Izzy's Fight: The Izzy Rose Chronicles Book 1

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Izzy's Fight: The Izzy Rose Chronicles Book 1 Page 1

by Nicole Clark



  The Izzy Rose Chronicles Book 1

  Nicole Clark

  Copyright 2015 © Nicole Clark

  Amazon Edition

  Publisher: Gorillas With Scissors Press

  Literary Editor: Gypsy Heart Editing

  Assistant Editor: Jennifer E. Dembiczak

  Book Formatting: Gypsy Heart Editing

  Cover Artist: https://www.facebook.com/phyceldesigns?__mref=message_bubble

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  The scanning, uploading, and distribution of this book via the Internet or via other means without the permission of the publisher is illegal and punishable by law. Please purchase only authorized electronic editions and do not participate or encourage electronic piracy of copyrighted materials.

  This book is a work of fictions. Names, characters, establishments, organizations, and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or are used factiously to give a sense of authenticity. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, event, or locals are entirely coincidental.

  Table of Contents

  Authors Note


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six


  Authors Note

  You can find the original story for Izzy’s Fight published in Stalkers: an Anthology listed under the title “Izzy’s Assassin”


  To A.M. and L.R.

  Chapter One

  Did she really want to do this? Yes, because she was sick of staying home without anything to do while living within a constant cloud of fear of what could happen. Just because one bad thing had happened, she going to seclude herself? Seclude herself from the sad and pitiful succubus that had let her goddess powers and anger consume her until she ended up hurting people that were innocent bystanders? She didn’t think so! She was half succubus and half goddess. She was a strong, independent, female that had been living like a hermit for the past few weeks when, normally, she had a different guy every night of the week—sometimes two a night, depending on her mood.

  Looking up at the club, she pulled at the hem of her shirt nervously. It had been a hot minute since she’d been to this club. Taking a step forward, she let her worries fade away with each stride. There was no turning back now—not that she wanted to. This was her night to get back to being the female she’d been before. She would let the demon out to play tonight, and hopefully her night would leave her sore in all the right places.

  Walking through the doors, she ambled to the bar, snagged one of the barstools and ordered a drink. As she placed her money down, a man’s hand came down over hers. Looking up, she squinted, trying to see his eyes past all the brilliant lights that bounced off the club walls and the polished bar top.

  “Don’t bother, beautiful. I’ve got this one and any others you may want,” he whispered in her ear.

  His deep voice sent shivers down her spine in a way none ever had. Grinning flirtatiously, she stood up and started walking away from him. She felt his eyes following her as she sashayed away. Before turning the corner, she looked back and saw he was getting up to follow her. Grinning, she walked to the back hallway where the music wasn’t as loud, where she could hear herself think.

  Her back faced the hallway’s entrance, while couples around her were pressed together, all but having sex since their clothes were still on. It didn’t take long for her mystery man to join her. He kissed her shoulder as his arms snaked around her, pulling her against his broad chest. Her head lolled to the side as his lips moved across her smooth skin, sending chills through her core. As part succubus, she was used to making men want her underneath them instantly. It was all part of her charm and had lead to many great nights in some people’s beds. Placing her hand on the wall, she lulled her head back while his assault continued on her neck. It didn’t take long before his one hand was under her shirt and the other rubbing the inside of her jeans.

  “Come home with me,” he whispered, as he nipped at her neck. His hands continued to explore her form of their own free will, as if he knew she wouldn’t knock them away.

  Since sex was why she came to the club in the first place, she agreed. He took her hand and led her back through the club. Once they stepped outside, he grabbed keys out of his pocket and led her to a car.

  Within seconds of walking into his house, his lips were claiming hers. Grabbing the hem of her shirt, he removed it in one swift jerk, tossing it across the room. Undoing her jeans, she shimmied out of them and kicked them across the room.

  Pinning her against the wall with his muscular body, her mystery man grabbed her hands and cinched both of them with one of his, holding them above her head. Ripping the thin scrap of material away from her core, he slid his fingers along her wet lips, releasing a moan from her mouth.

  “Damn, baby girl, you’re already so wet. You really want this, don’t you?”

  “Fuck yes I do,” she breathed out, squirming and bucking her hips against his fingers.

  Releasing her hands, he quickly removed his jeans and grabbed her hips to pick her up. Pushing her against the wall once more, he deftly ripped open a condom wrapper and put the condom in place before he brought her down and impaled her with his thick erection. Crying out, she gripped his shoulders as he thrust deeply within her. For several long moments, he stood there fucking her hard.

  Right before his legs began to shake—he carried her to the couch and laid back on it. Now on top, she began to ride him, groaning as she reached down and rubbed her clit. It only took a few more thrusts before both of them were falling over the edge. Leaning over the stranger, she sealed her lips on his and fed off his energy. The strong energy he emitted entered her system and sent her mind buzzing. It was like having a strong alcoholic buzz, only different in that every nerve ending in her body seemed to be firing at once. The hunger that had welled up inside her over the weeks she’d spent hiding away was slowly sated down to a point she would be able to live with it before feeding again.

