Urban Vampire The Turning

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Urban Vampire The Turning Page 11

by Pepper Pace

  ...the food is Paul...

  That thought was distant. I didn't understand right away. Paul!

  I rolled away from him alarmed. His hands feebly attempted to hold onto me.

  His eyes were half closed as he looked at me. "What?" He asked.

  "I'm taking too much. I have to stop."

  "No...not yet." He sat up on his elbows and looked at me more alert and I breathed a sigh of relief. His hand reached up and he tentatively touched my cheek. "I can make you feel good, too."

  I had to smile at that. "You ARE making me feel good. Don't you know how hard it is for me to stop drinking you? Even now when I'm scared to death of draining you?"

  "But do I make you feel good?" I looked away embarrassed.

  "Yes. Okay, Yes! But don't you get it? I can't be with you like that because I only feel this way because you're the food. It's not you. And you only feel like this because of the bite." I stared at him. "When it's about you and me, then maybe we'll do something about it."

  "I'm going to have to make you fall in love with me, aren't I?"

  I just smiled then he did, too.

  I stood and gave him a hand up. He came slowly to his feet.

  The door buzzer rang. I looked at him expectantly. He shrugged his shoulders then hurried to the intercom.

  "Yes?" He spoke into the box.

  "I'm here for Kim." A cold chill ran up my spine. It was Tony.

  Paul went to the balcony and looked down. He hurried back to me. "Uh...there's a big scary guy down there."

  "That would be Tony. Close the balcony door!"

  But it was already too late for that. Tony was already standing on the small balcony with Paul.

  "Are you going to invite me in?" He directed to Paul.

  "No." Paul said.

  Tony smirked but didn't even try to enter. "Just wondering." He turned his eyes on me through the opened door and gave me a stern look. "You've been busy."

  I crossed my arms across my chest. "What are you doing here?"

  I saw the muscle clench in his jaw but when he spoke his voice was calm and even. "You have an initiation to attend. Or did you forget that you've been placed on the board of the Council?" He eyed Paul. "I see he's agreed to become your willing donor...and more."

  Paul placed his hands in front of the bulge in his pants.

  "How did you know I was here? I know I shielded."

  He frowned at me. "Mei Wah? He drove you home from this place last night."

  Oh, yeah.

  "We need to go."

  Paul hurried to my side and stood tall beside me. "She's not going anywhere with you."

  Tony chuckled. "And what are you going to do, little man?" He said in a mocking voice.

  "Burn you with the crucifix that's in my pocket." Uh oh.

  Tony’s mocking tone completely disappeared. "I'll crush your throat before you reach your pocket." Tony growled.

  "Uh. I don't think it's a good idea to threaten him." Yeah he might be outside but I wasn't exactly sure that he couldn't get in if he really wanted to. I addressed Tony. "I'll go to the initiation...but I'm bringing the crucifix."

  "You bring that crucifix into the Council home again, and I'll have you wrapped in silver chains and a human to take the crucifix from you."

  At first I thought he was bluffing. At first.

  Paul put his hand over mine. "Kim. I'm not letting you go there without me."

  Tony scowled. "Bring your human. If he wants to look like the main course, that's his problem."

  "What exactly is this initiation?"

  He turned his angry eyes to me. "Just a technicality. You already have the job. However, without the initiation you can't officially sit on the board. And there's a lot of responsibilities not being met while you," He eyed Paul, "play."

  Paul grabbed my arm and pulled me to the kitchen. "Seriously. I don't want you going anywhere alone with that dude. I am coming with you. I'll hold on to the crucifix."

  "Paul, you'll be the only food in a room full of Vampires."

  "I don't care." He said stubbornly. He pointed to Tony. "He said I could come."

  "Fine. As long as you keep that crucifix on you."

  I walked back into the living room. "Okay. Paul is going but he's going as my body guard. Under the circumstances I think it would be unwise to leave home without one."

  "Whatever." Tony said with boredom. "But you need to come back to my house to change into appropriate attire. Black. Mei Wah put some choices of clothes on your bed."

  Paul was about to protest, but I stopped him. "I just want to get this over with." And I wasn't about to go around my new peers wearing a T-shirt and a pair of loose jogging shorts.

  Tony insisted that we ride with Mei Wah and him. Tonight it was a black, stretch limo.

  Tony and Paul glowered at each other the entire ride. Although every once in a while I'd catch Tony admiring my legs in the shorts.

  Tony saw us into the house, but as soon as we were inside he disappeared in that strange way he had of doing. I felt suddenly sad. I was still really mad at him but it still hurt me that we weren't friends anymore...but it also hurt that he had sold me down the river.

  Paul jumped and looked around. "Where the...?"

  I just shook my head and led him down to the lower level. He whistled under his breath when he saw the main room.

  "Such decadence."

