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King Page 20

by Dee, L J

  He slid his wet thumb back in place, pushing gently against me and I was so consumed with the powerful pleasure that this time I didn’t still, I was ready for what he had to give me, I trusted him to make it perfect, wonderful, and suspended my fears, relaxing as he’d asked, when I felt the cold burst of lubricant against my skin. I was grinding against his fingers inside me and those circling my clit as he kissed me, caressing with his soft full lips and teeth and I was lost, drowning in desire. The familiar pulsing coming from deep, deep inside of me tonight, and I knew I was about to be consumed, screaming his name as I shuddered violently, lost in the heavenly burst of bliss that exploded through every inch of my being in ever increasing circles, until my toes curled and spots appeared behind my closed eyes and his rhythm was relentless, even now. Normally he would give me a moment at least to recover, but not tonight, and before the pressure could even subside it was building again like a coiled spring, right in my centre waiting to erupt outwardly, spreading ecstasy through every synapse and it was all I could do to breathe.

  “Beautiful, beautiful girl” he whispered against me as I moaned out loud at the sound of his voice that split through the haze like a call to my heart. I didn’t notice the strange sensation of fullness at first but I noticed it now, as he moved his attention to my clit and I could feel his nakedness. The man was a sexual magician. I wasn’t sure when he had inserted my little silver gift or when the hell he had got himself undressed, but he had managed both, while coaxing my sensitive body to the most earth shattering orgasm imaginable and I was well on my way to another.

  I swallowed as he manoeuvred the object gently inside me, filling me with a myriad of conflicting sensations I had never experienced before, mixing deliciously with his continued attention to my highly sensitive pussy. It was tight and strange, new nerves exploding around it, blissful and intoxicating and I was craving more of the feeling, craving him. I was grinding back against his incredible touch and moaning loudly, consumed with pleasure and passion as he moved it around, igniting me and teasing me before plunging his naked cock inside me. I felt fuller than I ever thought possible, my muscles clenching around him as he gently removed my gift and more than anything I wanted to feel him there. Hard warm flesh to replace the cold metal as he pulled out gently, continuing to stroke me, unleashing the pleasure with perfect pressure, as the fingers of his other hand opened me up and I braced myself. “I’m going to fuck you now?” He said softly as I moaned my approval, every nerve inside me on fire and desperate for the fullness I had felt before.

  I gasped as the hot hard head of his lubricated cock pressed against me, relaxing to allow him access as he eased gently inside me and I ground back against him to drive him deeper, teetering on the edge of orgasm from the skilled fingers on my clit, and relishing him as he eased his way in. His beautiful erection was pushing against the tight muscles, his moans spurring me on, to relax and accept him, possessing me in my most private place. He was thrusting and cursing as I came apart, crying out for him, lost in a deep blissful paradise as he filled me completely, squeezing my nipples, my brain not knowing where all the pleasure was coming from or how to process such an erotic onslaught as my head fell on my bound hands, opening me to him completely. “Fuck Charlotte” he cursed, crying out, and I could feel every pulse of his hard cock as he filled me with cum deep inside my most illicit place.

  I could barely control my breathing or my heartbeat as he pulled out of me, collapsing completely against the bed, wrists red where I had lost myself in pleasure and pulled against the restraints and I was utterly overwhelmed and incredibly emotional, the dramatic ambush on every nerve, sending my hormones rocketing as I lay slumped in an exhausted heap. “Are you OK Charlotte?” he whispered sitting beside me and stroking my hair from my face, but I couldn’t speak and I couldn’t move. “Mmm” was all I could manage in a fatigued sigh as he stroked his hand across my cheek, bending to kiss it gently. “Open your eyes Baby” he whispered more firmly as I blinked against the request, seeing his proud, beautiful face smiling down at me and I started to cry. I wasn’t upset, it was pure involuntary release for my overcome senses and I smiled back, reaching out to him as he untied my hands and my feet and climbed alongside me, pulling me into his arms.

  “Are you OK?” he smiled again as I came around, nodding to reassure him. The truth was, that I was fine, more than fine, ecstatic and feeling so alive it was hard to verbalise. As I looked up at him, smiling I could see his eyes twinkling brightly and he seemed to understand, pulling me close and giving me the time I needed to come back down to earth.

