Twice in a Lifetime: A love story you'll never forget! (Cedar Creek Saga Book 1)

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Twice in a Lifetime: A love story you'll never forget! (Cedar Creek Saga Book 1) Page 6

by A. K. Galindo

  Henry walked up to Alex just as he reached the terrace, Henry approached him. “It’s time, Alex.”

  Alex turned to Mary Kate and reached for her hand as he gazed into her pensive face. “We need to head to the office.” She nodded and took his hand. Alex then asked Peter to tell Max to join them in the study. Christina wanted to be with Max so she could console him and he had insisted she be present. Alex agreed reluctantly to avoid a scene.

  He looked at Mary Kate and before he could even ask, she nodded in approval so as not to cause Alex any more distress than he was already suffering. Mary Kate asked Maria to see that coffee was brought to the study, and reminded her that she and Santos were to join them. Within a few minutes everyone was assembled for the last will and testament of the family patriarch.

  Henry was sitting behind the large desk with Alex and Mary Kate sitting across the desk in front of him in two large black leather wing back chairs. Max was standing at the book case behind his father and Christina was standing beside him. Maria and Santos were sitting in the two wing back chairs just behind Mary Kate and Manny and Peter were by the fireplace at the other end of the room. It was an interesting group.

  “We are gathered here to read and dispense of the last will and testament of Alejandro Maximilian Chavez Santana. All parties addressed in the will are present and they are; Alejandro Maximilian Chavez Verascosa, II; Mariah Kathleen Gallagher-Chavez; Alejandro Maximilian Chavez Rodriguez III, and Maria and Santos Gonzalez. All are present and accounted for,” Henry stated as he made eye contact with everyone in the room.

  “According to the last will and testament of Sr. Chavez, all monetary, real estate, and material holdings are hereby bequeathed to Alejandro Maximilian Chavez Verascosa, II and Mariah Kathleen Gallagher-Chavez, equally. Upon one or the other’s demise all of these holdings are left to the surviving spouse. At which time the surviving spouse is deceased, the entire holdings are equally divided amongst the heirs of Alejandro and/or Mariah Kathleen Chavez,” Henry paused before continuing to read. “The current heir and grandchild, Maximilian Alejandro Chavez Rodriguez III, is hereby bequeathed a ten-million-dollar trust fund that he may acquire upon his twenty-fifth birthday, provided he has completed at least his bachelor’s degree from an accredited four-year university. If not, the trust fund will be held for ten more years, and if the stipulations are not achieved at that time, it will be donated to a local university to be used for scholarships for deserving students. Ten-million-dollar trust funds will be set up from the main financial holdings for each heir at their birth per the stipulations set up for the first grandchild,” Henry completed his statements and waited for comments from the group.

  Mary Kate was shocked by the vast value of the estate. She had no idea of the level of wealth acquired by Alex’s father. She looked at Alex, but only he could tell how shocked she was because she was very good at hiding her true feelings.

  Alex was waiting for Christina’s reaction to the restrictions on Max’s inheritance and the sharing that would take place involving any future children that Alex and Mary Kate might have. Henry looked around the room before he continued.

  “To Maria and Santos Gonzalez, my long-time friends and caretakers, I leave one hundred and fifty acres of prime bottom land and one hundred and fifty thousand dollars to provide a home to their liking upon their request when they are ready to venture into that development; however, I hope they will remain in the house until Alex and Mary Kate no longer need their services in running the house, raising their children, or until they are retired and help is acquired to equal their expertise.” Henry waited to see if there were any questions or statements.

  Alex looked at Mary Kate after the statement regarding the mention of their children and saw her looking down at her hands in her lap with sadness comparable to none he had seen her exhibit before. He knew her thoughts, but believed that in time, they would be blessed with children of their own. They just had to be, or he wasn’t sure Mary Kate would ever survive no matter how strong she was.

  “Are there any questions or concerns thus far,” Henry asked before he continued. No one commented.

