Owning Sarah [Sequel to Loving Sarah] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Owning Sarah [Sequel to Loving Sarah] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 24

by Julie Shelton

  Jesse grabbed one of her arms, Adam the other. They ushered her swiftly through the great room, past the massive stone fireplace and into the hallway beyond it. Jesse unlocked the first door on the right and they entered a small room. A bank of computer screens provided the only light, an eerie greenish glow, and Sarah could see that each monitor sported a different image, provided by nearly two dozen night-vision surveillance cameras located strategically around Jesse’s property.

  No one spoke as Jesse and Adam studied one of the screens which displayed the ghostly green image of a man groping his way through the trees, stumbling over hidden roots as he made his way straight toward the house—if by straight you meant in a zigzag, roundabout, back-and-forth kind of way. Still. Even in the roundabout way he was going at it he’d eventually be knocking on the front door.


  Jesse walked over to the only piece of furniture in the room—a generic metal office desk with a generic metal office chair in front of it. Yanking open the top, right-hand drawer, he withdrew two pistols, tossing one to Adam. In well-choreographed unison, both men released the clips, checked the loads, replaced the magazines, and pulled the slides, something they’d done countless thousands of times over the years they’d been in the Navy. Satisfied, they tucked the weapons into their waistbands at the small of their backs. Reaching into the center drawer, Jesse withdrew two tiny headsets and two pairs of night-vision goggles, also tossing one of each to Adam.

  He turned to Sarah, who was anxiously watching his movements. “Okay, sugar, we’re gonna go out and get this guy, whoever he is. You’ll be perfectly safe as long as you stay inside this room.”

  Her gaze flew to his. “You’re going to make me wait in here naked?” she asked in horror. “What if I have to answer the door?”

  Jesse and Adam exchanged glances. Lips twitching, Jesse said, “Trust me, sugar, no way he’s makin’ it as far as the door.”

  “I’ll get you something to wear, love,” Adam said, ducking back through the door and disappearing. They could hear his footsteps as he sprinted across the great room and pounded up the stairs.

  “Jesse…” She pointed to the screen as the man grabbed onto one of the trees, looking around, as if trying to get his bearings in the total darkness surrounding him. “Does he look familiar to you?” Frowning, both she and Jesse peered more closely at the staggering image, trying to figure out—“Oh, my God,” she breathed as it finally came to her. “That’s—”

  “Harold Sutton,” Jesse finished grimly.

  Harold Sutton. Nora Sutton’s soon-to-be-ex-husband. The man currently on trial for assault and battery and attempted murder. The man who had apparently, somehow, managed to post bail. The man who was a few tacos shy of a Taco Platter and was, even as they watched, adding criminal trespass to his laundry list of felonies.


  She turned her head toward him. “What?”

  Jesse sighed. “I don’t know if you know this or not, sugar, but Harold Sutton is Ryder Malone’s uncle by marriage.”

  Her shocked gasp told him she hadn’t known.

  “Nora is Ryder’s mother’s sister.” Jesse studied the monitors for a long, silent moment. So far Harold’s was the only image on any of the screens. “Now, this could be totally unrelated to Ryder Malone…”

  Sarah snorted.

  “…or, it could be a diversionary tactic to draw Adam and me away from you so Ryder has a better chance of…shall we say, ‘acquirin’ you’.” At this point, nothing Ryder Malone did would surprise him.

  “Put me down for door number two,” Sarah murmured, returning her gaze to the monitor, unable to suppress a shiver.

  Jesse came up behind her, stepping into her and briskly rubbing his hands up and down her arms, as if trying to impart some of the warmth from his body into hers. “Don’t worry, baby. As long as I’m alive, nothin’s gonna happen to you.”

  He just held her for a long time, nuzzling her neck with his lips. Then he sighed again. “Cops are already on their way. As soon as Adam gets back with your clothes, we’re gonna go get Sutton. While we’re gone, I need you to pay close attention to the other monitors.” Releasing her long enough to fish something from his pocket, he handed her a small black device. “You see anythin’ you don’t like, you press this”—he indicated a button along one edge—“and you scream bloody murder, you got that?”

  “Got it, Jesse.”

