Smut Alfresco

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Smut Alfresco Page 9

by Lucy Felthouse

  Join Kal on the safari of your dreams

  Ten years of trading

  Never an unsatisfied customer.

  You can say that again, thought Josie, as she felt Kal’s arm encircle her. In the clearing at the heart of the forest, nothing could be heard but the sound of gentle breathing and the song of the birds. It seemed that Madeiran men really did know how to keep their women happy.

  Little Wonders

  By Victoria Blisse

  I hate caravans, I hate Wales and I hate rain. So you might wonder why I said yes to accompanying my Gran on a holiday to the land of sheep and leeks in a tin can on wheels. I have to say I’m wondering that too and we’ve only been here at Little Wonders Caravan Park for a day.

  We’d gone up to check out the entertainment. My gran dolled up in her dress and paste jewellery, showing off her seventy-ish year old teeth (all her own) and smelling of flowery musk with a note of the Deep Heat she uses for her bad back and trick knee.

  “We’ll go and pick ourselves up a couple of hotties,” she said, elbowing me in my ribs, “dibs on the double bed.”

  “Gran,” I laughed, shaking my head. “You’re insatiable. What about Roy?”

  Roy is her boyfriend back home, he has a whippet and a hearing aid and he’s very fond of my Gran even if he does smell like moth-balls and old newspapers.

  “What the eye don’t see the heart don’t grieve over, Sally, love. And we’re only young once. What is it the kids say nowadays? Rolo, darling or is it polo?”

  “YOLO, gran,” I chuckle. “You only live once.”

  “That’s it, that’s it. So come on, I want to get a table near the front.”

  The entertainment consisted of bingo, a crappy quiz and ballroom dancing. Gran was in her element. I shrunk into the corner and watched the world go by. I’m not young but I certainly wasn’t the demographic the park was used to catering for. There wasn’t anything there for a single woman under the age of thirty, even the guy on the bar was old enough to be my dad. There wasn’t a good looking bloke in sight, well not for me. Gran was having a ball, though.

  I pretty much had to carry her back to the caravan when the bar closed. She may be seventy, but she knows how to live it up. I envy her that. My divorce had sucked all the life out of me. Graham left me simply because he was bored. I’d have had someone other than myself to hate if he’d run off with another woman, but no, I was the one to blame. When I was dreaming of starting a family with him, he was starting divorce proceedings just three years after we’d tied the knot. It all became final a few months before my big holiday with Gran. I felt like a total wash out at twenty eight, even the pensioners here could party harder than me.

  I slept last night, well probably, between the seven dozen times I woke up to pull the blankets closer around me. The next morning I sat in the caravan on the hard sofa watching the tiny TV and eating my cornflakes, contemplating why I’d agreed to come. Gran needed someone with her. Despite her ‘grab life by the scruff’ attitude she has a heart condition and dickey knees, not to mention the bad back. She isn’t as independent as she’d like to be. So someone had to go on holiday with her, to the caravan she’s had here, at the back of beyond , for as long as I could remember. Mum conveniently couldn’t get the time off work and my sister was too pregnant to deal with caravan steps and un-comfy beds. Gran looked so sad when she thought she couldn’t have her week away that I volunteered. I needed to do something. I’d worked every day since Graham left, so my boss all but forced me to take time off from the supermarket where I work. It wouldn’t be so bad, would it?

  “Oh, Sally, me head,” Gran groaned when she finally got out of bed. “Turn that racket off, dear and get me my pills, would you.”

  I nodded, turned off the set and sorted out Gran’s tablets.

  “Now be a dear and bugger off out for me would you? I need to be alone for a bit with my banging head.”

  “But Gran, it’s pissing - ”

  “Language,” she tutted.

  “It’s raining, Gran. I’ll just sit in the corner there and read my book, I won’t be any trouble.”

  “No, no, no. It won’t do. Please, love? I’ll be all right by teatime. You can bring me in some fish and chips.”