  “I’d like to take you out Charlotte, I’ve booked a table at Vibe if you fancy it?” he said eventually and I couldn’t help but tease him. “That sounds suspiciously like another date” I laughed as he raised his eyebrows. “It is, sort of. Are you up for it?” Well that was a no brainer, Vibe was famous for its wonderful desserts and I wondered if that’s why he’d picked it. “I’m not sure I want to spend a minute longer with you than is absolutely necessary. Maybe we should just fuck and get it over with” I grinned, referring to my statement in the cafe, that had lead to frenzied sex against his office door and kick started the whole strange relationship between me and King, and I was giggling hard. “Fine, we won’t bother then” his face and tone utterly serious as my eyes flew to his in shock. “I’m only joking, of course I want to go” I said quickly as his face cracked into a beaming smile and my heart melted.

  “I brought the dress just in case” he laughed as my eyes lit up, motioning to a box in the corner of the room that I just knew contained the ‘Michaela’. “You were always going to wear it you know Charlotte. I was determined to get you in it from the second you slammed it on my desk. I don’t know how I refrained from bending you over it and fucking you right then” he grinned as I bit my lip and flushed, half wishing he had and suddenly desiring another hot little encounter in his office. “I’d like you to fuck me over your desk” I smiled as he flashed an eyebrow at me. “Jesus Christ, I’d never get any work done thinking about that” he laughed, pulling me closely and kissing me deeply. “It will definitely happen then, especially when I get back on the major accounts. Distracting you could be my best weapon in outpitching you and it’s a hell of a lot more fun than schmoozing with the clients Jason. I wish I’d have sucked your cock before the Castle pitch, maybe I’d have been in with a chance then”. I laughed and his grin was broad and white and beautiful, but if I wasn’t mistaken, his eyes betrayed a hint of guilt as I studied them closely, and he chuckled deeply. “It probably wouldn’t have made any difference, I’d just holidayed with Brandon James and his family and we’d pretty much thrashed it out then” he said, assessing my reaction closely as I shot up in bed, eyes narrowing at him as I gasped loudly. “You will do anything to win a pitch, won’t you?” I said coolly. “Pretty much” he laughed, flipping me and spanking my arse as I squealed at him. “Now go and get ready” he growled sexily as I rose from the bed, still slightly annoyed that I had spent so much time working on that damned vodka account. Maybe I should leave the large accounts to Ian Anderson, it would serve him right, I mused inwardly.

  The ‘Michaela’ looked fabulous and I absolutely adored it, glad I had brought my overnight bag as I got myself ready in the bathroom and pleased with the finished effort. He hadn’t just got me the dress, he had also provided the underwear and shoes to go with it and the thought of the effort he’d put in, made my heart flutter. Tonight, I was still Charlotte, but tonight was a date. This was different and I mulled over Sasha’s advice in my brain about him not taking too much control outside the bedroom. The work and sex dynamic was simple. At work I was Smith, in the bedroom I was Charlotte and never the twain shall meet. A date was slightly more complex, so I’d play it by ear, smiling as I revealed my look to Jason who raked an appreciative gaze over me before pulling me tightly against him. “You look absolutely beautiful” he smiled, gazing into my eyes and the feeling was utterly mutual. He had chan
ged into dark designer jeans, slung low on his hips and a black Armani shirt. It looked breathtaking against his black hair, blue eyes dazzling brighter than the platinum and diamond cufflinks that finished off his shirt. “So do you” I smiled, not used to seeing him in anything other than a suit, or nothing at all, and both were delicious.

  He held my hand as we walked into Vibe and even for a Tuesday evening, the place was buzzing with people and ridiculously busy. The manager greeted him personally, showing us to a table at the back of the restaurant onto a raised area clearly reserved for the VIP clientele. He caught the attention of everyone in the room, and I was slightly taken aback at the number of envious glances I received from the female diners and those stood waiting at the bar. I wasn’t sure if it was for the dress, Tristan Wrights most famous creation, or the fact that I had the undivided attention and adoration of Jason King, and I suspected it was probably the latter. Either way, it was heady and intoxicating and I was walking on air. “Have you been here before?” he smiled, pulling out my chair for me to sit?” “No Jason, I’ve tried a few times, but I could never get in. Waiting six months for a table at a restaurant is a bit over the top” I grinned, settling into my seat and taking in the wonderful surroundings. “Have you had your reservation long?” I smiled as he grinned broadly, looking at his watch, a beautiful piece, with a black strap and thick gold rimmed face and I knew instinctively that it was an incredible piece of jewellery. “About 3 hours” he laughed as I looked at him aghast. “Jesus King, you must have a pretty solid reputation to secure a table here at three hours notice” I laughed as he winked at me. “I thought only famous people could do that” I smiled as he raised his eyebrows. “What makes you think I’m not?” he grinned broadly, clearly enjoying my astonishment.

