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King Page 24

by Dee, L J

  “Forwarding our Mercedes creative to your boyfriend is what this is about Charlotte” he spat as I sat there stunned, my mouth wide open, staring first at him and then at Alison. “You’ve got to be kidding me” I said in total astonishment. “Oh I assure you I’m not kidding. Have you any idea how many people have worked on those ideas for you to go and share them with the competition”. There was no way I was taking this bullshit. “I only got them through myself this morning, I’ve shared them with no-one and neither would I” remembering suddenly that Jason had been alone in my office, my computer open on the Mercedes account. Surely he wouldn’t have. He always wanted to know what I was working on and had interrogated my colleagues mercilessly to find out, but it couldn’t be so he could sabotage me, it just couldn’t.

  I swallowed hard, acutely aware of the gravity of the situation I was in, and Grayson gave me no time to recover. “It came from your computer Charlotte. You are suspended immediately” he snapped, turning away from me and gesturing me out of his office as I stood, feet frozen to the floor in shock as Alison gently took my arm. I turned to face her, tears pricking at my eyes as I tried desperately to swallow them back. “I didn’t do this” I stated as firmly as I could manage and she nodded gently. “We will investigate fully Charlotte and get to the bottom of it, but for now, everything stays here and you need to leave the premises immediately”.

  My stomach was churning, my eyes were stinging, growing waves of nausea threatening to overpower me and I couldn’t get out of there quickly enough, gasping for breath as I left the foyer, angry tears stabbing at my eyes as I made my way to the wine bar to tell Katie what had happened. The fucking nerve of those people, whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty? Jesus Christ, even if it had come from my computer, I knew I hadn’t been the one to send it. I always left it open, it was my office for God’s sake and I trusted the people I worked with and I’d trusted King. More fool me, my inner logic sighed as I fought back the tears, storming through to the back of the wine bar, noticing Ian Anderson chatting up one of the poor junior creative’s. Resisting my urge to tell the girl to run like hell, I sought out Katie, which was much less difficult than usual as she was stood next to Robbie who towered beautifully above almost everyone in the room. She gawped at me open mouthed. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost Lotty, what’s up?”

  The truth was I didn’t want everyone in the bar to know, they would jump to the wrong conclusion and assume there was no smoke without fire, but I was struggling to quell my searing anger and they would know soon enough anyway. “I’ve been fucking suspended” I all but shouted as she looked at me incredulously. I knew how she felt, I’d had exactly the same reaction. “What the hell for?” and my loyal colleague was almost as angry as me. “They’re alleging I shared our creative ideas with King for the Mercedes pitch” I snapped as her mouth dropped even further. “And before you ask no I didn’t” and there was no controlling my temper now. “I wasn’t going to ask, I know you’d never do that” she said, throwing her arms around me as the tears came and I knew right then, that between my behaviour on Saturday night and now, everyone would believe Ian Andersons rumour that I was an emotional wreck, and moreover, they’d probably be right.

  “Shit Lotty” she whispered against my ear “try not to worry, the truth will come out” she said supportively as I stood back, Robbie holding my arm gently as I tried to calm down. “I know, I have to go Katie. I just needed you to hear it from me first” I choked, making my way quickly through the crowd and straight into the path of a grinning Jason King. “Charlotte?” he said, his happy demeanour soon evolving to one of outright concern as I barged my way past him and out into the street. I was damned if anyone in that bar was getting even more of a show today.

  I didn’t get far before he caught my arm, spinning me around and holding my shoulders firmly. “Charlotte, what’s wrong?” he asked tenderly, his beautiful face millimetres from mine as I choked back my sobs, trying to gather myself together just long enough to say the words as he gazed at me intently. “If I find out that this has anything to do with you King, I will never fucking forgive you” I spat, pushing him away as confusion tore through his face, and running as fast as I could down the street, grateful with every bone in my body that he had the good sense not to follow me.

