sebastian’s shoulder. An anguished cry slipped from his lips. The pain filled sound broke Sebastian’s heart.

  Aaron came back from the treatment room upset that he’d been mated to Trygg. And Georgie, the poor man, was hysterical. If this was any indication of what was to come, Sebastian was truly scared.

  Grant stopped beside them and patted Georgie’s shoulder, offering his support.

  “Grant? What happened?”

  “We’re supposed to collect our things. Our group is going to the singles dormitory.”

  “Oh, Georgie.” Sebastian tightened his arm. He closed his eyes and gently rocked his friend, trying to console the man.

  “The Glecerian ambassador tried to explain what to expect, but Georgie was too upset to listen. He walked out of the room before the male could finish talking. I followed after him. I didn’t think he’d want to be alone, but it looks like he found you.”

  “Yeah,” Sebastian whispered. “He found me.”

  “We’re not staying in the singles dormitory for long,” Grant continued. “There’s a ship coming in a couple of days. We’re going to be transported to another planet.”

  Sebastian’s eyes flew open, and he asked, “Which planet?”

  “Sweshan,” Grant told him.

  Sebastian let out a litany of curse words inside his mind. Now, he really was worried. Sweshan was a planet covered in water. Auden had referred to the people on that particular planet as fish people. He said that the humans were passed from male to male until they got pregnant. Georgie was too sweet and innocent to end up there.

  When the dormitory doors hissed open once more, Sebastian glanced up and watched as a group of Glecerian males walked in.

  “Aaron Butler. Kevin Frazier. Evan Meyers. Nathaniel Ware. Jimmie Foster,” Mark called out. “Please gather your belongings and come over here. It’s time to meet your mates.”

  Sebastian was torn. Georgie needed him. But Trygg had just walked in, and soon, Aaron would be leaving. Sebastian needed to say good-bye. He needed to make sure that Aaron was going to be okay.

  “Grant, can you please hold him?” Sebastian turned Georgie, and Grant wrapped his arms around the man’s shoulders. “I’ll be right back, Georgie.”

  Sebastian swept his eyes over the dormitory, searching for Aaron. His bed was empty, the blankets in a pile on the floor. Where did you go? As the other men gathered around the Glecerian males, making introductions, Sebastian strode to the bathroom. He checked each of the stalls. One of the shower doors was locked, so Sebastian knocked.

  “Aaron, are you in there? It’s me. It’s Sebastian.”

  The lock disengaged, and the door slid open, revealing Aaron. He was sitting on the wooden bench, his legs drawn up and his shoulder slouched.

  “Trygg’s here, isn’t he?”

  Sebastian nodded. “Yes.”

  “I’ve got to tell you something.”

  Sebastian stepped inside the stall and hit the button. The door automatically closed, and the lock clicked into place.

  “The night of the welcoming dinner…” Aaron looked away, as if he were too embarrassed to make eye contact.

  “What happened?” Sebastian asked, crouching down in front of Aaron. “Did he do something to you?”

  “He…” Aaron closed his eyes, pinching his eyelids tightly shut before whispering, “Trygg spanked me.”

  Sebastian paused. He hadn’t been expecting that response.

  “And how do you feel about that?”

  Sebastian wanted to smile but kept his facial features carefully blank. He didn’t want to assume anything or embarrass Aaron further with a reaction. A spanking seemed mild in Sebastian’s opinion, but the emotions Aaron was feeling made sense. This conversation reminded Sebastian that Aaron was only eighteen. He was young and inexperienced. Aaron didn’t know what to do or how to react.

  “I liked it. It’s just…” He sighed heavily. “I didn’t think I’d ever have to see him again. How can I face him after that night? I’m so embarrassed.”

  “Aaron.” When Aaron looked up, Sebastian smiled, trying to put him at ease. “There’s no reason to be embarrassed by what happened with Trygg. He spanked you, and you enjoyed it. You’re both consenting adults. You shared a private moment together. He obviously enjoyed it as well because he’s here. He wants you. Come on.” Sebastian stood up and held out his hand. Aaron took it, and Sebastian pulled the other man to his feet. “Trygg’s waiting.”

  “You don’t think I’m weird?”

  Sebastian scoffed, shaking his head, “No, not at all.”

  “What do you think I should say to him?”

  “Just tell him the truth.”

  Aaron nodded. “Okay.”

  Sebastian led Aaron out of the bathroom. Trygg was standing near the doorway with a smile curling the sides of his mouth. He stared at Aaron, an intense look that brought a blush to Aaron’s cheeks. Sebastian’s eyes bounced back and forth between the two men. It was obvious that there was something special going on between them. Any concern Sebastian might’ve had immediately vanished.

  “Hi,” Aaron said, giving an awkward little wave.

  Trygg grinned. “Hello, my pet. It’s good to see you again.”

  “I…uh…” He cleared his throat. “I didn’t think I would see you again.”

  “I hope you’re not disappointed.”

  Aaron shook his head. “No, I’m glad you’re here.”