  She didn’t take enough to kill him, but when she’d taken her fill and finished her climax, she fell on the couch beside him. Rolling over, he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her to him.

  “I know what you are, Izzy,” he whispered in her ear harshly.

  Looking at him, she stared a moment, her eyes wide with fear. An overdose of adrenaline surged through her veins causing her vision to dim and her to pass out.

  Chapter Two

  Several days had passed since she last saw the man who took her to bed and brought her out of her funk. That morning, she had woken up in his bed and very quietly snuck out. Even now, she couldn’t forget the words he’d spoken to her that previous evening. He knew what she was? How was that even possible? Izzy pretty much kept to herself, except when she wanted sex and even then she acted more human than some supernatural creatures. The only way someone would have known she was different was if they themselves were supernatural.

  Since that memorable encounter, she’d only been home a few times to shower, change, and sleep a little. She’d been attempting to find the man from the club to see how he knew what she was and who he was himself. Today, while the sun was shining, she decided to head out and call her best friend. She missed living in Hawaii and wanted to go back for a visit soon. It’d been far too long since she’d returned home. As she slid her phone out of her back pocket and dialed his number, she had a feeling that someone was watching her.

y, Izzy baby. How are you?” came Will’s warm voice as he answered the phone. He never did call her just Izzy or Isobel. He always had to add a term of endearment to it, just because he knew it made her smile.

  “Hey, Will. How are you, honey?”

  “Good, good. It’s getting boring here without my partner in crime. When are you coming back?”

  “I was just calling to ask you when you want me back,” she said, smiling as she stepped into a coffee shop to grab a beverage. Afterward, she went to a table and set up her laptop while she listened to Will chatter on about how he wanted her back right then and all the things he’d been doing while she was gone. Several moments later, she hung up the phone and looked at the laptop screen.

  In its reflection, she saw the man she met at the club sitting several tables over. He was staring at her, not bothering to conceal his gaze from her or anyone else. Grinning at the fact she’d finally found him, she tried not to rush to get up and confront him. She didn’t want to scare him off, so instead she turned on her internet and started messing around with some sites that she frequented.

  About half an hour later she put her computer to sleep and looked in the reflection again. This time, her stalker was no longer there. With a small huff, she stood up to get another cup of coffee while berating herself for being aloof instead of confronting him first thing. The instant she stood up, she ran into someone, causing their cup of iced coffee to splatter all over her front and in her face.

  “What the heck!” she growled, as she tried to wipe the coffee out of her eyes unsuccessfully.

  She heard him speaking to the waitress about going and getting a towel. All she saw was the waitress’ heels disappearing from her extremely limited line of sight while she continued to clear coffee from her face. A strong hand gripped her upper arm and all but dragged her out of the coffee shop. She tried to protest, but it proved useless. His grip was too strong, and she felt as if her powers were locked—phasing anywhere would probably result in him following her, which wasn’t the best idea. Hawaii was out of the question, as it was her sacred place she went to when she needed to get away. Even her back up haven, her home here in New Orleans, was the last place she wanted someone who was stalking her to follow.

  Two seconds later, she was in his living room. Standing up after the dizzying feeling of a different power phasing her, she looked into the face of the man she met a few nights ago. Glaring at him, she crossed her arms and took a step away.

  “What the hell was that for?”

  “I had to find some way to get you out of the coffee shop, now didn’t I, Isobel? You know where my bedroom is, go change into something of mine while your clothes are being cleaned.”

  “How do you know my name?”

  “I know a lot more about you than you think, dear Isobel.”

  He began to walk toward her, an evil glint in his eye. Taking a step back, she watched as he stalked across the room in her direction. Eventually, she ran out of space, her back hitting the wall. His hands landed on either side of her head, blocking her from attempting to flee. He leaned down and placed his face in front of hers. The evil in his eye was more prevalent now that he was standing nose to nose with her. A breath escaped her lungs as she tried to become one with the wall. She’d never seen someone look so evil before, and it scared her a little.

  “I know that your full name is Isobel Rose Thorn. I know that you prefer to be called Izzy, and that you are from Hawaii. You go to Hawaii almost every other week to spend time with your best friend. His name is Will, and he is currently teaching you photography. You love to lie in the sand, and you aren’t human even though you like to pretend to be. You’re a hybrid and a fucking hot one at that. The fact that no one has found you and attempted to capture you is a damn miracle.”

  She bit her lip as she listened to him rattle off facts about her life. Most of them weren’t too hard to figure out. But the only way for a stranger to know certain facts, such as who her best friend was, who she was, and what she was, was to follow her.

