Doctor’s Orders: A Standalone Romance

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Doctor’s Orders: A Standalone Romance Page 8

by Durano, Liz

  Thank you for the flowers. They’re beautiful.

  His reply comes five minutes later.

  You’re welcome.

  I stare at his words on my phone display, wishing I could come up with something witty, something to break through the ocean of ice that separates us. But what else is there to say? I’d made my choice, didn’t I?

  I should be happy but I’m not. The view is amazing… at least, to the old Ava Turner, the one Bailey said would have been out there right now celebrating with her team and pumping them up for tomorrow’s new project.

  But something changed after I returned from Auburn Springs. And it’s not just because I met Parker. It’s more than that. It’s a feeling that I haven’t been able to shake no matter how many times I went out with friends to celebrate my promotion and the success of our latest project.

  It’s my mother and the friends who’ve always been there for me since the beginning. It’s the smell of curly willow and cottonwood, the sounds of the river rushing by as you sit on a rock basking in the sun. It’s that sense of belonging to a place that’s all about the simple things in life. A sense of community, family, love. It’s that sense of being home.

  Really home.

  Chapter Fourteen


  Five weeks to completely restore the rear parlor should be more than enough time to get over the sting of rejection and move on. That’s what I’d told myself when I drove away from Ava’s house the night her ex-boyfriend-slash-boss showed up to take her away.

  Only it ended up taking me six weeks, and as I survey the room, I’m quite pleased with how everything turned out. I didn’t even have to stain the original floors since the patina from its age was enough to give the wood its amber color, a nice complement to the wallpaper design I’d had custom made to match a Victorian chair I found at a local thrift store.

  I could talk for hours about all the things I did to restore my house, but I’d only be doing it to avoid thinking about Ava. How a woman can consume my thoughts like she does is something this neurologist has long given up trying to figure out.

  Neurotransmitters, hormones, her wide brown eyes, her hearty laugh, her gorgeous body… whatever. I liked her the moment I met her and liked her even more when I ran into her again months later. I honestly thought she’d stay longer than a week after her mother returned home from the hospital and so I played it cool. I now live in a small town, after all, where everyone knows your business. But I don’t really care what they think. I don’t care that everyone thinks Ava Turner dumped the town’s newest doctor for her billionaire boss.

  I glance at the clock. One o’clock. Still early enough for me to do something outdoors, maybe take a dip in the river in the same spot that Ava showed me. I’d actually found it again on my own and I’ve been there twice since although I didn’t go in the water. That part’s just not the same without Ava with me.

  The ringing of the doorbell snaps me out of my thoughts and I make my way toward the front door. The sight of the woman standing outside my door catches me by surprise and all I can do is stare.

  “What are you doing here?”

  Ava smiles, looking amused at my reaction. “Wrong timing?”

  I shake my head. “Of course not, but… what are you doing here? I thought you weren’t coming home until next week?”

  There’s no denying the mischievous glint in her eyes as she bites her lip. “Would you like me to come back next week?”

  “Hell no.” I take her hand and pull her toward me. “Do you really think I’d let you go so easily?”

  “Not really, but I needed to make sure.”

  For a moment I simply gaze at her, as if making sure she’s really here a week earlier than planned. It’s just like Ava to surprise me and for now, I’m liking her surprise even if a part of me wishes I’d have been more prepared. Definitely not looking like I’d just finished working on the floors of the rear parlor.

  I lower my head toward hers, our lips meeting. My breath stops at my throat, the realization hitting me hard as her arms wrap around my neck.

  She’s really here.

  My arms tighten around Ava’s waist, my tongue sliding into her mouth, tasting her. I don’t care that I’m kissing her in full view of the neighbors. If I hadn’t been slammed at the hospital the last few weeks, I’d have flown to New York to get this part over and done with, helped her pack up her apartment and fly back with her. But there was no reason to rush. I had a parlor to finish. I also had to learn to wait.

  I pull away and gaze at her face. “When did you get in?”

  “Half an hour ago. I said hello to Mom, Lisa and Jim, and quickly headed here before anyone could tell you I was back. You know how it is in small towns. News travels fast,” Ava says, grinning. “But it looks like they didn’t.”

  “Do you have other people you plan on surprising today?”

  She shakes her head. “Just you.”

  “Good.” I take a few steps inside, taking her with me before closing the door. “There. That’s better.”

  “Alone at last,” she chuckles before her expression turns serious as she studies my face, her fingers stroking my stubbled jaw.

  For a few moments, I don’t talk. I just want to look at Ava and hold her, needing to make sure she’s really here. Hard to believe I’d almost given up on the idea that we could still work things out after she returned to New York.

  But even if Ava and I didn’t get back together again, I had no desire to play around anymore. At thirty-three, I’m ready to settle down. That’s why I bought the Victorian instead of renting some other place in town.

  “Penny for your thoughts?” Ava’s voice snaps me back to the present.

  “I was just thinking about us.”

