Not Your Average Happy Ending

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Not Your Average Happy Ending Page 10

by Chantele Sedgwick

  He lifted his head and looked at me. You didn’t tell me there was another one. He let out an annoyed breath along with a large puff of smoke and got shakily to his feet. Oren charged again, but Glade moved out of his way just in time.

  A horrible roar echoed through the clearing as Titan reappeared. He walked with a slight limp, but judging by the look on his face, he was ready for a fight, injury or not.

  Glade glanced over at Titan as his tail hit Oren in the face and knocked him back. He met my eyes. I could use a little help.

  “We can’t break the vines,” I yelled.

  He shook his head, annoyed, and shot a jet of flames at me. My arm felt the heat as the fire burned through the vines. I dropped to the ground and felt my magic return. “Sam?”

  He stood a few feet away, his mouth open, staring at the massive battle in front of him. The ground shook as Glade fell again and he let out a pained roar. I had to do something to help him. He was really powerful, but against two full grown dragons…

  “Sam! Focus!”

  “I’ve never seen a dragon fight before,” he said. “They’re brutal.”

  I cringed as Glade roared again. Titan clawed at his face and blood dripped out of a huge gash in his side. “He needs help.” I looked around, trying to find something I could throw.

  “Oh.” He shook his head, snapping himself out of his stupor. “Right.”

  “You get the green one,” I said, turning my attention toward Glade and Titan who were locked in an all out death match.

  “No fair! You have help,” Sam yelled. “I don’t have another dragon on my side. What the heck am I going to do?”

  “You have me!” A voice yelled.

  He turned around as Misty ran into the scene, her green eyes blazing. She raised her arms and tree roots burst out of the ground in front of Oren. They moved on the ground like snakes and wrapped around his legs and neck. She pulled her arms back and the roots tightened and pinned him to the ground. He struggled for a second and took a breath, ready to shoot more fire, but Misty guided the vines that held us to the tree and made them wrap around his muzzle.

  Sam stood there, open-mouthed and staring at her. “Misty?”

  “I just saved your butt,” she said.

  He frowned. “I could have done that.”

  I looked around, confused. Why was Misty here anyway? I ran over to her. “Please. Please tell me Kendall’s not here.”

  Misty bit her lip.

  My heart sped up. “What were you thinking? Where is she?”

  She put a hand on my arm. “She’s safe, don’t worry. We need to help Glade. He’s getting his butt kicked.”

  “I’ll take care of it. You go stay with Kendall. If she gets hurt…”

  “She won’t,” Misty said.

  I stared at her.

  “Ash, we knew you were in trouble. We couldn’t just leave her alone.”

  I clenched my jaw and nodded.

  A crash sounded behind us and I tackled Misty to the ground as the two dragons flew over, missing us by inches. They landed a few yards away, tangled in a bloody mess.

  “Go find Kendall and stay with her,” I told Sam. “Take Misty with you.” I turned and took off toward the two dragons, not knowing if anyone was following me or not.

  It’s about time you showed up. Glade’s dark eyes met mine right before Titan bit into his front leg. He let out a roar and tried to move, but Titan wouldn’t let go.

  I focused on my magic, feeling the wind rush across my face. I breathed and pushed it back. My djinn magic wasn’t going to control me anymore. I focused my energy on my fairy magic and smiled as it rushed to my fingertips. A jet of blue light flew out and streaked across the clearing. It hit Titan in the face and he released Glade and turned on me. I barely jumped out of the way as fire shot out of his mouth and lit up the ground where I had just stood.

  The grass and bushes were now on fire and Titan wasn’t finished. He flapped his wings, launching himself in my direction. I tried to roll out of the way, but his massive foot pinned me to the ground. The air rushed from my lungs and he snarled, inches from my face. I coughed as smoke filled my lungs.

  I’m coming!

  I would have looked for Glade, but my eyes burned from the heat.

  You’re mine, fairy. Just as Titan opened his mouth to rip me apart, Glade hit him with so much force that he crashed through the trees, knocking over a dozen or so in his wake.

