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Transcend Page 17

by Sandra R Neeley

  “I claim you, Kol Ra’ Don Tol. You are my male, my husband, my lover and my friend. I promise I will always do anything I can to keep you happy and to be sure you know you are loved, respected and treasured.”

  Kol pulled her down to him so that he could kiss her again. “My heart is whole,” he whispered to her. “You have made it this way.”

  Chapter 20

  Kol felt warmth behind his back and turned over, recognizing the scent of his Ehlealah even in sleep. He curled around her, pulling her back tightly against his body and throwing a leg over her.

  Then he was jolted awake with a blood curdling scream and the sound of a loud thump on the hardwood floor. Before his eyes could even focus, he found himself standing at the foot of the bed, his Psi fully engaged, snarling and growling at whatever the danger was.

  Gradually his eyes focused on Ada Jane. Even in his battle form, his head canted to the side when he finally realized what he was seeing.

  Ada Jane was naked, her long, blonde hair a mess, with her back pressed up against the wall, her chest heaving as she pointed her weapon at him.

  Kol looked around the bedroom, then stalked to the bedroom door and peered out. He listened closely — his hearing on point in his battle form. Then he scented the house. There was nothing, and no one here to offer a threat. Slowly Kol began to let go of his battle form, walking back over to Ada Jane.

  “What is it?” he asked, doing his best to speak English around some very large, blade-sharp teeth that had yet to retract.

  Ada Jane watched in fascination as Kol’s even larger than usual body began to, what could only be described as deflate, as she stared at him. “Why do you look like that?” she asked.

  “It is my Psi — my battle form. It is brought on naturally as a protective instinct or when we are preparing to fight. Are you well? Why did you scream?” he asked, calmer now that he knew she wasn’t in any actual danger.

  Ada Jane shook her head as tears began to form. She turned away from him to find clothing, taking a deep breath and still shaking her head.

  “My Ada Jane, there is nothing, not a single thing you cannot share with me,” he said, staying where he was rather than reaching for her as she was clearly out of sorts.

  “I’ll be fine. I’m sorry I woke you.”

  “You said honesty. I agreed. Now, I request honesty,” Kol said, fearing that his female may have changed her mind about claiming him. But still, that wouldn’t explain her scream.

  Ada Jane turned around to smile at him brightly. “It’s okay, really.”

  Kol didn’t return her smile, nor did he comment at all. He still stood in the same place he’d been, watching her as she hurriedly tried to put clothing on.

  Ada could tell Kol was disappointed. He was upset, thinking there was a problem between them, and she didn’t want that. She’d have no choice but to be honest. “It’s not your fault, Kol. I’m so tired of everyone walking on eggshells around me. I’m tired of walking on eggshells around myself! I just want to be normal again. I shouldn’t have to require special treatment just to get through the dang morning,” she said.

  “I do not understand,” he finally said quietly.

  Ada Jane tugged her shirt on over her head, and when her head popped through the opening, she wore an irritated expression. “Everyone is afraid to bring up what happened to me. Pastor Douglas, those I’ve met in town who know who I am… they’re all dancing around the subject afraid they’re going to upset me. Heck, I upset myself! A shadow out of the corner of my eye makes me turn in that direction and my stomach drop. I’m so tired of it. I just want to be normal again. That’s why I didn’t want to tell you. I don’t want you to feel like you have to provide special treatment in order to just deal with me on a daily basis. I’m not weak. I’m not helpless, and I resent feeling like I’m afraid all the time.”

  “I understand that,” Kol said, waiting for her to finish her explanation.

  Flustered Ada Jane threw her hands up. “I was asleep and you pulled me to you and threw your leg over me. I panicked, okay?! I thought,” she said looking down at her hands gripping the hem of her shirt. “I thought I was still there. I thought they still had me, or had me again. I screamed and fell on the floor when I rushed to get away from the male holding me.”

  “Ada Jane,” Kol said, taking a step toward her.

