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Thomas Page 4

by Amy Robyn

  “I want you even though I know you’ll leave me as soon as you find someone better or when I start to wrinkle you’ll find someone younger.” I start to protest, and she presses a finger to my lips. “I told myself that I would lose my virginity to the man who surprises me, and you do. I never wanted anyone the way I want you and I know that’s rare.” She pauses, and I pull her hand away from my mouth.

  “You don’t get it. You’re it for me. There will never be another woman. I knew that as soon as your beautiful eyes met mine.” I run my finger over her petal soft eyelid and she closes both eyes. I run my thumb over her plump bottom lip. “I knew as soon as you kissed me with the softest lips I have ever felt.” I lick her lips and she opens to me taking my tongue inside of her mouth. I pull away. “You need to be sure that you’re committed to me fully before we take the next step because for me it’s eternity. I will crave you and need you like nobody has ever needed anyone.” I lick her neck across the juicy artery that’s throbbing in time with her heart and groan. “Control it,” I say to myself, but she hears me.

  “Don’t control it. I’ve made up my mind. I want you for as long as I can have you.” She does something I’m not expecting, she lifts her shirt over her head. Fuck. Her white lacy bra against her ivory skin makes her seem almost ethereal, like an angel sent to torment me. I kiss her collarbone and down across the tops of her creamy swells. Her skin is soft and smells like sin. It should be forbidden to smell this good, to tempt those around her. To tempt the beast in me that thirsts for more than her body.

  I unhook the back of her bra and out spills the most spectacular breasts I have ever seen. They are full yet not overly large and perfectly round. In the center are dusty rose-colored nipples that beg to be sucked. Everything about her seems to have been pulled from my every fantasy of what my mate would look like. She is absolutely exquisite. I know that no other would ever hold a candle to my mate.

  “I’ll never let you go,” I warn her again or maybe it’s more of a declaration. I lick her nipple and it hardens against my tongue, making pre-cum spill over the head of my cock and down my shaft. I growl before latching on as though her breast contains the nectar of the gods. Maybe it does because the other hunger seems to have quieted or it’s outweighed by the heaviness between my legs. I flick my tongue across her ripe berry and her back arches. A long moan slips out of her luscious mouth, letting me know she likes what I’m doing. I rake my teeth gently along the puckered nipple and she mewls before I suck it into my mouth, no longer able to go without having her flavor coat my tongue.

  “I never knew it could be like this.” She says as she holds my head against her, pressing more of her fleshy globe against me. I moan as the scent of her arousal increases making my hunger even stronger than it already was. I release her breasts and stand, lifting her up with me. The chair clatters to the floor behind me and I ignore it as I make my way over to the bed that smells like her. Thankfully, her roommate went home for the weekend, so we have the room to ourselves. I would hate to be interrupted.

  I lay her out against the dark sheets and her blond hair spreads out, in contrast, giving her that angelic look that reminds me to be ever so gentle with her. Her porcelain skin gleams and the light makes it look like she’s glowing. I run my finger down her cheek.

  “You’re so beautiful,” I tell her, and she smiles up at me.

  “You make me feel beautiful.” Her white teeth catch her lower lip and I lean down to steal it back from her as I explore her mouth with my tongue. I unfasten the top of her pants and slide the zipper down. I run my fingers across the top of her white lace panties where it meets her petal soft skin. I break the kiss long enough to remover her pants and send them sailing to the ground. I kiss her again because I will lose my mind if I don’t have a taste of her again. I worry that we might be moving too fast, but I can’t do anything about it. My body is like a train that has already left the station. The way she moves against me is a reminder that she’s is just as out of control as I am. There is no sanity to be found.

  I pull away from kissing her long enough to pull my shirt off. I let it fly over my head as I dive back into the heaven found in her mouth and let her hands explore my body. Our skin slides together making me delirious in need.

