The Unexpected Heir: A Tale of Alus

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The Unexpected Heir: A Tale of Alus Page 38

by Wigboldy,Donald

  Looking at Toman, the man looked unimpressed by the guard's clothing and stated, "Can you even afford a carriage ride?"

  Xerese looked at the guardsman. "Much of our luggage was lost along the way. Forgive my husband for looking a mess. He is hard to find clothing for in the market, but we planned on trying again later. First, we need to lock in transportation.

  "Can you help us or do we need to try somewhere else?"

  "You won't find anyone else heading west," he replied sounding quite certain. "We are the only one with coaches for hire in Marta even when things aren't so crazy."

  Feeling that he was ready to say more, Xerese waited and put a hand on Toman's forearm when the guard started to step forward. She could tell that Toman wanted to push the man harder, but the lady knew better than to push too hard. Her protector was less subtle in his dealings with people and she needed to hold him back before he messed up the groundwork that she had already laid.

  "I suppose that we could put together a trip as far as Daria. We have a few others who have asked for similar transportation. It would require two golds for the ride. You pay for your own food and inns when there are some."

  Nodding, Xerese replied, "We can do that, but how soon would we leave?"

  The old man gave it some thought and replied, "Come back in two hours. I'll need to get word to the other passengers interested. We'll have the coach and team ready by then."

  Putting out his hand, he added, "Half down now and half when you return, but if the militia decides that you are troublemakers and throw you in prison, I'm keeping it," the old man finished with a laugh at his joke that was more like a cackle.

  Xerese managed a tolerant smile and nodded. Gesturing to Toman, the guard produced the gold on good faith. She only hoped that they weren't getting duped out of their money, even though this appeared to be the only way to get out of town short of walking once more.

  A quick trip to the market place netted both food and some clothing. A tailor had managed to make a pair of pants and a shirt for Toman by adjusting some things he already had available. Apparently there were enough larger men in Marta that some clothing was on hand that could be fitted.

  While Xerese wished to buy a few things for herself, she restrained her desire for better clothing and they returned to the stables with most of their coin still in hand.

  Four other passengers were there waiting by the time they arrived. Half were women, though Xerese couldn't tell if the men were their husbands. There would be plenty of time to discover their stories on the long ride to Daria, if the other passengers were willing to talk about themselves, the girl thought.

  The old man scanned the area as if looking for someone while four other men stowed any larger bags and trunks on top of the long carriage. Two doors opened individually between the large spoke wheels. Benches that could hold three people abreast comfortably were not only set in the front and back, but two more seats were attached between the doors.

  Xerese was used to smaller carriages with just two benches, but she supposed that having twice as many seats was certainly more cost effective. She also noted a few crates on top. Likely something was being shipped at a time where sea travel had been hampered, the travelers were just part of how they hoped to make their money on this trip.

  "Well, I guess this is all we are going to have," the old man stated in disappointment. Xerese wondered how many clients he had hoped to have. If they were squeezed in tightly she supposed four people could be on each bench, but so much weight added to the luggage would require more than just the six horses currently attached.

  The others started to enter the carriage when two more men came hurrying towards them down the street. One was gray haired and the other much younger, but they had the red robes of the brothers in common.

  Xerese frowned slightly. It was odd to think that the brothers would have need of a carriage; but she supposed everyone had a need to travel at times, even them.

  "We're sorry, if we kept you waiting," the older brother said breathlessly as the two men came to a halt near the old man. He dropped six gold coins into his hand, she noted curiously.

  "I was afraid that you two wouldn't make it. We were getting ready to leave without you," the old man stated with his usual lack of tact.

  The brothers nodded and smiled appearing not to notice. Once again the older brother had to say something to explain their tardiness. "We were surprised by your timing and I had to make sure the others knew what to do in my absence.

  "Going to Daria to meet with the master of our order is very important though, so I am very glad that you could make room for us," the brother said sounding very happy. "I guess that Sordrian provides. I should never have doubted that you would come through for us."

  Clearing his throat, the old man nodded a bit reluctantly and replied, "Yes, the gods provide, since we finally had enough to make the trip worth it."

  Xerese was helped into the back of the carriage by Toman. Looking at the seat across from them, the girl smiled at a nervous looking, blonde haired woman. Responding with a tentative smile in turn, the young woman glanced to the man beside her before looking out the window to her right. Her apparent companion watched the last of the passengers climb into the front section before the old man closed their door.

  Once the passengers were mostly situated, as was their luggage from the last few bumps from the roof; the driver sitting outside of the compartment called to his horses giving a crack of the reins to get the animals started.

  Xerese watched the sight of the old man standing on the company porch disappear as the carriage moved forward at a quick walk. They were near the southern edge of Marta, but there was still other traffic to contend with before they could exit onto the open road to the west.

  Before they could leave the city, the carriage stopped. Soldiers surrounded them and even opened the doors. When the older brother greeted them, he assured them that all was right. In the face of one of the brothers, the soldiers bowed their heads receiving the monk's blessing and encouragement to keep up their good work for Sordrian.

