Masters of the Shadowlands 8 - If only

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Masters of the Shadowlands 8 - If only Page 43

by Sinclair Cherise

  Of course they’d been swamped in paperwork. And healing.

  Still, she needed to decide what to do. She’d wanted to give Galen a little extra time to think, but now she should speak with Vance and at least let him know her worries. Then again, Galen might well have told him.

  Would she stay, even knowing how dangerous their jobs were? She sighed. Yes. Kari was right. If the job was what they needed to feel complete, she had no right to change them. She loved their dedication and the way their protectiveness extended to the whole world.

  But it’d sure be horrid to watch them go to work each day. Sure, anyone could die, but the odds of being injured or killed were a lot higher for law-enforcement types. Hopefully she wouldn’t turn into as much of a worrywart as Galen.

  But, whatever happened, she loved them. This is where I’ll be. In their home. In their bed. In their arms.

  If she didn’t kill them herself before the week was out. What were they talking about? She stroked Glock’s long gray body. “So, fur ball, I’m not real happy about being left in here with just a cat for company. If you were their submissive, what would you do?”

  An indifferent tail flick was her answer.

  “No, leaving them alone to enjoy their evening isn’t the answer. I’m not nice.”

  The kitty smirk showed Glock’s opinion of niceness. Felines didn’t do nice. Felines did sneaky.

  “Sneaky. I can be sneaky.” She considered. “Maybe I should be a sweet service sub and take my men some fresh drinks. Excellent suggestion, Glock.”

  When she dumped him on the couch, she could swear the annoyed cat called her one of the names Gabi had mentioned.

  After grabbing beers from the fridge, Sally headed outside…quietly. Eavesdropping? Me? Surely not.

  Their voices were low murmurs that blended far too well with the soughing of the breeze in the tree canopy and the gentle lapping of water against the pilings.

  Demon Doms.

  A rough patch of wood on the dock caught her foot, and the beer bottles clanked together. As the men turned toward her, she smiled. “I thought you might be ready for refills.”

  “Did you now, pet?” Galen’s smile was too darned knowing. “That was thoughtful of you.”

  Fine. She turned her back on him.

  As Vance took his beer, he subjected her to a slow perusal. “Did you feel left out, sweetheart?”

  Well, honestly, maybe she had felt left out, but that didn’t mean she wanted to be interrogated. Stupid Feds. She gave him a smile that was 90 percent sugar. “Don’t give yourself airs. I just brought you some beer.”

  She set Galen’s beer on his chair arm and got three steps toward the house before one of them caught her shorts waistband and dragged her backward.

  “Dammit, let me go!” She tried to twist around. Vance had her.

  “Don’t think so. Here, bro. Catch.” Vance yanked sideways, flinging her toward Galen.

  Galen leaned forward, grabbed her waist, and pulled her into his lap.

  “Demon fucking Dom, I didn’t come out here to—” She shoved at his hands until he trapped her wrists in front of her. “Let go, you asshole!”

  “The little ones are fun when they wiggle,” Galen said in a conversational voice.

  “Got to agree with that.” Vance set his beer on the dock and pulled his chair closer as Sally glared at him. “Can’t say I care for that language—or attitude.” He regarded her. “Been a while since we spanked our little imp.”

  Sally froze.

  Both men burst out laughing, and it would only be justice if her glower could turn them into stone. Or at least boil their beer. But nooo.

  Galen tightened his grip around her wrists before sliding his free hand under her shirt.

  “No bra. Very nice.” A calloused finger circled one nipple before his palm cupped her whole breast. He kissed the curve between her neck and shoulder, sending goose bumps down her arms. “She smells like vanilla.”

  Because she’d started to make the ungrateful bastards a cake.

  “Yeah? Let’s see.” Vance pulled his chair next to Galen’s, and his hand went under her shirt, possessing her other breast before he kissed the other side of her neck. Two men touching her, kissing her. Her insides began to boil, melting her resistance, her anger, her hurt feelings.

  Vance took her mouth in a long, deep, wet kiss. “Have I mentioned how much I love you, sweetheart?”


