Planet Glecerus

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Planet Glecerus Page 12

by Olivia Black

  “I’m human. I can’t survive out here.”

  “You’re right. It’s my fault. I put you in danger.”

  Sebastian sighed. “I’m glad you found me.” He couldn’t keep arguing with a man who continued to agree with him.

  “Will you let me help you?”

  Sebastian nodded. “Yeah.”

  “I’m going to check your arm first.” Auden removed Sebastian’s gloves. He inspected each finger before gently massaging Sebastian’s wrists. “Nothing appears to be broken, but you do have some bruising.”

  “I didn’t think it was broken.”

  “I know, but I still needed to check to make sure you didn’t have an injury that required medical attention. Now I get to warm you up.”

  Auden started removing his clothing, stripping down until he was gloriously naked.

  “Wow,” Sebastian breathed out.

  Auden didn’t move. Instead, he lay still beside Sebastian, letting him stare. Sebastian’s gaze traveled over Auden’s body, drinking in the male’s beautiful form. From his wide shoulders painted with beautiful black designs to his perfectly sculpted muscles, Auden was perfection.

  Sebastian’s eyes dropped down to Auden’s cock. His mouth opened, and he stared in amazement as the male’s shaft grew, hardening. Sebastian’s mind flashes back to the dildo that Aaron received as a gift and saw the similarity. Auden’s cock was a work of art. At least ten inches long, with bumpy ridges and nubs running down the length, and there were small frills along the mushroomed-shaped tip.

  Without thought, Sebastian reached out and touched the male’s cock, running his fingertips over each bump. As he moved his hand, Sebastian could feel a layer of slick moisture coat the male’s shaft. Self-lubricating. He imagined what it would feel like and shivered involuntarily. Auden must’ve misinterpreted the move because he grabbed hold of Sebastian’s clothing and started removing the articles, one by one.

  Once Sebastian was naked, Auden wrapped his larger frame around his body, holding him close. The heat was delicious. Sebastian moaned, melting further into Auden’s embrace. He rubbed his cheek against Auden’s chest. The velvety texture was soft and comforting. He could feel Auden’s hard shaft pressing against his stomach. And although he desperately wanted to explore, Sebastian didn’t.

  “How do you feel?”

  “Warm. Comfortable.”

  When Sebastian heard heavy footfalls coming toward them, he lifted his head and watched as Regin entered the cave. The Glecerian took one look at them and started removing his own clothing. Soon, Regin joined them on the floor. Neither of the males seemed to mind the other’s nudity, but Sebastian suddenly felt incredibly uncomfortable. He was very much aware of his own naked body, now crushed between their much larger frames. He ducked his head back down, feeling slightly embarrassed.

  He closed his eyes and exhaled. Now that he was warm and comfortable, sleep tugged him under, and Sebastian fell asleep.

  * * * *

  Auden knew the moment Sebastian fell asleep. His breathing changed, and his body went limp. Only when he was resting peacefully was Auden able to calm himself. Sebastian was finally warm and safe. Auden was responsible for Sebastian’s current state. The competition had been his idea and, therefore, his fault. He didn’t think he would be putting Sebastian in any real danger. Auden assumed that he would be able to find the young man quickly and end the competition, but he’d been wrong.

  Hours had gone by while he searched far and wide, hunting down Sebastian. And in the end, he’d found the young man half frozen, barely conscious on the ground, shaking.

  “Thank you,” he murmured quietly.

  Regin lifted his head and looked at Auden. “Why are you thanking me, Your Majesty?”

  “You didn’t ask any questions. You simply took off your clothing and helped me to warm Sebastian.”

  “I assessed the situation and knew that you needed help with your mate.”

  Hearing Regin refer to Sebastian as his mate made the two hearts within his chest clench. “I don’t deserve him.”

  “Why would you say that, Sir?”

  “I put him in danger. I sent him up here, and he was hurt. How can I possibly claim him as my mate?”