  He turned her to face him, pulling her back into his arms just as Adam returned carrying a sundress and a pair of red satin panties they’d bought for her. Jesse released her long enough to let her get dressed. A quick glance at the monitors revealed that Harold Sutton had made no further progress toward the house. In fact, he seemed to be in the exact same place, bent over at the waist, hanging onto that exact same tree.

  “What the fuck is he doin’?” Jesse asked, almost beneath his breath. “Is he hurt? Havin’ a heart attack? What?” He watched for another minute and then he started to laugh. “You’ve got to be shittin’ me! He’s throwin’ up! Guy’s drunk!”

  Adam shook his head, hands on his hips, grinning. “Okay, refresh my memory. Exactly which one of our scenarios called for neutralizing a flanking maneuver by an inebriated senior citizen?”

  “Scenarios?” Sarah repeated, dumbfounded. “You have scenarios?” Her voice rose shrilly. “You were expecting this?”

  “Well,” Adam reached up and rubbed the back of his neck with his right hand, gesturing toward the screens with his left, “not this, exactly—I mean, c’mon, nobody could have expected this. And not expecting, exactly, just…well…prepared.”

  “Oh, that’s right,” she teased. “I forgot you were a Boy Scout.”

  “Damn straight.” He puffed out his chest. “My very first badge was in neutralizing flanking maneuvers.”

  “And what was your second? Bragging and Bullshitting?”

  Jesse shook his head. “He may be old and drunk, but I got a bad feelin’ about this. Come on, Adam, let’s go get the fucker before he hurts himself and decides to sue us.” He curved his hand around Sarah’s nape, pulling her to him for a hard, wet kiss. “Wait here for us, baby. With the door closed, you’re perfectly safe. You can watch the whole thing on the monitors.”

  They were gone before she could protest. Numbly, she locked the door behind them then turned back to the bank of video monitors, hugging herself tightly as though trying to hold herself together. Her eyes scanned the screens, searching for the first ghostly green images of Adam and Jesse….ah, there they were, just emerging from the side door to the garage.

  * * * *

  Ah, there they are, just comin’ outta the house. Squinting through the night vision scope he’d “liberated” from one of the rifle boxes stacked in the hangar back at the compound, he watched the two figures as they started a crouching run, guns held down at their sides, pistols in hand, making straight toward his Uncle Harold. Too bad the fucker’s so goddamn drunk. He turned his head to expectorate a stream of brown tobacco juice from between his teeth then shoved the scope in his pocket. He just damn well better remember the story he’s supposed to tell. At least he remembered to show up.

  Emerging from the tree line, he slithered down the pine-needle-covered bank into the deep ditch at the side of the road, landing in a foot of muddy water. Shit. These are brand-new boots! Hand over hand, he clambered up the other side of the ditch and emerged onto the shoulder. So far, so good. All he had to do was climb over the wall, make it to the house, and get inside. Once there, he could just hide and wait until everyone was asleep.

  His pierced lips split into an evil grin as he thought about what lay ahead. He’d kill the men first—make her watch. Or maybe he’d fuck her first—make them watch. His cock hardened, and he actually giggled. Then he shook himself. Enough daydreamin’. This ain’t over yet. But it was close. So close he could almost reach out and touch it. The dream he’d been dreaming for eight years was about to come true.

p; Emulating the crouching run of his two enemies, he stepped out onto the asphalt, heading toward the ladder he’d hidden earlier behind the low bushes lined along the brick wall. But the sudden blare of sirens made him pull up short less than halfway across the two-lane highway. As he watched, half a dozen police cars came barreling around the corner at the far end of the road, lights and sirens blazing.


  Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!

  Muttering a string of curses, he ran around and jumped back into the ditch, turning so his back scraped against the rough dirt as he slithered down to the bottom. But he went faster than he intended, and this time he landed on his ass in the muddy water. He clenched his fists, slamming them against the side wall of the trench. Fuck! It took all his effort not to scream in frustration. Goddamn it! Why can’t things ever be easy? Why does everything always have to be so fuckin’ hard all the time?

  All six squad cars squealed to a stop directly across the street, their strobing red and blue lights reflecting in the water he was sitting in. His jaw clenched in rage. Christ, what’s it gonna take? I’m runnin’ outta time here. I gotta have her in two days. Two days! He broke out in a cold sweat. All those plans I made in prison seemed so easy. Now they’re bein’ ripped to shreds by that fuckin’ Breed, Colter, and his gay boyfriend.

