Owning Sarah [Sequel to Loving Sarah] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Owning Sarah [Sequel to Loving Sarah] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 2

by Julie Shelton

  She stood, stiff and silent, biting her lip as she struggled to find her balance. He was pushing her way past her boundaries here, exactly as he’d been threatening to do since their very first encounter. Okay, it had been more of a promise than a threat, although with Doms it was kind of hard to tell. She had never considered sex in a public place as one of her hard limits. Mainly because she’d never considered sex in a public place before. Period. The very idea scandalized her, although one of the most exhilarating orgasms Jesse had ever given her had been in a fancy restaurant. And even though she’d been scared out of her wits, she had to admit that neither the waitstaff nor the rest of the diners had been any the wiser. True to his promise, Jesse had not only gotten her off, gloriously so, but he’d kept her safe while doing it.

  He watched her inner struggle play out in her eyes, wishing he could do something to help her, knowing that the decision was hers and hers alone. If she used her safe word, he would honor it, of course, and leave with the realization that he had badly miscalculated the timing of this specific move. He would kiss her and tell her he loved her and go back to the station with the hard-on from hell threatening to burst through his jeans.

  Seriously. His cock was hard enough to swing from. Had been since he’d blasted his cum into her sweet pussy that morning, a good, what, seven hours ago? Uh-oh. A seven-hour erection! Maybe I need to see a doctor. Or better yet, maybe I should just fuck my delectable little sub into oblivion so I can finally get my mind off my dick and get some fuckin’ work done! “I asked you a question, baby.”

  “Ummm. N–no. Sir. I’m not using my safe word.”

  “Good. And if you ever compare me to that asshole again, your bottom will be so sore, you won’t be able to sit down for a week. Do you understand me?”

  “I…” Her voice faltered.

  One black eyebrow soared.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “There’s my good girl.” His face softened. “Look, sugar, I agree that this is your domain, where you’re in charge. I get it. What you don’t get is that you are only in charge if I’m not in here with you. Because then it becomes my domain, and I’m in charge, because no matter where we are, if we’re together, I am in charge of you. Are we clear?” When she didn’t answer, his eyes darkened.

  Pinioned by no more than his black gaze and the hand tightening around her neck, she might just as well have been tightly restrained. She couldn’t move. Not even when he took the final step that closed the distance between them, commandeering her personal space, dark intent in his eyes and raw hunger in every savage line of his face. She held her breath. Her nipples hardened and her stomach plummeted. “Jesse…”

  One black eyebrow shot up. “Are we clear, baby?”

  She gulped, struggling to maintain her swiftly vanishing equilibrium. “Y–yes, Jesse.”

  “Good. Glad that’s settled. Now, I believe I gave you a direct order, Sarah. But since you seem to be incapable of following it, I’ll help.”

  She watched, aghast, as he shoved her chair out of the way with his foot, sending it scooting across the marble floor. With both hands, he unbuttoned her teal silk blouse, jerked the tails out of the waistband of her skirt, and removed it, tossing it casually onto the seat of her chair. Reaching behind her, he deftly unclasped her ecru lace bra and pulled it off, revealing her creamy breasts to his hot, hard gaze. Folding the scrap of lace carefully, he stuffed it into the flapped pocket on the left leg of his cargoes. “Offer your breasts to me, Sunny.”

  She gulped. Sunny. The name he and Adam had given her.The slave name he and Adam had given her. The name that let her know that a scene had officially started and she was their property until they saw fit to release her. Swallowing again, she curved her hands beneath her voluptuous breasts, lifting them up as if sacrificing them to a pagan god.

  Every cell in his body burst into vibrant, throbbing life. He tried to swallow, but all the moisture in his mouth had evaporated and he couldn’t get his tongue to work. Christ! She wrecked him! She simply wrecked him! He still couldn’t believe he finally had her after needing her for so long. Eight years! Eight fuckin’ years!

  “Jesus, sugar, your breasts are so gorgeous.” It was a hoarse whisper, barely audible above the blood pounding in his ears. His head descended. He closed his lips around one berry-like nipple and began suckling hard, flicking his tongue across the tight little nub like a scourge, sending ribbons of pleasure lashing against her clit.