  Though the soldiers looked like they wanted to pull the other passengers from the compartment for some kind of inspection, the power of the robed brothers was enough to release the coach once more and the horses began to pull it forward. Xerese let out a breath as they road past a dozen soldiers in their black and red uniforms. The woman in front of her looked pale from fright, but the man beside her did nothing to ease her.

  To her surprise, Toman took her hand interweaving his fingers with hers. He was looking out the opposite window, or so it seemed when Xerese glanced to see the side of his face; but she had a feeling the guard watched the other passengers at the same time even so.

  Holding her fake husband's hand, the girl breathed easier as she watched the city of Marta disappear and the rolling hills began to form blinding her view of the ocean to the north. Grass, trees and the blue sky seemed to change slowly as the horses continued to draw them towards home.

  Daria wouldn't be Malaiy, but if the ride went well, they would be nearly to the border. It would have taken weeks of walking. If all things went well, the horses might cut that time in less than half.

  Time passed slowly as few of the passengers felt like talking. Xerese leaned against Toman's shoulder and soon was asleep as the carriage continued to eat away at the miles.

  "Karlaan," a metallic sounding voice called out as the young man sat reading a book in Caldrefan's private shrine to Sordrian.

  Looking towards the statue, Karlaan looked confused by the sound. Since it came from the place where the silent shadows appeared to bring him messages, he could have believed that one had come to speak to him. It had never happened before, but he supposed that it could happen one day.

  Karlaan stood as he set the book on the chair as he rose. "Who is it?" the young man questioned without fear.

  "Finally, you are there," the voice stated sounding impatient.

  While the voice didn't s
ound familiar, the tone did. "Caldrefan?" he asked as his feet took him towards the statue.

  A quick metallic laugh barked out of the statue before it replied, "Well, leave it to you to see through this spell."

  Frowning at the strange compliment, Karlaan said, "I am assuming that you are using your magic for this message."

  A grunt of disappointment came from the statue before Caldrefan said, "Few know that I can use magic, so I suppose that this gives you an edge on the brothers who believe that Sordrian is speaking to them directly."

  "You're using this trick on the brothers?" the younger man asked the statue without thinking how absurd it was until after he spoke.

  "You would be surprised at how effective such a trick can be to help inspire others to follow a god, but that isn't why I have contacted you this way.

  "An army is building for you in Tseult, but you need to gather with those near Yalan. You can't expect to lead a nation, if you don't first inspire them. Go to Edrin's Crossing. People are beginning to gather there already led by Sordrian. Your generals will show themselves to you and help train the army as it grows.

  "When the time is right, we will begin taking the east while your army pushes into Yalan."

  "How will I know the time is right? Are you going to keep speaking to me through these statues?"

  "Duchess Pherena will turn her back on her brother and pull her children with her. When Teyas pulls away and the east falls to war, you will walk into Yalan to take Malaiy from Orlaan," Caldrefan said sounding like he was prophesying future events. "Now ask no more questions. Gather those already loyal to you there. I know that you have been working to build your own following. It is time to begin the work which will make you king, Karlaan."

  The statue remained silent and Karlaan considered Caldrefan's words. He had worked with people, both within the temple and out. Most should follow him without question. There were those who owed him much. Some already treated him like their leader and the work of the brothers had continued drawing more men to Sordrian and in turn to him.

  Soldiers already unsatisfied with their position in the king's militia had begun to desert because of the brothers' message. He had worked with many of them supposedly counseling the men, but in truth he was working to convert them to his side. Now was the time to see if his work had been worth it.

  It was late enough in the day that Karlaan wasn't going to waste his time trying to pull everyone together now, whether Caldrefan had more or less put it that way. He would need at least some time to plan and pull people together anyway.

  He would read for a little longer, the young man decided and went to pick up the book before sitting once more. His eyes strayed to the statue and wondered if his mentor could truly see through its eyes. Would Caldrefan see him and complain? It didn't matter. He couldn't be asked to just uproot and go on a moment's whim.

  There was also the matter of Tareina. Should he ask her to follow him as well? Karlaan thought that the girl would come if he asked her, but taking her with him brought up other problems.

  His eyes scanned the page of the book in his hands, but he retained nothing as his mind worried over other things. Trying three more times, Karlaan gave up with a sigh and closed the book. Rising, he took the book with him and went back to his room. Deciding to work on a plan before going to see Tareina, the would be king's mind continued to turn thinking of possibilities and consequences to his actions.

  When the carriage slowed to a stop, Xerese could still feel the rumblings in her body. Nearly a week of traveling made her realize that the coach wasn't very well made. She had ridden in many carriages with her family, but they had well constructed shock absorbers and springs to make their ride much gentler. This coach was likely not the worst in that regard, but when they rested for the night Xerese always felt worn down despite not having to walk.

  "Why are we stopping?" the blond haired woman sitting across from them asked in concern.

  "Maybe they've stopped to water the horses," the man beside her replied before sliding towards the window to his left. There was a similarity to the look of their faces that made it easy to understand that they were brother and sister. Nico was the elder by a few years, while Oywen was still close enough in age that the difference was hard to make out.

