The Masters: RE: The New Cast (The Crisis in Time Series Book 1)

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The Masters: RE: The New Cast (The Crisis in Time Series Book 1) Page 10

by Matthew Weldon

  Kaido looked at me and said, “You got a little cheese on your cheek.”

  He reached out and wiped it off for me. I smirked and looked away.

  Vlayru looked mad suddenly, “Why did you do that? She could have done that herself.”

  Kaido looked at serious at Vlayru and responded, “What? I was just helping.”

  “Stop being confrontational, Vlayru,” I told him, sternly.

  Suddenly, I felt a strange power nearby, Kaido and Vlayru felt it too. We nodded at each other and I took the lead towards it. We jumped out the window and out onto the street. It was dark and quiet, due to it being almost midnight. We saw a person in front us. They turned, saw us, and ran down a nearby alleyway. We then ran after the person and Kaido transformed into his Fog Form and disappeared.

  The person suddenly jumped to the left down another connecting alley, to try and get us off their track. It didn’t work, as we were quick turn down the alley as well. It was narrower than the last alley, as well as darker. She continued taking more sudden turns to try and lose us. a fog appeared in front of the person and turned into Kaido, making them stop. We stopped too and got into fighting stances.

  “Who are you?” I ask them.

  The person had a tan cloak on with the hood up, covering most of their body. We couldn’t who or what it was. They said nothing, but put their hands up and prepared an attack by creating an aura that circled around them. We all jumped at the person, but before landing our attacks we started to glow purple. We all froze in mid-air and couldn’t move a muscle.

  I thought to myself, ‘This power is something I have not felt before. It was powerful, but why couldn’t I sense how strong it was before? Was the person trying to hide it? If so, then why?’

  I suddenly felt my anger rising and the shadow dweller’s power rising inside me and taking over my body. I try to fight it back, but it was hard. Just then, there was a black figure aiming a gun at the person. We stopped glowing and fell to the ground and the person turned to the figure. The figure fired its gun and Vlayru was moved in front of the person to block the shot with his bow staff. My anger rose, even more, letting the shadow’s power take over. I ended up transforming into the Shadow Form again, just like before. I quickly stepped in front of Vlayru and blocked the next shot with Shadow Shield, a wall of black aura used for blocking. I followed that up with taking the shield down and slashing the air with Shadow Water Slash, sending it towards the black figure. I realized that the black figure was a man in a rebellion cloak.

  “Been looking for you...,” he said before pausing.

  He saw the attacking coming right at him and a look of fear was on his face.

  “Holy Sh…,” he said turned the other way.

  He jumped out of the way and rolled on the ground. He then started to run away. I was just about to run after him when I was held back Kaido and Vlayru, who both grabbed on to me.

  “Tana, calm down, it’s over!” Kaido yelled to me and tightly gripped my shoulder.

  I tried to fight back against the shadow.

  “Go away!” I yelled.

  I took back control of myself, my clothes turned back to normal. I fell to my knees out of exhaustion and got upset.

  ‘I’m not strong enough for this. I need to get stronger,’ I thought to myself.

  I took a deep breath to calm myself.

  “Thank you, guys. What happened to the person we were chasing?” I asked them in a raspy voice.

  “They ran off, probably got scared from seeing you in Shadow Form. We were going to chase them, but we wanted you in your normal state first, before you caused a rampage.” Vlayru explained.

  “Thanks again, guys,” I said to both of them.

  “No problem,” Kaido said to me.

  After sensing the area, I found the girl.

  “She’s close by,” I said, still panting.

  Kaido asked in reply, “Do you want to pursue her still?”

  “If that’s what you want to do,” I said in response.

  Without a word, I stood up, took a slow deep breath to try and focus, and sensed the person’s presence in the distance. They were on the move getting further away from us. I started running in the person’s direction. Vlayru and kaido were right behind me.

  Vlayru asked, “If she is part of the rebellion, then why is she running?”

  “Another question would be, why is the rebellion after her?” Kaido asked, in response.

