Owning Sarah [Sequel to Loving Sarah] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Owning Sarah [Sequel to Loving Sarah] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 31

by Julie Shelton

  Oh, thank God!

  “But first, baby, we need you to pee.”


  She craned her neck to stare at Jesse as he carried her into the small, but sumptuous en suite located in the back corner of the room. He set her down on the toilet, then stepped back out, closing the door behind him.

  Chapter Twelve

  Holy Moley! She bit her lip, then gave a resigned sigh. It took well over a minute, but finally she managed to relieve her bladder. After she cleaned herself with a wet wipe and washed her hands, Jesse picked her up and carried her back out to the exam room. He sat her down on the end of the examination table, facing the onlookers behind the mirror, all of whom, she was certain, were observing the proceedings with rapt attention.

  “Lie down, darlin’ girl,” Jesse ordered. As she flopped back, he and Adam lifted her legs and fitted them into the metal, leg-shaped supports, tucking her heels into the stirrups before buckling the straps around her calves and above her knees. Then they moved the stirrups as far apart as they would go, spreading her legs to reveal her wet, swollen pussy and her puckered anus to the assembled audience.

  “Beautiful,” Adam murmured, giving her silken sex a pat with his hand. Then, with a groan, as if he couldn’t help himself, he bent down and inhaled her sweet essence. “God, you smell good, angel. So deliciously sweet, like pineapple and honeysuckle. If we could just bottle this scent, it would become the drug of choice for every man on the planet. We’d be gazillionaires.” The tip of his tongue came out and licked the swollen pearl of her clit.

  “Hngggh!” Her back arched and her hips slammed upward, grinding shamelessly against Adam’s face.

  He pulled back, chuckling. “I can tell you’re ready, sweetheart. But not quite yet. We want your first orgasm to be big.”

  Trust me. It’ll register on the Richter scale.

  “Um…” She bit her lip.

  Both men just smiled down at her indulgently. Then they lowered their heads and closed their mouths around her nipples, lashing them rhythmically with their tongues as they nipped and bit and sucked, making her writhe uncontrollably. Every nerve ending in her body crackled and sizzled as pleasure surged through her nipples in an electrical arc straight to her clit. She was a stick of dynamite just waiting for the spark that would set her off.

  Releasing her nipple with one last, hard pull, Adam straightened, placing the heel of his left hand over her mound and pressing down gently. Palming her slit with his right hand, he slid his first two fingers into her vagina, curving them upward, seeking her G-spot, that loose, wrinkled, slightly spongy skin that was the key to the pleasure that was to come. Using a firm touch, he began stroking his fingers in a “walking” motion across the rough surface.

  Oh, my God! Stiffening in a rigid arch, Sarah sucked in her breath as ecstasy assaulted her from someplace deep within her core. She shrieked, her muscles seizing with an almost brutal pleasure. “Oh, my God! Omigod! Omigodomigodomigod! Oh, my God, Jesse, I have to pee!”

  “No you don’t baby, you just peed.”

  “But I really, really—” Her lungs emptied on another shriek. Just as she thought she was going to expire from lack of air, Jesse touched the Hitachi to her clit, and she literally exploded in a full-body orgasm that blasted through her and out the top of her head and the tips of her fingers and toes.

  As her body seized, a stream of colorless liquid shot from her vagina in an arc to splash against the two-way mirror separating the three of them from the spectators. A stream that continued with every clenching spasm of her muscles as the orgasm rolled through her in wave after wave of pleasure. Oh, my God! What is that?

  “Again, baby,” Jesse urged, pressing the vibrator more firmly against her clit. Her hips bucked helplessly as yet another orgasm ripped through her, like a flash flood through an arroyo, obliterating everything in its path as another stream arced out of her, before landing on the floor a good nine feet away. “Jesse, Adam—” It was a frantic cry.

  “You’re okay, baby. It’s not pee, if that’s what you’re thinkin’. Give us one more.”

  One more! Good Lord, one more will kill me!