  Whimpering, she dropped her head back and arched forward, undulating her hips as she sought more of his exquisite torture.

  Roughly replacing her hands with his, he plumped the soft pillows of her breasts as his mouth ravaged her nipples, going back and forth from one to the other, licking, sucking, taking sharp little nips that made her squeal, before soothing her with his tongue.

  Spiraling higher and higher toward release, she could feel her juices running freely down the insides of her thighs. God, she was close…So close…

  Grabbing her shoulders, he turned her and bent her forward, smashing her wet breasts against the cluttered, glass-covered desktop. Jeez, that’s cold. She sucked in a gasp as he roughly hiked her skirt up around her waist. Cool air brushed across the exposed skin of her buttocks. “Hands over your head, baby, grab the front edge of the desk and spread your legs.”

  “Jesse, please,” she gasped, shoulders straining against his superior strength as he manhandled her into the position he wanted. “Judge Walters’s clerk is on his way over here. He’s bringing me some papers.”

  “He can leave them with Heather.”

  “No, he can’t.” Her voice rose shrilly in a last-ditch appeal to sanity. “He’s supposed to wait for me to sign them.”

  He ignored her.

  “Jesse, for God’s sake, he’ll be here any minute!”

  “Then I suggest you get a move on, little sub.”

  “Jesse, please…” She continued to resist, even as tremors of need pulsed through her until she was shaking all over. Part of her, the prim and proper, sexually repressed part, the part she’d named Angel, told her to defy him, since he was clearly out of line by coming into her office like this, expecting her to just drop everything and have wild, desktop sex. The other part of her, the inner, wanton, hedonistic imp she’d named Dolores, knew defiance was pointless. Knew she’d already lost this particular battle. Just do it, goaded Dolores’s shrill little voice in her head. Let him bend you over the desk. Let him force you to have sex—yeah, like he’d have to force you. After all, Dolores clapped her hands gleefully, seeing she had Sarah’s rapt attention, what’s the worst thing that can happen? The hottest man on the face of the planet will fuck you to the best orgasm of your life, that’s what! Really not seein’ the problem here, sweetcakes!

  Unfortunately this was the part that always got her into trouble. Because ever since Jesse and Adam had come into her life, this was the part she always listened to. “What if someone just walks right in? They’ll see…”

  “Time’s a-wastin’, Sarah.” Without waiting for her reply, he grabbed the elastic waistband of her teal silk and ecru lace panties, panties that were little more than a narrow strip of fabric between her legs, exposing her butt cheeks, and yanked them down until they caught halfway down her thighs, stretched to their limit. “Close your legs.” Barely giving her enough time to slide her feet together, he lifted one booted foot, placed it between her legs atop the bunched fabric, and shoved the panties down to the floor. “Step out.”

  Kicking the scrap of brightly colored silk out of the way with the toe of his boot, he unzipped his jeans, freeing the iron rod of his cock. With a low groan, he rocked his hips forward, humping his hot, damp cock into the crease of her ass. “Christ, sugar, you feel so fuckin’ good! I’ve been dreamin’ about this all damn day.”

  She clamped down on a whimper as the oxygen drained from her lungs. She had to stop this! He couldn’t be allowed to just come over here anytime he felt like it and…and…“Oh!” He
r whimper turned into a yelp as he pulled back his hips and sent the entire length of his cock plowing through her slit, lubricating himself in her slick juices, stopping just short of…there! There! Oh, God, there! She groaned aloud, twisting beneath him as the orgasm rushing toward her stalled, then receded. Focus, damn it! This is crazy! You’re about to have sex in your office, for crap’s sake! You’ve got to stop him! But how could she be expected to stop him when he felt…So. Damn. Good? When she wanted it more than she wanted to breathe? When she wanted him with every fiber of her being?

  Unable to restrain herself, she pushed her hips back, grinding against him with uninhibited abandon, burying his steel-hard length more deeply between the wet, swollen tissues of her labia. His clean, musky scent engulfed her, like an olfactory force field, zapping her brain and hijacking her ability to think. He smelled like sex and man, hot and raw and wild. Pleasure flowed over her, sweet and viscous, like warmed honey.