  “Now, for a few specific objects and valuables that Alejandro wanted distributed to specific people. The Baby Grand Piano in the great room is to be given to Mary Kate with the stipulation that she play is at every opportunity and it not be taken from this house by anyone other than her. Isabelle’s jewelry is to go to Alex and in turn to be given to Mary Kate, Max, and any other grandchildren at his discretion. All the livestock is hereby given to Alex. One horse, of their choosing, is to be given to Mary Kate, Max, and each other grandchild when they are of age to choose. The guns are to go to Alex and Max and all of the books in the library are to be distributed amongst family members under Mary Kate’s supervision.”

  With each mention of other grandchildren, Mary Kate became more and more disheartened because of the inability at this point to become pregnant. Alex wanted to take her in his arms and comfort her, but this was not the time or place. He continued to watch her and listen to Henry.

  “The only required signatures on the document are those of Alex and Mary Kate’s. Unless there are other comments or questions, I will ask them to sign in the designated areas and considered this business completed.” Henry waited a few minutes for comments, since there were none; he completed the business with the signatures.

  Henry told Alex and Mary Kate that the will would be probated in the Cedar County courthouse and all would be finalized within thirty days. Since Alex and Mary Kate were already listed as joint members of Sr. Chavez’s bank accounts and all other financial entities, the business of running the house and ranch would not be interrupted. This was a great relief to them both.

  At the completion of the business, everyone left the room except for Mary Kate, Alex, and Henry. Christina left the room with Max followed by Maria and Santos. Manny and Peter went to the security office to check the status of the area.

  “That went smoother than I thought it would, considering Christina’s presence. Max is well provided for Alex, but the trust is iron clad when it comes to his access prior to his twenty-fifth birthday and his acquiring his degree. I’m quite sure Christina was looking at getting her hands on his money sooner than that,” Henry commented.

  “I’m sure you’re right, but I don’t think she is foolish enough to try to get to his money prior to or after the stipulation set up to guard it. Papi knew what she was likely to do to get to Max’s inheritance,” replied Alex.

  Mary Kate didn’t say a word. She was deep in thought about the future grandchildren mentioned multiple times in the will and the fact that there were none so far. Alex reached for her and pulled her close to him and rocked her gently because he knew only too well what she was thinking about. She had been strong up until this point, and with Alex’s loving caress, she began to sob. Henry excused himself and closed the door on his way out.

  “Amada, you know that in time we’ll have our own children that will toddle around this old house and run and play in the fields as we have always dreamed. You cannot let the mention of future grandchildren upset you so. When it is meant to be, it will be,” Alex continued to hold her and console her for some time, and then they went back to their suite to change and regroup from the day’s events.

  Mary Kate took off her suit and laid it over the cedar chest at the foot of the bed then lay down to rest a minute. Alex showered and put a fresh work shirt, jeans, and boots on. He looked at Mary Kate lying on the bed and walked over to sit down beside her and brushed her hair away from her face and kissed her tenderly.

  “You rest. I’m going out to the corral to check on the horses and then to the barn to check the new calves. I’ll be back shortly and then we’ll have a light dinner here in our suite if that is alright with you. I think it would be nice to have a quiet evening without anyone or anything else around,” Alex stated.

  “I’d really like that. Do you want me to go with you to check on thi
ngs?” Mary Kate asked.

  “You know I do, but I think you need to rest. You look exhausted and I’m a little worried about you. Are you sure you’re feeling alright?” Alex asked.

  Mary Kate replied, “I’m just tired and worn out both physically and emotionally. I’ll rest and then join you later. Are you going to the office to check in with Manny and Peter, too?” Mary Kate asked like an afterthought. “If so, please tell them thank you for all they have done and that I’m glad they are here.”

  Alex smiled and kissed her again and left the room. Within a few minutes, Mary Kate was fast asleep. Alex had left word with Maria that she wasn’t to be disturbed and Maria made sure she wasn’t.

  Chapter 8

  When Mary Kate woke up she felt much better. She dressed and went out to find Alex. Max had been sitting in the courtyard waiting for her to leave the suite, so that he could discuss the will with her. She didn’t see him as she crossed the courtyard and went outside through the massive wooden entryway to find Alex somewhere in the barn or corral area. She didn’t know Max was following her.

