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King Page 17

by Dee, L J

  La Bodega Negra x

  I didn’t have to wait long for the reply and swallowed hard as I read it, ignoring the demanding stares from my friends. Some things were sacred between a sub and her Dom and there was no way on earth I was sharing this.

  Next to the sex shop, interesting. Now go to the bathroom, take off your panties and masturbate until you are wet for me. Do not come, do you understand?

  Yes Sir x

  I fired back immediately. “What does he want?” Katie grinned as I shook my head. For once Sasha wasn’t pushing it and I guessed that this was a game she played with her barrister as I flushed gently, her knowing look saying more than a thousand words ever could, as I made my way to the bathroom, wondering what the hell I was doing. Surely he would never know if I didn’t do it, but this was all part of the game and I had agreed to play it, I smiled, locking myself in the cubicle and doing as he asked. Unfortunately, I was distracted by the surroundings and taking far too long about it.

  “Where the hell have you been?” quizzed Katie as I returned to the table, slightly flushed and more than a little aroused. I said nothing, shaking my head and tucking into the rest of my now cold soft shell crab taco and glugging my wine.

  Sasha left after the meal to get ready for her submissive evening with the barrister admitting that being a dominatrix was much easier as she didn’t have to be certain she’d shaved her legs when she was kitted out in a PVC cat suit. I laughed at the thought. “I can’t believe you are a submissive” Katie gasped as we bar hopped around Soho, revelling in the eclectic sights and consuming more than a couple of mojito’s. “I know. That’s why he wouldn’t take things forward with me, he flat refused to introduce anyone new to the scene. He said it had gone wrong before” I whispered quietly. “What changed his mind?” she asked, smiling at me. “I don’t know really. I told him that I’d be going to one of his special parties anyway and he caved” I laughed. “He couldn’t stay away Charlotte. This chemistry between you and King goes way back. He wasn’t just making sure he pitched against you because you’re our best exec. He did it to get to close to you” she smiled and my heart warmed as I wondered if she was right.

  “What parties anyway?” she quizzed, narrowing her eyes and assessing me speculatively as I filled her in on the details of the scene I had recently discovered and promising to ask Jason if he’d sponsor her and Robbie. We settled down in the corner of a wine bar, assessing the amazing array of costumes and outfits being brazenly displayed on a Sunday afternoon.

  “Do you mind if Robbie comes to join us, he just text me to say he’s in Soho?” “No” I smiled, retrieving my own text.

  Go and masturbate until you are right on the edge and then stop. I will know if you come and I will not be happy.

  There was no mistaking the tone of that text as I imagined Jason tall, brooding and magnificent relaying the orders to me in person and it was the only spur I needed. “Won’t be long” I smiled at Katie who looked at me puzzled. I was pleased I’d been able to share my secret but she didn’t need every detail. Thankfully there was no queue and no one in the ladies as I followed Jason’s wishes, almost unable to stop when the time came, but forcing myself to do it anyway as the bleeping in my bag forced me from my haze, and I picked up my phone.

  How do you feel?

  I suspected he would know exactly how I felt. More than a little frustrated was the truth.

  Horny as hell and desperate for you inside me x

  I could imagine the low chuckle reverberating through him as he received my reply, which almost sent me over the edge without me even needing to touch myself. God this was agitating and I couldn’t help but fire off another text.

  I need to see you Sir x

  I knew he was at his parents wedding anniversary and couldn’t stifle my giggles as I pictured him demanding I masturbate by text while sat at the dinner table with his family, or mingling around the garden making small talk with their friends and neighbours whilst ordering me not to come.

  Not possible. Text me when you get home

  That was nailed on and I prayed that Jason King was planning on red hot phone sex. There was no way I could take this fierce arousal into tomorrow before I saw him again. I was already squirming, waiting for my intense flushing to calm down before rejoining Katie. I smiled when I saw that Robbie was with her and greeted him warmly. “Hi Robbie, how are the finals going?” I smiled as Katie looked up at him adoringly. “Nearly there” he grinned, pulling her tightly against him as we chatted happily for another hour and a half about architecture, the campaigns he’d been signed up for and the state of the Western economy. The last discussion didn’t last long and I said my goodbyes, eager to speak to Jason and let them have some alone time, noting the envious glances Katie was getting from the males and females in the Soho bar as I made my way outside.