  “God, Jesse.” He was an unrelenting force, like the Borg from Star Trek, whose chilling mantra, “resistance is futile” kept playing on an endless loop in her mind. With a sense of crushing inevitability, she lowered her cheek to the smooth surface of her desk and lifted her arms over her head to grab the front edge, a position that forced her even higher onto her tip-toes than the “fuck me” heels she was wearing. Angling her head around, she looked back at Jesse towering over her. Not that towering was difficult for him. At six foot three, he was pretty good at towering over just about anyone. His face wore an expression of pure lust, sending a sense of urgency unfurling through her belly.

  Muscling his jeans down around his knees, he bent low over her back, surrounding her with his heat. He placed his mouth against her ear, licking and sucking and nibbling her sensitive skin until she was squirming and squealing beneath him. “I’m gonna fuck you, little sub,” he said with a growl. “Can’t wait to feel those tight little muscles bitin’ down on me as you come.”

  Holding her down with one hand splayed across her lower back, he slid the edge of his other hand into her glistening slit. The edge that was covered with rough calluses acquired from years of handling the world’s deadliest weapons. “Christ, sugar, you’re so goddamn wet!” He chuckled, turning his fingers, letting them stroke, circle, pinch, and tease her wet, hypersensitized flesh, turning her whimper into one long, continual series of low, kittenish mews. “Makes me wonder. What has my naughty girl been thinkin’ about, hmm?” he asked with a devilish grin. “About how I left you hangin’ this mornin’ without allowin’ you to come?”

  Her throat closed. Oh, God, he had done that. He so had done that, taking her to the edge time and time again before ruthlessly yanking her back, away from the abyss, leaving her sobbing in frustration, begging for a release he never granted. Punishment, he’d informed her, for coming twice the night before without first asking permission.

  Removing his hand from between her legs, he held his fingers up so they both could see how shiny and wet they were from sloshing through her copious juices. The sharp scent of her arousal perfumed the room. Watching her through half-lidded eyes, his expression heavy with desire, he lifted his fingers to his nose, sniffing them appreciatively before putting them in his mouth. His eyes drifted closed as he hungrily licked them clean. “Goddamn, I love the taste of your pussy. A taste I’ll never get tired of, so goddamn tangy and sweet.”

  Releasing his fingers with a slurp, he returned them to her wet, swollen folds to explore her further, ratcheting up her arousal by a factor of ten. “Have you been thinkin’ about me, sugar? Wantin’ me? Wishin’ I’d come over here and finish you off like I promised I would?”

  God, you have no idea!

  She groaned, wriggling her hips in invitation as his fingers tap-danced all around her acutely sensitive opening, circling, but never quite touching her burning clit. She was in agony. Had been in agony all morning, to the point she’d seriously considered going into her tiny en suite and getting herself off. Seriously considered. For at least one millionth of a nanosecond. But she hadn’t done it. Because it was forbidden. Because he would know if she had. She wasn’t sure how he would know, she just knew that he would and she didn’t want to disappoint him. Even if it meant spending the morning frustrated and horny. “Yes, Jesse, please…please finish me off. I need to come. Please let me come.”

  “That’s what I’m here for, sugar,” he said tenderly. “To let my beautiful girl come. As many times as you want. I’ll always give you what you need, baby. And I’ll always keep you safe.” He leaned over her and whispered into her ear. “Trust.”

  It was the only word he said.

  It was the only word she needed.

  Trust. The only thing he’d ever demanded from her, besides honesty. And, as difficult as she sometimes found it, she did trust him, with everything she had, everything she was. With that thought, the last of her uncertainty finally leached from her body and she sagged against the desk, giving him her full surrender.

  “Good girl.” His voice was filled with pride. He smiled at the sight of the lovely, naked, submissive woman sprawled so deliciously across her desk, offering herself up like a banquet, inviting him to partake of her delectable delights. His hand left her sex with a slurping noise. Grabbing both her hips, he tapped her feet farther apart with the sides of his boot.