  “What about us?”

  I kiss her forehead as I run my fingers through her hair. “I was thinking about how close I was to missing this.”

  “But you didn’t,” she whispers. “ We’re here now.”

  I take a deep breath and exhale. I don’t know quite how to say the words but I might as well just let it out. “This is a big move for you, Ava. You’re giving up New York.”

  “I’ve been working in New York for eight years, Parker. Eight years of running on that hamster wheel that never stopped. Seven of those years spent trying to win that corner office, working through holidays and sick days. There was always something bigger and better. A bigger office, a better view, a bigger client account than the last one,” she says, pausing. “It took my mother breaking her hip for me to realize I had to stop and take a look around me. And that’s when I saw it. Her, my neighbors, my little town. And you. Everything I need is right here. All I had to do was look… really look and ask myself, will this make me happy?”

  I don’t need to ask about specifics for I know part of what Ava means. The office above her mother’s shop is about to become available in two months. Given the number of people who’ve expressed interest in leasing the office space with its perfect location on Main Street, they could have a future tenant sign the lease by now if they wanted. But that’s not going to happen anytime soon. Ava’s planning to take over the space for her future ad agency, a decision Carla is ecstatic about.

  “And what’s your answer?”

  “I’m here, aren’t I?” she says. “Besides, someone has to make sure her mother doesn’t get on another ladder ever again.”

  “What if Auburn Springs proves to be too slow for you?”

  “I highly doubt it. I’ll probably be too busy taking care of my advertising clients the moment I officially open.” Her eyes narrow as she looks at me. “Why? Are you doubting me already, Dr. O’Neill?”

  I pinch her chin playfully. “You? Never.”

  Ava’s expression turns serious as she gazes up at me. “And there’s also us,” she whispers. “I want to see where this will take us although I have to warn you. If we don’t work out–”

  “Been there done that and I survived the small tow
n talk about the poor doctor who got dumped on Easter Sunday,” I say, chuckling. “Yet here we are.”

  She bites her lip. “Thanks for waiting for me, Parker.”

  “You’re worth the wait,” I murmur. “Luckily I had a house to restore so it kept me out of trouble.”

  “Show me?”

  “The house?”

  “No,” she giggles, resting her hand on my chest. “I want to see this trouble you were trying to stay away from.”

  I grin, pulling her closer. “How much time do you have?”

  “You can take as long as you want, Dr. O’Neill,” she whispers.

  “Good.” I lower my head toward hers, our lips brushing softly. “Because that’s exactly what I plan to do.”

  Six Months Later


  “You’re practically glowing and I can see why. Auburn Springs is such a gorgeous town and to be able to live and work in it, not to mention fall in love…” Bailey’s voice fades as she takes a sip of her lavender latte. “I could stay here forever.”

  I stir my coffee, doing my best not to blush in front of my former assistant. “Maybe something for you to think about in case New York starts to get to you?”

  “Now I know why you’ve always kept your hometown a secret,” she says, laughing. “I would, too.”

  “Growing up, I used to see it as this small backward town where everyone knew your business and I hated that. I couldn’t wait to get out and that’s exactly what I did,” I say. “New York became my ultimate vision of success but it meant not being close to family and for years, that’s how it went. If not for friends like you, I don’t know how I managed. Auburn Springs is my home, and I’d never have realized it if my mother hadn’t decided to clean the roof gutters herself.”

  Bailey covers my hand with hers. “I’m so glad she recovered quickly from that. You can’t even tell that six months ago, she had a hip replacement.”

  “Thanks for holding the fort for me while I was gone, Bailey.”

  “No problem. You’re one of the hardest-working people I know—and the nicest especially for letting Ryan get the credit he never deserved,” she says, sighing. “But that’s the past now and at least, he did credit you for that final project.”

  “And give me the corner office.”

  “Well, now you have something better, your very own agency and I’m just so thrilled for you. Thank you so much for inviting me to visit.”

  Even though she’d originally planned on staying at a bed and breakfast in town, I managed to talk Bailey into staying at the house since I was going to be showing her around town anyway. It was just easier. Now on her sixth day, she’s clearly loving her visit and has even gotten a nice tan from being outdoors most of the time. Mom absolutely loves her, too, and has already offered up the guest room for her in case she decides to relocate.

  “What are your plans for the rest of the day?” I ask as Bailey checks her phone.

  “I’m attending a yoga class at that studio next to your mom’s shop in fifteen minutes. Oh, and tomorrow, I’m joining a group for a hike along the canal. I hear it has a view of the whole town of Auburn Springs.”

  “It sure does, so don’t forget to bring your camera,” I say, nodding. “Do you have enough sunscreen?”

  “Do I ever?! I must be so pale because your mom has me stocked up!” Bailey says, laughing. “What about you? Doing anything fun with the doctor today?”