  “You’re a good male, Your Majesty,” Regin told him. “You found Sebastian, and you took care of him. Your first thought was for his comfort and safety. I think you’re wrong. I think you do deserve to be his mate.”

  “He’s deserves better than me.”

  It was a hard truth to admit out loud, especially since he was the High King. But Auden had been in a similar situation before. When Plion had attacked Glecerus, Auden had been overly confident, and in the end, there had been a heavy price to pay. His mate had been killed. To show how much he truly cared for Sebastian, Auden did the only thing he could to remedy the situation.

  “I relinquish my rights to you, Captain Regin Priq’aq.”

  “Why would you say that?” Regin asked.

  Auden ignored Regin’s question. He looked down at Sebastian, cuddled against his chest. While asleep, Sebastian looked so young and innocent. Auden ran his hand up Sebastian’s back, over his bare shoulder, and against his cheek, touching his soft skin. Leaning his head down, Auden pressed his lips against Sebastian’s forehead. He let his lips linger, memorizing everything he could about Sebastian.

  Forcing himself to pull back, Auden carefully moved away, leaving Sebastian in Regin’s capable arms. He rose to his feet and grabbed his discarded clothing from the ground. Auden stared at Sebastian, watching the young man sleep while he dressed.

  “I will head back and report that you found Sebastian. He is yours by right. I’ll leave my communicator behind. When you’re ready for transportation, a ship will come and pick you both up.”

  “Your Majesty…” Regin started to object. His tone was strained and unsure. The male looked at Auden for a moment before nodding. “I’ll take care of him.”

  “I wish you both a happy life.”

  It took all of Auden’s strength to turn his back on Sebastian and walk out of the cave, but he did. He left the human with Regin.

  Chapter Fourteen

  When he awoke up, Sebastian knew one of the males was gone. He opened his eyes and realized that Regin was the only one holding him. Sebastian was toasty-warm and comfortable, but still something didn’t feel quite right. He sat up, putting some distance between Regin and himself. Sebastian rose to his feet and started gathering his clothing, needing the barrier to hide his nudity. He felt too exposed and incredibly vulnerable.

  “Where’s Auden?” Sebastian asked.

  “He left,” Regin said.

  Sebastian spun around and stared at Regin. “He left me?”

  Regin tilted his head, studying Sebastian closely before saying, “This upsets you. Why?”

  “This whole competition was his idea. He found me and brought me to this cave. Why would he leave?” Sebastian took a breath and calmed down. “Did he say anything to you?”

  Regin didn’t respond. He rose to his feet and turned his back to Sebastian, pulling on his own clothing.

  “He was ashamed by his actions.”

  Sebastian shook his head. “I don’t understand.”

  “He didn’t think it was his right to be your mate since he put you in this situation to begin with. You could’ve died out here. The elements are too harsh for a human. He left after you fell asleep. He knew you were safe with me.”

  Sebastian didn’t know how to respond. He’d been going back and forth between Auden and Regin inside his head, unable to choose between the Glecerians. He’d been leaving the decision up to fate. Whoever found him would become his mate. And now that Auden was gone, Sebastian’s heart ached. It seemed that he had chosen after all. He wanted Auden to be his mate. He wanted to wear the male’s mark.

  “You feel love for him.” It was a statement, not a question.

  Sebastian’s brows furrowed as he thought it over. Did he feel love for Auden
? It seemed ridiculous. He didn’t even know the male that well. He’d been in Glecerus for only a week. But it was true. He had developed feelings for Auden. He stared at Regin. It was hard to admit, considering that he cared for this Glecerian a great deal as well.

  “I didn’t realize my feelings until this moment.”

  “He left, and it hurts you.”

  “Yes,” Sebastian said.

  “Let me take you back home.”

  Home. What did that even mean? He didn’t have a home, not really. He’d been living inside a dormitory with the other humans who had volunteered to come to this planet.

  “And then what?” Sebastian asked, genuinely curious.

  “And then we’ll figure it out.”

  Sebastian nodded. It didn’t seem as though he had any other choice. In the end, they would figure it out, together.

