Front Man: The Complete Trilogy (Three books in one volume)

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Front Man: The Complete Trilogy (Three books in one volume) Page 3

by Bell, Adora

  “I'm sure you're sick of hearing this question, but...Back Track. What is it about that song, Jack? When you were playing it tonight, it seemed really difficult for you. Or was I imagining it?”

  Jack exhaled and took another long swig of his scotch.

  “You weren't imagining it. That's very personal to me. I wrote it about someone I loved. Someone who isn't in my life any more.” Jack trailed off, unsure how to continue.

  “You don't have to tell me about it if you don't want to. I just seemed so sad.”

  Jack looked into Sara's eyes, brimming with compassion. For whatever reason, he felt he could trust her, and he had an urge to tell her everything. About Laura, about the song, about the bridge. Somehow he felt like she might understand. Might care. But he couldn't. He didn't even know her.

  “It's not that I don't want to...I just don't know how to. I'm sorry.”

  With uncharacteristic boldness, Sara reached up and stroked his hair.

  “Don't be sorry,” she whispered, “there's nothing to be sorry for.”

  Jack took in her beautiful face, felt the softness of her touch, and despite himself he couldn't hold back any longer. He leaned forward and kissed her on the mouth, softly at first, growing more intense as he felt her respond. He pulled her closer, the curves of her body pressing against him as they relaxed into each other. His hands roamed over her body, stroking their way down her back to cup her tight backside. Reluctantly, Jack pulled back from their kiss and looked her in the eye.

  “Are you sure?” He said, not wanting her to feel pressured.

  “Yes. Oh yes.”

  “Thank God.”

  Sara let out an involuntary moan as Jack's tongue invaded her mouth, his hands continuing their exploration. She had idolised the swaggering rock star for so many years, but it was the real, vulnerable man who now fascinated her. She slid her hands under his shirt, her fingers tracing his solid abs, stroking the coarse hair that formed a trail down his belly. The thought of what lay at the end of that trail filled her with lust, and she returned his kisses with even greater fervour. Jack kissed his way down the soft skin of her neck and along her delicate collarbone, while his hands found her full breasts. Sara moaned as he massaged them, teasing her erect nipples through her clothing. He reached around to unhook her bra, and deftly removed her shirt, so she stood in only her leather pants in front of the enormous window. Instinctively her arms moved to cover herself.

  “Relax,” Jack said softly, “ nobody can see us up here.” He took her hands and gently moved them away from her breasts, replacing them with his mouth. He kissed the soft skin, toying with her nipples with his tongue until she gasped. Sara was overflowing with desire, desperate to be taken by this beautiful, complicated man.

  Without moving his mouth from her breasts, Jack's fingers found the zip of her pants, and he slid them off her slim hips to fall in a heap on the carpet. Now she stood before him, clad only in a white lace thong which grew more transparent by the minute as her juices flowed. Jack groaned, part of him wanting to push her up against the glass and fuck her there and then. But she was so stunning, and he wanted to make it last. Trailing kisses down her flat stomach, he pushed his face between her legs, tracing his tongue over the flimsy fabric of her underwear. God, she smelled incredible. He grasped her panties with his teeth, meaning to pull them aside, but as he tugged the fabric tore clean in two. Beyond caring, Jack thrust his tongue between her legs, finding her swollen clitoris and circling it until she cried out with pleasure. He slipped two fingers into her wet opening, slowly pumping them in and out while he continued to lick her in increasingly frantic strokes. Sara had her hands on his head, urging him on, lost in the incredible sensations coursing through her body. She could feel the pressure building inside her as he licked and sucked, his fingers threatening to send her over the edge. But he wasn't finished with her yet. Suddenly Jack stood and swept her up in his arms, planting a kiss on her lips as she did so . The musky scent of herself on his mouth only heightened her arousal. He carried her into the bedroom, and threw her down on the emperor sized bed.