  “No, he’s working right now. But I’m meeting my mother for afternoon tea in a few minutes which means I shouldn’t be having coffee but oh well.” I shrug. “She’s never done anything like this but she said she wanted to establish something different and wanted my opinion.”

  “Afternoon tea sounds like a great idea. Do say hello to her for me,” Bailey says as she gathers her backpack, a rolled-up purple yoga mat sticking out of the main compartment. “Anyway, I need to get going if I want to make it on time for the class. See you later tonight?”

  I nod. “If you don’t, then I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  As I watch her bound out of the coffee shop, I find it hard to believe that I’m looking at the same personal assistant I knew back in New York. For as long as I could remember, Bailey was always formal, but here, she’s a lot more casual in her airy tank tops and loose pants. Auburn Springs seems to suit her, and how I wish she’d move here one day, but that’s wishful thinking on my part.

  Sure, I’d want nothing more than to have her move into town and maybe even work with me at the ad agency, but I’ll leave it up to her to decide. It’s one of the reasons she’s spending her vacation here with me, so she could scope out my ad agency. Already, I’m swamped with work and I could use her expertise.

  My phone buzzes and I glance at the display. It’s my mother asking me where I am.

  Oh, right. Afternoon tea.

  I text my reply. I’ll be there in ten.

  * * *

  Parker is standing under the gazebo when I arrive. He’s wearing a dark long sleeve button down shirt and dark trousers which tells me he prob just came from work. On the table next to him, I see five tea settings and wonder if Mom had invited other people to join us. But if she did, where are they?

  “Where’s Mom?” I ask as I look around, perplexed.

  “She had to get something at Lisa’s house and said she’d be right back,” he says, holding out his hand toward me.

  “What are you doing here? Are you joining us for tea?” As I take his hand, Parker pulls me toward him, kissing me lightly on the lips.

  “I wanted to talk to you.”

  “About what?”

  “About us.”

  “What about us?” I ask, my eyes narrowing. “Am I working too much? Do you want me to cut back on my hours?”

  As Parker wraps his arms around me, I can feel his laughter rumble inside his chest against my cheek. “What makes you think that? You’re doing what you love, aren’t you?”


  “And that’s all that matters,” he says. “But that’s not what I wanted to talk about, Ava. I want to ask you something.”


  It all happens so fast and before I say anything else, Parker takes a step back and gets down on one knee. Suddenly all thoughts escape me. No smart comebacks, no wry comments. Nothing. My mind simply draws a blank and all I can do is stand there.

  “I’ll keep this short and sweet.” He reaches inside his jacket pocket and takes out a diamond ring, sparkling with promise. “Ava, since having you in my life, I’ve never been happier. I love you more than I thought I could ever love anyone.” He pauses and takes a deep breath. “Will you marry me? Will you spend the rest of your life with me and allow me to make you the happiest woman in the world forever?”

  I don’t hesitate. Hell, why would I? We may have started out as a one-night stand but sometimes the universe has more in store without us truly knowing what’s next.

  “Yes, Parker,” I whisper. “My answer is yes.”

  He slides the ring on my finger and pulls me down to sit on his knee. As I wrap my arms around his neck, Parker kisses me and the only thing I can think of is how perfect this moment is, one that will only be followed by more perfect moments… until I hear the sound of applause.

  “What the heck…?”

  I pull away from Parker and see my mother, Lisa and Jim, and even Bailey standing at the back door cheering us on. I turn to glare at Parker who looks as guilty as hell.

  “So there’s really no tea party?” I ask him accusingly as he laughs.

  “Oh yes there is although its theme would have depended on your answer,” he replies as everyone disappears back into the house to prepare the tea.

  “I can’t believe I never even saw this coming, definitely not with them being in on it. Bailey sure had me thinking she was headed to do yoga,” I whisper as Parker grins.

  “Good, because in my neck of the woods, we call it a surprise.”

  “I love your surprises, Parke
r, and I love you,” I say, losing myself in his blue eyes. “But let’s not make the wedding a surprise though, because the whole town will probably want to attend.”

  “Will they fit in your mom’s backyard? Because that’s what she suggested when I asked for her permission.”

  “It’s a great idea but it’ll be wherever you and I want it to be,” I say, chuckling. “But that will be for later.”

  “Good, because right now, I don’t want to do anything else but this.” Parker kisses me again and as I wrap my arms around his neck, I know there’ll be more after this kiss later, and definitely once we’re alone.

  For now, as everyone joins us at the gazebo with tea and biscuits, it’s all about family, friends… and finding the love of my life waiting for me in my small town.

  * * *

  Thank you so much for reading Doctor’s Orders, a small town romance. I hope you enjoyed Ava and Parker’s story as much as I had fun writing it.

  If this is your first time reading my books, you’ll find more just like it, some with more angst than others but with all the feels!


  Older Woman Younger Man Romance


  One Night Stand/Older Woman Younger Man Romance


  Friends to Lovers Romance that deals with Combat PTSD


  Friends to Lovers Romance/Light-hearted

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