  "Stay here. I'll be right back."

  An hour later I came out sporting a long form-fitting gown. It had long sleeves and a neckline that showed absolutely no cleavage. Under normal circumstances it would have been considered conservative. Until you took in consideration that it was made from a sheer black nylon mix that allowed the faint impression of my dark areolas. When I walked the long, sleek line of my leg showed through and the black thong I was wearing kept everything else somewhat discreet.

  I had pulled my hair up into a funky twist keeping it secured with a jeweled pin. Then I put on my demure diamond studs.

  Paul's eyes bulged out of his head when he saw me. I had made him change out of the bloody KISS shirt as it may have been too tempting for other Vamps...it was damn tempting for me.

  He was wearing a black button down shirt and black cowboy boots; definitely underdressed but at least we matched.

  He was cursing under his breath as he admired me saying things like, "Damn, Wow..."

  I just smiled. "Thank you. What time is it?"

  It took him a few moments to tear his eyes from my form. "Almost 1:00."

  I gripped his wrists. "Paul, listen to me. I can disappear. You can't. So if some shit happens use holy words and the crucifix. Remember how I described how quickly the effects of the crucifix are?"

  He nodded. "Don't worry about me. I can't believe I'm doing this..." He said distantly. "But when I look at you in that dress, I know exactly why I'm doing it."

  I sighed. "Where's the crucifix?"

  He tugged his shirt collar. I saw it there gleaming brightly around his throat.

  I nodded. "Let's go."

  We went up to the living room. Mei Wah looked at me.

  "Miss Kim. You look beautiful, as usual." Well at least he wasn't mad at me.

  "Thanks, Mei Wah. Where's Tony?"

  "He told me to send for him when you were ready."

  "Mei Wah? What's going to happen tonight?"

  "Don't worry. Mr. Tony won't let anything happen to you. He's angry, but not that angry."

  I didn't know if I believed that. He did speak up for me to that scary Elder, though. I shuddered. He'd be there again; the Elder.

  "This fuckers rich." Paul said while looking around.

  Tony was suddenly there. I had sensed his arrival. But Paul jumped out of his skin practically; just as Tony had intended.

  "And he is to be your bodyguard?"

  With injured pride Paul stalked towards Tony. What the hell was he thinking?! I put my hand on his chest and thought, calm, relax.

  "Don't do that, Kim!" He s
napped at me. "Don't override my thoughts and feelings!"

  "I'm sorry, Paul. But I need you to have my back when it's important."

  Well at least he calmed down and relaxed.

  I gave Tony a stern look. "I know you're pissed at me, but I need to know if you're going to feed me to the proverbial wolves when we get there?"

  He just looked at me bored. "Why ever would I be angry at you? I bring you into my home. Buy you a new wardrobe, protect your interest, alienate myself from the Council to do it and on top of everything I tell you that I want you to be my woman and you go off and screw this human." He was frowning by the time he said the last.

  Paul looked smug.

  I stared at him gaped mouth. "You're not mad about the crucifix? You're not mad about me crashing last night's initiation? You're pissed because you think I'm...having sex with Paul?"

  "Get this straight," His finger was pointed bare inches from my face. "I'm not pissed!" He said in a real pissed tone.

  He turned on his heels. He was dressed in his usual black...and as usual he looked absolutely delicious! Even pissed. "Let’s go! It's long drive." He growled.

  We got back into the limo. I could only take about 5 minutes of Paul and Tony mean mugging each other before I interrupted.

  "Will you please give me an idea of what to expect?"

  Tony stared at me. "You'll have to speak to the chosen of Johan's clan. That's who was in the audience yesterday. You'll speak to the Council-"

  "Speak? You mean, like, give a speech?"

  "Yes." He gave me a cold look. "You'll tell them why they should trust and have faith in you." His voice was sarcastic. "Of course, they've probably already planned your assassination. Next you'll speak to the Council and show your gratitude for being allowed the privilege of joining our ranks. You can feel confident that no one on the Council intends your assassination, because we are already in hot water with The Elder Council for misconduct...well, I shouldn't speak for Kaniji. She's so embarrassed that everyone knows that you've taken her hand that she probably will sacrifice her roll on the Council just to get rid of you. Let see, what's next. Oh, you'll have to do a blood exchange which links you to the Council, elect your Second in command which is usually the predecessor's chosen...but since you killed him yesterday it will be tough to find someone willing to protect your neck. You have eleven hundred Vamps in your territory, three hundred of which have gone rogue since last night and will need to be tracked down and punished. You have 5 blood donors that need your attention, not to mention that you are also responsible for all of the human donors of all of your many subjects. After that we break for refreshments from the willing donors that you were supposed to be bringing."

  I was too stunned to speak. It was Paul who did it for me.

  "You are a bastard."