  So I ended up wrapped tightly in my cagoule walking along the cliff edge admiring what view I could make out through the driving rain and the drips which fell from the lip of my hood. There’s only so much walking you can do when you can’t really see anything in front of you, so I turned back and headed towards the excitement of the reception and entertainment areas.

  Little Wonders is packed with kids and families in the heart of summer and so they have the usual kiddies indoor play area and cafeteria. It was all closed up now, with it being the end of October and very much out of season. At least I could sit on one of the benches and dry out a bit.

  I wished I’d brought my eBook reader out with me, but I’d left it in the caravan as electrics and Welsh rain don’t mix. I sat and read all the tourist brochures available from the creaky turnstile at reception. I’d read about pottery making, abseiling, boating and visited, in print, every castle in the area. I was so bored that when I noticed it had stopped raining I pretty much ran outside. There had to be something I could do while Gran got over her hangover.

  There really wasn’t.

  Wandering aimlessly, I spent some time in the on-site shop where I bought a can of pop and a chocolate bar and spent far too long wondering which souvenir tea towel to get for my sister. In the end I decided none of them were ugly enough so I left them on the shelf. Mary was going to get something truly hideous for getting knocked up and leaving me alone and undefended at a camp site in the middle of Wales.

  I gave Gran a bell after I finished my chocolate bar.

  “I told you, leave me be,” Gran snapped.

  “I know, but it’s cold out here. Can’t I come back yet?”

  “No, pet, no, I need time to recover. “ A deep cough reverberated through the phone.

  “Are you sure you’re all right, Gran? I don’t think I should leave you on your own - ”

  “I’m quite old enough to look after myself young lady. Come back at five with a portion of fish chips and mushy peas, I’ll be over it by then and I’ll need something to line my stomach for tonight’s entertainment. It’s Psychic Barry. I can’t miss him, he’s my favourite.”

  There was crackling on the line that sounded something like creaking floorboards. I shook my head and sighed.

  “All right, I’ll see you later, then.”

  One thing I’d learnt was that you couldn’t argue with my Gran. It was always easier to let her have her way because eventually, she’d get it anyway. At least I knew she was all right. All I needed to do was find a way to occupy myself for the next three hours until I could get the food and go back to the caravan. I didn’t even want to think about the thrill of Psychic Barry that awaited me later on. I would have to get seriously plastered myself to survive that. Shame I don’t drink.

  Have you ever just walked? You’ve no idea where you’re going, not paying any attention to what’s happening around you or what you’re passing. Well, I just walked. I was lost in a fog of depression and gloom. I was going over again how depressing my life was. I’d had dreams, I wanted to be a dancer when I was little, but breaking both legs in a car accident at eighteen put a kibosh on that one. I’d worked in the same supermarket since leaving college, it’s only saving grace was that I met Graham there.

  We met, we dated, we married. I was only twenty-three but I was convinced he was my soul mate. We lasted just over five years. I still couldn’t work out what went wrong; when we started to drift apart.

  “Hey, you’re not allowed back here, love.” A lilting male voice dragged me from my spiral of depression.

  “Oh, oh, I’m sorry.” I blinked and glanced around me. I was down an alley, an industrial bin stood near me, full to overflowing and all I could see were damp bricks and doors, the one
closest to me was open, a man leaned against the jamb.

  “Doesn’t bother me, just if my boss catches you then you’ll be in trouble.” He shrugged, wide shoulders pulling up at his cheap, blue work shirt.

  “Well, thanks. I don’t know how I ended up here anyway.”

  “Ditto,” the guy laughed caustically, flicking the long blond hair from his eyes.

  “You sound like you’re having as much fun here as I am,” I replied with a smile.

  “Probably a lot less,” he nodded, “least you don’t have to clean the toilets, love.”

  “Okay, you beat me there. I’ve just got a cantankerous, hung over grandparent to deal with.”

  “Ah, I see. Them old dears can be real goers, can’t they?”

  “Oh, yeah.” I nodded. I knew I should have been moving on, but I was enjoying chatting and not only was this man close to my age, he was also rather gorgeous under the plain dark blue of his shirt and the obviously scratchy and cheap black trousers .