  Trygg walked over to Aaron. He lifted his right hand and ran his fingertips over the painted marks on Aaron’s shoulder.

  “I like seeing my mark on you.”

  “Sebastian,” Mark said, getting his attention. “Can you collect your belongings? We’re going to head over to the singles dormitory soon.”

  Sebastian sighed. “Yeah, sure.”

  “Oh, no,” Aaron whined. “I’m not ready to say good-bye.”

  “We don’t have to say good-bye,” Sebastian told him. “Instead, we’ll say, ‘I’ll see you soon.’”

  Aaron threw his arms around Sebastian’s neck and squeezed. “I’ll see you soon.” />
  “I promise.”

  “Thank you for being my friend. I don’t know if I would’ve made it this week without you.”

  “You would’ve been fine. You’re stronger than you know.” Sebastian dropped his arms and stepped back. He didn’t want to prolong this moment. It was going to be hard enough to watch Aaron leave the dormitory. “Take care of him, Trygg.”

  Trygg nodded. “I will.”

  Aaron broke eye contact to look over Sebastian’s shoulder. His brows furrowed, and his eyes filled with sadness. The sound of Georgie’s low sniffles could still be heard throughout the dormitory, the noise echoing around the almost empty room.

  “And you’ll take care of Georgie,” he whispered.

  “Don’t worry. I’ll make sure he’s okay.”

  Trygg held out his arm, and Aaron wrapped his palm around the male’s bicep. Arm in arm, Aaron and Trygg left the dormitory. Watching Aaron go was bittersweet. Even though they were brought to Glecerus to become mates, they had become good friends. Their time together in the dormitory had brought them closer together. Sebastian knew he’d miss all the good times they had shared.

  Now that most of the men were gone, it was just Sebastian and six others. All of them were going to be escorted to the singles dormitory.

  Walking over to his bed, Sebastian lifted the lid of his trunk and collected his meager belongings. He held the items in one arm and returned to Georgie’s side, looping his arm through Georgie’s.

  Georgie wiped his face, removing the tears from his cheeks. “I’m going to be okay.”

  “Georgie, I’m so sorry.”

  “Everything is going to be okay, right?”

  Sebastian didn’t know what to say so he just smiled and nodded. “Yeah, everything is going be okay.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Sebastian kept his arm locked with Georgie’s as they followed Mark toward the singles dormitory. They took the conveyor transportation device down to the bottom floor. Since it was nearing the evening hours, the market place was closing down, the merchants packing up and heading home for the night. The eateries and clubs were still fairly busy though. Much like their first visit, the group drew a lot of attention from the Glecerian males as they walked by.

  Sebastian glanced at Georgie every couple of minutes, hoping for a smile, but it never came. Georgie stared straight ahead, dejected. His eyes were bright with unshed tears hovering near the rim, waiting to drop down his cheeks.

  “Georgie,” Sebastian whispered. He didn’t know what to do to help his friend. He felt completely useless in this situation.

  “Yeah,” he muttered.

  “Is there anything I can do?”

  Georgie shook his head. “No.”

  “If you need me, if you need anything at all, I’m here for you.”

  “I know.”

  Georgie blinked, and a tear leaked out from the corner of his eye, splashing against his cheek and running down his face.

  “Georgie…” he started.

  “Please don’t say anything,” Georgie cut him off. “I don’t want to think about it right now. I just…” He shook his head. “I can’t. It brings back too many bad memories. Knowing that nobody…” He sniffled.

  “They’re fucking idiots,” Sebastian hissed.

  He was so angry that Georgie hadn’t been chosen. It didn’t make any sense. He was smart and kind and incredibly cute.

  Sebastian looked around, checking out the eleven other men with them. He realized that they hadn’t been chosen either. They were all good-looking guys, but for some reason, they were going to be sent to another planet. Did the Glecerians pick this group in particular, or were each of these men chosen by males from other planets? Could one of these guys end up with an Ambassador? Sebastian wished he had the answers. He wanted to say something to Georgie that might lift the man’s spirits.

  “It is what it is,” he muttered.

  Sebastian sighed. He kept close to Georgie’s side as Mark led them down a series of tunnels.

  When they finally reached the singles dormitory, Sebastian smiled. He had to admit he was pleasantly surprised. The place looked more like a hotel than the dormitory where they were staying before. Instead of sharing one giant room with all the guys, they were each given a luxurious apartment. Sebastian asked the clerk at the front desk for two beds since he didn’t want to leave Georgie alone. At this point, he didn’t care about the fraternization rule. Sebastian said good-bye to Mark and guided Georgie to their assigned room.

  Sebastian clapped the keycard against the wall, and the glass door slid open, welcoming them to their temporary home.

  Georgie let go of Sebastian’s arm. He walked straight toward the bed and climbed on, lying down on his back. He stared up at the ceiling with a blank expression on his face.