  The person suddenly stopped moving. We hid behind a dumpster nearby and peeked out to see what the person was doing. They waved their hand in front of them and water aura emanated from her hand and around her body. It seemed to be some sort of healing technique. Oddly enough, I didn’t sense water power from her at all. Just then, brown aura surrounded her body and she created a big rock in her hand and threw it in our direction being. We dodge the attack forcing out of hiding.

  I was baffled and thought, ‘What is this person?’

  Several big rocks formed around her and threw them at us.

  “Watch out!” I yelled.

  I used Gust Blast, on the ground below me to push me into the air. I was able to then dodge the rocks. Vlayru transformed into Ice Form, froze the rocks while still in the air, and Kaido sliced through the rocks. I felt Vlayru’s anger and it started to show with the dark aura emitting from his body like before.

  “Wait, Vlayru, we should hold off on going all out,” Kaido told him.

  “I don’t care, I’m mad now at this punk,” He said coldly and lunged over to her.

  “Wait, Vlayru!” I yelled.

  I shot a small Water Blast and aim it near his head in order to try and make him stop, but It failed. Suddenly, I felt another master power near me. there was then a flying rock from the same direction of where I felt the master power. It hit Vlayru hard and we all looked up at the roof and saw a man standing there with his hand pointing towards Vlayru. He was wearing a rebellion robe as well, but his hood was down. Kaido jumped toward the person, readying an attack with his sword. He blocked Kaido’s attack with the large rock he created. Kaido fell backward and landed on the ground, in a crouching position. I didn’t know what to do. With everything that is going on right now, I wanted to give up. Another shady man jumped up next to the man with rock powers. This was the man from earlier.

  “I see you found them, Uban,” the man without his hood on said.

  Uban crossed his arms, and replied, “Not like you could hold your own against these kids, Romo.”

  “Pshh, I could of!” Romo said back, in an angry tone, taking off his hood.

  Kaido jumped high towards them, continued to fight the two. Vlayru was nowhere to be found. The person we were after started to cower in fear.

  “Stay away from me! Master Obsidian!” the person yelled, with what sounded like a voice of a girl.

  Black spikes then shot out in all directions from their body. It struck all of us, causing me to flip around and land face down on the ground. I blacked out for a few seconds then slowly came too. I sense that the attack was a master power. Then it came to me.

  ‘This person isn’t a bad person, but the two guys in the rebellion robes are. I have to protect this person,’ I told myself.

  I charged up my water powers and created Water Blade over my sword. Kaido got slashed across the chest and fell towards the ground. I ran towards Kaido, grabbed him in the air, and landed back down. I dropped on one knee in order to catch myself from falling to the ground. I put him down and looked up to see Romo flying down towards me. I blocked the attack then countered with a slash to his left shoulder. He fell out of the way, then I quickly slashed at the air and the water aura shot towards Uban. The attack almost caught him off guard. He quickly created a rock wall, but my water slash broke through it and hit him. He fell on his back. Moments later, Romo flew up next to Uban.

  “Let’s retreat for now,” Romo told him.

  Romo grabbed him and they took off fast in the opposite direction. I let them
go and checked on Kaido.

  I put my hand on their head and asked, “Are you, okay?”

  Kaido slowly began to come to. I stood up and walked towards the person still hiding their Identity.

  “You’re not with the Rebellion, right?” I asked them

  “No, I’m not” they replied, still in a female voice.

  “Then take off your cloak. Prove that we can trust you,” I asked back.

  “…Fine,” They replied, after a moment.

  They took the cloak off with their shaky hands and threw it off their body behind them. It was a girl, she had short blonde hair, and was wearing an old-style dark purple dress with a pink top under that. I also saw she had black boots on her feet as well. She opened her light gray eyes and looked at me. she looked about my age. She stood up slowly, her legs and arm were shaking.

  “Well?” she said, in a soft voice.

  “Okay then, look I can help you. That guy is chasing you, right?” I asked her.

  “Yes,” she replied quietly.