  I got to my feet and wiped the sweat from my brow.

  Titan stirred and let out a roar before stretching his wings and launching himself into the sky.

  Glade stood next to me, breathing hard.

  “Thanks, man. I owe you one.”

  Yes. I believe you do. May I ask how you managed to anger not just one, but two dragons? And why it had to be those two in particular?

  “Shenelle must have done something to them. She’s the one who tied us to the tree.” I was still trying to figure out why she would do that.

  Glade’s blue scales glowed and in a split second he was in his human form, standing next to me. His forehead was bleeding and he had a few nasty cuts on his arms.

  “Need a healer?” I asked, taking in his injuries. “Sam’s dad isn’t too far away.”

  He shook his head. I’m fine. I heal fast.

  “Right.” I frowned, but he just shrugged.

  “You guys okay?” Sam asked, walking over to us with Misty close behind.

  “Fine. Where’s Kendall?” I dusted twigs and dirt from my shirt and looked around the now flattened scene.

  Misty’s eyes shifted to a tree a few yards away and Kendall stepped out from behind it. She looked paler than before. I don’t know if it was from her curse or from seeing the dragon fight. I rushed over to her and took her in my arms. “Are you okay?” I looked her over, making sure she wasn’t hurt.

  “She just watched a dragon death match, Ash. Does she look okay to you?” Sam said.

  “I’m fine. I promise.” She wrapped her arms around me, hugging me tight. “I’m just glad you’re okay.” She pulled away and looked at Glade, who was grinning at her. “So. You’re a dragon. Thanks for warning me.”

  He smiled and shrugged. Your girlfriend is pretty special, Ash. I can see why you love her so much.

  “You have no idea,” I said, pulling her close. I kissed her and smiled at the familiar blush that peppered her cheeks.

  Kendall looked from Glade to me. “You better not be talking about me.”

  “Don’t worry. We are,” I said. A loud shriek filled the air and my grip tightened on Kendall. “I’m pretty sure it’s time to leave.”

  Glade sniffed the air, his eyes darkening. Yes. We should go. Quickly. There are some creatures you never want to meet in this forest.

  “What could be worse than two murderous dragons?” Kendall asked.

  I decided to keep my mouth shut and ignore the question.

  Chapter 18


  It had been a long day and I was exhausted. Instead of taking me home, Ash took me back to his place. I was happy to be with just him for once. We hadn’t been alone together for a long time.

  “You should probably change your shirt,” I said, as Ash washed his face in his sink. He was covered in dirt and holes had been torn in his shirt from the dragon’s claws. It looked like his arms had been singed by dragon fire as well. I shivered. He could have been killed.

  He looked in the mirror and frowned. “Yep. You’re right.” He pulled his shirt off and threw it in the garbage next to him. He shot me a smile and wandered to his closet to look for another shirt.

  I watched him, not realizing my mouth was hanging open. I’d forgotten how beautiful his wings were. Not to mention his toned chest and abs. Really? How could I forget that?

  He came back in, two shirts in his hands. “Blue or red?”

  I giggled. “You’re really asking me for clothing advice?”

  “I just wanted to take you somewhere nice tonight.
I’ve kind of had a rough day. I almost got eaten by a dragon, and all I want to do is spend the rest of the day with you. Just us.” He smiled and turned, his silver wings nearly touching the doorframe of the closet. “I need a little break. Is that okay?”

  “Yes.” A break from our crazy lives would be nice. I’d rather do anything than think about Dax or dragons or magic. “Blue,” I said. “It matches your eyes.”

  “You got it.” He came back in, the blue shirt thrown over his shoulder. He glanced in the mirror again, checking a cut on his chest before turning toward me. He tilted his head to the side and raised an eyebrow. “What?”

  I didn’t realize I was staring at him again. I couldn’t help it. He was so hot. And mine. It shouldn’t have been real. Me and him. His flawless body and my scarred one. It still didn’t make any sense. “Uh…nothing.” I blushed and turned away.

  He walked over and sat next to me on his bed. “What is it?”

