Finding Our Way (Werewolf Wars)

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Finding Our Way (Werewolf Wars) Page 19

by Bethany Shaw

  “Yes, we have been married for a few years now,” Chip grinned.

  “Hey, Chip,” another man said, poking his head into the room. “I need to speak with you.” He cleared his throat nodding at them. “It can’t wait.”

  “Excuse me, I’ll be right back,” Chip said, exiting the room.

  Lark slipped her hand inside the sleeve of her jacket and pulled out her white iPhone. She began to type furiously across the screen. Seconds later her phone vibrated and Nora and Sarah both peered over to read it.

  Fires set. Get out! –Devon

  “They are gone you need to go now,” Emma said running back into the room.

  “Come with us. April’s here,” Nora blurted out.

  “April?” Emma’s voice broke. Hope spread across the other woman’s face and she looked to Lark for confirmation.

  “Yes, she’s here with us. She couldn’t come to the house because they would have noticed her. Get your boys and we’ll go. I’ll take you to her,” Lark said, rushing to the entryway. “Sarah call Claire to bring the van.”

  “We’ll slow you down. You’ll never make it out of here. They’ve already sounded the alarm,” Emma said, darting for the stairs. “Trust me; you don’t want to be captured. I wouldn’t wish this life on my worst enemy.”

  “We won’t get caught. We have a group waiting for us and a car. Let us help you,” Nora encouraged. The thought of leaving Emma and her kids here made her nauseous. From the little interactions she’d seen between Emma and Chip, it was obvious the woman was a prisoner here. They needed to at least try to help her.

  Emma swallowed staring at them for a long moment. She nodded and flew up the stairs. Lark followed her, taking the stairs two-at-a-time. Nora looked at Sarah who shrugged in response. Together the pair raced up.

  “Get up,” Emma hollered, throwing a door open. “We’re running.” She looked up at Lark and Nora as she drew the blankets off a little boy. “Across the way, there are a few girls they just brought in today.” Emma said as she set to work rousing the kids in the room.

  “I thought you only had two?” Sarah asked as she stared at the six boys who were sleepily getting out of bed.

  “These boys are my charges now. Their mother, Rosita, was killed a few months ago. I will not leave without them too,” Emma said. She turned back to the boys and clapped her hands. “Move. Hurry, my sweets, we don’t have a lot of time,” she instructed before racing across the hall into another bedroom.

  Nora scooped one of the younger boys up into her arms, he couldn’t be older than two. She held the trembling boy and hummed softly trying to ease his fears. His body shook and his wide blue eyes stared up at her. “It’s okay,” she assured brushing a hand through his dark hair. “We’re going to take you someplace safe.”

  “To mama,” he whispered his bottom lip puckering.

  Nora’s heart clenched painfully in her chest. “No, sweetie, but I think she’d be happy knowing you were with us.” She hurried the other boy’s out of the room and followed them out into the hall.

  Sarah stood in the center of the hall, a cell phone pressed to her ear. Lark pounded on the doorknob of the door across from the boy’s room, trying desperately to break the lock. She slammed the gun down one last time and the door burst open.

  “Lark,” Amelia cried as she rushed out of the room, throwing her arms around the surprised blonde. Lark cradled the younger girl to her and wrapped her arms around the two other girls and boy from the ranch.

  “Come on, we have to go,” Lark rushed, pulling away from them she led them to the stairs.

  Emma came out from the other room, two small children in her hands. “Let’s go, before they come back,” she said.

  “Claire’s on her way with the van. Will we all fit?” Sarah asked, looking around the hall at the large group. They now had fourteen extra bodies to cram into the van.

  “We’ll make it work,” Lark replied, she turned to Amelia. “Amelia, take the boy from Nora so she can use her gun.”

  Amelia rushed forward and eased the boy into her arms.

  “We’ll lead the way,” Lark instructed, readying her gun. “Let’s go!”


  Daniel peered out from the bushes, his eyes intent on the door to the main house. His pulse roared in his ears as knots formed in his stomach. Come on Nora! Where are you? His hands shook with worry as he thought of the beautiful woman who had changed his life. Nothing was going to happen to her—he wouldn’t let it. He’d go to hell and back if he had to. There was no way he’d let her become a prisoner here.

