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Thomas Page 6

by Amy Robyn

  “You don’t have to kill them.” She says though she doesn’t seem all that convinced of her own words.

  “What would you do if someone was shooting at you. We’re not completely immortal. Bullets can kill us.” She gasps before looking back over at Terrance.

  “He needs to be killed but you must make it look like an accident. A four-star General will attract media attention.” She says and the general growls.

  “You would choose these undead creatures over your own kind?” He spats and Ava shakes her head at him.

  “There is only one heartless creature in this room and that’s you.” The General growls again.

  “Why you little…” Before he can finish the sentence, Terrance reaches around and grabs his head. He jerks it to the side with an audible snap and the General’s lifeless body falls to the ground. Ava squeals and presses her head into my chest. I rub her back as I glare at Terrance.

  “You should have taken him from the room first or I could have taken Ava out of here.” Terrance grimaces and looks at Ava apologetically.

  “I’m sorry. I should have warned you.” He says but Ava keeps her head pressed against me and doesn’t look up to see the look he sends her. She merely nods her head against me.

  “I’m the one who told you to do it. I should have realized you would act quickly.” She says, and it comes out slightly muffled as she still doesn’t turn her head.

  “Fuck,” Terrance says, making my head jerk in his direction. He pulls something out of General Cypress’s ear and holds it up to the light.

  “Shit,” I exclaim. It’s a wireless device similar to what we wear during operations.

  “I think we have a problem,” Terrance says as he drops it to the ground and crushes it under the heal of his steel-toed boot.

  “Who do you think was on the other end? Whoever it was just got an earful.” Terrance says.

  “We better move.” I grab Ava’s hand as Terrance lifts the General over his shoulder. Ava stops me and scoops up the broken pieces from the ear device and tucks it in her pocket.

  “Good thinking.” I kiss her cheek though she still doesn’t seem to be completely trusting of me. She didn’t pull away and I take that as progress. We step out of the door as Terrance steps out of the window with the body over his shoulder.

  “Won’t he fall carrying all that weight.” She asks quietly as we close and lock her door.

  “We’re strong.” I shrug my shoulders and she sighs. I can tell she’s still having trouble coping with the fact that we may look human but we’re not. I wish I could find the right words to soothe her. I used to be very good at that sort of thing. I guess what they say is true, it’s difficult to counsel those you’re emotionally involved with. Another red flag I should have seen with Polly. I never had any problem discussing her issues with her or saying the right things when I needed to. Now, I know what they meant. I can’t seem to find any words at all. I feel as though there’s a weight in my chest that could crush me with one wrong word from her.

  “I think I need to be alone for a little while.” Those were the words I didn’t want to hear.

  Chapter 9. Ava

  So much has happened and so quickly that I can’t seem to wrap my head around it all. “My boyfriend” for a lack of a better term, is a vampire. He’s also still the sweetest man I have met. What does that say about humanity? To top it all off, my father doesn’t care if I live or die and was probably on the other end of the microphone we found on General Jackass as he assaulted me. My life is completely destroyed, and I have no idea whom I’m supposed to turn to. “My boyfriend” who gave me my first sexual experience, my first orgasm, hell, my first kiss, is at the very center of this whole crazy mess. Where does that leave me? The only friend I have is away at her parent’s house for the weekend.

  “I don’t think you should be alone right now. Your father could be looking for you to get to me. I need to know you’re safe.” Why does he have to be so damn reasonable when this whole situation is so far out of the norm, it may as well be in outer space? He also must be so fucking gorgeous that even now I crave the feeling of being in his arms. Last night’s possession is still an ache in my muscles that constantly reminds me of what it’s like to have him inside of me. I still crave his kisses though I know he isn’t even human. I sigh as I rub my forehead with the palm of my hand.

  “Look. I just found out that the man I spent the night with last night is a vampire and that my dad doesn’t give a shit whether I live or die. It’s been one hell of a weekend, wouldn’t you say? I just need to breathe without feeling this pressure in the back of my eyes destroying what brain cells I might have left.” I tell him but really, I’m venting.

  “Let’s start with your headache and a quiet room and then we’ll go from there.” He says near my ear as he pulls me toward the parking lot to a black SUV rental. He unlocks the doors and I climb inside just as police pull up in front of the building. Thomas doesn’t even glance in that direction. He just slowly pulls away and out on to the street. I breathe a sigh of relief when the flashing lights can no longer be seen through the side mirror. That was a much closer call than I like.

  “My father called the cops, didn’t he?” I ask him, and he rubs the back of his neck.

  “We’re not completely sure that’s who was on the other end of that microphone, but it looks like it’s probably him. Whoever it was, sent those cops that’s for sure. If you’re asked, just tell them you went to dinner with your boyfriend who came to visit you from Colorado.” He says as he reaches over and takes my hand. I don’t bother pulling away or arguing with him. What’s the point? All I would end up doing is hurting him or myself if I do. I know I’m not thinking clearly and just need a good night’s sleep, so I can make better decisions in the morning.