  “So, what brings you to Little Wonders?” he asked. He hadn’t moved from his position against the door frame and behind him was a dank corridor filled with boxes and brooms.

  “My Gran. She always comes here this week for her hols and she’s getting on a bit now so she needs someone with her.”

  “Except you’re not with her now.”

  “No, she’s got a bad head and she’s kicked me out until tea time.”

  “Explains why you’ve ended up back here. I’m David by the way, nice to meet you.” He pushed his hand forward, slowly, methodically. I got the feeling that David never did anything in a rush.

  “Hi, I’m Sally, nice to meet you.” I gripped his hand with mine. It was warm and strong and I wanted to feel his touch all over me. I felt heat flaring in my cheeks at the first flash of sexual arousal I’d felt in months.

  “Bloody hell, your hands are freezing.” He grabbed both of my hands in his and cupped them gently.

  “I got caught out in the rain,” I explained once I got my lips moving again, “I’ve not really gotten warm since.”

  “Come with me,” he said and pulled me along behind him. I liked how reluctant he was to let me go. “I’ll warm you up.”

  I wasn’t sure where I was going, I just followed him down the passageway until we came to a groaning metal box, some kind of extractor I guessed.

  “It’s the launderette, it’s always running and it’s always warm here.” He was right, I could feel the dry heat and smell a mix of washing powders on the air.

  “Oh, that’s nice,” I moaned, shuffling closer, “thank you.”

  “No worries,” he smiled, “anything for a pretty customer.”

  I giggled. I don’t as a rule, hadn’t for a long time but David made me feel bubbly and light hearted. I especially liked the way his blue eyes sparkled when he looked at me.

  We stood face to face, my hands in his for a few minutes. I wanted to speak, to lift the weight of the silence from our shoulders but I couldn’t form words, I was lost in the sparkle of his blue gaze and distracted by the pink plumpness of his lips. It was just as I wondered how they’d feel pressed against my own when, as if by magic, David leant forward and kissed me.

  I couldn’t catch my breath, it was captured between his lips and I pressed harder against him to pull it back. His hands slipped around me, I clasped him to me, wanting to feel more of him than my huge coat would allow.

  “Take it off,” he said when our lips parted, “I want to feel you.”

  Crazy? Yes, I was and I knew it. I shouldn’t have followed a stranger’s commands so easily but I did. I took off my coat and dropped it to the floor. I stepped forward, but he put his hands on my arms and held me still.

  “Another layer, I want to feel your skin.”

  I gulped and watched him whip off his T-shirt. His chest was hard and lightly pink. His nipples dark and tempting, a smattering of hairs covered him like a soft down, calling to be touched. I turned off my brain and let my body take over. I removed my top. It was chilly at first, the wet atmosphere not totally overtaken by the hot air blasted from the launderette but as my top fell to the floor David had me in his embrace and I was soon heated up to boiling point.

  “Gorgeous,” David breathed, stroking my back between kisses, “you’re absolutely gorgeous.”

  I didn’t reply, just ran my hands down his chest and pressed my lips to his again. I wanted him, despite the cold, the location and the risk of discovery, I wanted him. I continued to run my fingers down his body then under the loose waistband of his trousers. I held my breath and inched lower, he didn’t stop me, just kissed along my collar bone and nestled in the crook between my neck and my shoulder, kissing and nibbling the flesh as I grabbed his cock.

  He was already hard and he filled my hand with his rigid heat. We groaned in unison and I moved my hand up and down his length. I loved the feel of him, vibrant and aroused in my hand. I wanked him, taking in every detail of the skin beneath my fingers and palms. I wanted him to come for me, I was so wrapped up in giving him pleasure that I jumped a little when his fingers skimmed the top of my jeans.

  “Can I?” he asked, taking my startled reaction as a negative one.

  “Oh, yes, please.” I panted, smiling and meeting his questioning gaze with the new confidence zinging through my sex-soaked body. He dipped his fingers inside my trousers and underwear then inside me. I was wet and giving and as he rubbed, in time to my stroking, I felt my orgasm gathering quickly. I knew I would come with just a few more touches.

