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Cruise Page 1

by Laramie Briscoe




  Copyright © 2017, 2018 Laramie Briscoe

  Kobo Edition

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, transmitted, downloaded, distributed, stored in or introduced into any information storage and retrieval system, in any form or by any means, whether electronic or mechanical, without express permission of the author, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages for review purposes.

  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to any person, living or dead, or any events or occurrences, is purely coincidental. The characters and story lines are created from the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any trademarks, service marks, product names, or named features are assumed to be the property of their respective owners, and are used only for reference. There is no implied endorsement if any of these terms are used. Except for review purposes, the reproduction of this book in whole or part, electronically or mechanically, constitutes a copyright violation.

  Edited by: Elfwerks Editing

  Cover Art by: RedBird Designs

  Proofread by: Dawn Bourgeois & Danielle Wentworth

  Beta Read by: Keyla Handley, Danielle Wentworth, Ash Luna

  Cover Photography: Wandar Aguiar

  Model: Forrest


  Heaven Hill Series

  Meant To Be

  Out of Darkness

  Losing Control

  Worth The Battle

  Dirty Little Secret

  Second Chance Love

  Rough Patch

  Beginning of Forever

  Home Free

  Shield My Heart

  A Heaven Hill Christmas

  Heaven Hill Generations (Spin-off Series)


  Rockin’ Country Series

  Only The Beginning

  One Day at a Time

  The Price of Love

  Full Circle

  Reaper’s Girl

  The Red Bird Trail Trilogy




  Stand Alone




  Moonshine Task Force Series









  Table of Contents


  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Also by Laramie Briscoe


  About the Book

  Author’s Note


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two


  Sneak Peek of On the DL

  From the Author

  Connect with Laramie

  Excerpt from Hurricane


  To women like my friend, Keyla who love the men that keep the streets safe. Who stay at home at night with their children while their loved ones take care of everyone else. To the spouses and significant other’s whose hearts skip a beat as they wait to hear them come home at the end of every shift.

  To men like her husband, KC who risk their lives every day they go to work. Many times they aren’t sure if they’ll make it home, but they are the first people we call when we need help. They selflessly give every piece of themselves, even when others may not appreciate it. Thank you for your commitment and sacrifice.

  To everyone who loved the series enough to read it through the end. Thank you for loving these characters, for embracing them, and letting me show another side to what everyone assumes they know. Thank you for letting me show these men as friends, husbands, sons, fathers, and brothers.

  What started as a little pew pew turned into a life-changing experience for me. The town of Laurel Springs will always have a special place in my heart!

  Thank you for loving the MTF and thank you for reading!

  The kid is now a man, and he’s got something to prove…..


  Caleb “Cruise” Harrison

  “A dad is a son’s first hero…”

  All my life I’ve looked up to my dad, there’s nothing I ever wanted to do more than be a member of the Moonshine Task Force right next to him. I said no to playing football professionally to stay in Laurel Springs and fulfill my dream.

  I’m biding my time, paying my dues, and learning from the elder MTF members. To most of them I’m the kid they watched grow up, and while they’re proud of me, they don’t take me seriously.

  Life is status quo until the morning all hell breaks loose in our small town threatening everyone I know and love – including the one woman I can’t get out of my head.

  Ruby Carson

  “My favorite place? In his arms…”

  Caleb saved me from the worst date of my life, swooping in like the fixer he is. Smiling his panty-melting grin, he grabbed my hand and extricated me from the longest ninety minutes known in the history of the world. After saving me, he took me on the best date I’ve ever had. We’ve been inseparable since that crazy night.

  It hasn’t been picture-perfect. His job is dangerous; it worries me, even when he tells me not to. One gorgeous summer day, it all comes crashing down on us.

  The man who has my heart is in the middle of a FUBAR situation that has no good ending. My hope is when the smoke clears Caleb will be walking toward me, arms outstretched, with that grin on his face, before he envelopes my body into the hug only he can give.

  That’s what would happen in a perfect world – but I’ve never known a perfect world – not even with Caleb…


  While the series is called The Moonshine Task Force Series, please be aware the task force is what bought most of these men together. It’s the catalyst (if you will) that has made the friendship of the five men you’ll meet in the series.

  Like most of my recent books, these are character-driven. The action, as it is, advances the storyline or sets up the storyline for subsequent books. There won’t be manufactured drama or manufactured storyline. These are very much what you see, is what you get. Each book follows one member, and you’ll get to see how they change and grow through-out the course of the series.

