The Unexpected Heir: A Tale of Alus

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The Unexpected Heir: A Tale of Alus Page 44

by Wigboldy,Donald

  The carriages carried them all the way to the castle. Annalicia let Maura take care of the particulars of showing papers to let them through. Messengers ran ahead and soon they were in a hall greeting King Alain and Queen Alyanna.

  While most of the others knelt to greet the king, Gerid remained standing. Alain looked up smiling like a child receiving an amazing gift. "Lord Grimnal, grandfather, welcome home," the man greeted the giant and knelt before the man also called the king of kings.

  The dark haired queen showed some surprise, but curtsied like a noble women to her king.

  "I accept your welcome, but this is your home now. There's no reason to bow to me. I have been out of the ruling game for centuries, even before the Cataclysm," he said waving for them to stand tall once more.

  Alain stood straight and replied, "We have been waiting for this day with great hope for months. Well, actually it has been a dream of mine since I was a child, but never thought it would happen until High Wizard Darius brought the idea to me. Falcon Sebastian apparently gave him an idea that would let us find you again, if you were alive... and here you are.

  "I don't see the mage, however."

  Annalicia shook her head and answered, "We brought the Grimnal here to fulfill his mission, but Sebastian has disappeared."

  Hours passed at the castle telling the king about all that had happened. Luggage was sent for as Gerid and his people were invited to stay with the king. It was his home as well, Alain had told his immortal grandfather.

  Reminded of the message sent from her father, Annalicia opened the note and read that Xerese hadn't returned. Her cousin was supposed to have brought word that she was delayed, but the Zephyr had never returned.

  Her father's letter had more than one version. More accurately, there were messages for her and Xerese or the captains of the ships, if something had happened to them. Some no longer were necessary.

  When she was invited to stay for a week or more to celebrate the return of the immortal king, Annalicia decided that she had to decline. Darterian would stay as a sort of liaison until Darius returned, but she needed to return home to soothe her father's nerves. Philip had always seemed like a rock, so if he was writing letters like these; Anna could only guess what her mother must be feeling.

  After only three days to resupply and give the crew a brief break, the Sea Dragon left Hala once again heading for home at last.

  Xerese joined her cousins at dinner wearing a gown of dark red. Satin material glimmering with the light of the lamps and chandeliers, even the dress couldn't keep admirers from looking at the pretty brunette with red ribbon wound through her hair. A team of women had helped dress her and add some makeup to help compensate for the dark tan she had developed from months in the sun. She wanted to look nice since Itan was putting on a special ball for her and her new friends.

  They had been in Solan three days and the girl felt like she was being specially pampered. Rianne seemed to like trying to make her back into the lady that she had been before the shipwreck and subsequent months of hardships.

  Even Oywen and Quela were dressed up. Oywen wore a gown that looked like metallic maize, while Quela had been put into a dress of navy. The dark haired wizard had picked a surprisingly low cut outfit. Showing cleavage and having an open back, Xerese had a feeling that it was for Toman more than because it necessarily suited her personality.

  The tall guardsman had done his best to remain near his charge, but Solan was supposed to be safe. She had seen him a little less and most of the time it was with Quela nearby.

  Xerese wasn't sure if Toman actually wanted the extra attention. He was also still getting used to the idea of being bonded to the wizard, even after a few weeks had passed. She was pretty certain that the guardsman didn't actually hate the attention in spite of what he might say.

  It would have amused her more, if she didn't need him so much; though after a few days of luxury in Itan's castle, Xerese managed to see more of the humor and less of the worry.

  "I take it back," Nico said walking beside his sister. "I didn't think that you could look more beautiful than you did when we met, but your beauty is on another level in that dress."

  Oywen slapped his arm on the other side of him as Xerese glanced to the bondsman with a raised eyebrow that seemed to question his remark.

  "You don't take back something like that, Nico, you idiot. When you tell a woman that she is beautiful, you never take it back!" the pretty blond wizard hissed at her brother.

  "I didn't mean that Xerie wasn't beautiful then also, but she looks positively stunning in this dress. You can tell that she is a royal lady dressed like this." He winced, and Xerese thought that Oywen had pinched him that time. "I mean," the man sighed realizing that he had once more dug a hole trying to pay her a compliment, "you look beautiful, my lady."

  The swordsman bowed his head looking at the floor.

  "You look nice too, Nico," she stated, "Although maybe you should just look pretty and not talk. You just keep getting yourself in trouble."

  Her smile and giggle was echoed by Oywen. Letting out a sigh as he realized that she wasn't actually mad at him, Nico mimed buttoning his lips closed. While she appreciated his amusing gesture, Xerese doubted that he would remain silent for too long.

  Itan and Rianne already stood near their places at the head of a banquet table. It was one of many long tables covered in silver candle holders. The candles were already lit, but they were more for appearance than light with several beautiful chandeliers giving plenty of light overhead.

  "Xerese, that is a wonderful color on you," Rianne stated with a smile.

  Itan nodded adding, "You look quite amazing, cousin. Your time with us seems to have raised your spirits once more."

  Grunting as Oywen elbowed him, Nico was apparently being told to listen to how a royal spoke of beauty.