  I tried to concentrate on the rhythm of my hand, not wanting to stop his pleasure for mine. I could feel his balls crinkling when the bottom of my fist hit on the down stroke and he seemed to harden further. Seconds later he gasped, I opened my eyes and saw the pleasure written on his red-cheeked face.

  As his orgasm leaked over my fingers he continued to stimulate me and I closed my eyes again, leant into him and let myself go. I bit the flesh over his breastbone as the ecstasy filled every last molecule of my being, muffling the loud shout I wanted to set free.

  “Wow,” he mumbled, kissing the top of my head as we leant against each other, recovering.

  “Exactly what I was thinking,” I panted. We removed our hands from intimate places and grabbed our clothes. I expected to feel awkward, but I didn’t. I just felt energised and alive.

  “Well, I better get back, I’m five minutes over my break already.”

  “Oh, okay.” I nodded, then in a rush I added, “when will I see you again?”

  “I’m on the bar tonight. You going to see Barry?”

  “Yeah, well, Gran is, so I guess I will be too.”

  “I’ll see you later then. I’ll buy you a drink.” He smiled and kissed my cheek.

  “See you later.” I waved as he scurried down the alley. I stayed in the scented heat for a while longer just replaying what had happened in my mind. When I finally looked down at my watch I realised it was creeping up to five o’clock and my stomach was rumbling. Time to get back to Gran.

  I knocked on the door of the caravan, then unlocked it and walked in.

  “I’m back Gran! Hope you’re hungry, I think the woman at the chippy liked me, the portions are massive.”

  Looking up I saw a man in front of me and I gasped with surprise.

  “Oh, hiya Sally, I erm, just popped in to check on your Gran, make sure she was all right.”

  “That was nice of you,” I smiled.

  “Well, you know,” he blushed, shrugged his shoulders and walked past me, “see you later.”

  “See you, tonight, Donald,” Gran called from the bedroom door. She looked flushed.

  Once the door shut behind the scrawny frame of Donald I gave Gran a good hard stare.

  “What?” she exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air.

  “You have guilt written all over you.” I wagged my finger at her, “you sent me out in the cold so you could shack up with a fancy man.”

  “Aw, it wasn’t
like that.” Gran shuffled out and grabbed the plastic bag and started to pull out the paper wrapped contents.

  “Yes it was,” I gasped.

  “All right, it was,” she giggled, “but I couldn’t resist. You can’t begrudge your old Gran a bit of what she fancies now could you?”

  “Oh, Gran, it’s a good job I’ve had fun out there today, or I’d be really grumpy with you.”

  “Oh, fun, eh? What was his name?”

  I told Gran the edited highlights of my encounter with David. Gran thankfully didn’t tell me any details about her and Donald except that she’d faked the hangover and had enjoyed a very pleasant day with the man.

  We were both in a good mood when we exited the caravan later, both dressed up and wearing our best perfume. Gran was looking forward to seeing Donald and a half a dozen other men and I couldn’t wait to see David again. I pushed down all worries, all the nagging insecurities about my body and what might happen tonight. I wondered if the incandescent lust was a one-off thing and if he saw me again he’d have second thoughts. I shook my head, smoothed my hands over my curves and decided to think positive for once. I was on holiday after all.

  I found the bar far more pleasant with David there.

  “You look stunning,” he told me when I placed my order.

  “Thanks,” I giggled and flicked my hair. “You’re gorgeous yourself.”

  I was delighted to see his cheeks darken in response to my comment. We didn’t get to exchange many more words until later because there was a rush on, I suspect that the only way anyone could get through an evening of Psychic Barry. I spent the next few hours gazing longingly at the bar.

  “Go on with you,” Gran said when Barry the Bore started his act, “your barman won’t be as busy now. Go and keep him company.” She winked broadly at me and I chuckled. I took her advice and left her with her gaggle of men. I just hoped I’d have my Gran’s energy and spark when I was her age.

  “Hey,” I slid onto the bar stool closest to David. “My Gran sent me over here. I think she wants rid of me.”


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