  Her palms were flat against the wall as she started to slowly slide down, hoping to get under his arm. He was too quick for her. He grabbed her arm and pulled her back up so that she was standing upright once more. Slamming his hands against the wall, he growled in her face.

  “I don’t like playing the stupid game of cat and mouse you’re so fond of. While that might be how you get your prey, it is not how I get mine. When I find what I want, I go for it, and if I can’t get it, I tend to get mad. When I get mad, people die.”

  “Who are you?” she asked. Her voice was barely above a whisper as she trembled under him. This couldn’t have been the man she spent the entire night wrapped up in.

  “No one and everyone.”

  His answer confused her. How could he be no one, yet everyone? She furrowed her brow and tried to figure out what he meant by those words. Many theories ran through her head, but none of them made sense. The only thing she could think of was that he was a demon guard, which her mother, Lilith, had set on her. As if her parents abandoning her in the human realm wasn’t enough, her mother now sent a demon to the human realm to find her, torment her, and possibly kill her.

  Demon guards were usually very serious about their jobs. Involving himself intimately went against all they stood for. So his actions were out of the ordinary if her theory was right. Besides, being half demon herself, she should be able to sense another demon.

  “Stop trying to figure out who I am, Isobel. You’ll never get it because I won’t let you. When I’m ready for you to know who I am, I shall tell you. In the meantime, you’re just wasting brainpower and pissing me off.”

  “I’m not scared of you,” she said while looking up at him and finding her strength yet again. She knew that she was stronger than him power wise, but physically she was at a disadvantage since she was smaller than him by at least a foot and a half.

  “You know I’m not a human. I am a goddess and a succubus and that means, if you are what I think you are, you must answer to me instead of kidnapping or harming me.”

  She tried to phase out of his house, but found herself only getting five feet from where she’d previously been standing. Looking around, she tried to phase again, but again found that she went only about five feet from where she was standing from her first attempt. Her frustration was beginning to rise with each passing moment. She wanted out of this house and away from the man who was currently staring at her with an amused look. If her powers weren’t working, at least she could walk out. Before she could even get to the door, he was standing there with his arms crossed.

  “Where are you going, Isobel?”

  “Home. Look, that night was good, I’ll admit to that. I’ll even admit that you helped bring me out of a major funk with some amazing sex. But, I want to get out of here.”

  He stood for a moment as if debating on whether or not he wanted to let her go. The battle played across his face as if he was mentally listing the pros and cons of keeping her there. After what seemed like hours, he finally stepped aside and allowed her to leave.

  “This is only for now Isobel. I will be back for you. You can count on that.”

  Chapter Three

  The moment she was outside, Izzy phased to her house in Hawaii and manifested all the things she had at the coffee shop. Days passed and though she began to forget about the mystery man, she felt like maybe he hadn’t forgotten about her. Day to day, she always felt eyes on her. Whenever she looked around to see who was staring at her, she found herself alone. She started to feel like she was crazy, but continued to push it aside so that she could deal with her real problems, problems she could fix.

  “Izzy, baby, are you all right?” Will’s voice shook her awake causing her to push memories away from her immediate thoughts.

  Looking up, she smiled and held her arms out to him. As he pulled her against his body, his arms snaked around her and held her close. He always acted like more than her best friend, but that could�
��ve been because he was also her lover. She found herself in his bed on lonely nights when she was in need of human interaction, or needed to feed.

  Laying her head against his chest, she sighed and closed her eyes. When in Will’s embrace, all her worries seemed to disappear like dust in the wind. Life was good when he held her, and it made her wonder why she continued to push a relationship with him to the side. The more she thought about it the more she knew the real reason why. As a succubus, she hadn’t found just one person who was able to sate the lust that ran through her veins. Being that she knew she couldn’t be faithful, she always shied away from any relationship with people. She knew using Will was wrong, and no matter how much he told her it would be okay, she worried that one day it wouldn’t be okay because he’d want a commitment. When that day came, she was sure she’d end up losing her best friend.

  “Izzy? Are you here today, or on another planet?” This time he sounded irritated that she was ignoring him, and she couldn’t blame him.

  “Sorry, Will. I just keep getting sidetracked by my thoughts.” She looked up at him and gave him her best smile in hopes he would forgive her.

  “What thoughts?” he asked, before leaning down to capture her lips in a kiss.

  Seizing the moment, she wrapped her arms around his neck and deepened their kiss. He didn’t fight her as he tightened his hold and continued to explore her mouth with his tongue.

  By the time they broke apart to breathe, all thoughts of their previous conversation had escaped their minds. As she sat down in the sand, she pulled him with her. The two settled on the shore, watching the waves in front of the sunset, while the tide came in and lapped at their toes.

  “Will, thank you for being such a good friend,” she whispered as she closed her eyes.


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