  “Your skin is so soft,” I tell her as I run my fingers down her arms. Her skin is like the softest petals. I can’t seem to touch her enough. The contrast between the textures of my calloused hands and her soft skin is almost more than I can bear. She is so delicate, and I need to remember that always. It would destroy me if I accidentally hurt her.

  I kiss my way down her neck, stopping at her pulse. I swallow hard before moving down her body. The sweet scent of the nectar spilling between her thighs is calling to me, making me ravenous for a taste. I have never gone down on a woman but with her, it’s a need I cannot fight, not that I’m trying to fight it. I kiss her nipple before pulling it into my mouth and sucking as much of her flesh in as possible. Her back arches and her fingers drive into my hair as she holds me tightly against her. I growl against her tender flesh as her soft berry hardens to a tight peak. I let it pop from my mouth before moving on to the other side.

  I lean back and look at the rosy red peaks still damp from my mouth and a possessiveness I have never known consumes me. This is my woman, my mate, and she is breathtaking. I kiss and lick my way down her trim stomach until I reach the top of her lacy panties. I press my nose to the damp center and breathe her in. She intoxicates me with her scent.

  “You smell so damn good.” I look up at her and lick my lips. She shivers as I hook my thumbs into the sides of her tiny panties and start sliding them down. She lifts her hips, so they glide the rest of the way down her long slender legs. My woman has the longest legs and they’re sexy as hell. I have never had any desire to go down on a woman before. True, I have only been with one woman, but I never felt this kind of urgency, this need to taste and touch her everywhere I can. I didn’t realize that what I had with Polly was so wrong until I returned to her after becoming a vampire. I felt nothing while looking at her. No desire. None of the things I should have been feeling. All I felt was the need for her blood. This was a woman I had been engaged to and thought I had loved. Even as a human, what I felt for her wasn’t even a tenth of what I feel already for my mate. It pales so drastically compared to this immortal love I have for Ava.

  “This is mine now,” I say in a raspy voice as I run my thumb over her slit. She moans, and the scent of her need becomes stronger. I salivate at the fragrance dances through my senses, consuming me entirely. Her petals pull apart and I press my thumb against her button making her hips jerk. Her sticky nectar spills from her tiny channel and I lean forward to catch it on my tongue. I growl causing more of her liquid to spill free for my enjoyment. She tastes like the sweetest candy with a dash of salt. It makes my head spin and me to dive into her tongue first. It’s as though her very flavor was created just for me, to entice me, ensnare me and make me her slave for life. I will always crave more of her.

  I pump my tongue in and out of her tight pussy as my thumb strokes her clit. Her hips start moving, chasing my tongue to seek the release she so desires, and I give her all of me. I want her to cum. I want to feel her tighten around my tongue while her juices pour down my throat. I want to feel her tremble and her legs to tighten around my head.

  I press my cock into the bed to seek some relief as I continue to fuck her with my tongue. The sounds she makes is like music to my ears. I have never been so aroused or out of control as I am now, and I fear I’ll hurt her if I don’t find some semblance of control and fast.

  I pull my tongue out and slide a finger inside of her. Her muscles clench around me. I feel the membrane that guards her innocence at the tip of my finger. Such a small piece of flesh and yet the significance of it means the world to me. I will be the only man who has ever had her and that just makes my possessiveness intensify. I know it’s selfish to be happy that she saved herself for m
e. I only wish I had saved myself for her. I would have had I known that she was waiting for me. I would never have been with Polly if I knew Ava was in this world. My entire world now revolves around this one woman. She already means everything to me and someday she will understand the gift she’s giving to me.

  I pump my finger as I move my mouth up to her little nub. I suck it into my mouth and her back arches off the bed. I press her down with my arm and continue to lick, suck and nibble on her clit. My finger moves in and out of her a few more times before I add another one. She mewls in the back of her throat and I know she is getting close, so I start pumping my fingers harder and faster inside of her. I scrape my teeth lightly against the nub and she screams as her channel tightens around my fingers. I quickly pull them out and replace them with my tongue, so I can catch all the manna spilling from her.