  As she crossed the side yard in the direction of the barn she heard the knocking together of the wooden front entryway doors. She turned around to find Max not far behind her. Within seconds, Mary Kate heard Manny yelling about a gun and running toward Max. Because she was closer, she ran toward Max just as she saw the gunman come around the corner of the adobe wall that provided the entry to the front of the house. Mary Kate dove at Max and took him to the ground just as the gunman fired. Alex heard the commotion and came running out of the barn and yelled at Mary Kate to get down, but it was too late. The gunman saw Alex and Manny running toward him and took off in the other direction and disappeared in the brush on the south side of the house.

  Max was up by this time and covered in blood screaming for his father. When Alex got to him, he realized that it wasn’t Max that was bleeding, it was Mary Kate. She had taken the bullet meant for Max in her right shoulder. She was lying on the ground unconscious and bleeding out.

  Alex yelled for Manny, “Call Cedar Creek Memorial and tell them to get in touch with John Maxwell immediately. Explain what has happened and let them know we are bringing her in ourselves.”

  It would have taken too long for the ambulance to get out to the ranch and then get Mary Kate to the hospital in Cedar Creek. Alex shouted for Max to get towels from the house and by this time Maria and Christina were in the yard in shock.

  Manny got the SUV and Peter helped Alex get Mary Kate in the back seat. Peter bounded in the front and was ready to go. Max, still in shock, climbed in the back seat with his father and held towels to Mary Kate’s shoulder while his dad gave her artificial respiration to try and revive her. Her breathing was shallow, and she did not regain consciousness throughout the drive to the hospital.

  When they arrived at Cedar Creek Memorial Hospital, John Maxwell, M.D., longtime family friend and physician, met them and took over. The nurses and residents put Mary Kate on a gurney and began to wheel her to an examining room in the Emergency Room with John and Alex right behind them. John stopped and told Alex to wait out in the waiting area, but he didn’t stop.

  “Wait here, Alex!” John demanded then turned to move through the doors.

  “She is not going anywhere without me,” Alex retorted.

  “If you want me to help her I don’t need to be dealing with you as well. You have to stay here. Manny, Peter, keep him out here. I’ll come get you when I have some idea of what I’m dealing with,” John persisted and disappeared through the mechanical doors to the trauma area of the emergency room.

  Alex waited just outside the trauma area and paced for what seemed like forever until John returned. Manny and Peter stood by the Emergency Room entrance to keep the area secure. Max was in total shock and couldn’t believe what was happening. Mary Kate had saved his life and perhaps was going to lose hers. He didn’t know what to say.

  Finally, John returned to the waiting room to bring Alex up to date on Mary Kate’s status. “She has lost a lot of blood, but if you’d waited for an ambulance instead of bringing her in yourself, she would have bled out. She is stabilized, but will need surgery to repair the damage to the muscle and arteries in her right shoulder. She is lucky it was on her right shoulder and not her left. Her chances are better than average, but the surgery will be a strain on the baby.”

  Alex just stared at John without any comment until he finally said, “The baby?” he wasn’t sure he heard John correctly. “What are you talking about?”

  “The best I can tell without more blood work and an extensive examination, Mary Kate is about ten to twelve weeks pregnant. Are you telling me you didn’t know?” John looked at Alex skeptically.

  “No, I didn’t know, and by Mary Kate’s response to all the mentioning of future children in my father’s will this afternoon, I don’t think she knows either,” Alex exclaimed with an astonished look on his face. “John, she’s my life. I can’t lose her. Of course, I don’t want to lose the baby, but,” Alex stopped and tried to swallow a lump in his throat that was so large he could barely breath. “I can’t live without her. May I see her before you take her to surgery, just for a few minutes,” Alex requested in desperation.

  “They are prepping her for surgery now,” John placed a hand on Alex’s shoulder and gave it a supportive squeeze. “As soon as she is ready you may see her for a few minutes.”