  “Finish getting dressed,” Regin said. “I’ll step outside and use the communicator to get us a ride home.”


  Regin grabbed the communicator and left the cave. Sebastian watched him go. Now that he alone, Sebastian could feel the cool air inside the cave wrap around him, sending a shiver down his spine. He continued to pile on the layers of clothing until he was bundled up from head to toe once more. He looked around the small cave before stepping outside to join Regin.

  The icy wind blew hard, slamming against Sebastian. He wrapped his arms around his waist and ducked his head.

  “Come on.” Regin wrapped an arm around Sebastian’s waist, leading him away from the cave. “The ship is on its way.”

  Sebastian stared down at the ground, hiding his face from the freezing temperatures as Regin guided him toward the meeting place. He moved quickly, trying to keep pace with Regin’s long strides.

  When his foot landed on a metal stair, Sebastian lifted his head. He was so relieved to see the ship that he ran ahead of Regin, sprinting up the steps, desperate to be warm. Back on the ship, Sebastian shook out his limbs to get his blood flowing. He was still shivering, but at least he could feel his extremities.

  “Are you okay?” Regin asked.

  Sebastian nodded. “Yeah, I’m good.”

  “Let’s take a seat.”

  Regin took the lead, and Sebastian followed him toward the rear of the ship. He sat down on a bench seat, and Regin dropped down beside him. There was only a small space between them, but Regin moved closer. He wrapped an arm around Sebastian’s shoulders and pulled him into his side. The heat from Regin’s body instantly warmed Sebastian. He sighed heavily and closed his eyes, relaxing into the larger male’s frame.

  It didn’t take long for them to reach the underground flight deck. Once they landed, Regin took Sebastian’s hand. They stepped off the starship and went to the treatment center.

  In the far corner, there were six glass cylinders standing in a row. It reminded Sebastian of the ones he’d seen at the market place, except these were wider. There was also a lot of tools and equipment he didn’t recognize, inside the cylinders and the surrounding area.

  “What does this thing do?” Sebastian asked.

  The Glecerian, a male wearing a blue uniform, smiled at him. “First, it maps your body, taking your measurements. When that information has been collected, a mark will be placed on your skin. It will be an exact replica of your mate’s design.”

  “Using needles?”

  He shook his head, “No, it’s burned into your skin, under many layers.”

  “Like a brand?”

  “Similar, except with our technology, the outer layers of skin aren’t damaged.”

  “Is it going to hurt?”

  “There may be a little discomfort, but I will give you something for the pain.”

  Sebastian nodded. “Okay.”

  “I need you to remove your clothing and step inside the cylinder. This won’t take long.”

  Sebastian started removing his clothes, dropping the articles onto the floor. He was slightly embarrassed but focused on the task at hand instead of the other males in the room. Once naked, he stepped inside the cylinder. Sebastian turned around, facing forward. He made eye contact with Regin and gave the male a shaky smile. Regin stared back, the look in his eyes intense. Sebastian trembled, desire flooding his system.

  The Glecerian male in the blue uniform walked toward Sebastian. He pulled out a syringe from his pocket and jabbed it into Sebastian’s thigh. Before he could voice a complaint, Sebastian felt the numbing sensation work its way through his body.

  “There.” The male slid the syringe back into his pocket. “Now, you won’t feel any pain.”

  He stepped out, and the cylinder door closed, locking Sebastian inside. A metal arm, holding a round dish, moved toward Sebastian. He flinched, unsure of what to expect, but the object never touched him. It simply moved around his body, taking the necessary measurements for the tattoo. It took several minutes, but when its job was complete, the arm moved back to its original position.

  “The wrap is going to drop down now so don’t move.”

  Even though he was warned, Sebastian still jerked backward when a giant piece of material dropped down, surrounding him completely. The thick curtain blocked his view, cutting off his link to Regin. Sebastian took a deep breath, trying to remain calm, even though he wanted to push the curtain aside and run away.