  “Only after I fell to the floor and you jumped up to protect me, did I realize that there was nothing be afraid of. It was only you. I’m sorry.”

  Kol walked toward her, his arms out for her to come to him.

  Ada did. She walked right into his arms and held him tightly around the waist and he held her close, kissing her temple and whispering of how much he loved her.

  “I’m sorry,” she said.

  Kol shook his head. “There is no reason for sorry.”

  “I just thought that after last night, after we… did it,” she whispered the words, ‘did it’, because she never cursed and she never talked about sex, “things would be different and I’d be a little more relaxed.”

  “You have been through more than most people could ever imagine. It will not all go away over night. But it will get easier. And you will always receive special treatment — you are my Ehlealah and as such are my treasure. You will always be treated with the utmost reverence, because you are my Ehlealah, not because of your past.”

  “I don’t want to be afraid anymore,” she confided.

  “Think of your emotions on waking on Command Warship 1. Do you not feel braver?” Kol asked.

  “Oh my gosh, yes. I was terrified,” she exclaimed.

  “And now, here you are, mated to your own terrifying alien male. Brave enough to show me what you need for satisfaction last night.”

  “Shh! Don’t say that out loud!” she said, blushing.

  Kol chuckled. “The part about being my mate, or the part about sex?”

  Ada Jane’s blue eyes grew stormy and her face reddened even more. “The S.E.X. We don’t talk about those things out loud!” she rushed out, glancing around the room as though someone else would be there.

  Kol laughed. She was adorable. She was strong enough to survive all she had survived. She was sensual and trusting enough with him to be able to tell him what she wanted in their bedroom. And she was still so innocent as to be embarrassed by speaking of it in the light of day. “I will wait until tonight when we are alone in our bedroom and then I’ll speak of all the things I especially love.”

  Kol looked around them. “Oh! Look! We are alone in our bedroom!” he smiled at her wickedly. “I love the taste of your body. I am addicted. I want to drop to my knees right here, right now and feast between your legs,” he said huskily.

  “Kol!” Ada Jane chided, despite the fact that her heart rate sped up.

  “And when you press your lips to mine, your tongue tracing my mouth, I want to roar with delight.”

  “Kol, hush,” Ada Jane said again, with much less resistance.

  “And when you sit on my lap, taking me deep inside you, my body wants to fill you over and over again, driving into you until my name is imprinted on your soul. You are the most precious gift, my Ada Jane,” Kol whispered, lowering his head to kiss her as she looked up at him, her eyelids growing heavy with her want for him.

  “Will you let me taste you again?” he asked, trailing his fingers up and down her spine and across her rounded buttocks.

  “Breakfast…” she started.

  “Can wait,” he said, backing toward the bed and sitting down still completely nude on the mattress. Kol held her hand and gently tugged her toward him until she obliged him by sitting on his lap. Kol lifted the shirt from her body and placed it next to him on the bed.

  He took both her hands in his and lay back on the bed, pulling her with him.

  “What are you doing?” Ada Jane asked breathlessly.

  “Come here,” he said, patting his chest. “Sit here.”

  Ada moved to do as he asked, thinking
of asking if she’d be too heavy since she was not a small girl, but then she remembered him lifting her as though she was only a child. “Are you sure?” she asked.

  “Will you deny your male his favorite treat?” Kol asked.

  “No,” she answered, crawling into place and sitting on his chest.

  “Now, up on your knees,” Kol said, “right here, over my mouth.”

  “But,” Ada started to object.

  Kol raised his eyebrow and watched her, leaving the final decision to her.

  She hesitated only a moment longer before doing as he asked and holding herself just above his face.

  Kol only had to slightly lift his head and she was right there. He extended his tongue and swiped her slit, then fastened his lips on her, taking her all in and flicking her with his tongue, rumbling with pleasure at the taste of his female flooding his mouth once again.