  Jack paused for a moment, taking in the vision before him. His eyes followed the line of her body, from the twin orbs of her breasts to her long, smooth legs. And the look of pure lust that sparkled in her eyes. She held out her arms, and Jack fell into them. Kissing him hard, Sara tugged at his t-shirt and eased it over his head. Jack moved to help her, slipping off his pants, so only his tight boxers remained. Sara ran her hand over the outline of his erection, relishing his hardness. Jack sighed. Getting to her knees, Sara slowly slid his boxers down, freeing his hard on. Jack let out a moan as she lowered her lips to the head of his cock, teasing the sensitive tip with her tongue. One hand moved to stroke his balls, as slowly she took him in her mouth, easing her lips down his throbbing shaft until he was pushing against the back of her throat.

  “Oh God, Sara.”

  She slid her lips up and down his cock, allowing her tongue to tease him with every stroke. Jack was gasping now, overwhelmed by the intensity of the feeling, desperately trying to hold back the climax that he could feel building. He never wanted this to end, but at the same time he was desperate to be inside her. At last, he placed his hands on the side of her face, coaxing her up to face him. She smiled naughtily, sending shivers through him.

  “Please, Jack,” she whispered, “I want you.”

  Sara sighed as Jack eased her down onto the mattress, then placed both hands under her ass and pulled her towards him. Spreading her legs wide, he rolled a condom onto his length. Jack teased her for a moment longer, sliding the tip of his erection between the wet lips of her pussy, rubbing himself against her sensitive clit until she moaned. Pausing at the entrance to her dripping pussy, Jack pushed just the tip of his cock inside her.

  “Oh God, Jack, please. Please baby.”

  Without warning, Jack slid his full length inside her, making Sara gasp. His cock was so deliciously thick, it hit all of her most sensitive spots, and she felt filled for the first time. Complete. As he moved faster, picking up the pace, Sara arched her back and ground herself against him. Jack gripped her ankles and lifted her legs so they rested on his shoulders, allowing him to penetrate her even more deeply. Sara's eyes flew open, and she saw Jack's face, looking at her with an expression of raw lust. She groaned. She had never been fucked like this before.

  Jack could feel his orgasm building, and he slowed his strokes a little, finally easing himself out of Sara's hot slit.

  “Turn over baby,” he commanded, and Sara was more than happy to comply. With a gently slap on the backside, he ushered her up to the head of the bead.

  “Hold on to the headboard,” Jack growled, and the sound of his voice, thick with desire, turned Sara on so much that she had to comply. On her knees, she clung to the solid wood, feeling Jack move behind her. His hands found her breasts, caressing them gently. Then a hand snaked between her legs, toying with her clit. Just when she felt she could take his teasing no longer, Jack entered her roughly from behind, pounding his cock into with a force that took her breath away. Pleasure coursed through her, each wave hitting her with greater intensity until she exploded into a breathtaking orgasm. As he felt her pussy contract around him, Jack finally let himself go, coming in spasms that made his whole body shudder. They collapsed together in a heap on the bed, sweaty but satisfied.


  Jack's eyes fluttered open. He felt disoriented and his mouth was dry. Sara was asleep in his arms, and he took a moment to relish her soft warmth pressed against him. Gently, he eased himself up off the bed, trying not to wake her, and padded to the bathroom. In the harsh overhead light, the bags under his eyes were more pronounced. It was five am. The car for the airport would be picking them up at six. Jack wasn't sure what he would say to Michael after yesterday's events, but he was not looking forward to the confrontation. With a sigh, he turned the shower on to the hottest setting and tried to wash his worries away

  Jack gave the room a final once over, checking for anything he might have left behind. He hadn't actually unpacked in the first place, which made things a little easier. He made sure he had his wallet, his medication and his passport. Ready to rock. Then he tiptoed back in to the bedroom. Sara was still fast asleep, curled up in the middle of the bed with the covers pulled right up to her chin. He couldn't help but smile. She looked so pretty and innocent. Part of him wanted to wake her, but he wasn't sure what he would say...Jack loathed goodbyes. And what did he have to offer a girl like that? Months on end following a miserable shell of a man around on tour, a different hotel every night, constant harassment by the, that was no life for anyone. Even if she would agree to it. Yet the thought of never seeing her again made him feel hollow inside. Jack grabbed a piece of hotel notepaper, and scribbled down a hasty message. Bending down, he placed it carefully on the night stand, then planted a feather light kiss on the top of Sara's head. She didn't even stir. With one last look at her sleeping face, Jack turned and hurried out of the suite, dragging his baggage behind him.