  I forced myself to turn and look at him, keeping my eyes on his face instead of his body. “I still can’t believe you’re real sometimes.” I reached out, sliding my finger down the edge of one of his wings. I smiled as he shivered.

  “They still don’t weird you out?”

  “Are you kidding? I told you they were beautiful and I was serious.” I slid my finger down his wing again, admiring the silver swirls. I wondered what it would be like to have wings of my own. I’d always wanted to fly.

  His silver blue eyes searched my face before he leaned forward and touched his lips gently to mine. “You’re the beautiful one,” he whispered before he deepened the kiss.

  I slid my hands around his back, careful not to smash his wings. He said they were strong, but I still wasn’t convinced. It felt like I could tear them off if I touched them too hard.

  “You can’t hurt them,” Ash said between kisses. Even though he claimed he couldn’t, I swear he could read my mind.

  I pulled away, just for a second and smiled. “I still don’t believe you, you know.”

  He laughed. “Of course not.” His eyes twinkled, looking lighter than usual. Just like they looked when we first met.

  “The gold is fading from your eyes,” I said, touching his face.

  “Good.” He sighed. “I feel my whole countenance change when I use my magic lately. I don’t want to admit it…but it scares me. I refuse to turn dark like Dax. Or Linkin. They may be powerful, but it’s a dark kind of powerful. I won’t let my magic control me.”

  I placed a hand on his cheek. “I know you won’t.”

  He hesitated and looked away. “How do you know? It feels good having that much power. What if I hurt someone?”

  “I won’t let you.” I leaned forward and kissed him. I wondered why he tasted so good. I’d never asked him about it, but I was sure he’d laugh at me and not give me a straight answer. He loved to do that to me.

  He pulled back, a grin spreading across his face. “We need to hurry if we want to make our reservations,” he said. “You keep distracting me.”

  “Sorry,” I said, kissing him again.

  “Not helping,” he said, kissing me back.

  Danger is near.

  I jumped and pulled away from Ash so fast I fell off the bed and onto the floor.

  It was the voice. The one in my head.

  “Kendall, what’s wrong?” Ash leaned down and grabbed my hand, pulling me into his arms.

  “I…” I wasn’t sure what to tell him. He’d think I was crazy. I guess he had plenty of reasons to think I was crazy since he met me, but still. “It’s fine. I’m fine.”

  He searched my face and frowned. “Tell me.” He knew how bad of a liar I was.

  I reached up and grabbed my necklace, feeling the heat that spread through my fingers. It was almost hot. I let go of it and flinched as it settled on my neck. The heat radiated through my body, warming me from the inside out. I wasn’t sure what was going on, but I was afraid to tell Ash. I looked up and gave him a fake smile as he watched me.

  “Are you going to tell me what happened?”

  I hesitated, but gave in. “I keep hearing voices. Uh…one voice I guess.” I swallowed. “In my head.” I looked away, not wanting to see the look on his face when he realized I really was crazy. The heat from the necklace faded and my body returned back to normal. Good. At least I could keep that to myself.

  He surprised me as he gently touched my face and turned it so I was looking at him. The only emotion I could see was concern. “How long have you been hearing this voice?”

  I gulped. I hated to think about it, but it was even worse when I had to say it. “Since Dax stabbed me.”

  He leaned back, his expression deep in thought. “You don’t know who it is? You don’t recognize the voice at all?”

  I shook my head. “No. I think it’s a protector of the necklace. At least, that’s what it seems like.”

  “Protector?” He looked confused.

  “I know it sounds crazy. I shouldn’t of–”

  He lifted a hand. “No, you’re not crazy, but this doesn’t make any sense. How could the necklace have a protector? And if it does, why?” He paused. “What does the voice sound like?”

  “It’s a woman. That’s all I know. She doesn’t speak very often though. I’ve only heard her three times I think. And when she speaks, the necklace gets hot.” I hesitated. “She just told me danger is near.”

  “Wait. Right now?”

  I shrugged. “I guess. Do you feel any different? Can’t you sense magic sometimes?” I knew he could. He always knew when Sam was about to appear. I usually could feel a change in the air as well, but not this time.