  Too late I realize that I had accidentally broken through her hymen when her blood mixed with her cum fills my mouth. I moan as the sweetest wine spills onto my tongue. My cock jerks and lightning streaks through my body and straight to my balls. I growl into her pussy as I cum so hard that I see stars. I rub against the bed as I spend all over the inside of my boxer briefs. Fuck. I have never cum so hard in my life and I’m not even inside of her yet. It makes me wonder if I will be able to handle the intensity or perish from the insane pleasure.

  I press my face against the inside of her thigh as I try to get my breathing under control. The significance of what just happened dawns on me. I will never again be able to drink from a bag. No, from this day forward I will be completely dependent on her for my survival. I only hope I can convince her to stay with me after this whole thing blows up in my face as I’m certain it will. After all, I must either destroy or wipe the mind of her father. Either way, she will lose him, and I hate that those are our only options.

  “That was…that…” She tries to talk as she pushes up on her elbows, so she can look down at me. I smile up at her and watch as her breast move with every breath she takes. My cock hardens again. Being a vampire certainly has its advantages.

  I stand up and her eyes follow me as I remove my pants and peel back my soiled shorts. I certainly made a mess of myself. I wipe away the excess cream from my balls and thighs with my boxer briefs and ball them up. I will be carrying those to the hotel in my pocket.

  I look back on the bed and her eyes are following my cock with trepidation. I’m certainly bigger than the average man though I haven’t compared notes. I just know that most men are around six inches long and I’m at least two inches longer but it’s the width that makes it look so intimidating.

  She reaches out timidly and touches the tip of my dick making it weep for her. Her small hand closes around me, and my eyes fall closed as a long moan pulls from my lungs. Just the touch of her hand has me wanting to spill again. I open them again as I feel something wet kiss the tip. Holy fuck it’s her tongue. Her tiny pink tongue darts out and licks the dewy droplet from the small slit. Her eyes closed and she moans making my cock jerk in her hand. Her fingers tighten around me as though she’s trying to make her fingers meet and falling short around my girth. I can’t seem to catch my breath as her sexy full lips open across the mushroomed head of my dick.

  I have never seen a more erotic image in my life as the one before me. Her rosy lips stretched wide around me as she takes me in as far as she can go. No woman has ever touched me so intimately before and I’m glad that I can share some new experiences with her. I wish I had come to her just as pure as she did me, but I will make it up to her, even if at the end it means that I must die for her happiness. I’m willing to do whatever it takes. For her, I would be willing to do just about anything in my power.

  “Mmmm…” She moans around me and I lose what control I had left. I grip her hair and thrust my hips forward. She giggles as she pulls back slightly so she doesn’t choke.

  “Sorry,” I mumble but she doesn’t seem bothered by it especially as she looks up at me with a sparkle in her eyes. She likes that she’s making me lose control. I growl as I pull her off me.

  “I can’t take anymore. If you suck me one more time I will cum down that beautiful throat of yours and I want to be inside you the next time.” I tell her and she lays back on the bed and does something I was not expecting. She spreads her legs and her arms open for me.

  “Then take me.” She gives me a cocky grin and I can do nothing else than what she bids. I fall between her legs like a beast. I take her mouth in a searing kiss as I grip the base of my cock. I line myself up with her entrance and push forward. Her body yields for mine though it’s a struggle. She’s so tight and her muscles grip me firmly as I push the head of my cock inside of her clasping walls.

  “Relax, baby,” I tell her as I push in another inch. She takes a deep breath and tries to relax. I reach between us and strum her little button. She cries out and more of her nectar coats my cock making me slide in a little easier. Her tightness still fights against me as I continue to slide in, but she’s wet enough to cause less friction.

  I lean down and suck her pebbled nipples in my mouth and her back bows and her muscles give way to my invasion. I push in until I am fully embedded inside of her. Fuck. Nothing has ever felt this good in my entire life.

  “You okay?” I croak out as I hold myself still above her.