  Chapter 18

  I couldn’t believe how everything had gone so wrong. My job was my life and Jason King had burst into that life in the most powerful, wonderful and excruciatingly painful way, and turned it on its head. I fluctuated almost hourly between tears, anger and utter devastation at the state of my career and the state of my heart. It had taken years to get here and right now it was all unravelling, falling like a set a dominoes, too quickly to comprehend. I had barely been able to haul myself out of bed for the last few days and I was reeling. Professionally I had plummeted from the dizzy heights of award success to just about as bad as it could get, and my heart was shattered and broken and ached with a physical ferocity I had never known before.

  The Mercedes debacle had knocked me for six and I couldn’t believe that Jason had used me in that way. I knew he’d do just about anything to win an account, it was why he’d been at the top of his game for so long. He got himself a slot as key note speaker for London Models Inc before the Tristan Wright pitch and holidayed with Brandon James ahead of the fight for the Castle vodka campaign, as I’d later discovered. But this, this was something else entirely. Sleeping with someone to get information to sabotage our creative and undercut us on Mercedes was a whole new level of deceit. I couldn’t believe he had done it, but Grayson had been absolutely adamant it had come from my computer and I couldn’t think of another explanation. The truth would come out, it had to. Then again, if I had left my computer open with commercially sensitive information on the screen, and gone to gossip with Katie in the corridor leaving our direct competition alone and with access to it, that was probably just as bad. I’d been dumb, irresponsible and despite my title of Exec of the Year, I would probably be fired. I was pretty damn sure with that against my name, I’d be lucky to get a job flogging space at the free weekly, and back in a rat infested shithole in the armpit of London before I could blink.

  He’d called me enough times at first when my anger prevented me from picking up, but in the last two days, he’d stopped calling altogether. I couldn’t let him know he’d broken me. Between that and Tamsin Lloyd, I wasn’t sure I would ever recover fully and my pride had been wounded enough. There was no way I would let him listen to my heartfelt sobbing down the line as he tried to apologise his way out of it. All I could hope for now was that the facts of the leak would emerge with the internal investigation and they would know it wasn’t me. At the very least they would know it wasn’t deliberate. Right now that seemed like wishful thinking and there had been too much of that going on lately.

  I reached for my ringing phone, resisting the urge to ignore it when I saw who it was. “Have you seen the news Charlotte?” “No”. I said simply. “Jasmin Lloyd has just been released from hospital” Sasha said excitedly as though this would mean anything at all to me. “Who’s Jasmin Lloyd?” I said, trying to recall the name, but drawing a blank. “Tamsin Lloyd’s sister Charlotte. The official PR line is that she was suffering from exhaustion, but it’s all over the internet that she had a breakdown a few months ago followed by at least two suicide attempts, one of which was last Wednesday night”. I still didn’t see the relevance. “So what?” I said, showing a lot less charity than I knew I should, but right now, I was so devastated at the state of my own affairs, I just didn’t have the capacity to worry about anyone else’s. “I know Jasmin from the parties Charlotte, she dropped off the scene suddenly. This is to do with Jason, I know it is” she said quickly, as I finally cottoned on to what she was saying.

  It would certainly make sense why he was so adamant that he didn’t want to introduce me to the lifestyle. He’d told me he had done it once and it ended badly. I virtually imploded.
“I can’t believe the bastard would move on to her sister when the poor girl is still recovering. Jesus Sasha, you’d think he’d done enough damage to that fucking family, what he’s done to me looks like childsplay by comparison.” I almost screamed as I heard her sighing loudly. “Jason sponsored her, like I sponsored you Charlotte, he wasn’t sleeping with her, she was with someone else. Apparently he was a really nasty piece of work”. Now it was my turn to sigh. At least that was something. “He’s still shagging the supermodel though Sash” I said as the tears started to flow again. “Listen Charlotte, it might be that he was telling the truth. Apparently they were together in the past and he ended it, but he’s always denied it’s happening now. You’ve only got her word for it that he is, and maybe she’s desperate enough to say anything to get you off the scene. It could be that he’s just offering support because he feels somehow responsible for what happened to Jasmin. I know they were good friends. If he feels it’s his fault, I certainly wouldn’t put it past her to play on that to get his attention, would you?”

