Finding Our Way (Werewolf Wars)

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Finding Our Way (Werewolf Wars) Page 5

by Bethany Shaw

  “Oh, come on. He’s fine,” Vincent said, pointing to Daniel, who was working his way through the buffet.

  “Go fix your plate, Vincent,” Claire insisted, placing a hand on his shoulder.

  “Save my spot,” Vincent grinned at her.

  The chair scraped against the floor as he stood and walked away. Nora followed his movements for a moment, before her eyes drifted to Daniel. He finished filling his plate, but instead of staying, he walked toward the kitchen door. Daniel’s gaze drifted to hers momentarily before he exited the room.

  Nora fiddled with the fork in her hand. She couldn’t help but wonder why he hadn’t stayed.

  The chair across from her scraped against the floor and Gene sat down. He handed a plate to Natalia, and took a moment to pat Adrian on the head.

  “How are your accommodations?” Gene asked politely.

  “My room is very nice,” Nora replied.

  “To be clear, you know you are free to leave the ranch at any time,” Gene said.

  Nora poked at the Salisbury steak on her plate. “That’s what I’ve been told, but in the next breath I hear how dangerous it is.”

  “If you want to leave, I’m sure we can figure something out to make sure you are safe. It’s possible now that Juarez has shifted his focus here and he will leave you alone. I’m sure you have friends and family who will miss you.” Gene dug into his potatoes and started to eat.

  Nora bit her lip, considering her options. “My grandma was the only family I had. She passed away about a month ago,” she started. Tears pricked her eyes at the reality of her statement. “I have friends at school, but April...” a small smile slipped over her lips. “She’s like a sister to me. I would always wonder if she were okay—safe. I want to try to stay here, although, I would like to try and finish out my degree,” Nora said, confidently. This could be her chance at a fresh start. She wouldn’t be around people who knew her life story. April would be the only one to know the intimate details, and she knew her friend would never say anything.

  “I’m sure we can work something out,” Gene nodded. “If at any time you change your mind, let Dev or I know. We’d be happy to help you out in any way we can. Free will is imperative to us here. It’s what we’re fighting for.” His hand gripped Natalia’s on top of the table, giving it a firm squeeze. “I do suggest when you’re feeling up to it, that you start training. Unfortunately, we are at war here, and our enemy could attack at any time. It will help everyone if we’re all prepared.”

  His eyes met hers boldly, and she could see the sincerity and warning behind his words. Goose bumps pricked her skin as she shivered. With a swallow, she lowered her gaze to her mashed potatoes. She might be getting a fresh start here, but if she weren't careful, she could quickly find herself in over her head.

  Chapter Five

  Nora tugged on the laces of her grey sneakers, pulling them into a tight double knot. She swept her long locks back into a messy ponytail, and gave herself a once over in the mirror. The tank top and sports bra covered most of her scar, and she had put a little foundation over the rest of it.

  “Hey, you ready?” April’s voice called as she knocked on the closed door.

  Nora breathed in and let it out. “Yeah.” She turned the knob and gave her friend a wide smile.

  “You sure about this?” April asked.

  “It’s been two weeks. Devon said I was fine,” Nora shrugged.

  The past fourteen days had blown by. She’d spoken with a few advisors at Ole Miss and had managed to get most of her courses online. When she wasn’t consumed by her schoolwork, she’d spent time with Lark, April, and Natalia. There had been one person she’d wanted to see also, but, unfortunately, she’d only seen Daniel a handful of times. Each time he’d been on his way to do something.

  Hopefully, he’ll be there tonight, she mused.

  April linked their arms together as she led her down the hall. “I know your injury is healed. That’s not what I meant.” April pulled her to a halt and gave her a knowing look.

  “I am perfectly capable of doing physical activity. I was very active before,” Nora hissed, snatching her arm away. April had never treated her as an invalid and she certainly hoped she wasn’t about to now.

  “I know that,” April sighed, pushing a loose strand of her hair behind her ear. “This is different from yoga and light running on a treadmill. We do mock fights. You will get hit. Not to mention, the agility and running.”