  She felt the tip of his penis bumping along her furrow, blindly seeking her inner heat. Felt the bulbous head notching itself into the opening of her vagina, parting her swollen tissues as it pressed slowly, inexorably inside. A shuddering little cry left her throat, followed by a moan of protest as he pulled back out, a move he repeated several times until she was practically sobbing with the need to be stretched. Filled. Dominated. “Jesse…please…”

  With no word of warning, he rammed into her, ripping a cry from her throat. He went deep, as deep as it was possible to go, as if he were trying to pierce her very heart. As she lay beneath him, lungs heaving, her body desperately trying to adjust to the shock of his penetration, he slowly pulled back out, making her moan and shudder with every inch of his excruciating retreat.

  “Christ, sugar, you feel so good, so goddamn good. I’ve been thinkin’ about this all day. About your wet, juicy pussy takin’ my cock.” As he uttered his last word, he drove back into her dripping channel, slamming her against the desk, forcing her to take everything he was giving her. One hand gripped her hip, anchoring her in place, while the other curved around the front of her thigh to settle unerringly on her clit, that tiny bundle of sizzling nerve endings that was the key to all her pleasure.

  She moaned softly, her back arching, her hips bucking as his cock thrust steadily in and out while his fingers stroked her clit. She gasped, muffling a shriek as he began swiveling his hips, adjusting his angle of entry to scrape across the wrinkled tissue of her G-spot.

  Oh, God! Oh, God! As her body tightened in pleasure, he sped up his movements, building her pleasure brick by brick until her sudden harsh intake of breath froze in her lungs and her inner muscles clamped around him like a vise. Her head jerked back, her lips opening in a silent scream.

  “That’s it, baby,” he urged, “come for me. Give me your pleasure.” Hips pistoning rapidly in and out, he fucked her fast and hard. “Come, Sarah. Come now.”

  Her moans turned into tiny, mewling cries that she muffled against her forearm as she came the same way he fucked her, fast and hard, so hard she nearly bucked the two of them off her desk with the violence of the pleasure scything through her.

  “Come again, baby.” This time her orgasm didn’t build. It didn’t have time to. It simply clobbered her, sweeping her away like a pyroclastic flow sweeps away a mountainside. Somehow, somehow, she managed not to scream as she contracted around him so violently she pulled him over the edge with her. She heard Jesse’s sharp, hissing gasp, felt his body stiffen above her, felt his cock thicken and jerk inside her as it deposited jet after jet of cum deep within her vagina, triggering yet a third release, a gentler o
ne this time, one that undulated through her like ripples spreading on a lake.

  With a low groan, Jesse slumped over her back, continuing to finger her clit lightly, allowing her to descend slowly from the peak of pleasure. She collapsed against the desk, gasping as the last of the oxygen drained from her tormented lungs. She didn’t know how long they lay there, shuddering with the aftershocks that continued to roll through them both. She just knew that when he finally pulled out of her, she felt abandoned. Bereft. Hot cum, a mixture of his and hers, splattered out of her onto the floor.

  Bending down to plant a kiss on the sweet dimple at the base of her spine, one of his favorite spots on her body, Jesse straightened, pulling up his jeans and stuffing his still semi-hard cock inside. Zipping and adjusting himself, he walked into the small en suite bathroom that adjoined her office. When he returned with a damp washcloth and a hand towel, she hadn’t moved. She was still just lying there, laid out across the desk, eyes closed in bliss. Her skirt was still rucked up around her waist. The force of her orgasm had turned her bones to water, and she would have fallen if she hadn’t had the desk to hold her up.

  With a grin of satisfaction, he hunkered down behind her and gently wiped away the copious residue of their lovemaking from her thighs and pussy, taking the time to kiss every inch of skin the washcloth cleaned. Even though he’d just had what was quite possibly the most spectacular orgasm of his life, his cock once again thickened and jerked, straining against the zipper of his cargoes. Christ, he loved this woman so fuckin’ much! He’d never get enough of her. Never. She healed his soul. Hell, she was his soul.

  Annoyed to realize that his eyes were stinging, he blinked rapidly to suppress any tears foolish enough to form. He finished wiping her dry, placed one last, lingering kiss directly on her clit, then swiped the towel at the mess on the floor before carrying the soiled items back into the bathroom and dropping them in the sink. On the way back, he hooked her panties with his index finger, lifted them to his nose, and took a deep sniff before stuffing them into his pocket.


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