  I didn’t know what to think, my head was suddenly all over the place. The work thing was huge but I couldn’t deny I would feel infinitely better at the thought that he hadn’t been rolling from my bed into hers all this time. That he was leaving out of a sense of duty to Jasmin. “Why wouldn’t he just tell me though Sasha?” “They’ve been trying to keep it under wraps apparently. Tamsins already famous and her sister is an aspiring model on the up. They were trying to protect her reputation and her image. You know how it is Charlotte. People don’t forget things like that, especially if the press get hold of it” she said and it was a convincing argument. He had once told me it wasn’t his confidence to break, and a wave of relief washed over me. If the friend he had sponsored had tried to take her own life and needed him, and I was begging him on my knees to stay, I’m not surprised he was torn.

  “Have you seen him Sasha?” “Yes he’s been here almost daily since your suspension, with Grayson and Alison. King Marketing pulled out of the Mercedes pitch and there’s something else you should know”. My heart was pounding at the possibility that Jason could have been telling the truth. If he was speaking to my employers and had pulled out of a huge potential campaign, what would have been the point in trying to sabotage it in the first place, none of this made sense. Maybe he was trying to make it right. “What?” I asked through the sobs that were now heaving through my body. “He’s suspended all his execs Lotty, and I mean everyone, until someone comes forwards and admits to stealing or receiving the information” and my heart stopped beating. “He wants answers Charlotte and he’s not going to stop until he gets them. Every day his execs are not out pitching campaigns, he is losing money hand over fist. You know how loyal that team are to him and to each other, I don’t think it will take long before someone cracks. One of them has to know something” she said and I could barely get the words out through my choking breaths. I had played this all wrong. “Sasha, I need to see him, find out where he is” I managed before hanging up the phone, sobbing into my hands. What the hell had I done?

  I grabbed my phone as soon as the text came through.

  He’s pitching to Decadence Inc, King Marketing 2pm

  The name brought back vivid and wonderful memories of the night I’d been blindfolded in his creative space as he fed me the wonderful dessert and how amazing and sensual the experience had been, the emotions roller coasting through my body, making it even more difficult to come to terms with that fact that I might have ruined everything. I had to see him, to do it in person and I had to do it now, even if that meant barging into the middle of the damn pitch to make him listen. A sudden, crazy thought flashed through my brain. I dressed as presentably and quickly as I could, running out and hailing a taxi to King Marketing, desperate to see him, to feel him, to apologise for the way I’d treated him, stopping quickly at the pharmacy to pick up a handful of sleep masks, just in case. I would find him and beg his forgiveness no matter what, and I couldn’t waste another minute.

  I didn’t stop at reception, getting straight into the elevator for the 20th floor. The beast was on guard at his personal reception and there was no way I’d be getting past her without a fight. I tried for civilised, friendly calm. “Is he in Margaret?” “Yes” she said slowly raising her eyebrows at me as I started off towards his door like a woman on a mission. “But you can’t go in, he’s presenting” she shouted, running breathlessly up behind me. There were two things for it, wait politely outside until he’d finished and hope that he’d see me, or go in anyway and hope he didn’t throw me out before he’d heard me out. I had wasted enough time already and my heart was pounding as I lunged for the door, almost falling into the room and stumbling to get my balance as Margaret barged into my back from behind. “I’m so sorry Mr King, I tried to stop her”. “It’s OK Margaret” he said calmly, ushering her away, as I lifted my gaze to meet his and three others who were staring open mouth as I flushed violently. I thought he’d be angry but he was giving little away, only the slight smirk, the one reserved for me, playing gently at the side of his mouth, indicating that he was possibly even slightly amused by the interruption.