  “I love you, imp,” Galen whispered in her ear and nipped her earlobe, sending dark desire pooling in her belly.

  “Mmm.” A hum had started under her skin. In the moonlight, their faces were shadowed, but her hands knew their shapes. She flattened a palm on each cheek. Galen’s hard beard stubble, Vance’s softer.

  Galen set his hand over hers, turning his face enough to press a kiss to her palm. “Want to know what we were talking about, Ms. Curiosity?”

  “I certainly would, Master Grumpy Pants.”

  Galen’s grin flashed before he ran his fingers over the breast he’d captured and used his fingernails to pinch the very tip.

  A tiny zing shot straight to her pussy. He tugged on the entire areola, and the boiling anticipation coursing through her made her squirm.

  Vance curved his hand over her upper thigh, his weight stopping her wiggles, his fingers rubbing lightly against her pussy. “We were talking about you, of course.”

  “Oh.” Right. Her curiosity rose, vying with her arousal. “Anything you want me to know?”

  “Aren’t you just the well-behaved submissive?” Galen commented. His tone turned grave. “Yes, you need to know what we decided.”

  Her heart seemed to stop, and she chilled despite the heat inside. Were they going to send her away? She swallowed back her fears and lifted her chin. They loved her, and if they’d decided on anything short of living together, they’d have a fight on their hands. “Spit it out.”

  “I like when she gets all pissy.” Vance grinned at Galen before his gaze met hers. “Galen told me about your talk. Your concern about our jobs.”

  Oh, no no no. They were going to call it quits. Ice invaded her bloodstream, and she had to clasp her hands together to keep them from shaking. “But I—I didn’t give Galen an ultimatum. I just said I was concerned.”

  “Ah, but we’re giving you an ultimatum, pet,” Galen said softly.

  Vance turned her face to his. “We’ll change to less risky jobs…”

  Less risky? They’d be safe? The surge of relief was a massive roaring in her ears. Safe.

  Galen finished, “But in return, you will marry us. Both of us.”

  The roaring ceased as the word registered. The big M one. Marry? Her heart stopped. The world stopped.

  She stared at Vance, at the certainty in his grin. At Galen with the calmness, the happiness in his smile. “Oh yes.”

  Lunging out of the chair, she wrapped her arms around Vance’s neck and kissed him. “Yes. Yes, I will.” The kiss was possessive. Hot. “I love you so much.”

  When Vance pulled back, he turned her around.

  She put her hands on each side of Galen’s face and kissed him, trying to tell him without words how much she loved him.

  They’d demanded she free herself from her past—and cared enough to change for her. She lifted her head, looked into Galen’s intense black eyes, and repeated, “Yes. Yes, I will.”

  As she turned and wrapped an arm around each man, she frowned. “You’d better not go and get all depressed again, or next time I’m aiming for your balls.”

  “Fuck, she’s a mean subbie,” Vance muttered before he recaptured her breast as if he had the right.

  “Ayuh.” Galen slipped his hand between her legs. “But she’s our mean subbie.”


  Two months later

  After hanging a sign on the front door directing people toward the side gate, Galen made his way through the house and out the back.

  The sound of easy conversation and
laughter washed over him as he crossed the patio. Splashing came from the pool where Jessica and Beth were swimming token laps, stopping at each end to gossip and giggle.

  The sizzle of steaks came from the grill where Raoul and Kim had joined Vance.

  As Galen stopped here and there to talk with various clusters of guests, he noticed Sally watching him with concern. The little mother. The surgery on his knee was long over, the incision healed. Despite Sally’s annoyance, he’d abandoned his cane a few days ago.

  Odd how irritating—and amazing—it was to be so loved.

  But he didn’t want her fretting at her engagement party—although she had no idea that was what the celebration was for—so he picked up a beer and sat down with Z and Nolan.

  “Has the new business started?” Z asked, idly stroking Glock. After rejecting several guests, the cat had apparently decided that Z’s lap was up to feline standards.

  “On the record no, although I negotiated an early contract for Sally where someone had embezzled a fortune from a credit union. She’s been going stir-crazy since she quit the police station.” And she was thrilled to be working. Completely, thoroughly happy with hunting through lines of software code. The imp was insane.