  “I can do this,” Nora snapped. “I know what my body can and can’t do. I’m perfectly healthy.”

  “Nora,” April said, squeezing her hand. “I don’t want to fight. I just want you to understand that this is different and more intense than anything you’ve ever done before. If you need a break, or if it’s too hard, don’t hurt yourself.”

  “I won’t.”

  April studied her for a long moment before nodding. They linked arms again as they made their way downstairs. April led her outside and into a large red barn. A small group had already gathered. The two of them stood off to the side watching as Daniel and another guy fought.

  Nora chewed on her lower lip, taking in Daniel’s shirtless torso. Muscles rippled across his chest as he dodged a punch. He caught his opponent and threw him to the floor. The men around them cheered as the bloodied man held up his hands in submission.

  “Daniel’s one of the best fighters here,” April told her.

  Daniel turned so his back was to them. He slowly backed away from the fallen man. Nora gasped her eyes transfixed on his back. Long dark scars covered his sweat-covered skin.

  “They’re claw marks,” April whispered. “Probably why he’s such a good fighter.”

  “Any idea what the tattoo means?” Nora asked as she admired the symbol written on his left shoulder blade.

  “I’m not sure.”

  “It looks Chinese,” Nora wondered.

  April shrugged. “Guess you’ll have to ask him,” she grinned giving her a playful nudge.

  Nora snorted. “I haven’t spoken to him since the day I arrived. I’m not sure he wants anything to do with me.”

  “He’s been really busy. All the guys have,” April said, earnestly. “They’ve been constructing a new building and putting up fences. From what I’ve seen, he’s not much of a talker either. You might need to approach him. He’s kind of hot.”

  “April,” Nora flushed. She put her fingers to her lips hoping no one noticed the heat creeping across her cheeks.

  “Well, he is. Clearly you agree.”

  “Maybe a little,” Nora mumbled.

  April giggled bumping her lightly on the arm. “You should try to talk to him. He’s kind of a loner, but he did risk his life to save all the people who made it out of my pack. He’s a good guy—just quiet. Kind of reminds me of someone I know.”

  “I’m not quiet,” Nora huffed.

  “Not now. But you used to be when we first met. And you can still be reserved sometimes.”

  “Well, I am in a different state surrounded by people I don’t know who just happen to turn into wolves. You’ll forgive me for being a little reserved right now,” Nora replied, rolling her eyes. “Speaking of guys,” Nora started, nodding toward a guy with dark blonde hair and brown eyes. “Who is he? He’s staring at you.”

  April followed her gaze. “That’s Jackson.”

  “Your on-again-off-again?”


  “He’s cute.”

  “Yes, he is.”

  “You two starting something up again?” Nora questioned.

  “I don’t know. The romance is there, the love is there, we just can’t seem to agree on anything,” April sighed. “He’s not like Juarez; he would never stop me from doing anything. But, he’s been very vocal about me going to school. I’m kind of an outcast amongst my group. My need for normal, human life is very taboo. At least according to them.” April stood up on her tiptoes and waved at Lark and Natalia as they entered the barn. “I fit
right in here.”

  “Hi,” Lark smiled as she waved to them.

  Natalia gave them a nod and her eyes wandered around the barn. Nora couldn’t help but notice how uneasy the other woman appeared. Nora didn’t know a lot about the werewolf world, but it seemed odd that the alpha female would be so standoffish.

  “You feeling up to this?” Lark asked.

  “Yeah. I do yoga and run, but April tells me this is a little more intense,” Nora shrugged.

  Lark nodded. “It is. Devon and I usually work one-on-one, but with all the new people we want to make sure everyone is prepared.”

  “So this is like basic training?” Nora asked.

  “You could call it that,” Lark agreed. “I could also work with you on learning to shoot if you’re so inclined. The wolves aren’t too keen on it, but it could come in handy. We humans are at a disadvantage.”

  “I’ve never shot a gun before.”

  “I’ll teach you if you want,” Lark offered.