  “That’s a nice watch, it’s beautifully made. Looks expensive” I smiled, running my fingers over his hand and up to the stunning timepiece that adorned his wrist. “It is” he smiled and I could tell from his face that he was incredibly proud of it. “Who made it?” I asked, desperate to know exactly how much a man with a twelve million pound yacht thinks is acceptable to pay for a watch, just in case I wanted to buy him a gift one day. I needed to make sure I was in the right ball park. “It’s a sky moon tourbillon, made by Patek Phillipe” he smiled, and I knew instantly having heard the name of the world renowned Swiss based company before, that this was one of the most expensive watches in the world.

  “I thought you’d wear a Rolex since you do their marketing” I smiled as he smiled back. “I did, that day” he grinned “but this is my favourite” he said removing it and giving me a closer look and I couldn’t help but admire the reverse side display of stars motion, moons orbit and moons phases. “Wow, it’s really impressive” and despite the fact that I knew socially my question would be considered uncouth, I was desperate to know. “Go on then, how much does a little gem like that set you back?” I smiled as he monitored me closely, dazzling blue eyes sparkling with humour and his ensuing grin broad and infectious, making my stomach do a little flip and my heart flutter wildly. “Just over one” he laughed as my brain processed the options. It couldn’t be a grand, and I was slack jawed and staring at him. “A hundred thousand?” I gasped as he laughed gently, shaking his head. So maybe a grand after all, I decided, thinking he had got himself an absolute bargain.

  “Just over a million” and now I was definitely slack jawed. “For a fucking watch” I blurted out way too loudly, drawing the attention of the other diners much to the amusement of Jason King as I clasped my hands over my mouth, partly to shut myself up and partly in shock. “I only wondered in case I ever want to buy you a gift, but I can tell you now, it’s unlikely to be a watch” I laughed eventually, still completely gobsmacked and unable to get my head around the thought. “Maybe I’ll stick with cufflinks or something” I laughed as he flashed me the beautiful platinum and diamonds on the cuffs of his shirt as I shook my head laughing gently. “I don’t even want to know Jason”.

  “You do realise that your wrists are currently worth more money than most people, including me, will ever see in their lifetime”. He nodded, winking. “I’m very particular” he smiled. “They are really stunning?” I smiled back as he grinned at me, ordering champagne from the waiter and taking my hands in his, over the table. “So are you” he said simply as my heart melted, and despite the fact that we were in a crowded restaurant, I just wanted to be in his arms, grateful for the distraction of the waiter who appeared with the champagne and to take our order, preventing me from making an utter fool of myself and letting Jason know exactly how I felt. I needed to slow down and be a bit more guarded. Aside from the Chinese takeaway which didn’t really count, and the BDSM party which was what I’d agreed to anyway, it was our first proper date, and we’d been together like this for less than a week. Jesus, I muttered inwardly, what the hell is wrong with you?

  “Do you mind if I order for you?” he smiled as I shook my head. He took charge everywhere else so why not now? We both knew when it came to food that I wasn’t exactly fussy. It was caviar followed by lobster which apparently was their signature dish and the best in London. “I won’t give you too much, I rang ahead and they are preparing a special platter of all their desserts that I thought you’d like” he grinned as tears suddenly glazed my eyes in a spontaneous show of joy. “What is it?” he asked quickly, frowning as he stared at me, utterly puzzled and totally confused. I shook my head, swallowing hard, the emotion was just as unexpected for me. “I’m just a bit overwhelmed with everything you’ve done tonight” I tried to smile and force them back as a single tear escaped from the side of my eye as I wiped it away.

