Twice in a Lifetime: A love story you'll never forget! (Cedar Creek Saga Book 1)

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Twice in a Lifetime: A love story you'll never forget! (Cedar Creek Saga Book 1) Page 3

by A. K. Galindo

  She reached out and placed her hand on Alex’s shoulder and he froze. He was unsure of her action and shocked with desire that ran down the length of his body. It was almost more than he could bear. He reached up and placed his hand over hers and closed his eyes with a silent prayer and sat without moving, wondering what was about to happen and praying this was a beginning to the road of forgiveness.

  Mary Kate spoke to all three men. “I’d like to talk with all of you and then I want to speak to Alex alone.” They all stayed seated and quiet while Mary Kate spoke. “I am devastated by the dishonesty and distrust regarding the last few months. Manny and Peter, you’re very special to me and always will be, but it’ll be some time before I can forgive or trust either of you again. I do understand why the charade was conducted, but the pain is still present, and I just can’t excuse it this quickly. Knowing you’re sorry and you were doing what you thought was best for me is helpful, but still doesn’t make the situation any easier. I’ll do whatever is expected of me to ensure Alex’s safety, along with other family members, but don’t expect me to be my usual self. That’ll take time. Remember, I’ve been in this business for most of my life, and I think sometimes you all forget that, especially this time. Now, if you’ll both excuse us, I’d like to speak with Alex alone.”

  The other two men, got up from their chairs, downed what was left of their brandy, put out their cigars, and excused themselves for the evening.

  Mary Kate stepped from behind Alex’s chair and walked to the fire place. She turned to face him before she spoke.

  “I’m so angry and hurt that I can barely breathe let alone speak, but I need to get this out. When I’m finished, we can decide what our next move is.”

  Alex got up and started toward the fireplace and Mary Kate put out her hands to stop him and inhaled deeply for control before she spoke. “Please sit back down; I can’t think with you standing so close to me.”

  Alex felt relieved that it still affected her to stand so close to him. He moved back to his chair, sat down, and poured Mary Kate a brandy. He handed her a snifter and picked his up. She took a sip and continued speaking.

  “When you didn’t return from the Sea of Cortez, I thought my whole world had come to an end and couldn’t get any worse. I began walking through our most precious memories, and couldn’t help but realize each one was more painful than the one before. I sat on the veranda for what seemed like days, and stared out over the water looking for some sign that it was all a bad dream. Then I buried myself in work, playing the piano, and walking the beach until I fell asleep from exhaustion.”

  “Please, Mary Kate, don’t do this.”

  “Yes, I’m going to do this and you’re going to hear it because you need to know what I’ve been through, so you can understand what I’m going through now,” Mary Kate snapped with anger blazing in her eyes.

  Looking reflective, she continued. “Remember the time we spent the night in the bed of the ranch truck at the river, and Maria sent Santos down to check on us. Santos called to you over and over not wanting to disrupt anything. He was so embarrassed,” a reminiscent smile barely crossed her face as she looked back at Alex. “We laughed and loved the night away, then snuck back in the house before dawn only to be caught by Maria. She gave you the scolding of your life for keeping your new bride out all night with only the bed of the pickup to sleep in. Little did she know we didn’t do much sleeping.”

  Alex shifted uncomfortably in his chair. He poured more brandy, drank deeply, and closed his eyes at the pain he felt as his heart continued breaking at the pain he could see in her eyes and hear in her voice.

  “Then I remembered the time you took my innocence on our beach in Cancun, and what a beautiful, loving experience that was. How cherished I felt. I will always remember the first time you made me feel like a woman and a wife.” Mary Kate took a deep breath as she gazed into Alex’s eyes, and a tear escaped her brimming eyes.

  “I can’t stand it anymore Mary Kate, please stop!” Alex begged her as he rose and went to her and wrapped her up in his arms, not caring if she would allow it. He refused to turn her loose, even as she protested.