  Devon paced next to him a low growl vibrating out of his throat. To their right an inferno blazed. Smoke and flames billowed high into the sky. Lighter fluid and charred plastic filled the air. The fire burned so hot, that a fine sheen of perspiration was budding on his brow from their spot five hundred feet away. The stench of the blaze masked their scent and no one had caught onto them yet, thankfully.

  “There,” Devon pointed as the front door swung open.

  Lark exited first her rifle raised, ready to fire. She was followed by Nora and then Sarah. The trio took in their surroundings before motioning behind them.

  “Is that-“ Daniel started craning his neck.

  “Amelia,” Devon interrupted. “It is, and a whole bunch of other people too. We need to move. They are definitely going to slow us down and who knows how long that fire will provide us with a distraction.”

  Daniel nodded in agreement and together they raced through the trees toward the large group.

  “Someone’s coming on your left,” Daniel warned as footsteps crunched over the leaves and twigs.

  Devon twisted, crouching down he prepared to leap but stumbled back at the last moment when he saw who it was.

  “Thought you could use some help since we got a few extra bodies,” Vincent whispered with a grin as he, April, and Jackson emerged from the trees. “Mom’s on her way with the van. She’s going to pick us up at the road about a quarter mile east of here.”

  “Let’s get them and get the hell out of here,” Devon replied.

  Daniel glanced back one last time to the blaze. The wolves were too focused on it to understand what was really happening—at least for now. Find Nora before they catch on to what’s happening.

  They raced through the woods. Daniel pushed himself faster, harder. He needed to get to Nora to make sure she was safe—unhurt.

  Her strawberry scent lingered in the air and he pushed himself harder. His legs and lungs burned as he hopped over a log. “Nora,” he hissed as he approached. Her amber eyes found him as he emerged from the brush. She launched herself at him, wrapping her arms around his neck as she drew him close.

  April flew past them enveloping a brunette woman in her arms. Sobs racked through her body and Daniel could only assume it was her sister.

  “You’re okay,” Nora breathed into his neck, drawing his attention back to her.

  “Are you?” he asked pulling back, he brushed loose strands of hair from her face. His eyes did a quick once over, checking for any injuries.

  She nodded once and smiled. The grin quickly slid from her face as she stepped back and raised her gun. Daniel spun as a pack of five wolves stalked toward them.

  “Don’t fire,” Devon ordered.

  A loud pop rung out through the night air. Smoke streaked out of Sarah’s gun. She fired again, striking another wolf. Sarah unloaded shots into the wolves in a rapid succession.

  The men who had been tending to the fire turned their attention on them.

  “We need to run,” Daniel said, pulling Nora into him.

  “Go! Get to the road,” Devon instructed ushering the women and kids ahead of them. April and Jackson helped Emma and the kids run ahead. He waited until they were a safe distance, then said, “We need to fall back while we still can.”

  Lark fired off a few shots and Nora followed suit. They took out the men who were closest to them as they stumbled back. Devon clasped Lark’s
hand in his and tugged her into the brush.

  “Come on, Nora,” Daniel said, grabbing her elbow. She fired off one last shot before spinning on her heel and taking off into the woods. “Vincent, Sarah, let’s go,” he called over his shoulder.

  Gunshots continued to splice through the cool fall air and Lark stopped abruptly ahead of them. Daniel gripped Nora around the waist, pulling them both to a halt before they collided with Devon and Lark.

  “Where’s Sarah? What is she doing?” Lark asked, her eyes frantically searching.

  Another pop rippled and echoed causing Nora to flinch into Daniel’s side. He glanced behind him and caught sight of Sarah’s silhouette. She aimed the gun and fired another shot.

  “Go ahead get out of here. We’ll be right behind you,” Vincent hollered from his spot a few feet from Sarah.

  Devon nodded and their younger brother reached out for Sarah.

  “She’s still shooting, that means she’s still fighting,” Devon assured. “He’ll get her. They’ll be fine, we need to catch up to April and Jackson if there are any more wolves that attack them they are going to be in trouble.”