  “Then, keep running. I’ll get this guy off your business,” I told her.

  “Alright then,” she replied but stared at me with a confused look.

  I turned and saw shadow dweller emerge from the ground.

  “Great, so now I have to deal with the shadow dwellers too?” I said aloud.

  I blasted Water Blast at a few of the Shadow Dwellers and slashed at another that jumped at me, dissipating them. The girl ran up next to me and levitated the rest up. I finished it by shocking them with Lightning Blast on them and they dissipated as well. I went back over to the girl. I sheathed my sword and saw Vlayru and Kaido limping over, their bodies banged up. Vlayru looked upset.

  “What’s the matter Vlayru?” I asked him.

  He turned away and said, “I’m so weak. I need more training.”

  “No, you’re not, you just let your anger get in the way. You need to calm down like me. You have it really easy.” I told him.

  “Yeah…yeah your right,” He said back after a pause

  He studied the girl and asked her, “So what is your name?”

  “My name is Ansel. I am a witch,” she answered.

  Chapter 12 – Summon the Dragon

  Spex stopped the playback.

  “I want to see what Vlayru was doing when he disappeared,” Spex said aloud.

  He rewound the hologram and switched to Vlayru’s perspective. Vlayru wasn’t too far away from where Tana was. He was in an alleyway, in Ice Form. It looked like he was fighting with himself, trying to get out of his Ice Form. His dark aura was furiously radiating off his body. He put his hands on his head.

  “Get out of my head!” He yelled.

  “Why did he say that?” Spex questioned, then continued, “I should turn on the inner monolog.”

  Spex waved his hand and the settings appeared. He made some adjustments and he could now hear what was going on inside his mind.

  “Why don’t you just go back and kill those guys that attack you and your friend’s. You know you want to,” A voice said.

  The voice sounded familiar to Spex.

  “No! That’s not me! Get out of my head!” Vlayru yelled.

  The familiar voice then replied, “Fine then. Soon though, you won’t be able to resist my orders.”

  Vlayru’s Ice Form melted away and the dark aura went away.

  “That can’t be who I think it is. I might as well continue on see what happens,” Spex said.

  Spex sighed and brought up the settings again. He made some adjustments again. He then continued from where he left off with Tana narrating

  We started making our way back to the Inn. We didn’t talk to each other while walking back. I was supporting Kaido by having his arm around my shoulder’s. He had a limp on his right leg from a big gash. Ansel and Vlayru were walking behind us. Vlayru was looking down. I could tell he was keeping to himself, pondering something.

  “Should we see a doctor or something?” I asked, breaking the silence.

  Ansel then replied, “I know a doctor here in town that makes house calls. I can call him over to treat us.”

  We got back to the Inn and up to our room. I helped Kaido sit down on the nearest bed. Vlayru leaned up against the wall and stared at the ceiling. I made my way to the other bed and sat down, as Ansel used the room’s phone to make a call. After a few rings, the person on the other end answered.

  “Hi, doctor, it's Ansel. Can you come to the Boulder Lodge Inn?” she asks the doctor.

  After a moment she spoke, “Okay, thank you.”

  She hung up the phone and turned to us.

  She then said to us, “He is on his way and will be here shortly.”

  “How do you know this doctor?” I ask her.

  “He fixed me up a few days ago, after losing a fight against that guy from earlier. He told me if I needed help again to give him a call. He’s a really nice guy and just wants to help people.” She responded back.

  Kaido then asks her, “So, why don’t you tell us about yourself, since we have some time.”

  She sighed and started to explain, “Okay well, I am a witch, as I mentioned already. My village is hidden not too far from here in the Thera Forest. We don’t use modern technology and outsiders aren’t welcome in the village. We use spells that are used in everyday living. As for the powers you saw me use, they are spells. Except for the one I used to levitate you guys. Recently, I realized that I have the power to levitate things with my mind. I didn’t know what to do about it, so I hid it from everyone else in the town. A few weeks ago, I came to this town to trade some goods and I tripped over a large crack on the ground. I looked over while on the ground and saw something shiny in the street drain. I pulled out this orb and it got absorbed into my hand. Suddenly, I was able to create black spikes from my hands. I must have drawn some attention after that, because not too long after that Romo guy started hunting me. I didn’t want to return to my village, for fear of putting everyone there in danger.”