  "Your tailors do amazing work. You would think that Oywen and Quela were my ladies in waiting in their dresses also. I hope that you didn't go to too much trouble having to take care of us," the girl replied politely. She already had a small wardrobe that had been created in less than three days. Rianne seemed to want her to look like a fancy lady every moment of the day.

  After the weeks of wearing only three outfits of basic clothing, Xerese was torn between enjoying the fancy dresses and missing not having to try so hard. She had walked away from having to deal with suitors for a similar reason. Though the girl knew she had to step up as a royal family member, there were certainly times that she wished that she was just a normal girl.

  "It was no real trouble. When merchants have brought material worthy of a proper dress, I have made sure to buy a few bolts. My personal tailor called in some help to be able to make the other ladies' dresses, but they appear to have done an admirable job."

  Itan added, "I would think that you are all royal ladies as well. I am not so obtuse as to think a wizard can't look like a proper lady, however. My niece Annalicia is well known throughout the kingdom for both her beauty and her incredible magic."

  Laughing at the idea, Oywen replied, "Well, I never thought of myself that way, but if that is true, maybe there could be a royal lord that might be interested in a wizard."

  Itan shook his head saying, "Well, the men in my family are all married, unless you can wait for Lycus, he is ten now."

  While the joke got a laugh, Xerese thought a moment and added, "Earl Carland is still single. At least he would be more her age and Oywen wouldn't have to wait for a decade or so for him."

  Faces darkening, the royal couple glanced at each other before Itan shook his head. "That's right. You haven't heard. A few months ago Carland had a hunting accident. He was riding his horse when it spooked and he was thrown. The fall killed him."

  "No!" she exclaimed in shock. "But he was only twenty-five. King Orlaan had only placed him as Lord of Ylden less than a year ago."

  Rianne said quietly, "There have been a lot of strange things happening in Yalan too. It is like someone
put a curse on the royal family.

  "When you and Annalicia were believed missing, everyone thought that it had claimed you as well."

  Waving his hands, Itan commanded, "No, we can talk about things like this at another time. This is supposed to be a celebration for your return. We should only talk of good news tonight. There is enough darkness in the world. Tonight we celebrate. Tomorrow we can talk about things like that."

  Uncertain what her cousins meant, and a little afraid to find out; Xerese went with his choice to enjoy the night. Local lords and ladies, military officers and the elite of Solan filtered in to celebrate the return of the lady. Her friends joined in; but even as she put on a happy face, Xerese felt a little sad for her cousin's son. She wondered how Etrine was doing after the unfortunate accident. Carland was the second son, but the rumors had it that Etrine had doted on him even more than his older brother. Perhaps being her youngest, she had clung to him more; but Carland had still done his duty for the king and left to govern Ylden.

  Doing her best to put the worry behind her for the evening, Xerese was only slightly surprised when Nico made a bow offering her a hand. "Would the lady care to dance with me?"

  Taking his hand, the girl laughed, "Are you trying to make up for earlier?"

  The man's face reddened in embarrassment before he responded, "Well, I am a trained swordsman and have even taken dance; but I am afraid I speak better with my hands and feet than I do my actual mouth. Oywen complains about me all the time."

  A slow dance that was better for romantic couples started, but Xerese let Nico guide her in surprisingly good form. His footwork was impeccable and the two moved fluidly as if they had danced together many times.

  She found his sister in the crowd. The yellow dress and her blonde hair made it easy with so many brunettes making up the people of Malaiy. Xerese had found a surprisingly good friend in the girl, but that relationship was still growing. Without knowing their exact plans for the future, it also made it more dangerous to give too much of herself to someone who might be leaving her to return home soon.

  Nico was interesting as well, though she doubted that her mother would find him a worthy match for her. Of course, Xerese had to remember that nothing romantic had happened between them anyway. He was a friend but an excellent dance partner to her surprise, she thought.

  "How did you wind up a bondsman, especially being bonded to your sister?"

  It had been a question on her mind for awhile. From what she had heard, more in reference to Quela bonding with Toman than the siblings, Xerese was given the impression that most bonded pairs were usually friends, some were lovers even if it was discouraged, but a bond with a sibling seemed a little strange given the closeness it was said that such a pairing had.

  After the initial surprise of the question, Nico mused, "When my sister was found to have magic, the wizards' guild also saw potential in me, though to a much lesser degree."

  "You can cast magic spells?" Xerese questioned nearly stumbling from surprise. The strength and skill of Nico kept her on time as he practically carried her for a beat.

  Shaking his head, Nico replied, "I wasn't strong enough for them to bother teaching. Oywen has offered a few times, but with the bond, it isn't really necessary. A bondsman can call on his wizard for power and she can pass a certain spell to him even when he doesn't call on her. The wizard has more control of the magic obviously since it is her magic, but we can share."

  He sighed and added, "Well, that is not quite right. How can I explain it better?"

  It was Xerese's turn to shake her head. "That's alright. You've answered my question, but I bet if you were taught the right way, you could be like a battle mage."

  "What's a battle mage?" he asked curiously.