  He pulls up in a hotel parking lot and I gaze out at the fancy building. I wonder why they would choose here when there are much cheaper motels on the other side of town, but I don’t ask him? I really don’t care either way as long as there’s a bed in my near future. Before we get out of the car, Thomas pushes a button in his ear or at least I think it’s a button.

  “Terrance, are you clear.” I hear him ask. “Good. I want Eric brought back in flex cuffs. He was the only one in the car with us this morning that I don’t trust.” I wonder who Eric is. “I agree. Whoever went to General Bendix knew that we had been together and only those in the car with is knows that.” Great, he was bragging to his friends.

  “You told them?” I screech, even I wince at the sound of the squeal in my voice, but I’m too angry to care right now though the throbbing in my temples is enough reason not to do it again.

  “They could smell you on me. They knew I had claimed you. Vampires can’t have sex until they meet their mate, so they wanted to know if it would complicate our mission.” He explains.

  “Don’t remind me that your mission was to deceive me into inviting you to my father’s house.” I narrow my eyes at him and he pinches the bridge of his nose.

  “Would you have stopped the mission if our roles were reversed knowing you would be saving lives.” He asks and that gives me pause. I have been upset the most because he deceived me that he took what we have and used it for his own purpose. I think about if our roles were reversed. If someone had people attacking my friends constantly, what would I do to save them and the people coming at us? I sigh.

  “I would have done the same thing. I just need you to answer one question honestly for me. Was it real, what we shared last night?” He takes my hand and places it on his chest.

  “My heart wouldn’t beat if you weren’t my mate. A mate only comes around once in a lifetime. You are my only chance at happiness and what we shared last night was perfect, mind-blowing. I loved you the moment I met you and the more I know you, the stronger it becomes.” My eyes fill with tears. Can he really love me so soon? I know that it happened to me just as quickly. I just never believed in love and love at first sight just seemed comple
tely fabricated until now. Now, I believe in the fairytale. The only difference is that in fairytales it’s a prince, not a vampire. An honest to god, vampire.

  “I know what I feel for you but it’s all so much and so fast. I have no idea what to think right now.” I rub my temples.

  “Let's go up to the room and get you something for your head.” He kisses my palm before releasing it. He climbs out and hurries to my side and opens the door for me. He takes my hand and helps me out of the car. He leads me into the hotel and across the lobby to the elevators. He pushes a button and the door close. I lean my head back and he pulls me into his side. I rest my head on his shoulder as the elevator climbs. When the bell chimes and the doors open it shows an opulent room that I wouldn’t have pegged these guys to enjoy. I guess there’s still a lot to learn about the man I’m crazy about.

  I whistle as I look around and the white and beige room with the marble floors.

  “William rented it and I don’t think the man understands what an extravagance this is.” He shrugs his shoulders and looks away shyly.

  “Who is William?” I ask him as I continue to look around. There’s so much to see from the large chandelier to the dining room suite to the large white sofa and chairs. This place seems to cater to the rich and these guys don’t come across rich to me but what do I know, I have only met two of them.

  “William is our leader. He’s really more like a father.” He chuckles. “He’s the oldest of our kind though he looks younger than many of us.” He talks about the man with such reverence that it makes me want to meet the man who garners such respect. “He has really mellowed out a lot since he found his mate. It took him centuries to find his mate as well as a few of the others. It’s why I didn’t think I would find you so soon. I guess I’m one of the lucky ones.” He moves away from me. “Let me find you something for your head. I’m pretty sure I saw some pain killer in the bathroom with the complimentary kit.” I follow him back as I peer into each room as my curiosity gets the best of me. I have stayed in some nice places but never this nice.

  “Which do you prefer?” He holds up two small packages and I grab one of them. He hands me a bottle of water and I tear open the package. I swallow the pills down as he watches me.

  “If you want, you could take a nice hot bath. They have large bathtubs.” His cheeks flush as though he’s picturing me in the water and liking what he’s seeing. As tempting as it sounds I shake my head.

  “Maybe later.” I just want to lay down and rest my head.

  “You didn’t eat dinner, why don’t I order you something to eat and you can lay down until it gets here.” I haven’t thought of food since General Cypress showed up at my dorm but the thought of it now makes my stomach growl loudly. He chuckles.

  “What sounds good?” He asks, cocking his head to the side.

  “A cheeseburger and fries.” God just the thought of one has my mouth watering. I don’t think I have eaten anything at all today because I was full of excited energy after I finally woke up well into the afternoon. He did keep me up most of the night. I never knew a man could have so much stamina. He isn’t really a man though, is he?

  He picks up the phone and calls in the order as I make my way back into the bedroom. I notice there are two rooms and I’m unsure which is his. He comes up behind me as I’m looking in the largest bedroom.

  “This one’s mine.” He tells me as he leads me over to the bed. He laughs when I fall on to it with a heavy sigh.

  “I wore you out last night.” I shake my head at his smug look even if it’s deserving. I pat the bed beside me.

  “Will you tell me more about mates?” He smiles as he lays down next to me.