  Mary Kate continued to talk while he held her, but she kept her arms at her side, turning her cheek to his chest so she could continue speaking completely numb from the pain and anger. Alex held her, and took her soft silky hair in his hands as he always had when he held her.

  It was becoming evident that the fight in her voice and body was beginning to diminish as she spoke. “No matter how hurt and angry I am, I thank God that you have returned to me. Without you my life is over. I couldn’t go on living without being able to be loved by you or held in your arms all night. The thought of knowing that I would never bare your children, and hold them at my breast to nurse was more than I could live with.” She leaned back and looked up into his tormented eyes as she slipped her arms around him and held him tightly. She could feel his warm skin through his shirt.

  “Oh my God, Mary Kate, your touch knocks me to my knees,” Alex rasped barely above a whisper as she laid her head back against his chest.

  “Alex, please just hold me. I am not ready for anything else yet. Until trust is restored between us, this is all I can give you.”

  At that statement, Alex picked Mary Kate up and began carrying her to their suite. Mary Kate put her arms around his neck, and laid her face against his shoulder and began to cry softly. Alex continued to move swiftly toward the bedroom whispering soothing words of endearment to her in Spanish.

  Alex laid Mary Kate on the silky satin sheets of their bed, which was already turned down for the night. She looked up at him with an apprehensive expression.

  “Nothing will happen until you are ready for it to, Mary Kate. I know you don’t value this much right now, but I give you my word.”

  With that said he lay down beside her, fully clothed, and pulled the cover up over both of them and drew her into his arms. Alex placed a kiss on Mary Kate’s forehead as he held her close, and she felt a tear hit her chin as she closed her eyes. She began to relax in his arms and feel secure and safe again as they both drifted off into a deep sleep. Something neither of them had experienced in a long time.

  Chapter 4

  Alex woke early the next morning, as he always did, slid off the bed and quietly slipped out the of the suite and across the courtyard to the kitchen to find some much-needed coffee. He smiled to himself as he repeated his age-old morning ritual of sneaking into the kitchen at any hour in search of sustenance.

  Maria had a tray prepared with two mugs and a carafe of Alex’s favorite Mexican coffee that filled the room with a rich aroma of cinnamon and chocolate. He got a whiff of the aroma as he entered the kitchen. Also on the tray was a selection of fresh homemade pan dulce and cream. Alex picked up the tray and moved back in the direction of the suite just as stealthily as he had moved through the courtyard before.

  When he returned to the bedroom, Mary Kate was still fast asleep. Alex poured himself a mug of coffee and sat down in the burgundy wingback leather chair he had moved to the bedside. As he sat there he propped his feet on the bed, and watched his angel sleep peacefully.

  Mary Kate was lying on her side, facing Alex, with the coverlet drawn up to her shoulder, but it was slipping below her breast and was driving him absolutely mad. Alex’s entire body grew taught with desire as he watched her chest move up and down with each sweet breath. The sheet continued to slip further and further until it was nearing her waist and both breasts were exposed and taut with arousal.

  As Alex continued to watch her, Mary Kate began to move slowly as she turned toward his side of the bed, reaching out with her arm in search of Alex. When she did not find him there Mary Kate sat up on the verge of hysterics calling for Alex and crying out for him as tears began to stream down her face.

  Alex moved quickly to her side, pulled her onto his lap and wrapped his arms around her as he brought her tightly to his chest. He whispered endearments in Spanish a
s he cradled her and gently rocked her, as you would to soothe a child. Her panic and fear subsided as Alex’s words and embrace brought her reassurance and comfort. Mary Kate looked up at him as she began to speak.

  “You weren’t here,” she hesitated a moment before continuing, “and I thought it was all a dream, and I was alone again,” Mary Kate sobbed into the curve of Alex’s neck. “I can’t go through that again, I just can’t.”

  “I’m here Amada and I’m not going anywhere ever again without you. I promise.”

  “Please don’t leave me. I won’t be left alone again to wonder if you are coming back or not.”