  “But the company officially opens in a month,” Galen continued with a smile. “It will be a pleasure to turn in a report and not have to arrest anyone.” Even more of a relief that his work wouldn’t follow him home with knives or firearms.

  “I bet.” Nolan leaned back, stretched out his long legs, and rested his beer on his stomach. “Any problems with the Harvest Association?”

  “Paperwork is done. Court cases will continue”—he sighed—“probably forever. Ellis Somerfeld died last month.”

  Nolan grunted. “I’d call that a mercy.”

  Considering the percentage of burns, his prognosis had been poor. And he’d been quite insane. All Galen felt was relief mingling with pity. “Ayuh.”

  Jake dropped down in a chair next to Nolan, having scored a bowl of nacho chips.

  With a sigh of exhaustion, Dan pulled over another chair.

  “You okay?” Galen asked him.

  “Been babyproofing the house. Did you know how many cupboards and shelves are in reach of a crawling rug rat?”

  “I do know. Wait until he’s a teenager and sneaking out windows,” Z said.

  “Shit,” Dan muttered. “And Kari wants another one.”

  Sam obviously heard as he grabbed a chair and joined them. He gave a raspy laugh. “Enjoy life while you can. Once they’re in college, they stay up late—and you’ll find out how difficult it is to fuck quietly.”

  “Hell.” Dan frowned before turning to Galen. “You mentioned your dungeon’s available. You okay if I drag Kari down there? So we can enjoy life a little before we have two kids?”

  The detective was fast on the uptake, wasn’t he? Galen grinned. “Wait until Vance and I make an announcement, then escape during the confusion. Use the cabana for as long as you want.”

  “Thanks.” Dan turned. His wife was by the pool, chatting with Jessica. As if she felt his gaze, she glanced over her shoulder…and the look they exchanged scorched the air.

  Nice. With that as a spur, Galen rose to gather his own family.

  Over with Marcus and Raoul, Vance saw him move. He excused himself and headed toward Galen.

  Near the dock, surrounded by the trainees, Sally was flushed with laughter. By God, she was lovely. And with one of the most beautiful habits of a submissive, she was always visually checking on her Doms to see if they needed anything.

  When her eyes met Galen’s, the love he saw made his heart glow.

  Pull it together, Kouros. Crooking a finger, he beckoned for her to join him.

  With instant obedience—not a given with Sally—she hurried over. He grasped her hand.

  On her other side, Vance did the same and grinned at Galen over her head.

  VANCE TOOK OVER as he usually did if a situation required a voice loud enough to be heard over shouting or gunfire. This was a hell of a lot more fun. He sucked in a breath and called, “People, may I have your attention?”

  Conversations stuttered to a halt.

  Looking down, Vance caught Sally’s puzzled expression, and unable to resist, he ran his fingers along her jawline. Fine bones under the smooth skin. Stubborn little chin.

  Stay on task, Buchanan. “I’d like to announce the engagement of Sally Hart to Galen Kouros. And Vance Buchanan.” He added with a grin, “That would be me.”

  Sally’s gasp was drowned out in the laughter and cheering and congratulations. The enthusiasm filled his heart. He liked having friends outside the small FBI community, ones he’d have around after he quit. Ones who’d be there for their marriage, children, maybe even old age.

  “You didn’t tell me. Just announced it.” Eyes sparkling with outrage, Sally punched him in the stomach.

  Fuck. Then again, he might not reach old age. That tiny fist had a concentrated impact. When his partner laughed, Vance tossed him to the wolves. “This was Galen’s idea.”

  She spun around.

  Warned, Galen caught her fist in one hand. “You want a public spanking to go with your engagement, pet?”

  “You should have told me!”

  “Seemed like we owed you something for the lights going off during our last scene,” Vance said. Next time he heard please, please, please, he’d gag her before she got the third one out.

  Galen huffed a laugh. “Vance voted for mercy; I wanted you naked and gagged for the announcement.”

  Vance could almost see her blood starting to boil.

  Galen put an arm around her waist, pried her fist open, and held her hand out to Vance.