  Before Nora could respond, Gene’s voice boomed through the crowd instantly silencing everyone.

  “Good evening. Thanks for joining us tonight. I thought we’d start tonight off with a run, and then break into groups for sparring. We’ll run a two-mile stretch tonight around the perimeter of the buildings. Everyone take a minute to stretch and warm up.”

  Nora lifted her ankle and tucked it up. By chance, her eyes caught Daniel’s, he gave her a small smile and started moving in her direction. Her heart kicked up a notch and she forced an even breath in. However, several feet before he reached her he pulled up short. The smile slipped from his face and he turned around and left. What in the world, Nora wondered.

  “Hey, Devon,” Lark greeted, melting into the alpha.

  Devon wrapped one arm around her and placed a kiss to her head.

  “All right. Everyone warmed up? Let’s get going,” Gene shouted.

  “Don’t push too hard, Nora. Stop if you need to,” April suggested as people started filing out of the barn.

  Nora grumbled under her breath and she was about to lash out when she noticed Daniel hanging back. This could be her chance to talk to him, she realized.

  “I’m fine. But I’ll probably pull up the rear just in case.”

  April gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze and then followed Lark, Natalia, and Devon out of the barn.

  Nora turned her attention toward Daniel, who still stood against the haystacks. Most everyone had already exited the barn, but he hadn’t moved. Inhaling sharply, she walked toward him.

  Daniel’s eyes focused on Nora as she approached. Her copper hair was pulled up, except for a few loose strands around her face. The black tank top and shorts she wore clung to her body accentuating every glorious curve.

  “Hi,” she greeted.


  “You running tonight?”

  “Yeah. I like to run alone though, so I usually give everyone a few minute head start.”


  Daniel grimaced realizing how she probably took that. “I mean,” he cleared his throat. “We could run together if you’d like.”

  Her eyes lit up and a smile slid across her face. Daniel relaxed, relieved. He gestured for her to lead the way.

  Once outside, they both started at a steady jog.

  “Do you do a lot of running?” Daniel asked after several moments of silence.

  “On the treadmill. This is a little bit different,” Nora admitted, sucking in a deep breath through her nose. “What about you? Do you do a lot of running like this?”

  “I’m more used to being in my wolf form, but this is nice too.” When she didn’t say anything else, he elaborated. “It’s more intense as a wolf. You can see things, feel things; everything is so much more vivid.”

  “That must be nice. I saw you fighting earlier. You’re pretty good.” She cleared her throat and sucked in another breath. Daniel peered over at her to make sure she was doing okay. A fine sheen of sweat glistened on her brow, but her breathing seemed even. Her head turned toward him. “Maybe you could, uh, teach me how to fight too.”

  Daniel hesitated for a moment, causing his steps to falter. She wanted him to teach her. “I’ve never really taught anyone. I’m not sure I’d be a good teacher.”

  Nora shrugged, pushing forward. “I’m sure Devon or Gene could teach me then,” she replied after a long moment.

  Daniel gritted his teeth. Great, now she thinks you don’t want to, he berated himself. “I could give it a try.”


  “I’ll team up with you when we break down into sparring teams.”

  “I’m not really a fighter. You might have your hands full,” Nora admitted, casting a glance his way.

  “We all have to learn sometime. Besides, I’ve seen you in action. You have good instincts. I’m still not sure how you did that flip thingy when that guy had you over his shoulder,” Daniel admitted. He’d never seen anything like that before.

  “I took gymnastics as a kid and I’ve been doing yoga for years now.”

  “I think you’ll do just fine.” He nodded toward the light of the barn. “Home stretch.”


  As soon as they’d finished their run, they’d started training. Teaching Nora to fight was proving to be more difficult than he had first thought. Luckily, the barn was jam-packed with other people. It made it easier to concentrate on the task at hand instead of his sexy partner.