  "Really? You've never heard of them? Southwall and most of the other countries of North have men and women that hold less magic, but they can cast quick spells. They might not be as powerful usually, but it would probably let you be an even better protector for Oywen."

  "Well, if we decide to sail there, I could ask to be taught that magic, I guess," he laughed not truly taking the idea seriously.

  "Have you and Oywen decided anything? There is a ship that is supposed to be here in a few days that will take me back to Patris and then Yalan, before I have to head back to Teyas.

  "You two could come with me. Then you can go on to Tristan or join us. We can pay to have you work as a wizard pair or whatever."

  "Oywen has certainly enjoyed having you around, but she hasn't decided yet. Being a wizard and serving a country isn't always easy."

  "Just Oywen enjoys my company? Now I feel like I have disappointed you," the girl answered with a fake pout.

  He laughed realizing that she wasn't serious. "We all enjoy your company. You are a... very pleasant person," Nico finished trying not to smile or laugh as he teased her.

  "Whatever," she complained. "When the ship arrives, you two need to decide if you want to come."

  "I am fairly certain that we will accept that ride. If nothing else, we could go to Yalan and find a ship taking us to Tristan."

  "Or just join me on the way to Teyas," Xerese surprised herself by offering him such a thing. It didn't feel like just giving a friend a ride home talking to Nico like this. Realizing that he wasn't the only one who could put a foot in their mouth, the girl wondered if she should quit before embarrassing herself.

  "I will talk with Oywen," was all the more Nico would say about the matter.

  As the song continued she realized that Nico had in fact only answered part of her first question. "So the wizards thought you had potential: with magic or swordsmanship and what have you; but why did you make the bond with her? I assume that when you went for training you weren't made to join with your sister. If it is such a close connection, wouldn't that be awkward?" She thought that it would be to say the least.

  Shrugging, Nico gave it a moment's thought and replied, "It isn't that personal of a bond, at least it never has been for us. I mean, I can find her in a crowd or even a decent size city. If Oywen were injured, I would know also; but the sharing of magic is no more personal than my passing you a sword. At least that is true with us anyway.

  "When I learned about being a bondsman and how they protected their wizard from harm like a bodyguard, I figured who better to protect my little sister than me?"

  "Aren't some bondsmen and their wizards much closer than that? I mean, how would it work if she married or you wanted to retire from being a swordsman?"

  "Those are all different questions and situations," Nico stated without ever missing a step in their dance. Thinking the man hadn't undersold his skill as a dancer, Xerese found dancing with him very easy. "Some wizards bond with the same sex and are just friends. Some bond with the opposite sex and are just friends. My sister and I are obviously friends and family also; but, yes, there are those who bond for different reasons, I suppose.

  "Maybe some become bonded and fall in love later; but it isn't necessarily a good idea."

  "Because they can just as easily fall out of love?" Xerese supplied a major issue given such a connection.

  He nodded. "If you think a regular marriage can get messy, just imagine two people tied together with magic once they are sick of each other."

  "Is there a way to dissolve the bond then? Oywen said there is only a lessening of the bond."

  "There is, but it isn't an easy process for either involved from what I know of it. I am not a wizard and will never be needed to perform the ritual. It requires a circle of wizards and they use their magic to overwhelm the bond. Some never recover from a full break, so it is usually just lessened. I've even heard that a few have died from the process.

  "That is why a wizard is supposed to get permission from the one that they are bonding to and usually they spend a lot of time together before performing the link. There are temporary links like the one Oywen shared with Toman in the fight, but as I said it is just temporary and fades when the wizard rele
ases her spell."

  "So obviously Quela should have taken some time before trying to connect herself to Toman," she said without truly questioning that point. The wizard had forced her bond on the guardsman without permission. That alone was wrong whether it had other repercussions or not. Xerese still wondered why the woman had done such a thing. Surely losing her previous bondsman would be a loss that would make someone mourn first before ever thinking to join another person that way again; but Quela had joined with him anyway.

  "She had just lost Fethwer, so perhaps it put her in a strange state of mind; but if Quela had pulled such a stunt during schooling or training, not only would the masters break her bond, they would probably strip her of her magic entirely."

  "They could do that?" Xerese asked in shock. She didn't think that someone born with magic could ever lose it. The idea of having part of what made you special ripped from you was frightening.

  Nico's eyes darkened and he nodded. "It would take more than just one wizard to pull magic from another; but restrained and ganged up on by enough powerful wizards, they could do it. There are only stories of such a thing luckily. A lesser punishment would be forming a block between a wizard and his or her power. Then if they were given a sentence of time, at the end a wizard could get their power back.

  "Once a wizard is stripped of their magic, there is no way to get it back again."

  Trying to get past the suddenly somber conversation, Xerese saw Toman sitting with Quela beside him. The dark haired wizard looked pretty in her dress. Though a few years older than Xerese; she was still just in her mid twenties and probably at the peak of her beauty. Quela's face seemed to light up every time that he talked to her, she thought.

  A handsome man walked up and must have asked her to dance, but the young woman declined. Toman leaned towards her and Xerese could imagine him telling Quela that she should have taken the offer, but her dark hair shifted with the shake of her head.


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