  “Sara! Sara, what the hell, wake up?”

  Sara reluctantly opened her eyes to find Erica perched at the end of the bed, wrapped in a hotel robe.

  “ ok? How do you feel?”

  “What? Yeah I'm fine, except I woke up in a strange hotel room with no idea how I got here. What the hell happened last night?”

  Sara gave Erica a run down of the evening's events, all the time trying to stifle the sadness welling up inside her. Jack was gone. He had run out without even saying goodbye. She should have known it was just a meaningless one night stand, but somehow it had felt different. Like something more intimate had passed between them. As she finished her story, she realised Erica was staring at her with wide eyes.

  “No fucking way! This is Jack Carter's hotel suite? Oh my god, that is so cool! Wait....did didn't!”

  Sara's blushes were all the response her best friend needed. Her mouth dropped open.

  “Sara! You and Jack Carter....Oh my god!” Erica squealed, unable to string together a coherent sentence. Suddenly her eyes fell on something on the night stand, and she leaned over Sara to snatch it up.

  “Oh wow, look, he's left you a note!”

  Sara's heart leapt. Maybe...just maybe she hadn't been fooling herself. She grabbed the piece of paper from Erica's hand, racing to read the message.

  “Sara. Flight is early, had to go, didn't want to wake you. Room is good until 1pm, feel free to order breakfast, charge it to my tab. It was lovely to meet you. If you'd like to go for dinner some time, this is my number. Jack.”

  A telephone number was scrawled beneath the message. Feeling like a smitten schoolgirl, Sara clutched the paper to her chest. She was grinning from ear to ear.

  “I can't believe you bagged Jack Carter. You have to teach me your secrets!” Erica giggled, flopping back onto the pile of cosy pillows. Sara smiled at her friend.

  “Maybe after breakfast. Pass me that room service menu, will you?”

  It had been a crazy twenty-four hours. As she folded the note and stashed it carefully in her purse, all Sara could think about was Jack. She felt sure she would see him again. The only question was when...and whether she could stand the wait.

  Front Man: One Night in Paris

  Part Two of the Front Man series.

  Adora Bell

  Sara sighed as she stepped off the bus. The weight of her bag was starting to hurt her shoulder; she should have left some of those files at the office. Even though it was only a five minute walk from the stop to her apartment, she wasn't looking forward to it. Her whole body sagged from exhaustion as she dragged herself along the sidewalk, but she managed to look on the bright side. Working late wasn't so bad when you love your job. Sara had only been at Waters and Prescott Advertising for two months, but she already felt like part of the team. Her boss had hinted that a promotion might be in the works if she put the effort in, so she was doing everything she could to get ahead.

  Sara wiggled her key in the lock, until finally the heavy door swung open. All the lights and the television were on, but there was no sign of Erica. She was probably holed up in her bedroom with Matt, the new guy she'd been dating. Sara only hoped they weren't too loud; it had been a long week, and she badly needed some sleep. She kicked off her shoes, hung up her jacket and stretched luxuriously. Catching sight of her laptop sitting on the coffee table, Sara was tempted to log in to her email. She hadn't heard from Jack for a few days, and he wasn't answering her texts. To be honest, she was beginning to worry. Though she told herself he was just focused on the tour, she had a feeling things weren't quite right. Since meeting him backstage three months earlier, Jack had been in contact nearly every day. Though he was hundreds of miles and several time zones away, they had grown close over the past few months. They had only made love that one, incredible time, but Sara felt a connection to Jack that she hadn't experienced before. Sometimes his messages sounded so hopeless and lonely, that she wished she could magic herself over the ocean and wrap her arms around him, tell him everything was going to be okay. Other times he was upbeat, full of life, excited about travelling and writing new music. Either way, she longed to see him. As far as Sara was concerned, the tour couldn't be over soon enough.

  As she opened her in-box, Sara felt a wave of disappointment. No new messages. Grumpily, she slammed the lid shut and headed for her room. A long, hot shower and bed were the only things on her mind.