  The fresh air hit me immediately and I wobbled on my heels, infinitely more tipsy than I’d realised and decided a cab would be much safer than the escalators of the tube in my current condition. I paid the taxi driver what seemed like half my annual salary and sat back on my couch, fidgeting restlessly and texting Jason.

  I’m home x

  It was gone six and I wondered if the party would be over or whether he was still there celebrating with his family and for a second I was envious of his position. I rarely thought about it these days, but a family was all I’d ever really craved deep down. I realised by the age of eight, with two failed adoptions under my belt that it probably wouldn’t happen for me, and forced myself to be content with the home, the care I received, and the friendships I’d built there. I always believed that one day I’d have a family of my own, I had never doubted it, as thoughts of Jason carrying our cute, dark haired, blue eyed little boy on his broad shoulders through the park, flashed into my brain. “Christ, don’t get carried away” I laughed to myself out loud, but the image was a nice one and I stored it anyway, pulled from my musings by my ringing phone.

  “Charlotte” he said sexily, his velvet voice like music to my ears, sending my arousal into orbit and I craved his proximity. “Hi” I said sweetly, giggling down the line. “Are you drunk?” he said firmly as I giggled again. “A little bit” I grinned as I heard the low chuckle deep in his throat that did delicious things to my already heightened nerve cells. “Did you do as I asked?” he said, his voice quiet, low and deep. “Yes I did Jason”. “And how do you feel?” “Frustrated and horny and desperate to see you” I said, laying back on the couch as he sighed. “I can’t see you tonight. Go upstairs, strip naked and lie on your bed. Do not touch yourself and wait for me to call back” he said firmly as the line went dead. Well that was infuriating, and arousing and sexy as hell and I practically bolted upstairs, eager to have him back on the line and putting me out of my misery. I needn’t have rushed, it was another hour and a half until he called back, by which time I was a squirming, frustrated and fidgety mess, my drunken head filled with visions of the glorious Jason King bringing me to orgasm which was just about all I could focus on.

  “Hallelujah” I quipped sarcastically as I picked up the phone. “Be careful Charlotte” he growled as I suddenly remembered my place, the last thing I needed now was a telephone punishment. The masturbation, waiting and anticipation already had me on high alert, and very on edge. “Sorry” I pouted “I want you Jason and I can’t have you and I’m a frustrated, fidgety mess”. The alcohol was helping my tongue to run away with me before my brain was engaged. The low chuckle was back and this time I wasn’t laughing.

  “Lay back and close your eyes Charlotte” and I melted into the sound of his amazing voice. “I want you to think about me fucking you up against the dresser in my room, your hands clinging on to the surface of the wood, your knuckles white as you watch me moving behind you”. “Mmmmm” I managed, lost in the sound of his voice and the world he was luring me into with his smooth tone and my memories, and my thighs rubbed together involuntarily trying to stave off the deep pulsing ache in my c
ore. “I want you to picture my cock pounding into you, how tight you are and how big it feels as I fill every inch of you, fucking you harder and harder. Imagine my face as I watch you moaning and panting in the reflection of the mirror. Now stroke your breasts and pinch your nipples hard, imagine it’s me”.

  I did as I was told, moaning loudly down the line, listening to his breathing grow heavy and I wondered if he was pleasuring himself on the other end of the phone. The thought was almost enough to make me come, as my thighs grew slick with my own juices and I kneaded my breasts over and over again. “I’m running my hands down the sides of your body and I’m thrusting into you and stroking your clit gently, running the wetness over you and you’re shuddering. Now stroke yourself Charlotte but do not come. If you feel yourself getting too close you need to stop and “Mmmmm” was all I could manage again.