  “Yes.” His body tensed and he closed his eyes as if listening to something. “I don’t feel anything right now though.”

  I stood and moved away from him. He did think I was crazy. “Maybe I was just hearing things then. I tend to have an overactive imagination. I made you appear after all.”

  “No, that was Logan and Shenelle’s doing. You had nothing to do with it, other than our personalities matched.”


  He was quiet for a long time, twisting his shirt in his hands. I didn’t interrupt him, just stared at the floor. All this was too much. I was basically dying, Ash was turning darker every time he used his magic and now he didn’t believe I was hearing voices. I guess I wouldn’t believe it either. It sounded so stupid now.

  “I’m gonna go home for a while. I’ll see you later, okay?” I turned and put my hand on the doorknob, but Ash grabbed my other hand and tugged me toward him.

  “I believe you, Kendall,” he said.

  “You do?”

  “I do. I don’t think you’re crazy, I don’t think you’re making it up. I believe you. So please don’t leave. We have a date after all.” He squeezed my hand and stood there, not saying a word. He was quiet for a long time.

  “Ash? You okay?”

  He shook his head. “I just don’t know what to do.” His mood darkened and a slight breeze teased the back of my neck. My heart ached for him as he let go of me and walked back over to the bed to sit down. He put his head in his hands and sighed. “I can’t find Dax, I don’t know what to do about my magic, and I…” He trailed off and looked up at me. “I don’t know how to save you.” His eyes filled with tears and he cleared his throat. “I don’t know what to do, Kendall. Tell me what to do.”

  I walked over and put my arms around him, pulling him close. “I can’t tell you what to do, Ash, but I know everything will work out.”

  “You can’t know that.”

  “I do.” I leaned back so I could look into his eyes. “We’ve already gone through so much together, Ash. We’ll get through it.”

  “I’m losing control. I didn’t want to admit it before, but I am.”

  “You’ll figure it out. You told me yourself that you’re one of the most powerful people in your world. You just have to channel your power into something good and not bad. I think that’s why your fat
her…or Linkin wants you. He wants to control you. Your power. You can’t let that happen.”

  “I know. It won’t. I have no desire to be like him.”


  He took my hands in his and kissed them. “I’m sorry for acting like a freaking baby.”

  I chuckled. He’d seen me at my lowest more than once. “You’re not a baby.”

  “Yes, I am. I don’t get discouraged very often, but when I do it’s pretty bad. Lately, it’s been horrible. I can’t stop worrying about everything. You, Dax, Logan. And then there’s Shenelle and Linkin. It’s all catching up to me and I don’t know how to deal with it.”

  “Everything’s going to be fine.” I gave him a quick kiss. “Why don’t we go to dinner and forget all this for a while. Then we’ll get Sam and Misty…and Glade I guess, and we’ll talk about our next move. From what you’ve told me about Linkin and Shenelle and even Dax, I think something big is going on.”

  “I know something is. And it all revolves around that necklace.” He pointed to it and shook his finger like he was disciplining a child. “That thing is what’s driving me crazy. Usually I can figure things out. This is more than frustrating.”

  I grabbed his hand and gave it a squeeze. “We’ll figure it out together.”

  He tucked my hair behind my ear and I closed my eyes as his fingers trailed down the side of my face. He cupped my chin in his hand and gave me a quick kiss. “Thank you. For believing in me.”


  “I don’t know how I got so lucky. You’re amazing. You know that?”

  I smiled. “You’re the one who can do magic.”

  He grinned. “True.”

  Chapter 19


  Dinner with Kendall was just what I needed to stop feeling like crap. She lightened the mood and made me forget why I was so stressed out. Even though it was only an hour or two, it was nice to stop worrying about everything for once.

  As we drove back to her house, I couldn’t help but watch her in the driver’s seat, twisting a strand of her blonde hair around her finger as she talked about how school was going. She was so beautiful. And not just her looks. Her personality is what I fell in love with at first. Her cuteness was just a bonus.


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