  Lark let out a strangled sob as she nodded.

  Daniel pulled Nora into him. “She’ll be okay. Vincent will get her,” he whispered, noticing her lingering look in the direction Vincent and Sarah were.

  “We need to get back to the van and hold it while we wait for them,” Devon coaxed, pulling Lark through the trees.

  Shrieks sounded ahead of them and the two couples sprinted off in that direction. They quickly cleared the distance between them and the other group. Daniel stopped short, yanking Nora back as they approached. A group of wolves surrounded their pack mates, the young boys, and Emma. Three wolves circled protectively around them.

  “April, Amelia, and Jackson,” Daniel whispered to Nora, pointing to the brown, black, and massive white wolf. “Shoot everyone else. Devon’s all black too and I’m reddish-brown,” he added wanting to make sure, she knew who not to shoot.

  Lark fired her gun as the wolves lunged at them. Daniel leapt forward, triggering his transition. His shirt exploded, falling in shreds to the dirt floor. A wolf caught him midair, it’s canines tearing into his collarbone. Claws sliced threw his abdomen sending blinding pain through him. His shift stopped, and he yowled as the bones in his body shifted, popping painfully back into his human form. He grunted as he collided with the hard ground and the back of his head struck something sharp. Trying to catch his breath, he fought to hold his attacker back at the same time.

  A loud bang sounded just above his ear and the wolf on top of him faltered before pitching forward. It’s hollow, dead eyes staring into his.

  Nora stood above him, her eyes wide with worry. A growl sounded to his right and she turned her gun going off again. Daniel shoved the body off of him and stumbled to his feet. Blood dripped down his torso and his head floated above him as dizziness threatened to take him to the ground.

  Everything spun around him. A wolf flung toward him. His vision blurred and he blinked trying to differentiate between the two wolves—which was real and which was an illusion, he wondered.

  He ducked out of the way just in time. Grasping the wolf's leg as he fell, he twisted. His attacker’s leg snapped, causing the wolf to whine. Daniel balled his fist and punched. Pain exploded through his knuckles as it’s canines tore through his skin. Ignoring it, he pounded his fist into the wolf again until the wolf whimpered and fell still.

  He pushed to his feet, ignoring the floating sensation racing through his body. Stay conscious.

  “Lark!” Nora screamed as a gun went off.

  Daniel watched as a grey wolf jumped on the blonde taking her to the ground. It gnashed it’s teeth at the alpha female. Nora fired a round into the wolf, but it continued to bite and snarl at Lark. The blonde screamed holding her gun as a barrier. Devon raced toward her but was stopped by two other wolves.

  Lurching forward, Daniel wrapped his arms around the wolf's torso and lifted. His back burned as he moved the large animal back. He flexed his hands, triggering their change. Daniel jammed his nails into the wolf's soft underbelly repeatedly, until it stilled in his grasp.

  He dropped the wolf to the ground and then pitched forward into the dirt. Darkness clouded his vision and everything went black.

  Chapter Twenty

  Nora fired shots repeatedly. She’d seen Daniel go down and needed to get to him. Unfortunately, she needed to take care of the threat first. Come on. Come on. She thought as the wolves continued to attack. Her fingers tingled from the grip she had on the gun. She fired one last time, watching as the last wolf sunk down to the ground. Her eyes darted around, making sure the coast was clear before she turned to Daniel.

  A sob tore through her throat as she saw his shirtless body slouched down on the ground. Her heart skipped a beat and pulse roared in her ears. Racing forward, she skidded on her knees in front of him. Gingerly, she rolled him over. Blood coated his torso, and pieces of dirt and leaves clung to the sticky mess. His eyes were closed, but his breathing was even and steady.

  “Daniel,” she whispered as tears welled in her eyes. Cradling the wolf's head in her arms, she pressed a kiss to his forehead. Please be okay. Please wake up. “Daniel,” she choked out again.

  “Is he okay?” Lark asked as her and Devon hobbled over. Red dribbled down the blonde’s forehead and out of her nose. Crimson soaked through her jacket, smearing across her neck.