  “Yeah, I just feel full.” She says as her eyes flutter closed. I take her mouth again as I slowly withdraw from her heat until only the head remains. I thrust forward again making us both moan at how good it feels to be moving within her. I take her hands and hold them above her head as I start moving in a rhythm that is neither slow nor fast. Her hips move with mine and a glazed look forms in her eyes letting me know she’s enjoying what I’m doing to her. Thank fuck because I’m not sure I could stop now or not.

  She is so beautiful as she seeks her pleasure, that my new-found heartbeat starts racing at the mere sight of her. She is everything I ever wanted and more and now that I have her, it’s even more important that I find a way to keep her. I just need to figure out a way to go after her father without losing her when I do get him because it’s too important not to capture him. He is a threat to my new family and I can’t let them down. I will also be saving the lives of all the humans he’s sending after us. I must succeed even if I must die to do it.

  “You’re everything to me,” I tell her as I continue to push myself in and out of her. She moans as her eyes meet mine and soften. It’s an expression that I’ve never seen before and it makes me want to do anything just to see it again and again. This woman has me in the palm of her hands and she can choose whether to squash me or send me into ecstasy. She doesn’t know the power she has over me and she probably never will.

  “I will give you everything that I am,” I tell her on a grunt as I find that hidden spot inside of her that is sure to send her over the edge. I sure as hell hope she cums soon because already my balls are pulled up tight against my body and I can feel that electrical current starting at the base of my spine.

  A fluttering starts in her channel and she tilts her head back showing me her long slender neck. Fuck it. I’m already in trouble after tasting her blood earlier. I’m already going to hell I may as well ensure my complete destruction. I lick over the pulse I see throbbing in her neck and I feel my fangs lengthen before pushing them into her flesh. She shouts my name as her passage clamps down on me and starts to tremble milking my own release from me. I moan as her sweet blood fills my mouth at the same time as my seed splashes her walls. I growl at her as I suck at her neck and pump my cum into her. She moans and jerks with every pull of my mouth and every thrust of my hips.

  “Oh god.” She pants as I take one last swallow before licking the wound and sealing it completely. I watch as the twin pricks disappear. I groan. I have never experienced anything like what just happened in my entire life. It was life-altering. Life-affirming.

  “You’re mine now,” I tell her as I feel the bond solidifying between us. She is n
ow my mate completely and irrevocably. I only hope that it doesn’t cost me my life.

  Chapter 7. Ava

  Last night was like a dream. I can still feel his possession with every step I take today. He spent the entire day making love to me and clear into the night. He left me early this morning sore and half asleep. He still kissed me until I was breathless before leaving. He makes me feel completely comfortable and bold. I found myself acting out of character because I knew that no matter what I would do Thomas would still want me. I never thought I would feel that kind of comfort in the arms of a man. I thought I would spend my life alone without ever knowing what it was like to be adored. Hell, I thought the idea of romantic love a myth. I reach up and touch my neck where he had bitten me the first time.

  I know what anyone would say if I told them what his bites do to me. They would think I am a little touched in the head, but they’ve never experienced a bite from Thomas. I looked in the mirror and found no mark even though I could have sworn he broke the skin. It sure felt like my neck has a direct line with my clit and with every pull of his mouth it was tugging at it. I can’t even say how many orgasms I had. So many I lost count. He played my body as though he knows it better than I do myself. Just thinking about it now has my body responding.

  I’m nearly finished getting ready. Thomas will be here in a half an hour to pick me up for dinner at my dad’s house. I hate going there but I look forward to spending more time with Thomas. I only hope my father doesn’t scare him off. I never thought I would find a man to hold on to. I have now. Thomas isn’t like the boys from school or the men my father has tried to set me up with. He’s smart yet he doesn’t throw it in your face. He’s gorgeous though he doesn’t seem to notice. He treats me like I’m the most precious thing in the world for him. Most of all, he makes me feel beautiful and important. I didn’t realize I needed those things until I met him.


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