  “Shit, sorry Charlotte” he said seriously, his low voice laced with affection. “Don’t be, it’s wonderful. I just never thought you’d be this nice Jason” I said honestly gazing at the table. “Why not?” he said, taking my hands and forcing me to meet his gaze and I couldn’t stop the small giggle that escaped as I flushed a tender shade of pink. “It can’t come as too much of a shock that I thought you were an arrogant prick. I held that view for a long time and I’ve only recently changed my mind. It’s taking some getting used to, that’s all” I said smiling gently as he laughed out loud. “But I always wanted you Smith” he grinned, winking at me and I didn’t believe him for one second and voiced my response before I could edit it. “No you didn’t King, I offered you the chance to fuck my frustration away and I think you only did it because I was a challenge and I hated you” I said firmly. I had dropped Charlotte, and Smith was definitely taking over now.

  He shook his head, staring at me as if I were insane. “You’re wrong. When you first started at Grayson, you came in the wine bar. It was your second day and you were wearing a bright red dress and the most gorgeous smile, looking utterly beautiful. I asked Ian Anderson if you were single” he gazed at me as I gasped in shock. I remembered the day and he was right about the dress, as my stomach erupted in a flurry of butterflies at the admission. “He told me you lived with someone so I stayed away, I’m not a home wrecker” he smiled as I shook my head. “Anderson was lying. He tried to get me in the sack that night. When I knocked him back, he turned on me” I said honestly, a brief flicker of anger marring his beautiful features for an instant until the incredible smile was back. “You were worth waiting for though” he grinned and I couldn’t help the most radiant smile back as we tucked into our caviar and lobster and the waiter delivered the most sumptuous array of desserts, that apparently I would be enjoying all on my own. “I can’t believe you don’t eat desserts” I grinned at him “you don’t know what you’re missing” I laughed, holding out my fork with a delicious mouthful of blueberry cheesecake as he shook his head at the offer. “I know exactly what I’m missing. Believe you me, I’ve eaten enough dessert in my youth to last me a lifetime” he laughed as I looked at him puzzled. “It’s a long story” he grinned and I wondered if Jason had an early sweet tooth, like my chubby little school friend Franny Hall. It caus
ed her some problems in her teenage years and I knew he would tell his tale if he wanted to. The night was so wonderful and I didn’t want to spoil it, so I left it there, although it was impossible to imagine Jason King as anything other than the perfect, ripped specimen that sat before me now.

  “Tell me about your family” I smiled as he glanced at me, looking momentarily worried. “I’ve got a mother and father and a baby sister. We had a really good childhood and are still very close. They’ve always been loving and supportive and my biggest advocates” he smiled as I smiled back. “You’re lucky and I bet you played on that blue eyed boy thing a whole heap growing up” I grinned as he grinned back winking. “You use what you’ve got” he laughed, as I pictured Jason King as a cheeky little rascal, getting away with blue murder and smiling sweetly with absolutely everyone adoring him. “I bet you’ve always been gorgeous” I laughed as he shrugged nonchalantly. That was a yes then, and I couldn’t disguise my happiness as he paid the extortionate bill and we left to his waiting car, and the comfort of his home.

  He undressed me, slipping off the Michaela, gently and tenderly, taking his time running firm hands all over me and carrying me to the bed. It was supremely romantic and a sharp contrast to the ropes of earlier as he made love to me slowly and expertly, taking me to the depths of ecstasy before filling me with pure liquid heat. The night had been completely overwhelming in the most wonderful ways and it was hard to disguise my happiness.

  “I need to stay with you tonight Jason” I said, laying beside him, as he studied me intently, frowning slightly. I smiled at him, no doubt he was expecting another discussion about the sleeping arrangements but we’d already had it and I understood his point. “Don’t worry, I’m not asking to sleep with you, but you did say once if I wanted to be close, I could sleep on the floor”. It was far from an ideal situation and definitely demeaning, but then that was the whole point of it. It reinforced the Dom/sub line and that’s what I’d signed up for. I wasn’t asking to be his girlfriend, despite our date. As far as I could see, this relationship came with all the amazing benefits anyway. But I was brimming with emotions after what we’d shared tonight, euphoric and hazy and just didn’t want to be alone.


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