  Daniel coughed and his emerald eyes blinked open. Nora stared down at him, smoothing her finger over his stubbled jaw. He grunted and quickly pulled away and pushed himself to his feet. Nora reached out a hand and clasped onto his arm. “Are you all right?”

  Daniel nodded his hand going to the back of his head. When he brought it back, it was covered with blood.

  “Can you move?” Devon asked, putting his hand on Daniel’s shoulder.

  “Yeah,” he mumbled.

  Nora wrapped an arm around his waist to help support him. Her heart beat wildly against her ribs and she took a steadying breath in. He was going to be okay. She closed her eyes, then opened them looking up at him. Everything’s fine.

  If something happened to him, she didn’t know what she would do. In just a few short weeks, he had become important to her—beyond important. She might very well be falling in love with him. Daniel McKinley might be a little rough around the edges, but beneath the surface, he was a good, kind man.

  “Roads just ahead,” Devon said, he and Lark started forward, following the kids, Emma, and the three wolves to the road.

  “Are you sure you’re okay?” Nora asked. Warmth soaked through her top and she shuddered realizing it was his blood. Her fingers were slick against his side and she closed her eyes. There was so much blood. What if he was losing too much? Would he be all right, she wondered.

  “I’ll transition in a bit and be just fine. Let’s get out of here before we get attacked again.” He placed a kiss to her temple. “I can run.” He pulled away, his fingers ran down her arm, entwining with her hand.

  Nora clasped her hand in his and jogged after him. Their pace quickened as they neared the smooth blacktop. Claire stood leaning against the van. As soon as the elder wolf saw them, she stood upright and ran toward them.

  “Amelia,” she gasped crouching down and embracing the slender black wolf. “Oh, thank goodness.” She looked up. Tears brimmed in her red-rimmed eyes a smile slipping over her features as she hugged the other kids who had been taken from the ranch. “You’re all safe. Hurry, let’s get everyone into the van.” She motioned for them to enter the side doors already hung open. Her eyes drifted to Daniel and the smile fell from her face. She stood up and raced toward him.

  “I’m fine,” Daniel panted. His face was beet red and sweat shone on his brow.

  Claire reached out, her hands inches from his injured chest and torso. “Oh no.”

  “It’s okay, Mom,” Daniel assured.

  “There is so mu
ch blood. You’ll bleed out,” Claire worried.

  “He’ll need to transition as soon as we get to a safer area, but he’ll be all right. They’re just scratches, they don’t appear to be too deep,” Devon said glancing at Daniel. “If an artery had been hit, he’d of already bled out.”

  Claire hesitated for a long moment before nodding. Reaching up, she gently patted Daniel’s face before turning her attention to Nora.

  Nora flustered under the other woman’s eyes. She was untouched whereas Daniel looked ready to keel over. Claire nodded before appraising Devon and Lark.

  “Where is your brother?” Claire asked, her hazel eyes widening with worry.

  “He’s with Sarah. We got separated,” Devon explained, helping Lark to the van.

  “They should have caught up by now,” Lark whispered, pulling away from Devon as she staggered back to the woods.

  Howls erupted in the air and a gun went off seven times in rapid succession followed by a loud blood-curdling scream before it became silent.

  “Sarah,” Lark cried out. She sprinted into the woods, her feet stumbling over the broken limbs on the ground.

  “Lark,” Devon called, chasing after her.

  “Stay here,” Daniel said, pulling away from Nora. “I’m going to go help.”

  He took a few steps forward, and before Nora could say anything, a loud boom ripped through the sky causing the ground to shake beneath their feet. Fire shot up in the sky and a large black plume encompassed it.

  “Oh dear God,” Claire gasped, her hands covering her mouth.

  Snarls and growls drew their attention from the inferno. Devon yanked Lark back and scanned the woods.

  Nora looked in the direction of Devon’s gaze but didn’t see anything. She could, however, hear the crackling of flames.

  “Dev,” Daniel said as he grasped onto Nora’s arm and led her to the van.

  “We have to go,” Devon said, scooping Lark into his arms running past them and setting her on the floorboard.


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