  “You’ll be with me every minute of every day. You have my word,” Alex assured her and she continued to calm down. He was very worried about Mary Kate and how she was dealing with all of this. He knew it would be hard on her, but he had no idea the extent of the emotional stress his disappearance had caused. Alex would simply keep Mary Kate with him until she was assuaged that everything would be alright.

  Alex smoothed back the thick auburn hair from Mary Kate’s face, and tangled his hands in it as he kissed the tears away from her emerald eyes. He continued to hold her close in the security of his arms, until she finally relaxed again and her breathing returned to normal. He picked her up and carried her to the chair by the bed, and they sat there and watched a new day begin to cover their world.

  They remained in the security of the suite for what seemed an eternity. Each one thriving on and absorbing the love and warmth from each other’s bodies as if they might never feel it again. Mary Kate held on to him as if her life depended on it, and was soon fast asleep.

  Within a few minutes there was a soft knock on the door of the suite, and Alex heard Manny calling him. He slowly moved Mary Kate away from him back to the bed, covered her, and slipped from the bedroom to the door of the suite.

  Manny had come to remind Alex of the time, and that Max would be arriving at the airport within the hour. By the time they retrieved the luggage and returned to the ranch it would be early afternoon. Manny wanted him to know he would be leaving soon to pick Max up, but Peter was staying at the house and the other men were on security detail around the ranch. He reminded Alex to stay close to the house, and keep Mary Kate with him.

  The reunion with Max would be difficult at best. He would not take the return of his father and the circumstances of his disappearance well, and would somehow find a way to blame Mary Kate, Alex thought. He would simply have to make Max understand the situation and once and for all, accept Mary Kate as his wife.

  Alex returned to bed and pulled Mary Kate close to his side and held her as he breathed in her lavender scent. It brought back so many memories that it took his breath away. He simply couldn’t ever live without her and he must keep her safe.

  It was almost noon by the time Mary Kate and Alex got up, showered, and dressed for the day. Henry had come to the ranch to discuss the arrangements for Sr. Chavez’s memorial service, and to set a time for the reading of the will. They also needed to discuss various other legal issues that were now Alex’s responsibility.

  Mary Kate was certainly glad she didn’t have to deal with all of that alone, especially dealing with Max. She was sure that Christina was not far behind Max. Christina would never let what she believed to be Max’s birth right go to anyone other than him, or be controlled by anyone other than Alex or herself. Christina would be close enough to be sure what was Max’s inheritance would stay his. Since the day Mary Kate had become part of Alex’s life, both Christina and Max did everything in their power to make her life miserable. She was sure now would not be any different.

  Chapter 5

  Mary Kate and Alex met Henry in the study, just off the living room at the main entrance of the house. The study was furnished with dark, heavy, hand carved furniture that dated back two hundred years. Several of the pieces came to Texas from Spain, and several others came from the interior of Mexico. Many of the pieces had been in the Chavez family for generations.

  Mary Kate welcomed Henry, then excused herself to allow the two men to address the business at hand. Alex asked her to stay, but she preferred not and left the room without another word, closing the door behind her.

  “How is she dealing with your return?” Henry inquired.

  “We made some headway last night, but I know we have a long way to go before she forgives me for what I put her through. She certainly understands, but that isn’t forgiving. It’ll be a long road home, but love, patience, and time will get us through it,” Alex stated as he looked at the door Mary Kate just closed; he hoped it wasn't being closed on him permanently. “She may never forgive Manny and Peter, but she considers them family and in time will let them be close again.” Alex moved behind the desk and sat in his father’s massive chair, which was now his rightful place.

  “She is a strong caring woman and she loves you very much. It’ll work out in time,” Henry replied as he sat down in a chair across the desk from Alex.

  Henry gave Alex a folder that held the written requests that the senior Chavez had made for his memorial service when the time came. Alex wasn’t surprised that his father had everything organized from the time of day for the service to the music, scriptures, and a fiesta to follow that was to include half the state and then some. All that was needed at this point was to set the plans in motion.