  “Tell me how I feel inside you”. I was lost, captured in a fantasy so vivid it could almost be real, as the sweet pleasure grew in slow waves radiating from my core. “You feel so big Jason, so hard, I can feel every gorgeous solid inch of you, every vein that I love to trace with my tongue and I’m watching every muscle flexing in your beautiful body in the mirror, like a fucking God, so strong and powerful. I get lost in your body, the feel of you, the smell of you, your face, your incredible blue eyes” and he was moaning now, breathing heavily down the line. Images of Jason King stroking his cock, mixing with the perfect vision of him fucking me against the dresser and I was gone, spiralling out of control and there was nothing I could do. “Jason” I gasped, teetering on the edge and trying to stop the pleasure that was threatening to surge through me like a blissful freight train, igniting and touching every cell in its wake as I closed my eyes, listening to his breathing. “Open your fucking eyes” he demanded and that was all it took as my body shuddered violently in response. He’d said it before when I was coming and it acted like a trigger that was impossible to control. He was breathing heavily, but otherwise silent as wave after wave of pleasure shot through me and even in my groggy euphoric haze, I knew I was in trouble.

  “Charlotte”. The harshness of his tone snapped me back from my serene state, much more quickly than I’d wanted, like being yanked from the middle of a terrific dream by a piercing alarm clock all too soon on a Monday morning. “I’m sorry” I said sheepishly and apologetically, hoping it might buy me some leniency. “I didn’t mean to but when you said that, it just happened”. “I own your orgasms now Charlotte and I am not happy that you came without me” he growled. “I came because of you” I shot back, thinking the whole thing was a little unfair. “I am dissatisfied with your behaviour Charlotte and I will deal with you tomorrow”. The phone went dead. What? No, I screamed inwardly, my heart pounding, I had tried but I couldn’t help it. He had been teasing me all day. What was the plan? To take me to the edge and then make me wait? I called back but he didn’t answer and after the third time I’d tried to no avail, I gave up, settling on a text I was sure he wouldn’t respond to.

  I’m so sorry Sir x

  Even in my drunken state, I realised that the unhappiness and guilt I felt at displeasing Jason King by having an accidental orgasm was way over the top and utterly illogical. It didn’t matter, I couldn’t think of anything else. I was desperate to speak to him, to apologise, to take my punishment and move on, whatever it took. He knew I was impatient, it was one of the lessons he’d been trying to teach me and that’s when I got it, and laughed out loud. Patience. The very virtue I seemed utterly incapable of, and I had proved that point once again. His plan was probably to arouse me to a state of absolute desperation so tomorrow I would come on sight. Jesus Christ I smiled to myself. Knife play I could handle, but I wasn’t sure I could ever wait that long for an orgasm. I drifted off to sleep eventually, a little bit frightened and a lot excited over the punishment King would deem fit for my little misdemeanour. He didn’t text back.

  Chapter 12

  It was a funny, strange mind game and I was still reeling in the morning when I woke up, nervous about what would happen when I saw him and knowing that in order to feel better, I would have to take my punishment. I knew ultimately that the one thing that would make it OK was making him happy, and that was the strangest feeling of all. I had never had a relationship like this, and it was such an unusual dichotomy of feelings that it was hard for my logical brain to come to terms with.

  In the end I gave up trying to rationalise it and knowing that in order to get through the day and focus on anything other than pleasing Jason King I would have to ‘Smith up’. I would be hard pressed to concentrate on work today, I knew that much, and that was not part of the deal. Being naughty and taking punishments was fine when we were together but this I didn’t like at all. Maybe I would have to try harder at patience I smiled inwardly. Despite myself I decided to wear the necklace for work, in case I saw him straight afterwards. Hopefully it was a gesture that might appease him for my impromptu orgasm I smiled to myself, swearing that when I shut my office door, all thoughts of Jason King would be banished, and I would concentrate on the vast pile of work on my desk.

  It didn’t happen, and by 10.30am I was so agitated, I needed a distraction that I hoped would come in the form of a sub-committee meeting at the little cafe I loved so much. I rang Sasha, then Katie and we all put a note on our systems alerting anyone who cared to look to our whereabouts, and the deed was done. I was the first one over there, and my heart sank when I realised the King Marketing contingent had had exactly the same idea. Shit. Jason ignored me as I found us a table as far away as possible. I couldn’t help but gaze at him as I made my way towards a booth for four in the corner by the window, my heart pounding in my mouth but he didn’t so much as look up from the report he was going over with two of his execs. I swallowed hard and sat with my back to him, staring at the table. I would have to wait for Sasha or Katie to go up for the drinks, as a huge piece of triple chocolate cake and a cup of tea with five sachets of sugar appeared in front of me and I gazed up.