  Wrapped in a fluffy towel, Sara twisted the handle of the bathroom door. She didn't hear the sound of the shower running until it was too late.

  Erica and Matt were entwined under the spray, running their soapy hands over each others glistening wet bodies.

  “Oh,shit, sorry!” Sara blurted, and went to back out of the room. Matt look startled and tried to position himself behind his naked girlfriend, although not before Sara caught a glimpse of his sizable erection. Good for Erica, she though to herself. Her friend stepped out of the shower completely nude and wrapped a towel loosely around herself, leaving her boyfriend cowering in the corner of the shower.

  “Sara! You're back, I thought you might have gone out. Sorry I forgot to lock the door.” Erica giggled, entirely unembarrassed. By the slight lilt in her voice, Sara guessed she'd had a few glasses of wine already.

  “No problem, I'll wait till you're done.”

  Erica laughed again. “We might be a little while. Did you just get back from work? It's so late! I feel like all you do is work these days, I never see you.”

  Sara felt a small stab of guilt. She'd assumed Erica would be too busy with Matt to notice, but she had been neglecting her best friend. Erica grabbed a bottle of wine from the counter and swigged straight from it before offering it to Sara, who shook her head.

  “I think I'll just head to bed, I'm beat. Don't want to rush you guys.”

  “You could always join us. There's plenty of room.” Erica smiled and dropped her towel, revealing her soft curves. She turned and stepped back into the shower, wrapping her arms around Matt's neck and pulling him into a deep kiss. One hand snaked down his firm body, and she began to gently stroke his length. Sara felt her cheeks flame, not sure what to do. Yet she found her eyes drawn to their bodies as they pressed into each other, Matt's hands roaming over the slickness of Erica's skin. Erica beckoned to her, smiling and giving her a wink.

  “Come on, Sara. Be a bit naughty for once. It might be fun.”

  “You're drunk.”

  “Yeah, maybe a little. But the offer still stands, doesn't it Matt?”

  Matt looked up at her shyly, and she could feel his eyes trying to burn through the towel that covered her. Sara couldn't help but notice how good he looked naked, with his toned chest and muscly arms. In her most private moments, alone with her vibrator, she had dreamed about having a threesome. Part of her wanted to drop the towel, slip into the shower and allow herself to
be pleasured. After all, Erica was her best friend. They had seen each other naked plenty of times before. It wouldn't be that strange...except, of course, it would. Sara shook her head again, rolling her eyes at her friend. As much as she might be tempted, there were certain lines she knew not to cross, however fun things looked on the other side.

  “I think you'll be fine without me. Thanks all the same though. You two have fun now.”

  “Oh, we will,” Erica laughed, pressing herself into Matt as she slid the shower door closed. Sara hurried out of the bathroom, half freaked out and half amused by their antics. She also couldn't help feeling a little jealous. It would be so nice to have someone to come home, someone to soap her up in the shower after a long day. But the only man she was interested in was half way around the world. His life was full of gigs and hotel rooms, not Friday nights in with take out and a bottle of wine. Suddenly, Sara felt miserable. To her surprise, tears welled up behind her eyes, and she bit her lip, trying to pull herself together. There was no use pining over a guy she barely knew. It was just one night, she told herself, as she slipped into her coziest pj’s and climbed beneath her comforter. However much she hoped, she would probably never see Jack Carter again.


  Jack's eyes fluttered open, and for a moment he couldn't remember where he was. As his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he could pick out the shapes of the generic hotel furniture, the lumps of his discarded clothes lying on the floor. But what city was this? Cologne, Hamburg, Stockholm, Rotterdam,, they had left London in the middle of last night. Paris, then. He was in Paris. Blearily, he turned his head to the digital clock on the bedside table. 5am. He cursed under his breath. You'd think after three months away, he'd have got over his jet lag. But they kept jumping through different time zones, a new country with a whole new language every couple of days. Rounds of press interviews with translators in tow, meeting hyperactive fans who babbled at him incomprehensibly. They were only half way through the tour, and Jack was already exhausted. Maybe if he could have just one good night's sleep, he would feel better.


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