  For the first time since his release from prison, a sense of panic began to develop. Christ, what was I thinking? I musta been outta my fuckin’ mind when I promised her to Sokolov! But, goddamn, the money—so goddamn much money! Enough to set me up for life! How could I be expected to turn that down?

  He scrubbed his hand down his face, then let his head fall into both hands. Fuck! I am so screwed! Why’d I ever let Darrell talk me into this in the first place? I never shoulda gotten mixed up with this asshole, Sokolov. Never shoulda contacted him. For damn sure I never shoulda sent him those pictures of her! Now the fucker’s comin’ here himself to take delivery in person. Crap, what’m I gonna do? Money’s already been wired into my account! If I don’t hand her over in two days, I’m a dead man.

  * * * *

  Sarah watched the glowing green images of Jesse and Adam move from screen to screen as they passed into and out of each camera’s range. In contrast to the intruder, who was lurching and stumbling tentatively across the treacherous terrain, the two ex-Navy SEALs moved with deadly competence as they steadily and stealthily closed the gap between them and their target. The older man’s hands jerked upward in shock as Adam and Jesse suddenly materialized directly in front of him, seeming to come from out of nowhere. Within seconds they had him facedown on the ground. Jesse handcuffed Sutton while Adam hunkered down and barked questions at him. Apparently satisfied with his answers, they grabbed his elbows and jerked him to a standing position.

  The drunken man made no attempt to escape as Adam held him while Jesse patted him down. Sudden movement on another screen drew Sarah’s attention. Three squad cars lined up along the side of the road, arraying themselves at intervals along the brick wall that surrounded Jesse’s property. Three more squad cars were lined up at the front gate waiting for it to open. As soon as the gap was wide enough, they shot through it and screeched to a stop halfway up the driveway.

  Two men emerged from each vehicle as all three trunks popped open. The drivers went around, reached in, and tossed assault rifles to their partners before hefting their own weapons and slamming the trunk lids shut. They all approached one of their group, who slung his rifle around his neck and held up his right hand, touching his other hand to his ear and cocking his head, as though listening to instructions. Then, he made a forward motion with his hand, and, after they all donned night-vision goggles, they plunged into the woods.

  Jesse was still searching Harold Sutton’s pants pockets when the backup team arrived on the scene. After a brief conversation, he turned the intruder over to two of the cops, and the entire group of nine turned and walked back to the waiting vehicles. One cop, placing his hand on top of Harold’s head, pushed him down into the backseat of the nearest squad car. It was over. The entire incident, from the triggering of the alarm to the arrest of the suspect, had taken less than fifteen minutes.

  The eight men stood around for several more minutes, talking and joking. Then they shook hands and broke up, the cops heading for their respective squad cars, Jesse and Adam heading up the driveway toward the house.

  On the monitor, Sarah watched them break into a run as they neared the front porch. The front door burst open and footsteps pounded across the wide oak planks of the great room floor.

  Releasing her breath, she whirled around as the beeps of the code sounded from the keypad and the door opened. With a tiny cry, she ran toward Jesse and catapulted herself into his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist. Since Adam was right behind him, she reached out and snagged the back of his neck, pulling his head forward over Jesse’s shoulder to smash their mouths together in a ravenous kiss.

  Jesse’s arms went hard around her, crushing her against his chest. The thick ridge of his erection pressed hard against her damp pussy as he grabbed her hair and pulled her head back to replace Adam’s mouth with his own. Parting her lips with a frantic twist of his head, he speared his tongue into her mouth, mating with hers in a primitive, primal duel. He kissed her until she found it difficult to breathe. With a whimper, she tore her mouth away from his, burying her face against his neck, sobs of relief racking her body.

  “No one—no one else—the monitors—”

  “It’s okay, baby, it’s okay, you can stop shakin’ now,” he murmured, lifting a hand to cradle the back of her head, holding her in place. “You’re safe. Harold claims he just came up here to talk to you. To try and get you to convince Nora to drop the charges against him. He was talkin’ a blue streak until I asked him if Ryder had put him up to this. That’s when he clammed up. They’re takin’ him in for questionin’ now.” He turned his head to place a lingering kiss just beneath her ear. “Calm down, sugar. After tomorrow he’ll be in prison and no threat to you.”