  Daniel hesitated a moment before placing his hands on Nora’s hips. Heat seeped out from her shirt into his hands and he fought the urge to feel the roundness of her behind. “Spread your feet a little more.” He waited until she complied. “Now, square your shoulders. When you punch with your backhand, you want your back foot to come up a little. It will help put more force behind your punch.” He released his hold on her and walked around in front of her. He placed his hands on her shoulders, helping to adjust her frame.

  “This better?” Nora asked.

  Daniel cleared his throat as he met her eyes. He swallowed the lump back down and looked away. “Yeah. There are a couple key areas to aim for. Physically I am stronger than you, but there are seven spots that you can attack that will give you a momentary advantage.” He lifted his finger pointing. “The eyes, nose, throat, knees, shins, the top of the foot, and, uh, the groin. Memorize those points. It could save your life.”

  “Eyes, nose, throat, knees, shins, top of the foot, and the groin,” she repeated, her eyes focused on something behind him. “Got it.”

  Daniel turned and grabbed one of the practice dummies and shoved it toward her. “Now I want you to practice hitting those areas on the dummy.” He walked to the back of it and braced it. “Whenever you are ready.”

  Nora nodded and let out a long breath before throwing her first punch.

  “Good,” he encouraged.

  Nora threw a few more punches before stopping to shake out her hands. Her knuckles were bright red and had a few scuff marks on them.

  “Here, try these,” Devon said, approaching with a pair of gloves. “It will protect your hands.”

  Daniel bit the inside of his cheek.

  “Sorry, Daniel should have offered them to you,” Devon apologized, unlacing the gloves for Nora.

  Anger flared behind his eyes. “If she ever has to defend herself, she’s not going to have a plush pair of gloves to keep her hands safe. She’d do better to know the pain of hitting something going into a fight, then to be taken by surprise in a real fight.”

  “You could let her ease into it too,” Devon suggested. Their eyes locked. Devon clenched his fists in an unspoken challenge. The hairs on the back of Daniel’s neck bristled.

  “It’s fine. I’m good. I took gymnastics and ballet as a child. I’m used to the no-pain-no-gain motto,” Nora said, breaking the silence enveloping the two brothers. “Thank you, though, Devon.” She smiled at him before turning back to Daniel.

  “I’ll leave them here if you change your m
ind,” Devon said, setting the gloves on the ground beside the dummy.

  Daniel narrowed his eyes watching as Devon returned to Lark. The blonde woman said something to him shaking her head, but Daniel couldn’t make it out over all the other noise.

  “That was kind of intense,” Nora said, drawing his attention back to her.

  “You can use those if you want,” he offered.

  “I think I’m all right. I’ll add some kicks into the mix too.” Nora returned to her fighting stance. After a moment, she threw another punch, then another. She stopped every few minutes to shake out her hands, but continued. Each set; she got better—hitting harder, faster, and more accurately.

  “How am I doing?” Nora asked.

  “I think you’re ready to move onto the next step.”

  “What’s that?” Nora asked, her brows furrowing in question.


  “Like someone grabbing me?” she clarified.

  “Exactly. You’ll have an advantage here. Juarez’s men don’t think of women as strong. They are merrily mothers and breeders. They’ll underestimate you—especially because you’re human. Use this as an opportunity to take them down quickly and efficiently. Turn around,” he said, motioning for her to spin.

  Nora did as he asked. Daniel took a step forward, slipping his arms around her slender, toned waist. He drew her back until she was pressed firmly against him. The sweet scent of strawberries and something else he couldn’t quite identify invaded his senses. Her breathing seemed to quicken, and he wondered if she was affected by his closeness as much as he was.

  “Do you remember the seven vulnerable areas we talked about?” he asked, trying to stay on point. “Which one do you think you should strike at in this hold?”

  “Top of the foot,” she whispered, breathlessly.

  “Good. Tap the top of my foot.” He waited for her to comply, and then released his grip, immediately missing the contact. “Now, that will hurt me, but it won’t hurt enough to keep me from coming back after you,” he explained. “Spin around. Use the palm of your hand and drive it up into the nose. Then,” he grimaced, thinking of the next step. Usually he kicked the shins, but for her... “Kick the groin.”


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