  “I really don’t know much. I’m still new to being a vampire. I was changed four years ago and left on my own. I didn’t know what to do or even how to survive. I thought the sun would fry me because the only thing I knew about vampires was from movies. It wasn’t until Drake found me that I found out that sunlight doesn’t hurt us at all. I didn’t learn about mates until Drake found his. Drake is William’s great, great, hell I don’t know how many greats, grandson. You’ll love Drake’s mate, Emmy. She’s so sweet and they have a daughter.” I jerk up into a sitting position.

  “Vampires can have children?” I never thought that would be an option when I thought of Thomas being a vampire. I guess I just assumed they couldn’t have children.

  “Yes, with human mates.” He looks at me with concern.

  “I didn’t think to ask if you were on anything.” I take a deep breath. I have been taking the shots for a few years now because I have the worst periods. I never had to worry about contraceptive. I really hope it works.

  A look of disappointment crosses his face that surprises me. “You want children?” I ask him, and he frowns as he thinks it over.

  “I have always wanted children. I want a bunch of them. I know it isn’t the right time with everything going on, but I love the idea of you round with my child in your womb.” He runs his hand across my flat stomach. I sigh. It does sound wonderful, but I would like to know him a hell of a lot better before we decide to have children.

  “What else do you know about mates?” I ask because I want to know everything that’s expected of me.

  “I know that we don’t feel aroused anymore until we find our mates. I think it has something to do with having a heartbeat though William says that a vampire will never get aroused by another woman besides their mate because of something to do with the scent. Other women are completely unappealing because of they smell differently. It’s like we become addicted to their scent.” He shrugs his shoulders. I push him on to his back.

  “You’re telling me that it’s physically impossible for you to cheat on me?” I ask with such disbelief in my voice. If this is true, that means I have just found the absolute perfect man. He shakes his head.

  “Even if their scent was still appealing I wouldn’t cheat on you.” He looks away as though thinking about something. “I was engaged to a woman in my human life.” I fall back on the bed and cover my head with my arm. I don’t like hearing about this. Jealousy tears a hole in my stomach.

  “Listen. I’m not telling you this to upset you. Far from it. Maybe it will help you understand how dedicated I am to you.” He says as he pulls my arm away from my head. “I was engaged and somewhat satisfied with my life. I thought I loved her but when I came back to her as a vampire, I realized what we had was wrong. I craved her blood but as soon as I scented her arousal, it made me nauseous. It didn’t smell right to me. She didn’t feel right to me. I turned around and left. I knew then that she wasn’t the one meant for me. I felt it so clearly that I never returned.” I hate knowing he was ever with anyone else, but I think I understand what he’s saying.

  “It’s like the vampire in you was telling you that you have a mate out there. Is that what it was like?” I ask and he leans over me until his mouth hovers over mine.

  “Exactly. Though honestly, I don’t think what I had with her would have survived long. When I saw you I knew in an instant that I already loved you a thousand times more than I had ever loved her. What a vampire feels for his mate is infinitely more powerful than human love and there’s no damn way I could ever even look at another woman and feel anything more than a friendship. You can count on my fidelity.” He presses his lips to mine and I feel consumed by him as he takes me to a place only he can take me.

  A knock sounds at the door making him pull away with a curse. He stands up and adjusts his large erection with a groan. I giggle, and he shakes his head at me.

  “See what you do to me?” I smile and lick my lips making him growl.

  “Fuck, hold that thought.” He storms out of the room as my giggle follows him. I think I hit the jackpot as far as men go. I no longer fear his abilities. It’s what makes him who he is, and I wouldn’t change a damn thing. He’s perfect.

  Chapter 10. Thomas

  I set up the plates of food in the dining room a
nd light a candle as she freshens up. I know I have burdened her with an overwhelming amount of information already and I want tonight to be about her. I want her to know without a doubt that I’m with her because she’s my mate and the love of my life. I know she believes me when I say that I care for her but I’m sure a part of her still wonders if I’m using her to get to her father. I will leave it up to her on how we handle the General, so she knows that she’s as important to our team as any of the other members are. She needs to know she’s no longer alone. I only hope to love her enough to make up for her father’s neglect.

  I no longer worry that she’ll leave me. I know that if she was planning to leave me she already would have with all that has happened. I can breathe a little easier. It’s another reason I will have her choose what happens to her father. So many decisions have been made on her behalf for most of her life. I will not be adding to that burden. I want her to know we are equals in this relationship and her input is more than valuable to me. It’s so crazy how quickly my life has changed in such a short amount of time. I didn’t realize how alone I had been because I had been surrounded by others until I met her. My life was barren and desolate. She has brought me more warmth and compassion in the days I have known her than I have ever experienced.

  She comes into the room with a cloud of her vanilla scent, making me ravenous for another taste of her. I never knew I would love going down on a woman until I tasted her the first time. A vampire can’t stand the scent of another woman’s arousal, but I have discovered that it’s very different with your mate. When she becomes aroused the scent makes me nearly insane with the need to feast on her or sink into all that sweet heat. I’m addicted to her. If I could keep her naked and in my bed, I would be the happiest man on the planet. Unfortunately, that’s impossible right now.


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