  “What do you want Charlotte?” he said, the smirk widening as the dark haired gentleman and two blonde ladies assessed me curiously. Now I was here, my words wouldn’t come, what the hell could I say in front of these strangers that wouldn’t make me look like I was stark raving mad. “I, I...” I started and stopped again, following the curve of his mouth and his twinkling eyes and praying he would help me out. He answered my silent wish, just long enough for me to pull myself upright and my flush to fade. “Everyone, this is Charlotte” he smiled gently. “Charlotte, this is my mother Anne, my father Robert and my sister Ellen” gesturing to each of the stunned guests around his table as my face flared again and I swallowed hard. Think Charlotte, think. Oh my God, I had never been so utterly mortified. “I thought you were pitching to Decadence Jason” I said, trying hard to justify my unwelcome dramatic intrusion into their meeting. “I am” he grinned wickedly, “they own it”. I didn’t know what to say, what the hell could I say?

  This was no way to meet the parents. In front of strangers I’d be happy to apologise, to grovel, to do whatever it took to get Jason King back, but it wasn’t a conversation either of us would want in front of his family. “Pleased to meet you all” I managed, gaping open mouthed at Jason. “Are you here with an idea for a pitch?” his father offered kindly, sensing my unease and clearly with no idea of who I was, but the older gentleman had offered me a lifeline and I was determined to take it. No matter how badly it turned out, it couldn’t be worse than me having to admit the truth. I nodded nervously. “Please Charlotte be my guest, we’d almost finished. Do you have a presentation you’d like me to set up for you?” The smirk had widened, he was clearly enjoying my distress and I couldn’t help a slight smile back, relieved at least that he hadn’t been angry enough to throw me out yet. That was a good sign, and if he wanted to increase my mortification levels before he did so, well I probably deserved that too, I thought, wishing I had paid attention to Margaret and waited outside. I made my way towards the table, shaking slightly, trying desperately to gather the strength and confidence I’d need to pull this off. Hell, they probably thought I was mad anyway so I’d little to lose on that front. “No, it’s not that kind of pitch” I said nervously.

  “Interesting” Jason smiled “so exactly what sort of pitch is it then?” the gorgeous little smirk doing delicious things to my insides as my stomach churned wildly in anticipation. It was a heady combination and I’d be glad when the first bit was over, at least that way, they wouldn’t be able to see me. I took a deep breath. “It’s an interactive pitch. I’d like to tell you a story and if you would indulge me, I would really like you to wear these” I said, handing out the black silk eye masks, noting the reaction of confusion from his mother and father as Jason quirked an eyebrow at me, eyes twinkling wildly. Thankfully his sister
went along with it happily and as they covered their eyes, I took a huge breath. “Picture the scene.....”

  He had once told me I’d be even more successful if I channelled my passion for him into my pitches, and today I did just that. In excruciatingly graphic, minute detail, I described the luxurious couch, the cashmere, the decadent cake and the beautiful man caressing me. As vividly as I could, I painted a visual picture through words, the soft sweetness caressing my taste buds, every second of the indulgence, the extravagance and the immeasurable pleasure experienced in the sensual feel of an unseen touch and unrivalled taste of smooth chocolate and rich vanilla. It was the most erotic pitch I had ever done. For obvious reasons, I omitted the delicious oral sex scene that had happened in real life, but despite that, Jason’s mother and sister both sat there absorbed in my tale, lips parted and breathing slightly heavier. His father was more difficult to read and Jason’s mouth was set in a firm line, as I wondered if I’d gone too far. It was every detail of the way he’d touched me that night and the exquisite feelings and sensations he’d brought to life within me through the skilled strokes of his hand, his voice, his smell, and the rich flavours he had fed me that had burst across my tongue like dancing angels. I was aroused and emotional just talking about it, even in a room full of strangers, his family, the memories evoking such sensual feelings, I knew I had to get out of there before the masks were removed. The air was thick and heavy with anticipation and if I thought it had been mortifying before, I knew for certain that it was about to get a whole lot worse. Jason’s expression hadn’t altered and I couldn’t risk it, backing quietly towards the door, ready to bolt.


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