  Adam increased the pressure and speed of his stroking fingertips as Jesse toggled her clit with the head of the vibrator, sending Sarah careening into yet another cataclysmic orgasm. Her neck arched and her entire body jerked and spasmed uncontrollably, as if she were being zapped with fifty thousand volts. The climaxes came, one after the other, without any pause or cease, for what seemed like hours. Until, finally, the convulsions began to slow, and she realized she was sobbing, deep, chest-heaving sobs that continued even after the contractions finally stopped, leaving her lying on the table, a blubbering mess. Every cell in her body sizzled as if she’d swallowed lightning. Were sparks shooting from her fingertips? With great effort, as if she were moving through peanut butter, she angled her head back to look up at Jesse.

  “Hey, sugar.” With a lopsided smile, he bent to give her a soft, lingering kiss, his lips moving sweetly against hers. When he lifted his head, her eyes were swimming in tears. “You doin’ okay, baby?”

  “I—” Her breathing hitched as a fresh spate of sobs broke from her. Oh, God, she was so much more than just ‘okay.’ She opened her mouth to tell him that, but nothing came out. Her ability to assemble a coherent sentence—something she’d excelled at not half an hour ago, seemed to have deserted her. Her arm wobbled drunkenly as she tried to lift her hand in the general direction of his face.

  He grabbed it and held it between both of his. Adam removed his fingers from her sheath and brought them up to her lips. With a loopy grin, she opened her mouth and took them inside, sucking on them with noisy fervor, like a baby sucking a bottle. “She’s fine, Jess,” he laughed. “Just a little cum drunk.”

  Jesse’s eyebrow hiked upward. “A little?”

  “I smell smoke, is my hair on fire?” she asked, rolling her eyes upward as if trying to see for herself.

  Adam shrugged, spreading his hands. “Okay, a lot.”

  “She’s higher than a kite.” Jesse cupped her cheek, a gesture meant to reassure her. “No, baby, it’s not on fire.”

  She frowned. “Are you sure? ’Cause it sure feels like it’s on fire. Have you checked?” She tried to reach up and touch it, but couldn’t get her hand to cooperate.

  Chuckling, Jesse slid one arm beneath her shoulder blades, the other arm beneath her thighs. “Yes, baby, we checked. Trust me, it’s not on fire.” He straightened, pulling her up against his chest. Adam opened the door and they stepped outside the phony exam room to a burst of applause, accompanied by whistles and cheers. Michel Lavallier clapped Adam on the shoulder. “Excellent scene, my boy, excellent. Your sub is exquisite and totally charming. You must bring her back often.

  “I’ve reserved the Blue Room for you so you can finish up in private. Molly will bring Sarah’s things and leave them outside the door.” He snapped his fingers. “Paul!”

  A naked, collared man sporting a metal cock ring and a huge, painfully red erection, threw himself at the Frenchman’s feet, lowering his forehead to the floor.

  “Oui, mon Maitre?”

  “S’emparez leurs sacs et les prend a la Chambre Bleue.”

  “Oui, Maitre Michel.”

  “Are we in France?” Sarah’s chirping little voice asked of no one in particular. “I speak French. I know all fifteen verses to La Marseillaise.” She cleared her throat and began singing lustily in a deep, manly voice, “Allons enfants de la Patria.”

  Laughter followed them all through the public area.

  She was just finishing up the second verse when they entered the Blue Room and shut the door behind them. Jesse walked her over to the enormous, king size canopy bed covered with a royal-blue silk coverlet and drapes, trimmed with gold bouillon fringe.

  “Aux armes.” She thrust her arm up in the air as if brandishing a rifle. “Citoyens.”

  Adam flopped down on the bed, followed by Jesse, who was l
aughing so hard he nearly fell on top of Sarah. As it was, he managed to turn his body at the last minute so that he was underneath and she lay sprawled across him, still singing in his ear.

  He wiped his eyes, nearly choking. “Sit up, baby.”

  “Formez vos bataillons! Isn’t it a lovely song?” she asked, interrupting herself.

  Adam placed his arm over his eyes. “Yes, love, nothing like a paean to bloody uprisings to lend a festive note to any occasion.” He lay there for a moment, willing his cock to deflate before heaving himself up with a sigh and going over to the fridge in the corner to fetch a couple of bottles of water. He removed both caps and held out one bottle to Jesse.

  “Hang on a sec, I think she’s passed out.” Jesse pushed himself up into a sitting position, trying not to disturb her, if that were indeed the case.