  “Wow. So, you have been hiding around this whole time?” I ask her after.

  “Yes. It’s been the worst for me. I’ve been on my own before.” She answered, sighing again.

  “He’s definitely part of the rebellion, along with that other guy. What was his name again?” Kaido asked.

  “Uban,” I answered.

  “So, who are you guys?” she asked us.

  I replied, “I’m the new cast. My name is Katana, Tana for short. These are my friends, Vlayru and Kaido.”

  “Wait, You’re the Cast?!” she asked in amazement.

  I smirked, then explained, “Yes, we’re on the Cast Pilgrimage right now, searching for the Master Orbs. We have some of them that we got from the rebellion leaders that we have fought so far.”

  Kaido added, “That’s why we were trying to fight you. We assumed you were part of the Dark Rebellion. We’re sorry about that.”

  “Apology accepted,” Ansel answered back, smirking.

  “Now, if you would like to, you could join us and we can help you against this guy,” I asked her.

  Kaido interjected, “Tana are you sure about this?”

  I looked at him with a serious face, “Yes, I’m sure. Not only does she have Master Obsidian’s orb, But, she is a master herself. Well not officially one yet. But with some training, she will be one.”

  Vlayru looked at us with a confused look. Ansel was confused as well.

  “How is she a Master?” Vlayru asked.

  I explained, “The telekinesis powers she has are her own power. She doesn’t use a spell like with her other attacks. She’s just like Vlaykre and Regan, who is Master Gravity and Master Steel. They are the only ones with those powers. It’s the same with Kaido, who is going to be Master Fog now.”

  Vlayru then said, “My dad is a master.”

  Ansel thought for a moment, then said, “Yeah, that makes sense. I was wondering about how I was able to do that without using a spell.”

, what do you say?” I asked her.

  She looked out the window then look at Kaido and Vlayru. Kaido nodded his head. Vlayru stood up from his leaning position and smirked.

  He suggested, “You should join us.”

  She smiled and replied, “I agree. It would be amazing to fight alongside the new cast! I heard stories of the other casts and I think they were great.”

  There was a knock on the door. The doctor arrived and started treating us. He afterward.

  “Let’s get some sleep guys,” I said to everyone.

  The next day, we got up and ate some breakfast. We got our things together, checked out of our room, and took off. Kaido was back to were just his shoulder armor.

  “Not wearing all your armor?” I questioned him.

  Kaido replied, “Hell no, it’s not heavy to wear all the time. I’m going to wear it when I have the time to prepare for a fight”

  I replied in agreement, “Very true.”

  We travel some ways down the road and got outside of the town. A man walked out from behind a tree. It was Romo. He had his arms crossed, as he made his way out into the middle of the road. We then got into fighting stances. Ansel took a step back. She looked scared.

  “I’m tired of all this running around, kid. ‘You either hand over Master Obsidian’s orb now or die! Your choice!” He shouted in anger, putting his right hand out.

  “Not if I have anything to say about it!” Vlayru shouted.

  He leaped into the air, readied his staff for an attack. Romo pulled duel axes and blocked Vlayru’s attack. Their weapons locked and Vlayru landed on his feet. Their weapons were shaking, as they were fighting to push each other back.

  “Ansel, don’t be scared. We are here to fight with you,” I told Ansel.

  She looked at me then got a serious look on her face and nodded. she took off towards the fight.

  “You think you can stand up to me?” He asked, still angry in an angry tone.

  He pushed Vlayru back into the air a few feet, as Kaido came running under him with his sword ready to strike Romo.

  “You’re not getting the orb. No matter what!” Kaido said as he swung his sword, hitting Romo’s opening.


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