  Max walked up to Alex’s side, “Dad, may I go in, too? I need to see her,” Max asked. “She wouldn’t be in there if it weren’t for me.”

  John nodded to them both and left to scrub for surgery.

  Alex turned to look at Max, and then opened his arms. Max went to him and Alex held him tight. This was the first true affection the two had shared for some time and they stood there for several minutes. Alex assured Max that Mary Kate would be alright.

  Within a few minutes, John came after Alex and Max, dressed in his surgical scrubs and took them to the pre-op area where Mary Kate was, unconscious, to join the surgical team in the operating room. Alex stood on one side of the gurney, and Max stood on the other. Max gently lifted her hand in his and clasped it while tears ran down his face. He leaned over, kissed her cheek, then left the room.

  May Kate was lying on the gurney, prepped for surgery, as still as death, and as pale as the sheet covering her. Alex leaned over Mary Kate’s still body and spoke to her softly, barely above a whisper, “Amada, te quiero más que mi propia vida y yo siempre hago. Estoy con usted y yo aguardaré su regreso seguro a mí. Dios está con usted mi amor.” My darling, I love you more than my own life, and I always will. I am with you and I will await your safe return to me. God be with you, my love. Alex kissed her gently, and John motioned him to go. John physically removed Alex’s hands from Mary Kate’s, and began moving the gurney in the direction of the operating room. Alex stood there helplessly watching his entire world disappear down the hall and out of reach, as tears began to trickle down his pain ridden face.

  Chapter 9

  Manny stepped beyond the security doors to the pre-op area and found Alex stiff as a statue in the middle of the hallway, barely breathing. He calmly walked toward Alex then stood in front of him to get his attention. In a quiet voice, Manny attempted to reason with him.

  “Alex, you need to come back to the waiting room with me. We’ll wait for the doctor there. Peter and Max are there and we’ll wait together. There is nothing you can do standing here, and we can’t watch you and Max in two different areas. Your security has been compromised, and we have got to keep you close.”

  “What about Mary Kate’s security in surgery? Who is with her?” Alex questioned with a tone and look of both anger and fear.

  “As soon as I get you back to Peter I’m going up there; and when the team arrives from the ranch to secure the rest of the hospital, Peter will join me,” Manny replied.

  “What about Max and Me? I should be outside that door,” Alex raged.

I know, and you will be in the room just next door to her where Peter and I can keep an eye on all of you. Please, Alex, don’t make this any harder than it is,” Manny pleaded.

  “How can it be any harder than waiting to see if your wife and child are going to survive the next few minutes or hours,” Alex almost growled as he turned and went back through the double doors into the emergency room waiting area.

  Before following him, Manny stood and stared after Alex, stunned and not sure he heard him correctly.

  “What do you mean, your child? Max is here and just fine,” Manny replied when he could finally speak. “What are you talking about?”

  Alex answered him, “John discovered during his initial examination that Mary Kate is about twelve weeks pregnant.”

  Peter had joined the two men in the conversation and was as shocked as Manny was to hear that tidbit of news.

  “Mary Kate never said a word, and by the way she reacted to the mentioning of future grandchildren this afternoon, I don’t think she knows,” Alex stated to the group. He continued, “This certainly explains why she hasn’t been feeling well lately, on top of everything else. Oh my God, what am I going to do if I lose her? Lose them both!” Alex walked away from the others and faced the wall with his hands shoved deep in his pockets.

  “Let’s get up to the surgery area and get settled, so John knows exactly where you are,” and with that Manny and Peter escorted Alex and Max to the secure room that had been set up for them next door to the operating room.

  Once they were secure in the waiting area, Peter made sure the additional security was present around the hospital. The Cedar Creek Chief of Police, Sam Waters, had provided additional officers to be at the disposal of the Chavez security team. Sam had known Alex and the others during their days of working with Gallagher’s Securities. When Alex and Mary Kate took over the business, Sam moved to Cedar Creek and took the position of Chief of Police not long after that.


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