  Adam went around to the other side of the bed and began propping pillows against the dark mahogany, heavily carved headboard. Scooting backward up the bed, Jesse leaned back against the pillows, cradling Sarah across his lap. Then he took the bottle and held it to Sarah’s lips. “Wake up, sugar. You need to drink more than you need to sleep.” Between sweating and her spectacular squirting orgasms, she’d lost lots of fluid in the exam room tonight. If she didn’t replenish them she could easily become dehydrated. “C’mon, baby, you need to drink some water.”

  With a low moan, she latched onto the bottle with one hand and drank thirstily while Adam tucked a soft, fleece throw around her. Then he crawled up the bed to sit beside Jesse, lifting Sarah’s legs over his own lap.

  For a long time they just sat there side by side, Adam stroking his hand up and down Sarah’s legs, Jesse, up and down her arm. At first their touches were almost painful, because her skin felt so sensitive she wondered if it had been sandblasted. But eventually the soothing caresses lulled her into a state of blissful lassitude. Finally Jesse loosened his hold on her, pushing her slightly away from him to look into her face, noting her dilated pupils, her slightly dazed expression, the slow blinking—what he liked to call her befuddled-owl look. He just chuckled and pulled her back into his embrace.

  “She’s still flying,” Adam observed.

  “Yeah, she’s in the stratosphere. She may not come in for a landing until tomorrow.”

  “You realize she has to be in court at nine a.m. to present closing arguments in the Sutton case.”

  Jesse gave an exaggerated sigh. “Guess we’d better get on home. Looks like we’re gonna be stuck with these hard-ons from hell for a while longer, then.”

  Adam just shrugged. “It was worth it. She’s so beautifully submissive. And those squirting orgasms! Holy Hell, that was hot! I’ve never seen a woman squirt so much on her first try. It was phenomenal. She’s phenomenal.”

  “She’s also not deaf,” Sarah piped up, her voice slightly muffled by Jesse’s chest.

  The two men exchanged grins as Adam patted Sarah’s leg. “Sweetheart, can you stand up?”

  “Sure,” she said, although she made no move to do so. “Oh, you mean now?”

  Adam’s lips quirked. “Now’s good.”

  She looked up at him. “Don’t you want me to do something about those hard-ons from hell?” she asked.

  Jesse’s smile was only slightly pained. “Oh, baby, more than you’ll ever know. Our cocks got so hard watchin’ you squirt like that, we could probably demolish buildings with them.”

  “Why did I…squirt…like that?” she asked, humiliation staining her cheeks bright red. Holy Moley! I peed in front of everyone—including the Lavalliers! What must they think of me? “I mean, was it…urine?”

  Adam shook his head. “No, baby. It’s a clear, odorless fluid that builds up in the urethral sponge, which lies between a woman’s G-spot, and her bladder. It comes out the urethra, but it’s not pee. Some Masters actually collect it in champagne glasses and drink it.”

  “Eww-w-w.” She wrinkled her nose in disgust.

  “Just another kind of pussy juice,” Jesse said with a shrug. “The best kind, actually, ‘cause it tastes sweeter.”

  “Do all women…squirt like that?”

  “They can,” Adam replied cautiously, “however, very few of them actually do. Most women need a combination of things for it to work—direct stimulation of the G-spot, along with intense clitoral stimulation and pressure against the pubic bone. Most men simply don’t want to spend the time it takes to get their partners ready for a squirting orgasm. They have to be incredibly aroused, incredibly relaxed, and incredibly trusting to just let go like that.”

  “Why do you think we’ve been workin’ so hard all day to keep your arousal at such a high level?” Jesse asked. “Keepin’ you right on the edge without sendin’ you over? Because we wanted to give this to you. And even then, there was no guarantee that it would actually work.” He brushed the hair back off her face. “Did you enjoy it, baby?”

  “No, sweetheart,” she said, shaking her head firmly. ‘Enjoyed’ is way too mild a word to describe how I felt about what happened to me here tonight. I was engulfed by it, consumed by it, transformed by it. It was the most intensely gratifying experience of my life. Every cell in my body had its own, shuddering orgasm.”

  She looked at them thoughtfully. “When you first told me we were coming here tonight, I was terrified. I thought being naked in front of all these strangers would be intimidating. But it wasn’t. I thought having sex in front of all these strangers would be humiliating. But it wasn’t.” She shook her head. “Okay, that’s a lie. It was. But I got over it.