  Without warning, a series of bright lights flashed on, almost blinding him. He closed his eyes, pinching the lids tightly together. Sebastian stood frozen inside the cylinder. He didn’t dare move. His skin prickled as the lights burned the design into his flesh. He took shallow breaths, afraid that too much movement might ruin the mark in some way.

  “You’re doing great.” The male’s voice was encouraging as he spoke to Sebastian.

  When the bright light disappeared from behind his eyelids, Sebastian opened his eyes. The screen rose back up to the ceiling, slowly revealing Regin. The two of them were alone. The other Glecerian male was gone.

  The door slid open. Sebastian kept his arms spread away from his body as he stepped out of the glass enclosure. He inspected the thick black marks on his skin, surprised by how beautiful they truly were. They ran from his wrists up to his shoulders, across his chest, and fanned up the side of his neck. His skin tingled, but other than that, there was no pain.

  “Here.” Regin held out a pair of white pajama pants.

  “Thanks.” Sebastian took them from his outstretched hand and pulled them on, letting the soft elastic band sit low on his hips.

  He looked at Regin, inspecting the male’s designs closely, before looking back down at his own body. His gaze went back and forth a few times before he let out a surprised gasp.

  “Our marks…they don’t match.”

  Regin reached out and touched Sebastian’s shoulder, running his soft fingertips along his skin. “Your marks are unique, almost an exact replica of the High King’s.”

  Sebastian’s eyes filled with tears. He was overcome with emotion. “What? Why would you do that?”

  “Because sometimes we deserve what we truly desire, despite what the rules say. I may have been the one to bring you back home, but you will never completely belong to me. Not really.”

  Tears ran freely down Sebastian’s cheeks. He threw his arms around Regin’s waist and hugged the male. Sebastian was moved by Regin’s words. He’d never seen this coming. In fact, he thought Regin would become his mate, but the male had made sure that Sebastian got what he wanted. Auden. Although now, truth be told, he was sad, knowing that he would lose Regin. He would probably never see the other male again.

  “You…me…” Sebastian babbled, barely able to form a sentence.

  Regin wrapped his arms around Sebastian, pulling him in for a tight hug. He placed his cheek on top of Sebastian’s head.

  “I told you that we would figure it out, and we will.”

  “Thank you.” Sebastian sniffled.

  “My motives aren’t as pure as you might believe.”

astian dropped his arms and took a step back. He looked up at Regin, confused. “What does that mean?”

  “I’m going to petition the High King to be granted status as your secondary mate.”

  “Secondary mate?” Sebastian’s brows furrowed.

  Regin nodded. “A long time ago, our planet wasn’t the thriving place you know it to be. We didn’t live below ground. We lived in caves, like the one Auden took you to, above planet. In those days, there were family units consisting of a primary mate and a secondary mate. Together, they took care of the child bearer and the children. During those times, with the harsh environment, it was necessary.”

  “But…” Sebastian started but stopped. He didn’t know what to say or how to respond. He still didn’t quite understand what Regin meant.

  “The High King is a good male. You have feelings for him, and I respect that, but I also have feelings for you that I cannot ignore. I will not ignore them and simply walk away.”

  “So, that means the three of us…” Again, he stopped himself before finishing his thought. The three of them what? Lived together. Slept together.

  “Your mark, it’s a combination, representing the High King and myself.”

  Sebastian stared at Regin, trying to digest everything the male was saying. This moment seemed surreal. He felt as though he was bouncing back and forth between Regin and Auden, but now, he was going to have both men. How was this going to work?

  “Why would you want to be a secondary mate?”

  “It doesn’t matter what my role is in your life, as long as I’m part of it. Since the moment I saw you on the starship, I knew that we would be together.”

  “What is the role of a secondary mate?”

  Reign sighed. “Like I said before, this hasn’t happened in a very long time. There aren’t any rules to guide us. However, there is a section within our laws that gives Glecerian males a chance to join a family unit. A lower-ranking male can petition a higher-ranking male to become a secondary mate within a mating. Since the High King is the higher-ranking male in this scenario, he could never approach me. By right of the competition, he found you. Therefore you belong to him.”


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