  Sebastian dumped his belongings onto the other bed. He stood there, staring at Georgie, wishing he could help the other man. After a few minutes, Sebastian started looking around their apartment. He strolled through the space. There wasn’t a lot to see. The apartment had a small kitchen, a sitting area with an entertainment screen, and a bathroom with a shower and a large soaking tub.

  “Do you want to take a bath?” Sebastian asked. “I can start the water for you and add some bubbles.”

  Georgie made a noncommittal sound, but other than that, he didn’t answer. He didn’t move from his spot on the bed. So Sebastian assumed the answer was no.

  Sebastian pressed a button on the wall, and a closet door opened. It was fully stocked. He stepped inside and ran his hand over the line of clothing. Soft, leather pants, form-fitting tank tops, and there were even brand-new boots sitting on the floor.

  “Oh, look.” Sebastian grabbed a black tank top off the rack and held it up, trying to get Georgie’s attention. “They gave us new clothes. No more white pajamas for us.”

  Georgie didn’t respond. Sebastian hung the tank top back up and closed the closet door. He walked over to the bed and leaned against the mattress. Sebastian crossed his arms over his chest and stared down at Georgie.

  “Are you hungry?” he asked. “I could get us some food.”

  Again, Georgie didn’t reply.

  The front door slid open. “Hey,” Grant said, rapping his knuckles lightly against the wall. “Do you guys want to go out with us?”

  Sebastian glanced over his shoulder and looked at Grant. He was standing in front of the other four men who were going to be sent off planet. They weren’t dressed in the white pajamas any longer. Instead, they were wearing black leather pants, boots, and black tank tops. The shirts showed off their bare shoulders and arms. It would let everyone know that they were all unmated.

  “Where are you guys going?” Sebastian asked.

  “I heard there was a pleasure club nearby.” Grant grinned. “We’re gonna check it out. See what kind of trouble we can get into before being shipped off planet.”

  “A pleasure club?”

  Grant chuckled. “Yeah, it should be fun.”

  Sebastian looked back down at Georgie. “What do you think? Do you feel like going out and getting a drink?”

  Georgie sighed heavily. “Sure, why not? Let’s get drunk.”

  Sebastian’s brows shot up in surprise. He looked back at Grant and said, “I guess we’re going.”

  He wasn’t sure if getting drunk was the right decision, but at least Georgie was finally responding. And if he wanted to drown his sorrows, then Sebastian would be supportive. He was almost willing to do anything if it meant Georgie would talk to him.

  “Do you want to change? We can wait in the lobby for you.”

  “Yeah, sure,” Sebastian said. “Give us a minute.”

  When the door slid shut, Georgie slowly sat up. He threw his legs over the side of the bed and rose to his feet. “I’m glad that you’re here with me, Sebastian, I really am. But I don’t want to talk about it. I just…” He shook his head. “I want to pretend that it didn’t happened. At least for a little while,
let’s pretend.”

  Sebastian nodded. “Okay.”

  He strode passed Georgie and went back to the closet. Opening the door, Sebastian stepped inside. He took off his clothes and quickly pulled on a black tank top, adjusting the soft material over his chest, before grabbing a pair of pants. He pulled them on. They were loose fitting, sitting low on his hips. And the excess length bunched at his ankles. He shoved his feet into a pair of boots and left the laces undone. Sebastian grabbed a set of clothes for Georgie before exiting the closet once more.

  “Here, you change while I check my hair in the bathroom.”

  He dropped the clothes onto the bed and went into the adjoining bathroom. He didn’t bother with the mirror. Sebastian merely leaned against the counter and waited, giving Georgie some privacy. He gave the young man a few minutes before walking back into the room.

  “Are you ready to go?”

  “Yeah.” Georgie pasted a smile on his face. It was forced, but at least he was smiling. “Let’s go.”

  They headed down the hallway and found Grant and the others waiting for them.

  “Let me make the introductions. Georgie Larson and Sebastian Cain.” Grant pointed to each of them. “This is Eric Wilson, Dennis Osborne, Howard Turner, and Bryson Garrett.”

  “It’s nice to meet you.”

  “You, too,” Eric said with a friendly smile.

  “So, you’re the guy that got yanked from the auction, right?” Howard asked.

  Sebastian nodded. “Yeah, that’s me.”

  “Are you sure you want to come?” Bryson questioned, his eyes darting from Sebastian to Georgie. “I heard that this place is a little…extreme. I mean, this is Glecerus, and the planet is hedonistic, but still. You might not be up for it.”

  It was a warning, plain and simple. Sebastian looked at Georgie to see what the other man thought, but Georgie merely shrugged, as if it were no big deal. Then again, Georgie knew what to expect. He’d read the manual.

  “Lead the way.”

  Grant led their little group out of the singles dormitory, back toward the marketplace.

  There was a small door hidden in the back of the market place. At this time of night, the stalls were all closed. There wasn’t a lot of foot traffic, although small groups of Glecerian males walked passed them, heading for the unobtrusive door. The glass slid open and closed, allowing them entrance.


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