  Her gaze met Adam’s over Jesse’s shoulder, and she calmed immediately, letting the strength and love she saw there buoy her. After a long moment, she released her stranglehold on Jesse’s neck and pulled back slightly. “How did he get on the property?” she asked curiously.

  “He used a ladder, although he was so drunk, he didn’t think to pull it up and over so he could use it to climb back down, so he fell eight feet to the ground.”

  “Hence the term ‘falling-down drunk,’” Adam murmured to no one in particular.

  “It’s a wonder he didn’t break his fool neck.”

  “But why come through the woods?” Sarah wondered. “Why not just come to the gate? Or come to my office?”

  Jesse shrugged. “”Who knows? The guy’s drunk as a skunk and wasn’t makin’ a whole lotta sense. We’ll check with him again after he’s had a chance to sober up.”

  Gently, he lowered her to her feet, letting her body slide slowly down his length. His cock, hard and thick, jerked against her belly then between her breasts as, instead of stopping when her feet touched the floor, she continued her downward slide until she was on her knees before him. Looking up at him through slumberous eyes, she lifted her hand to his zipper, her mouth watering at the prospect of licking him, sucking him, swallowing his cum.

  But he stopped her, pulling her hand away from his aching erection. “No, baby. Not here. Not on this cold, hard floor. Upstairs in our bedroom, where you can cushion your knees on as many pillows as you need. And where there is room enough for you to take both of us.”

  Coming around Jesse, Adam grabbed her by her elbows and lifted her to her feet. “C’mon, angel, let’s go love each other.”

  They led her up the stairs and into the bedroom, where they immediately began undressing, carefully placing the guns, goggles and headsets on the nightstands, but strewing their clothes all over the floor.

  Naked, his cock a bouncing bar of hard iron, Jesse gr
abbed a pillow off the bed and threw it down in front of her. Instantly Sarah knelt on its softness, settling her butt on her heels and spreading her thighs to reveal her glistening pussy. Both men came to stand side by side in front of her, legs spread, stroking themselves. In unison, they moved their hands slowly up their lengths, rubbing their thumbs across their oozing tips, before sliding back down to the base to repeat the process.

  “You are to pleasure us, Sunny.” It was Adam’s low voice. His cool, distant Dom voice. “With your hands, with your mouth—whatever it takes to make us come. But you are not permitted to come yourself, do you hear me?”

  Holy Moley! They’re asking the impossible! There’s no way I can do this without coming! Biting her lip, she nodded.

  “Do you hear me, slave?” he asked again, his voice not one bit louder, but so much harder and more forbidding.

  She gulped. “Y–yes, Master, I hear you,” she finally said.

  With a shuddering sigh, she reached up and replaced their hands with hers, curving her fingers around their massive stalks, tightening her grip as she stroked up and down, swirling her thumbs in their leaking pre-cum. All the saliva in her mouth evaporated, making it impossible to swallow. Holy Moley! These guys are so freaking hot! How did I get so lucky?

  Her belly flip-flopped, sending fresh juice flowing to her already-sopping pussy. If she wasn’t careful, she was going to come. Without even being touched! Using their cocks as handles, she tugged both men closer until they were standing side by side in front of her, the tips of their cocks touching not only the tip of her nose, but each other as well. She drew in their scents, musky, earthy, sexy as hell, making her mouth water and her pussy gush. Rubbing her nose back and forth across both cocks, she coated her skin with their pearly cum.

  “Christ, sugar!” Jesse’s voice sounded like he’d swallowed rocks. With a groan, he moved his hips in a slow half circle, watching through half-lidded eyes as the tip of her tongue came out to explore his oozing slit, wrenching another groan from him. He tasted salty, loamy, completely and utterly male. Drawing back her head, she fisted him rapidly up and down, mesmerized by his shiny red cock head, the fluid leaking from it. Still holding him, she turned her head slightly to repeat the process with Adam. Letting her saliva gather in the back of her mouth, she stabbed the tip of her tongue into his seeping slit, eliciting a groan from somewhere deep in his throat.


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