  Ada Jane leaned backward, placing her hands behind herself on Kol’s body to help support herself. “Oh my,” she said with a sigh.

  Kol pulled his mouth away from her for just a moment. “Everything else can wait this morning. All that matters is this.” He covered her with his mouth again, tracing her folds with his tongue.

  “Yes,” she moaned.


  “How can he be considered an Ambassador when he spends so little time here?” Viceroy Pomrance asked, pretending to be offended that once again the Cruestaci Ambassador had not joined them at breakfast.

  “It is not a requirement that all diplomats take their meals together,” Patroon Zhuxi said patiently.

  “True, but it would do much for him to bond with us, become one of the family we have created here,” Consul Diskastes commented.

  “Perhaps he has family elsewhere,” Patroon Zhuxi said. “Or perhaps he’s hard at work and doesn’t wish to waste valuable time socializing when he could be completing whatever task it is that Chairman Bartholomew has assigned him.”

  “Then one would think he would be on base,” Diskastes answered.

  “Evidently, not all he investigates is on base,” Zhuxi answered. He stood, planning to excuse himself from the table, but a commotion and loud murmurs had him looking toward the doors of the cafeteria. Patroon Zhuxi knew at once who these new visitors were here to see.

  He smiled and walked toward the new arrivals, his smile in place and his hand extended. “Welcome, I am Patroon Zhuxi of Ceres,” he said, extending his hand while he executed a small bow of his head and clicking his heels together. “But you may call me Zhuxi.”

  “Thank you,” Ba’ Re answered, placing his hand in Zhuxi’s. “I am Lieutenant Commander Ba Re’ Non Tol, and this is Elite Warrior Kron Val Kere. Please feel free to address me as Ba Re’.”

  “And me as Kron,” Kron added.

  “We are here to meet with Elite Commander Kol Ra’ Don Tol. Might you know where he is?” Ba Re’ asked.

  “I do. He had business off base. I am sure he will return shortly. May I interest you in a meal?” Patroon Zhuxi asked.

  Diskastes sat flabbergasted at the table he insisted all Diplomats eat at. He’d not been informed of additional Cruestaci warriors arriving at his base. He was outraged, and if truth be told, he was more than a little unnerved.

  Diskastes jumped to his feet while calling out across the cafeteria. “I was not advised that additional personnel would be joining us. Who are you, and where are your orders?” he asked indignantly.

  Ba Re’ and Kron shared a small smirk before turning their attention to the portly, sniveling Consul. “I would believe that if you were not advised, you did not need to know,” Kron answered.

  Consul Diskastes actually sputtered. “I am Consul of this base. All approvals go through me and are approved or rejected by me. I most certainly did not receive a request to approve two additional Cruestaci soldiers within our midst!” he said, his voice loud with indignation.

  Ba Re’ shrugged. “It would seem Chairman Bartholomew of the Unified Consortium Defense decided that your approval wasn’t necessary.”

  Consul Diskastes’s eyes narrowed and he broke out in a sweat. “We will see about this!” he snapped as he did his best to stalk out of the cafeteria, screaming at his security that they were to accompany him at all times.

  “Be sure you get it right when you call your people to complain. We are not soldiers. We are warriors,” Kron called after him. Though most of the males who’d been sitting with Diskastes or near him did indeed get up and follow him out of the cafeteria, one paused long enough to incline his head in greeting before leaving the room.

  “I don’t think the Consul likes us,” Kron said to Ba Re’.

  “No, I do not think he does,” Ba Re’ agreed.

  “Pity,” Kron said. “I did so hope to be his best friend. I shall spend days mourning the loss of the possibility of his friendship.”

  Ba Re’ shook his head. “Do you know? Your sarcasm often dazzles even me.”

  Kron shrugged. “I try.”

  “I have no doubt,” Ba Re’ answered with a grin before turning his attention back to Zhuxi. “I believe you said something about a meal?”

  “I did indeed. Come. Join me,” Zhuxi said, leading them toward the food stations so that they could choose their meals.