  Toman, like Nico, sat between the door and Xerese. Both men likely would try to protect the younger women if danger presented itself, but her guard had taken the position intentionally to do so. Xerese had figured that out immediately, but had said nothing. It was his job to protect her and everything Toman did seemed aimed to accomplish that task.

  The big man leaned towards the window cautiously as he tried to see what had made the carriage halt. Their drivers hadn't warned them of the mid afternoon stop, but there they were and it seemed quite off to Xerese who edged towards her window. She didn't know what she hoped to see, but the riders outfitted in black with red sashes weren't what she expected.

  "Those new militia are out there," the girl stated quietly and Toman nodded. Since the riders were both in the road before the coach and spread to the side restricting its movement unless the drivers chose rough brush, they were easier to see for those looking forward through the windows.

  Her eyes glanced to the couple in front of them noting a look of fear in Oywen's blue eyes. Turning in her seat, the blonde haired girl was unlikely to have much of a view since the center beam and high backed bench masked much of the sight; but Xerese noted her shoulders stiffen before she turned back quickly to whisper in her brother's ear quickly. He tensed as well before reaching up for the sword set in the rack above his head.

  Xerese hadn't even noticed Toman take one of his swords down as well, but the guard managed to mask both the maneuver and his change in posture. The weapon would be difficult to draw from its sheath, she thought; but Toman was likely to get the drop on anyone foolish enough to open the door.

  "Hold yourself together," she heard Nico whisper to his sister fiercely.

  Looking at Oywen, the lady wondered what, aside from her worried look, was so out of sorts to receive such caution.

  A rider rode up beside their door looking inside the carriage windows as he did. The men held their swords low enough to avoid detection, but if one were to come from the opposite side Xerese was afraid that the weapons would be seen from the other angle.

  "Come down, drivers," a voice ordered loud enough to be heard inside of the coach. "You inside, come out."

  The front door opened and Xerese could see the brothers exiting first without fear.

  "Soldiers of Sordrian, what is the problem here? We go to Daria as the god has commanded and you are slowing us down rather inconveniently."

  Toman slid his sword to Xerese and the guard said quietly, "Be ready to give it to me."

  Nico watched the exchange and heard his words. The man did the same with his sword while Toman released the door's latch. Using the handle, the man controlled the door's movement calculatedly.

  "Hello, brother, we are sorry to inconvenience you, but we have information that someone coming this way escaped the justice in Marta. We need to see your passengers."

  Xerese moved closer to the edge of the bench while Nico followed her guardsman. Oywen followed her lead keeping hold of the sword and hiding it on her bench behind the folds of her dress.

  The old man looked confused and responded, "We went through the authorities at the gate. If there was a problem, why were we allowed to pass?"

  Finishing her slide to the carriage bench by the door, Xerese held the scabbard for the sword in her left hand and gripped the end of the bench with her right hand strategically placed in front of the handle of the sword blocking it from any straying eyes. She could see more of the riders on this side and noted that not every man was dressed in the black uniforms. The leader speaking wore a breastplate copper in color, but a red sash went from his left shoulder to his waist just above the sword belted at his hip. His hand rested on the ball of the pommel making up the
hilt of the weapon.

  Three other men and a woman were dressed more like the battle mages she had seen in Southwall. Two of the men had swords as well, but their clothing matched one of the other two without weapons. With no more than long knives at their waists, the other two still felt very dangerous.

  Xerese tried to remember something about the people of Tseult and their military. If she remembered correctly, Annalicia had mentioned the strange connection of Tseult's wizards with swordsmen called bondsmen. The two were a team and that meant the virtually unarmed wizards were also weapons of greater destruction than any swords could hope to create.

  "Word got out that two of those sworn to Sordrian decided to break their oaths and flee. We were sent to catch them and return them to Marta for punishment," the captain of the pursuit force stated without bothering to sugarcoat their troubles.

  "Captain, I have seen no examples of magic during our time together. After nearly a week, could a wizard hide their talents so long?" the older man asked again.

  Xerese wanted to shake her head at the obvious fault in his logic. There was little reason to use magic while riding in a carriage. Perhaps using it to light a fire when they had stopped for the night could have been useful, but the drivers were skilled at lighting it the common way.

  She had ridden with Annalicia and the other wizards to Southwall and they had trained at least a few hours a day; but that was mostly from boredom and the wanting to be ready for the tournament. Surely a wizard could contain her urge to cast any spells for a week, if they wanted to anyway.

  The captain shook his head and countered the old man quickly. "Our team tracked them and our wizards confirm that you have them with you. You will stand aside, brother, and we will remove them to take these two back to Marta as I said. Now be quiet and the rest of you had better come out now as ordered or there will be trouble!"

  Toman glanced to Xerese shaking his head minutely. The girl used the step pulled down by her guardsman, since the drivers were held beside the team of horses to ease the animals. So many soldiers and horses nearby were agitating the team in spite of the blinders they wore. Their scent and those that could be seen were enough to make them fidget in their harness.


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