  Since the Chavez family had lived in Cedar Creek for several generations and knew everyone, the gathering would include most of the county. There would be local, state, and national political figures in attendance, as well as local dignitaries because of Alex’s political impact and involvement. The security would be a nightmare with this many people involved. Manny and Peter would certainly have their hands full providing security for Alex, Mary Kate, and Max. They would have to coordinate their efforts with the security of visiting political figures and dignitaries.

  Henry and Alex began to go over legal issues, properties, and a few of the land holdings that would now become Alex and Mary Kate’s. Alex was well aware of the depth of his father’s estate, but it was overwhelming at the thought of it being his and Mary Kate’s responsibility. At least, he hoped it would be Mary Kate’s. All of it would eventually become Max’s and any other children that he and Mary Kate might have, if they had others.

  They set a time for the reading of the will per Sr. Chavez’s request, which was to be by the close of the day of his service. His service was set at 9:00 am on Saturday with the fiesta beginning immediately after to include the noon meal at the Ranch. The reading of the will would take place prior to sundown on the same day. Since this was Wednesday, they had a little over two days to get all the plans in order.

  Mary Kate went to the kitchen to refill her mug of coffee, and continued moving through the house, settling in the formal living room, which was always one of her favorite places. There was a fire in the magnificent fireplace that took the chill out of the room. It had a massive hand carved mantel stained dark, or worn so over time, and it was reflective of the color of the other magnificent wooden pieces in the room. Above the mantel was a portrait of Sr. Chavez on an Appaloosa in full vaquero regalia. Behind him on the hill was the main house in all its glory. He was the exact image of Alex when Mary Kate first met him. The adobe walls always ensured that the house was temperate, and since it was so unusually cool outside, the fire was needed.

  The room was furnished with the same era and style of antiques as the rest of the hacienda. The only piece of furniture that looked out of place was the Baby Grand piano that sat at the opposite end of the room from the fireplace.

  Sr. Chavez purchased the piano for Mary Kate after returning from one of his visits at Isla Mujeres. While on that trip to see Alex and Mary Kate, he discovered Mary Kate’s love for music and her gift for playing.

  While visiting El Lobo, each evening after dinner, Mary Kate, Alex, and Sr. Chavez would retire to the grand room. The two gentlemen would enjoy their brandy and cigars, while Mary Kate pla
yed the piano for hours on end. It was one of her most cherished memories.

  She sat down at the piano and began to play. Tears were streaming down her cheeks as she remembered the many evenings she spent there with Alex and his father. She continued to play as Maria brought her fresh coffee. After thanking her, Mary Kate continued.

  Alex could hear her from the study and paused to listen for a few minutes. He closed his eyes and reflected on the memories of previous times she played for him. Henry could almost feel the pain depicted in Alex’s face. Alex concluded the meeting and excused himself, walked to the door of the living room, stopped, and watched Mary Kate at the piano. She was so beautiful to watch. Her grace and style only enhanced her breathtaking elegance. Even in her casual attire of blue jeans, chambray shirt, and boots with her auburn hair loose around her shoulders, she was magnificent just to look at, though he wanted to do so much more. He thought of the pain he put her through while only trying to protect her, and he wondered if she would ever get over what he had done.

  Henry walked up behind him and stopped to watch her as well. He put his hand on Alex’s shoulder, “Alex my son, she loves you very much. In time, she will forgive and life will be even better for it all. Sometimes we must come close to losing something for us to know how much we really need, and love it.”

  “You’re right. I only hope we survive all of this, and she doesn’t have to go through all the pain again. With the assassin still out there somewhere, and with all the people we will be in contact with over the next few days, it will be nearly impossible to keep us all safe, especially Mary Kate and Max.” Alex moved into the living room to stand by Mary Kate at the piano. He then realized that Mary Kate was crying as she played. He sat down on the bench next to her and wrapped her in his arms to comfort her, and she continued to weep. Henry watched for a few minutes, then let himself out through the front door and headed back to his office. As Henry was leaving he met Manny and Peter arriving at the house with Max. Henry said a small prayer for them all, especially Mary Kate.


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