  “Hi” I smiled as he slid into the booth opposite me, throwing me a steely gaze that made me shudder deliciously whilst simultaneously filling me with dread, it was an intoxicating mix. “What’s this?” I smiled as he stared at me intensely, his eyebrows raised as he took in the necklace before pushing the cake towards me. “I imagine you’re having a five sugar day Smith” he growled and I couldn’t argue. He was absolutely right. Strangely, I felt slightly better that he’d said it. Maybe it was normal to feel this way about upsetting your Dom. I was half thinking I was going mad, after all, I was hardly responsible for third world debt, I had simply had an orgasm by accident. “I’m sorry Jason, what are you going to do?” I asked quietly as I heard the chatter of Katie and Sasha coming into the cafe. “Atonement” he said simply, rising from the booth, greeting them both in a much friendlier way than he’d greeted me, as they bounded happily into their seats. I sat staring at my cake with my heart in my mouth. ‘Atonement’. It was only the second time in my life I had heard the word and the first time had been far from pleasant.

  I didn’t have any time to dwell on it. “What’s up with you Lotty? It’s Monday morning and already a five sugar day, what’s Alison done now?” she laughed as I forced a smile back. They knew enough about Jason and this was one particular embarrassing incident I wasn’t happy to share. “King brought it over, he must have thought I looked like I needed it” I laughed gently. “Well if you don’t I’m more than happy to help out” she laughed back, picking up my fork and tucking right in. “What do you girls want then, my treat?” I smiled, needing a couple of minutes to compose myself. The whole ‘atonement’ thing had unnerved me slightly. “Cupcake with peanut butter icing and a tea” grinned Sasha while Katie pointed at mine to indicate she wanted her own. “And a coffee” she tried for with a mouthful of cake and I couldn’t help but giggle.

  I cast my eyes over Jason as I walked past towards the counter. He looked up briefly, saying nothing and then looking quickly
away. So that’s how it was going to be today. I was suffering and he was making it worse. I ordered the coffee, tea and cakes for the girls, picking up the tray and making a pointed effort to walk slowly past his table as his raised his eyes to meet mine. I couldn’t resist and stuck my tongue out at him in a childish gesture, trying hard not to giggle at the returned raised eyebrows and look of mild shock. I felt sure it wasn’t the way I was supposed to behave, but I was damned if I was carrying this level of anguish around with me all day. Atonement would come soon enough.

  After way too much sugar and feeling ever so slightly sick, I had discovered that the barrister had indeed bought Sasha the new car she had joked about. It was a convertible mini in black and red which she loved, and he had dominated her all night before suggesting they go on a mini break to Monte Carlo. He had two huge, high profile cases that would be keeping him busy for a least six months and she was so excited it was impossible not to be happy for her. Katie had been up front with Robbie and they’d had the most amazing night of passion, and both were keen to know about me and Jason. “I didn’t see him last night” I said simply and left it at that.

  I hadn’t been back in the office long when I received the email. I had managed a whole fifteen minutes not worrying about King when his name appeared in my inbox, and my heart was in my mouth.

  Dear Charlotte

  From the slightly hysterical way you behaved in the cafe, I can only assume your impatience for your punishment is getting the better of you. I think you already know how unhappy I am, and I find it hard to believe you would try and make your situation any worse than it currently is.

  When you need your atonement, be waiting on the steps of my house and let me know you are there. I will come when I’m ready.


  Oh. That had put the whole thing right back at the front of my mind. He wasn’t deciding, or leaving it to chance, he was leaving it to me. Maybe I would play him at his own game and not turn up today, or even tomorrow. Who was I kidding? I called Alison and told her I needed to go to the doctors. I’d worked well over my allocated hours in the last few weeks and had done three times the workload of any of my executive peers. One afternoon off was a small request and I couldn’t wait any longer, I was going now. Before I left, I sent a quick email, which I hoped might redeem my ‘slightly hysterical’ behaviour.


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