  I hope you’ll love the final story featuring Ruby and Caleb!






  “Dispatch, be advised I’m stuck on the railroad tracks.” I bang my head against the steering wheel as I hear the snickering an
swering my admission.

  I can literally hear every single one of the MTF members laughing – my damn dad being the loudest. His loud chuckle could be heard in a group of hyenas.

  Dispatch manages to hold it together, as she speaks to me. “Do you need a wrecker…” She trails off, and then I hear it. “Newbie?”

  Pushing my fingers through my hair, I lean against the hand holding the radio. I groan before I press the button. “Yes, I’d rather not get my squad car crushed by a train.”

  “Help is headed your way,” she answers, and again I can hear the laughter in her voice.

  It’s not long that I have to wait until another squad car pulls up. It parks a safe distance away, and as the two get out, I let out a short breath. “Fuck my life.”

  Not one to back down from anything, not anymore, I get out, facing the proverbial firing squad.

  “Caleb.” Havoc runs his hand over his chin. “What the fuck did you do?” He laughs as he observes the way my car sits across the tracks, the tires in such a way I can’t get out.

  “Don’t even ask.” I put my hands on my hips as I shake my head. “Renegade got the guy, and that’s all that matters.”

  I shoot my dad a look. “You wanna say something?”

  He saunters over to me, clapping his hand against my shoulder, squeezing tightly. “Welcome to the team, Rookie.”

  The twitching of his mouth at the corners causes me to lose control, and I let go with a loud laugh, not able to catch my breath as I bend at the waist. When I finally get it under control, I give them a smirk. “Fifth day on the job, and I’m already a fucking legend.”



  Five Years Later


  It’s a rainy night in Laurel Springs as I pull my Rubicon into one of the only empty spots in front of The Café. For just a moment, I turn off the ignition and sit, still amazed at how many people can fit inside. My rookie year on the MTF, Ernie passed away and Leighton had used her business smarts and degree, purchasing the place that meant so much to all of us. Ernie had no family, and her stepping in to keep an important part of the community alive had brought us all closer together.

  We’d had an old-fashioned type of barn raising. People from two counties over in each direction came to help us remodel and expand The Café. It’s now doubled in size, with updated everything, and I knew from talking to Havoc that Leighton was doing very well for herself. So well, in fact, she’d brought Brooks into the business two years ago, and they have become a formidable team. Once their family name was known for moonshine. Now? The Strathers are known throughout the six-county area for having the best food, desserts, and the most hospitality anyone could ask for. The establishment is alcohol free and caters to anyone who wants to have fun without being impaired.

  Truth be told, it’s where I eat most of my meals these days.

  Today has been a long fucking day, and there’s not going to be any break in this weather for at least the next two. Reaching over, I grab my hoodie, shrugging it over my head, making sure I’m covered before I duck out of the safety of the vehicle and make a run for it. My combat boots beat against the stone of the sidewalk, splashing water against the back of my legs, but at least they’re covered by my tactical pants. As I get to the door, I hold it open for an elderly couple making their way as quickly up the sidewalk as they can.

  “Thank you.” The woman gives me a wide smile, while the man pats me on the side.

  “No problem, I hope y’all have a good night.” I let the door shut behind me and shake the droplets off my hoodie as I look around for my food partner tonight.

  Morgan Santana is my food partner almost every night, if I’m honest. He joined the EMT squad right around the time I joined the MTF, we’re the same age, and we share a lot of the same interests. I’d never had a best friend besides my dad before I met him, but I can honestly say Morgan is the closest friend I’ve ever had. I’d been close with my college roommate, Slater, but our friendship revolved around homesickness and college sports. Morgan and I talk about everything.

  “Over here.” He waves through the crowd. Looks as if he’s secured us a booth away from a lot of the families and amongst older couples and younger ones on date nights. Fuck my life; it gets old being a single guy all the time.

  “Thanks for putting us over here in loved-up central,” I say as I take a look around, sliding into the booth across from him.

  “Cut me a break, Harrison, it was the only seat that didn’t have babies around it.” He glances over the top of his menu.

  “I don’t know why you’re even looking.” I toss my menu aside. “It’s fried chicken night, and that’s what both of us always get.”

  “Maybe I’m watching my weight.” He pats his stomach, which is probably tighter than mine.

  “Yeah,” I chuckle. “Okay, sounds about right.”