  “You keep saying that my submission is a gift I’ve given to you. But you’ve given me a gift, too—liberty. The liberty to accept myself for what I am without shame, without guilt, without embarrassment. You make it safe for me to enjoy sex—no, wait, not just to enjoy it, to fully participate in it. You also give me the most earth-shattering pleasure I’ve ever known. Those are gifts I will take any day over everything else out there, because those are gifts beyond price.”

  “As are you, my precious love,” Adam assured her, placing a lingering kiss to her forehead. “As are you. A gift beyond price. Your pleasure is paramount to us. It’s our way of showing you how much we value and honor your obedience. Because that is what pleases us. And when we’re pleased, we want to please you.”

  Jesse lifted her off his lap and plunked her down in Adam’s so he could get up off the bed. “C’mon, sugar, it’s after midnight.”

  “Um.” She looked pointedly at his crotch then Adam’s. “About those…?”

  “Later, baby. We gotta get you home so you can kick ass in court tomorrow. Besides, tonight wasn’t about us. It was about you. We’ll get ours soon enough, don’t worry.”

  * * * *

  At first, Jesse didn’t know what had awakened him. Until he heard the faint buzz of his cell phone vibrating against the night stand.

  “Colter. Yeah, hold on a sec, let me get dressed.” Sliding out from under Sarah, careful not to waken her, he got out of bed, cutting a brief glance toward Adam as he did the same. “It’s Nik.” Both men dressed quickly, and then Jesse got his Sig from the nightstand and tucked it into his waistband at the small of his back. Picking up the phone and putting it back to his ear, he left the bedroom, Adam right behind him. “Go ahead, Iceman.”

  Halfway down the stairs, he came to an abrupt stop, his body going rigid with shock. “What?” His stunned gaze lifted to meet Adam’s. “When?” Pause. “You’ve gotta be shittin’ me!” He scrubbed his free hand down his face. “Christ, they must be gettin’ really desperate. No, no, go ahead and call ’em. I’m comin’ over right now. We’ll sort it out after everyone gets there. Okay. Okay. Colter out.”

  He flopped back against the stair railing, letting out his breath on a low whistle.

  “What?” Adam demanded, worry in every line of his face. “What?”

  “You’re not gonna fuckin’ believe this,” he said to Adam. “Two armed gunmen just broke into Brian and Lisa’s house and tri
ed to kill them.”

  “What?” Adam gasped. “My God! Anybody hurt?”

  “Fortunately, no. Jay was patrollin’ outside and saw them approach through his NV goggles. He alerted Nik, and they cornered ’em in the bedroom just after they’d emptied their Glocks into a coupla body pillows Nik had arranged in the bed.”

  “Where were Lisa and Brian?

  “Down in the basement. Brian has a panic room down there.”

  Adam scrubbed his hand down his face, for once in his life at a total loss for words.

  Jesse ran down the rest of the stairs. “I’m goin’ over there. I don’t know how long I’ll be. Just…stay with Sarah. If she wakes up, tell her…just tell her somethin’ came up.” He strode through the dark great room toward the kitchen, muttering to himself. “Damn it, I told him he needed a security system! Maybe now he’ll listen to me.”

  * * * *

  Sarah stood, smoothed down the nubby silk skirt of the raspberry-colored suit she was wearing, and walked around the prosecutor’s table to approach the jury box. Every graceful move, every elegant line of her body bespoke culture and breeding. But neither of those things was going to impress the twelve people sitting there looking at her. The only thing they cared about was the strength or weakness of the prosecution’s case against Harold Sutton.

  “Ladies and gentlemen of the jury,” she began in a low, confident voice, never taking her eyes off the jurors as she walked slowly back and forth in front of them, “over the past three days you have heard witnesses testifying under oath that that man”—she turned suddenly and pointed straight at Harold Sutton, sitting at the defense table with his attorney, Ray Martinez—“Harold Sutton, the defendant in this case, beat and raped his wife. Not once. Not twice. But repeatedly. Over”—she slammed her fist against the wooden railing in front of the jury box—“and over”—another slam—“and over”—another slam—“cruelly and brutally through seventeen years of a marriage made in hell. You have seen photos and heard testimony from doctors, nurses, neighbors and the police officers who answered the dozens of domestic disturbance calls, all attesting to the horrific nature of the injuries Mr. Sutton inflicted on his wife.


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