  Having chosen their meals and joined Zhuxi at a table in the far corner of the room, several others came to their table to greet them. Each male who welcomed them and introduced themselves was polite and friendly.

  “I have noticed that not one of those who’ve introduced themselves is Viceroy Buchanan, nor Special Liaison Elisher,” Ba Re’ said.

  “They are in Ambassador Kol’s quarters. When Ambassador Kol is off base, we do not leave Elisher or their quarters unprotected.”

  “Has there been a direct threat?” Ba Re’ asked.

  “Not exactly, though we have intercepted Diskastes’s forces several times attempting to force Elisher to open the door. So, we do not leave him unaccompanied. Each of us brings with us our own small security force. On top of that the base is assigned with its own security. Buchanan and myself share similar views and while loyal to ourselves first, our security forces have for the most part become intermingled.

  At the moment, Buchanan is within Kol’s quarters with several of our security outside the door. We are not attempting to perform a coup, only to make a small show to let Diskastes know he will not gain access to the documentation inside that is his main focus, or to Elisher for withholding that information from him.”

  “I noticed one of Diskastes’s men acknowledged us respectfully,” Kron said.

  “They are not all as delusional as he.”

  “Delusional?” Ba Re’ asked.

  “Yes, the male is definitely suffering from delusions of grandeur. I believe he’s convinced himself that this base is his own private domain and attempts to treat every possible circumstance as though he were holding court.”

  “This should be fun,” Ba Re’ said, glancing at Kron.

  “It should indeed,” Kron answered. “Have you tried the food? Stop talking and taste your food.”

  Zhuxi grinned. “It is very good. Earth offers much in the way of cuisine. When you’re finished, I’ll escort you to Kol’s quarters so that you may meet Buchanan and Elisher.”

  Chapter 21

  Kol and Ada Jane decided to spend the morning after breakfast walking through the woods and enjoying being outside. It was midmorning when they finally returned to their cottage. He’d left his communicator in Ada Jane’s cottage intentionally — he didn’t want to be interrupted. He did have a weapon with him, as did Ada Jane, so he felt relatively secure in leaving the communicator behind.

  Ada Jane opened her front door as she finished her sentence. “Anyway, I have the check still, but I don’t want to deposit it, though I do need to open an account somewhere. I remember my father used to say once you’ve cashed the check, you’ve sold your rights.”

  “What does that mean?” Kol asked.

>   “Basically that once you’ve accepted payment for something, it’s a done deal. If you accept money for something. And then later want to change your mind, you usually can’t if you’ve accepted money for it,” Ada Jane explained.

  “You are correct about the check you were given. Bart expressly said not to deposit it,” Kol answered. “And I have an account. You may use my account. I will add you to it so that you may have access to all you may need.”

  “I have the band Rokai ahl gave me,” she said, holding up her arm to display a simple gold band that hugged her left wrist.

  “I will have you added to mine, and link your band to it, that way it will refill your band anytime you need more.” Kol made a mental note to link his accounts with Ada Jane’s band so she could have access to all his credits. They were hers, after all. Everything he had was accumulated for the benefit of his Ehlealah.

  “Kol, you don’t have to do that,” she said, feeling humbled that he’d just give her access to his credits without another word.

  “They are yours, Ada Jane. All I have is yours,” Kol answered, lifting her hand and kissing it.

  He followed Ada Jane into the cottage, and the first thing Kol noticed was the low repetitive tone of the communicator letting him know he had a message. Kol sighed.

  Ada Jane walked past it on her way to the kitchen chuckling. “At least you know you are needed,” she said, smiling at him and his obvious irritation.

  “I just wish we could have a few uninterrupted days. Even on Command Warship 1 we are provided with time after our mating within which we are free to concentrate only on our Ehlealahs.”

  “Well, you’re not on your warship anymore. And they obviously need your attention. Call them back,” Ada Jane said good naturedly.


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