  He pulled out the ring he and Galen had chosen and slid it on her finger. “You’re ours, sweetheart,” he said softly.

  Stunned to silence, she stared down at her hand, and with the quicksilver changes of mood he loved, she burst into her enchanting giggles. She threw herself at Galen, bestowing kisses and hugs and love-you’s before doing the same for Vance.

  He lifted her over his head and treated himself to a long kiss.

  Once back on her feet, she announced to the crowd, “Just wait. I am so going to make them pay for their sneaky ways.”

  Under the wave of laughter, Z walked over and hugged her. “Felicitations, little one. I’m happy for you.”

  She had tears in her eyes and a quivering chin when he released her. Z turned to shake hands with Galen and Vance. “Congratulations, gentlemen. She’ll keep your home lively—and filled with love.”

  “Thank you.” Vance smiled. “We know.”

  The stream of people continued.

  Cullen slapped Vance’s shoulder. “Glad it worked out.”

  “So am I.” Vance rubbed his jaw with painful recollection. The bastard had a wicked right hook.

  Cullen gave a bark of laughter. “Heard you’re doing supervision rather than fieldwork. How’s that going?”

  Vance stroked his hand down Sally’s mink-brown, mink-soft hair. “Safer. But it’s harder to send people into danger than to handle the trouble myself.”

  Cullen nodded. “Know that feeling.” He put his arm around his Andrea. “Having someone to talk with helps.”

  “So I’m finding. And I have two someones. Galen understands; Sally comforts.”

  Hearing her name, Sally stood on tiptoe to kiss his chin, her brown eyes warm with love.

  As planned, the next one up was Marcus, with Gabi a step behind. Marcus was already grinning.

  Vance swept his arm in a welcoming motion, giving Marcus the stage. “Your turn.”

  “I do look forward to the sound of an outraged pup.” Marcus gripped Gabi’s shoulder, pulling her closer, and raised a voice trained to reach the farthest corner of a courtroom. “Ladies and gentlemen, to add to yo’ah pleasure, I’d like to announce the engagement of Gabrielle Renard to Marcus Atherton.” He shot Vance a smile. “That would be me.”

p; The welling of laughter and outpouring of renewed congratulations didn’t come close to smothering Gabi’s shriek.

  Marcus’s little redhead whipped around so quickly she almost fell. “You…you douche bag. We were going to wait until winter. You said.”

  “I lied, darlin’.”

  Galen muttered to Vance, “Better warn him to keep Sally away from his computer.”

  “No shit.” Last Friday night, when he’d logged on to finish some work, the screen had frozen while the speakers blasted out Alan Jackson’s “Good Time”—an unsubtle hint his workweek was over. At least the tune had been country western, unlike what she’d done to his partner.

  Postsurgery, Galen had given her trouble over taking his pills, and she’d booby-trapped the poor bastard’s laptop with “A Spoonful of Sugar” from the Disney Mary Poppins movie. She’d set it off every time he refused his meds…which had been often.

  Unable to resist, Vance hummed a bit of the song.

  Sally snickered.

  Galen’s look was deadly.

  As everyone clustered near, the noise levels continued to increase, but the mere clearing of Z’s throat silenced the group. He pulled Jessica in front of him and wrapped his arms around her from the back. “Since announcements are the order of the day, I’d like to announce that Jessica Randall Grayson is expecting her first child. The father is delighted.” He gave Vance an amused glance. “That would be me.”

  Jessica’s shriek of outrage was higher pitched than Gabi’s had been. “You, you, you. I just did the test this morning—I haven’t even told you yet!”

  Z captured the hands beating on his chest, smiled down at his submissive, and asked gently, “Did you think I wouldn’t know?”

  “I—” She sputtered for a moment before shaking her head. “Are you really delighted?”

  “Absolutely. Incredibly. Completely.”

  The answer set her to glowing with a beauty that showed Vance why Z was so in love. “Well, okay.” She snuggled closer to her husband with a low grumble, “But still…”

  Peeking around Z’s side, Jessica whispered to Gabi and Sally. “We are so going to make them pay.”


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