  "Anything else you want to know?" He asked me blandly.

  I just looked out the window trying not to show my terror.

  By the time we got to the Council house I had wanted to turn back three times. I was so thankful Paul was there with me because he stayed confident and fearless. And that helped to boost my confidence. Tony ignored us.

  As we drove up to the circular drive Paul leaned in to whisper in my ear. He put his lips right against my ear and barely spoke.

  "Do you think he can hear what I'm saying?"


  "Good." He whispered. "Remember when you told me that there's a psychic link between a Vampire and donor?"

  I nodded.

  "I want you to test it on me now. Try to read my thoughts."

  I concentrated on Paul, his taste, his scent. Faintly as if from a distance I could hear Paul's voice. I had to turn to him to make sure he hadn't spoken. I focused on that voice and then I could hear him much clearer.

  "...Kim. Your speech. I've been thinking about your speech."

  "I hear you." I said excitedly.

  Even though he could speak into my head he still didn't remove his lips from my ear.

  "Now me," he thought at me.

  "Uh...testing. Testing one, two-"

  Paul spoke aloud. "Testing one, two, three."

  Tony glanced at us amused. "If you don't want anyone else listening to your thoughts you better shield better."

  We both ignored him. Paul placed his hand on my hip. His lips were still on my ear and neck. "I've been thinking about your speech. Do you have any ideas?"

  "No. I'm too friggin' scared," I thought back at him.

  I felt his lips turn up into a smile against my ear and neck. It made me shiver.

  "I'll think of a speech. I'll think the words and you speak them." I nodded. "Stop being so scared. They'll smell it on you." His lips moved against my neck and I shivered.

  "What are you doing?" I thought at him. I tried to make my thoughts stern.

  "You think I'm kissing your neck, but actually I'm watching your nipples get hard."

  Before I even had a chance to react Tony made a low animal growl. The way it sounded I just knew for sure that Paul was getting ready to get his throat ripped out.

  Tony's eyes were glowering pure red. I jumped. I'd never seen such a look of pure rage. We both were about to get our asses ripped up in this back seat!

  My teeth suddenly came down. It was swift and not a pleasant feeling.

  Tony's teeth dropped, too. And it was way scarier thaan mine. I understood then what Paul had meant when he said that I had gone all hissy face.

  It wasn't just the teeth, it was the animal look that the face took on. I understood then that there really was something else in Vampires and that something else was in control now.

  "Chill, dude." Paul said shakily. "I was just trying to replace fear with sex. Sex seems to be an easy trigger for her..."

  "Be quiet." Tony growled. "I'm not going to do anything to you. Just...don't speak or think." His teeth retracted and his face calmed then the Tony I knew came back in control.

  He stared at me confused. Then he shook his head slightly as if he had come to a conclusion. "He is right. Your fear is going to be a hindrance. Replace it with whatever you have to replace it with." He started to get out of the car, then paused and looked over his shoulder. "And put your teeth back in, it's considered tacky to walk around with them lowered." I swallowed my pride. Paul had intentionally hurt Tony's feelings and I was sorry.

  "Tony!" He stopped again and looked at me. "I...still don't know how to make them go away on my own. They kinda just go away...whenever."

  He frowned and I thought he was going to just leave anyway. Then he glanced at Paul.

  "Let me school you, son."

  Tony had been sitting opposite Paul and me. He slid in next to me so that I had Paul on my right and Tony on my left.

  He stared at my teeth a moment then he put his palm on my cheek. I braced myself in case he squeezed. But he didn't. He leaned forward and placed his lips on mine.

  I quivered. I couldn't help it. He had the most amazing lips; the way they moved over me gently. I tried to concentrate on what would make the teeth retract but all I could do was to curl my toes in my shoes.

  Tony placed his other hand on my cheek so that he was cradling my face. He drew back a little and looked at me.

  "...You're making me crazy..." I heard in my head. "... I'm not going to let anything happen to you, Kim. Even though you're driving me nuts."

  I nodded slightly. He kissed me again but this time it was passionate. His mouth parted and his tongue entered me. I gasped that he was inside of me. I opened my mouth and pushed at his tongue with mine. He sucked it into his mouth gently and slowly. My limbs started to weaken. Slowly I slid my tongue from between his grasp and back into my own mouth. He lightly lapped at my lip then he moved back.

  I was panting.

  Tony licked his lips then used his thumb to wipe away any traces of lipstick. I could barely move my eyes from the sight of them...damn. I'm stuck...

  Paul cleared his throat. "Are we planning to sit her all night?!" He
snapped. I ran my tongue over my teeth. Back to normal.

  Mei Wah opened the door on Paul's side. He stalked out of the car. "You know, you could just show her how to retract them."

  He grudgingly held his hand out to help me from the car. I took it. "You started this." I said.


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