  “Hey, guys.” Leighton smiles as she strolls up to our table. “What’s going on tonight?”

  I put my arm out, pulling her to my side. “Oh, you know, arresting bad guys, writing tickets, fucking shit up. Normal stuff.”

  “Maybe for him.” Morgan throws me a glare. “I got puked on today, by a baby. That was so not normal stuff for me.” Which explains why he didn’t want to sit next to any tonight.

  “Ewwww.” She curls her lip up in disgust. “I don’t miss those days. Thank God Ransom and Cutter are out of that stage,” she mentions her and Havoc’s two boys.

  “Where are they at?” I look around the building for them. Typically, when she works nights, they’re with her.

  “Ransom had football practice earlier today, so Holden took them out for pizza. Y’all ready to order?”

  Their son is huge. He’ll be playing college ball before we all know it. “I’d much rather have the fried chicken and mashed potatoes with gravy,” I tell her as she writes down my order.

  “Brown gravy?”

  “Hell yes, and some water too, please.”

  Nodding she turns to Morgan. “What do you want tonight?”

  “Give me a vegetable plate with grilled chicken and a water. Some of us are watching what we eat.”

  I shake my head as he tries to guilt me. “I weigh ten pounds more than I did when I played college football, and five of those pounds are probably muscle. You’re not getting me to admit I shouldn’t be eating this. Do you know how many years of my life I spent making sure I was within my macros? I try not to worry about it so much now.”

  “Gotcha.” She leans in and says in a lowered voice, “Can you all watch the table beside you? The guy is giving me some creeptastic vibes and the girl is eating that appetizer like she hasn’t eaten in the last six years.”

  Leighton turns away and immediately my attention goes to the couple at the table beside us. I can’t see the woman’s face, but one of my strengths is reading body language. Hers says she’s highly tense, uncomfortable, and possibly scared, given the way her foot taps against the floor. Her back is ramrod straight, one hand is gripping the table, and there’s an iciness in the way she’s holding herself.

  Quietly I watch as she all but shovels a potato skin in her mouth, then grabs for the last one on the plate. Any person with eyes can see either she’s starving or trying to get this night over with. Given the vibes this guy is throwing off, I’m assuming it’s the latter.

  “Well, at least I know you like to swallow.” He gives her a lecherous smile, licking his lips.

  The move is creepy enough that it even makes my skin crawl. I shift around so I can see her profile; she looks young and way too innocent to be messing with this guy.

  “Not typically.” Her dry answer makes me grin.

  “I woulda found out in a few hours anyway.” He gives her a wink.

  “Don’t flatter yourself. I hadn’t even planned on inviting you in, and given the way you’ve acted so far during this date, I’m not inclined to do so.”

  I love the way she’s affected an ice princess tone
. Very quickly, she’s setting boundaries, and my cop senses totally approve of what’s going on.

  “Sweetheart.” He tilts his head toward her, the grin now gone from her face. “You forget I picked you up? I know where you live. I can get in anytime I want.”

  The fork she’d been using to cut her potato skin falls to the plate with a loud bang, and that’s when I get pissed enough to get up. “Be back.” I tap the table at Morgan.

  There’s four chairs at the table they’re occupying. I grab one, turn it around and straddle it.

  “Hey fuck face, who do you think you are?” the guy asks, irritation in his voice.

  Reaching into the hoodie, I pull the badge on a chain around my neck off and slam it down on the Formica. “Hey fuck face, I’m the police, and I think I just heard you threaten this young lady. Who do you think you are is the appropriate question here.”


  “Hey fuck face, I’m the police and I think I just heard you threaten this young lady. Who the fuck do you think you are is the appropriate question here.”

  I hear the scrape of the chair as the man who just spoke the words yanks it out from under the table and has a seat. Thank God he’s showed up; the last line of conversation scared me more than I’d even like to admit to myself.

  As my eyes take in the badge that’s been slammed on the surface of the table, I want to kiss this man who’s interrupted the date from hell. However, I can’t seem to make my eyes move from the badge, I’m somewhat shaking as I hear what’s being said between the two of them.

  “I didn’t mean anything by it.” My date is stumbling over his words, fidgeting, sweat sprinkling his forehead. Besides being a cop, this officer is an intimidating figure all his own.

  “No, I’m pretty sure you told her if she didn’t perform oral sex on you, you were going to break into her house and get it. I could charge you with a pretty good amount of shit right now. Give me your ID.”


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